TX TX - Elizabeth Barraza, 29, murdered setting up garage sale, Harris Co, Jan 2019 #6

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I don't think they were misreported. Sergio spoke to many officers that morning. Each officer noted their interaction.

Source: Arrin Stoner Constables Incident Report provided by Alex Lewis aka Welsh Chappie

One officer noted Sergio asked via the door cam system about Liz.

Another officer noted Sergio never asked about Liz's condition or asked permission to go to the hospital.

Officers never stated Sergio didn't rush home. Online Sleuths did including myself going off the
(Timeline) timeline. People have noted the discrepancy of his arrival via the dashcam footage vs. the family page timeline. However, the site does state any discrepancies are due to source cameras timing being off.

Dashcam time is shown in ABC 13 video 7:45 vs. family page timeline of 7:55

The timing IMO very well could have been intentionally mis-reported. What better way is there to have a suspect match his timeline/timing to an incorrect one? But that is just my speculation.

The lack of emotion was reported by Detective Ritchie on Paula Zahn
(https://www.investigationdiscovery....igation-discovery-atve-us/a-fairy-tale-ruined). 30.30 mark

He states it was concerning Sergio showed no reaction/emotion while listening to his wife being shot. Ritchie also said Sergio hung around the scene after being released.

"Sergio didn't seem to be in a hurry to get to the hospital to check on Liz. When I
released him he's still kind of stuck around to talk with neighbors and with media, if that was me and my wife was shot I would be getting to the hospital as soon as I could.

Detectives also wondered about Sergio's unusual reaction to the attack.

"One thing that did bother me was when he was showing me the doorbell camera video I glanced over at him and there's no emotion. He doesn't seem upset by hearing his wife screaming as she's being shot".

I submitted the dashcam video for mod approval. We cannot discuss unless approved.

edited to add another link...

Well, there are different types of personalities. Some are introverted/avoidant, or can't well express empathy. They feel it but can't express. The gist of detective Ritchie's impression: "Sergio is not like the people in my family", i.e., Det. is used to people with higher level of expressed emotions. The lack of expression alone doesn't make SB guilty. Likewise, just because Liz had life insurance doesn't make SB guilty. Think how many people have it. The only thing I noticed was the mismatch between the timing of their trip "in two weeks" per SB vs "on Sunday", but it may have an easy explanation, maybe he was thinking about the actual anniversary date or such.

At this point, the main thing working against SB is statistics, 47% of femicides are done by intimate partners, but it alone is not convincing enough.
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I still want to know how things were misreported about SB. We know that common traits of husbands that killed their wives is lack of urgency and emotion which is what his original actions were reported as. Didn’t rush home right away. Didn’t ask how his wife was doing or to see her. Etc. now we find out due to an online sleuther that somehow obtained a LE dash cam this wasn’t true. Is it common for LE to misreport a husband’s actions due to him being under suspicion? Was it even LE?
I wonder if it was on purpose by LE to see if who was actually involved relax and slip up?

We would like to highlight something about the abc13 article re the video that is sourced to an anonymous person.

Websleuths can not confirm the source of that video, and the abc13 article seems to contradict itself:

... ABC13 has verified its authenticity

- but -

... Precinct 4 was the first on the scene, followed by the Harris County Sheriff's Office, the lead investigating agency. Precinct 4 did not respond to ABC13's questions about the release of the in-car video and HCSO declined to comment.

So if neither LE agency responded/commented, who did the reporter "authenticate" it with?

We have no way of knowing if the timestamp or any portion of that video has been altered by someone who may have an interest in discrediting the LE timeline for whatever reason.

We would like to highlight something about the abc13 article re the video that is sourced to an anonymous person.

Websleuths can not confirm the source of that video, and the abc13 article seems to contradict itself:

- but -

So if neither LE agency responded/commented, who did the reporter "authenticate" it with?

We have no way of knowing if the timestamp or any portion of that video has been altered by someone who may have an interest in discrediting the LE timeline for whatever reason.
Thank you for pointing this out! Very contradicting and confusing.
Some aspects of the shooters actions made me wonder if they, themselves, were LE.

