TX TX - Donna Cloud, 19, Kingwood, 25 Oct 2016

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I came across this interview with dad and stepmom, adressing the many rumors that are out there. LE seems to consider Donna a runaway. She left her boyfriend to move in with her parents only a week before she vanished. Her parents say she had a lot of arguments with people online. There also was a guy leaving threatening messages for her the night before she disappeared, according to her father. He left voice mails saying she should watch her back and he‘s going to have somebody smash her. Apparently, because all these disputes were related to social media and there was no hard evidence, police didn‘t feel it was useful information. They never followed these leads and seem to be thinking the argument she had with her father triggered her disappearance.

About the date at the Texas Roadhouse: Her parents said Donna lied a lot. They don‘t think she ever went there. Quoting stepmom: ”Donna was one of those people who would look myself in the eye, him, and say 'Hey, I‘m gonna go to so' and she didn’t have no reason to (lie). But if she was going to the convenience store even, she would say she‘s going somewhere else.“. She was never seen on film entering or exiting the Texas Roadhouse.

Parents were able to trace addresses she logged in to with her Google account and know she was at a trailer park in Spring the last time she was ever heard from (or at least her phone was there).

Any thoughts?

I came across this interview with dad and stepmom, adressing the many rumors that are out there. LE seems to consider Donna a runaway. She left her boyfriend to move in with her parents only a week before she vanished. Her parents say she had a lot of arguments with people online. There also was a guy leaving threatening messages for her the night before she disappeared, according to her father. He left voice mails saying she should watch her back and he‘s going to have somebody smash her. Apparently, because all these disputes were related to social media and there was no hard evidence, police didn‘t feel it was useful information. They never followed these leads and seem to be thinking the argument she had with her father triggered her disappearance.

About the date at the Texas Roadhouse: Her parents said Donna lied a lot. They don‘t think she ever went there. Quoting stepmom: ”Donna was one of those people who would look myself in the eye, him, and say 'Hey, I‘m gonna go to so' and she didn’t have no reason to (lie). But if she was going to the convenience store even, she would say she‘s going somewhere else.“. She was never seen on film entering or exiting the Texas Roadhouse.

Parents were able to trace addresses she logged in to with her Google account and know she was at a trailer park in Spring the last time she was ever heard from (or at least her phone was there).

Any thoughts?

To be honest I have a difficult time taking that interview very seriously because it is about as amateurishly put together as it could possibly be. It seemed to be made by just some random youtuber with a mere 120 subscribers and that video was the only significant video on their channel. Within the video they also seemed to be filming random girls (at one point the girls looked over at the camera and the video immediately cut). Was a very unprofessionally made interview and difficult to take seriously because of it.
To be honest I have a difficult time taking that interview very seriously because it is about as amateurishly put together as it could possibly be. It seemed to be made by just some random youtuber with a mere 120 subscribers and that video was the only significant video on their channel. Within the video they also seemed to be filming random girls (at one point the girls looked over at the camera and the video immediately cut). Was a very unprofessionally made interview and difficult to take seriously because of it.
I understand but most of the time the parents are talking and regardless of the artistic quality of the video or the number of followers, I was focusing on the content. Dad and stepmom threw in a lot of background information. As I haven‘t been following the case closely, I was wondering if they said anything previously unknown.

I don‘t think the trailer park in Spring has been discussed here, or has it?
Would you all mind giving me your thoughts on this "piece"? I'm not sure what to call it, but I just stumbled upon it tonight, and clearly someone took a lot of time to put all of this information together about Donna's disappearance. It's quite long, so if any of you can find time to read it, I'd love to hear any opinions and thoughts.

Donna Kay Cloud vanishes after blind date; becomes one of the Missing Texas Forty

Bringing forward old post. @cybervampira here is where the video link with the parent's interview was posted previously in this thread. I seem to recall discussion of Donna's phone pinging in Spring, TX too but I can't find those posts. Discussion would have been sometime after KelsK's post above.
There's always the the possibility I could be wrong (I often am), but my opinion on Donna's case has not changed. I believe she met foul play at the hands of someone she knew. I keep going back and forth in my mind whether it was someone very close to her or an internet acquaintance. But bottom line is I don't think she would have abandoned her son. JMO.
Still no answers in case of missing Splendora woman

Shane Stewart, a Houston-based private investigator, was among a group of volunteers who tried to help law enforcement early in the investigation by passing on information. Stewart said he has since backed away from the case because of inconsistent information from the family and his concern that her disappearance is being used for financial gain.