A good reason to be riding around at 2am? Knowing to use a revolver because it likely won't jam and won't leave casings? Looking fairly comfortable with a somewhat powerful handgun, not flinching at all when they shot. I also wondered if they were showing Liz a badge in their left hand to get her attention before shooting her.

The dashcam footage, to me, painted a drastically different picture of Sergio than what we have been lead to believe this whole time. He sounded like he was extremely distraught, asked about Liz's condition multiple times, asked to see her repeatedly.

Before the footage, it was like they intentionally had small shots of Sergio looking indifferent and/or an unemotional, confused, nerd-type.
It's Texas. I'm a shrinking little wallflower nerd and I lived in Texas two years and I learned that stuff such as how a revolver works and how to brace for the recoil etc. No big!
It's Texas. I'm a shrinking little wallflower nerd and I lived in Texas two years and I learned that stuff such as how a revolver works and how to brace for the recoil etc. No big!

I mean, it’s not shocking.

A lot of people who have never used guns before tend be terrified of them.

I spent over a decade in the military, shooting assault rifles, heavy machine guns, 50 cals, shotguns, snipers, and even the minigun.

There’s no way though, that I could imagine walking up to someone and shooting them at close range like that without having SOME kind of nerves or adrenaline.

This case reminds me a lot of Mo Wilson’s murder by Kaitlyn Armstrong (almost identical circumstances) which later was learned Kaitlyn spent quite a bit of time at the range before shooting Mo.
* As for the timing - it was not so much very early dawn, but slightly before 7 o'clock. Why this is interesting to me is not semantics (honestly, I don't even know the sunrise time for Texas, US for that time), but because I have seen it indicated and now confirmed by the released video, that the school bus passed the neighbourhood shortly before. Meaning, that not only is there a regular driver (with cameras, I suppose?) on route, but there are also kids being sent onto that bus somewhere further down the route, there are parents preping for their own leaving etc. It's not really the quiet time any more. The timing must have had it's reasons, but I feel like it might be that they were just waiting for S (or Liz) to leave to get her on her own before work/customers.
* Goddard school without cameras - I honestly don't know how they could have known that the cameras are not working, but I also don't know who would pull in a school parking lot in a first place without thinking about the cameras, either. And why did the car leave the school parking lot and went elsewhere before going to Liz? Confusing.
These two still bug me a lot. The logistics are weird.
1) WHY enter the school parking lot? Makes no sense. Were they pulling off the road to hide from someone specific? Like did maybe a car similar to S-s car turn into view at that point and they panicked? Or did they spot someone else that would have recognized them? Or did they really think a school parking lot of all places would be lovely for some prep?? Did they know the cameras were not working? How could they know that - employee of the school or a family member of someone like that, working at a security company?
2) Where were they hiding after that? Why was that not their first option?
3) When arriving, why does the car initially pass Liz (at a rather high speed) and turn around? Simply to exit the same way, like maybe least businesses and cameras on that exit? Or were they actually surprised she was out there? Or were they scouting the activity on the street, number of witnesses?
4) Why does the car pass Liz again after shooting her and having fled the scene? To check if she's still on the ground? To check the reaction of the neighbourhood? Because they heard sirens coming that way? Because they had access to the police scanners and heard the car description going out? It is very risky to drive back.
5) And what are they doing when they pass at 2 AM? For scouting, 2 AM does not seem like the best option - it is not busy to try to "blend in", but it is also not the time when almost all people are asleep or tired (try around ~4, that's what they do in wars). It is very risky to be there repeatedly, on several cameras etc. Why do they drive by at 2? What's the purpose that they cannot get via, say, checking google maps? Is it only the driver in the car - they also have to look at the road and drive, so what can they really do during the brief passing by? And where are they going? What are they doing in the less than 5 hours between this drive and the morning actions?

I am still hopeful that they have more video of the car - maybe not of the plate or driver, but just to put their odd actions on the map.

I feel like I am missing some key fact to make it make sense. I would put most money on the hypothesis that the killer is the person that wanted her dead and I think the motive was emotional, revenge-based (jealousy, thinking she did something unforgivable, possessive ex, scorned love interest) and probably not super recent (involves some level of stalking and preping, at least for weeks if nor for many years with re-activation due to some stressor). But I am not ruling out anything else, either. For all I know, it could be really anything.
I am going off people’s posts, but I have a question.
- when the Bs were burglarized in an apartment, did they tell the police? The police usually asks about their suspects.
- when a shot was made through Rosen’s group’s window, did Liz call the police? If yes, she might have mentioned some suspect. If no, who talked her out of reporting it?

We would like to highlight something about the abc13 article re the video that is sourced to an anonymous person.

Websleuths can not confirm the source of that video, and the abc13 article seems to contradict itself:

- but -

So if neither LE agency responded/commented, who did the reporter "authenticate" it with?

We have no way of knowing if the timestamp or any portion of that video has been altered by someone who may have an interest in discrediting the LE timeline for whatever reason.
Is it possible that the reporter verified it with the officer whose camera it was? Perhaps they weren't permitted by their department to go on record, or weren't speaking in an official capacity for Precinct 4/HCSO.
I am going off people’s posts, but I have a question.
- when the Bs were burglarized in an apartment, did they tell the police? The police usually asks about their suspects.
- when a shot was made through Rosen’s group’s window, did Liz call the police? If yes, she might have mentioned some suspect. If no, who talked her out of reporting it?

Someone shot through her office window? wow, that's crazy.
I may be wrong, but I find myself leaning in the direction of family dynamics (not SB). Marriage brings new members in who don't always want to play by the family dynamics that preexisted them.
I wonder if there was any dynamic occurring in Liz's new family that could raise questions of: Who is, or is not, truly family?

- People that are truly family will either receive , or even possibly get "X". and / or
- People that are truly family have a voice in issue "i". Those that are not had better not even try to influence, say, their husband's position regarding "i".

In regards to possibilities for "i", I knew a family whose dynamics went sour when a house flipping business got uhmm.... "complicated" profit wise. I wonder if there were any home improvement / flipping ventures getting "complicated"?
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The pictures that our sleuthers posted in the previous thread I think (the type of dress, boots) do show heels.
Now, how high is another issue.
We are not speaking of Louboutins, just go-go boots, but to me, 3" is high

The lowest heels I've seen are "kitten heels" about 1/2 to 1 inch, but can be much higher. The footage is too blurry for me to tell how tall the hells are, I can, however, tell they are wearing thigh-high boots, in a light color.
Someone shot through her office window? wow, that's crazy.
I agree, but how crazy depends on the area.

Windows in my former office in an iffy area with a large and locally famous / infamous strip joint of the lower end kind nearby received several after hours bullet wounds over the years.

For better or for worse, the police informed us that they were very likely "celebratory" and not to worry about it.
I agree, but how crazy depends on the area.

Windows in my former office in an iffy area with a large and locally famous / infamous strip joint of the lower end kind nearby received several after hours bullet wounds over the years.

For better or for worse, the police informed us that they were likely "celebratory" and not to worry about it.

WHAT? Was it a holiday? That's crazy.
I've heard about celebratory
shootings in Texas and it's hard for me to wrap my head around it!
shootings in Texas and it's hard for me to wrap my head around it!
WHAT? Was it a holiday? That's crazy.
I've heard about celebratory
We had about three holed window incidents. Fortunately all when the building was not occupied. One might of been linked to holiday.

The others were probably linked to intense celebrations / blue feelings surrounding the victories and defeats of local pro football, basketball and baseball teams.
The truck does a drive by at 2 am. That is when most bars close.
Was someone out and about the night before, getting their nerve up to kill?

and would make sense if someone was up all night drinking, taking drugs, and came straight away from a bar in a wig, dress, and go-go boots but WHO?
Who has that much hatred towards her? She seemed like a nice person.
Now this is totally far fetched (and I personally don't think this is what happened), but it just had never crossed my mind before: maybe it was not the aim to kill Liz? Everyone assumes that automatically, but maybe the case does not make sense because it was not the real reason for what happened.

For example: we know the killer said something and that Liz replied something, even though it is not possible to understand what was said. Maybe this was the aim. Maybe they needed some sort of information from Liz, and only killed her so that she could not speak of the interaction. It was not the real point to kill her, but to get that info. I have no idea what it could have been and I think in that case it would be highly likely that Liz could have been unaware of the relevance, too. But someone around her could have been involved in something shady. The anti-gang unit made me think of possible narratives like that.
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