Stewart says that Cloud's case has been "so ridiculous that I want zero involvement in any other missing adult case in the future."

He believes that a heated argument between Cloud and Beaty through text messages prompted her to leave.

"Some people claim she is doing this to hurt her father but she is hurting everyone if she is still out there," Stewart said. "Do I believe she is alive? Yes. Do I believe she is in danger? No, but I hope I don't have to eat my words later."

Also bringing this old article forward. At one point Donna was declared as "found safe" by the Missing Pieces Network. MPN got the info from Donna's family and that info turned out to be bad info. The PI somehow came to the conclusion Donna had run off and didn't want to be found but he HAD NOT found her. I don't know how things got mixed up but someone told MPN she was found. Then it came out she wasn't found at all, MPN had to retract it and the above article came out saying she was still missing. I found the PI's conclusions frustrating at the time, but maybe his statements about Donna and the family are worth taking a second look at.
All I know is that anytime it is brought up that someone was involved in drug activity that opens all kinds of doors. From them being murdered to them just living as an addict on the street......etc.....etc....
There's always the the possibility I could be wrong (I often am), but my opinion on Donna's case has not changed. I believe she met foul play at the hands of someone she knew. I keep going back and forth in my mind whether it was someone very close to her or an internet acquaintance. But bottom line is I don't think she would have abandoned her son. JMO.
Thanks for your input @Gardener1850!

I don‘t know much about Donna other than what her parents stated, and they didn’t really paint a nice picture of her. Is she capable of abandoning her son? Maybe not, but I wouldn‘t rule it out. I get she was 16 when she had her son, was confrontational and sometimes took off for days to party. That‘s what teenagers do, but she is both, a teenager and a mother.

Drugs involved and the people she was supposedly hanging out with, this could go both ways IMO, either she voluntary left or she is a victim of foul play.

Anyway, even if she took off, it doesn’t mean nothing happened to her. I agree she needs to be found to make sure she‘s OK and LE shouldn‘t just make assumptions. The PI probably did more damage to the case than he helped, so I hope NCMEC will give her family some good advice and help in finding her.
Thanks for your input @Gardener1850!

I don‘t know much about Donna other than what her parents stated, and they didn’t really paint a nice picture of her. Is she capable of abandoning her son? Maybe not, but I wouldn‘t rule it out. I get she was 16 when she had her son, was confrontational and sometimes took off for days to party. That‘s what teenagers do, but she is both, a teenager and a mother.

Drugs involved and the people she was supposedly hanging out with, this could go both ways IMO, either she voluntary left or she is a victim of foul play.

Anyway, even if she took off, it doesn’t mean nothing happened to her. I agree she needs to be found to make sure she‘s OK and LE shouldn‘t just make assumptions. The PI probably did more damage to the case than he helped, so I hope NCMEC will give her family some good advice and help in finding her.

Unfortunately I agree here. From what it sounds like. She was not ready or happy and content in her life as a mother. Was not ready to assume the responsibilities that come along with it and separating herself from the partying and drugs and alcohol that likely accompanied that lifestyle. Especially being from the area and my familiarity with it. That being said...I feel like once she took off something possibly happened to her. After the fun wore off of being free and being able to do her own thing I think she would have still fell back on the parents and family as she did seem to have some dependency on them financially and otherwise. I feel bad for the child. Will regrettably grow up running in the same circles as mom. Praying for them.

AFAIK, the PI said she was spotted in Cleveland but this has never been verified by the PI, so I‘d consider this one of the many rumors surrounding this case.

The PI has not verified as in provided any kind of evidence such as a picture or otherwise?
Not to directly point to Donnas case. But just in general. Hwy 59 which parallels I45 I’m afraid willl likely hold many secrets just as 45 did as it is further developed. Currently much of it is densely wooded And many parts in flood plains and wooded in all cases it’s much less developed than i45. But only 30 min +- away and carries a lot of traffic in And out of Houston and surrounding areas.

Part of me feels like a lot of questions will be answered in coming years as the area is now steadily growing.

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