TX TX - Elizabeth Pfeifer, 20, Katy, 12 April 1986

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Sep 18, 2008
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I just want to say thank you to all that have contributed here on behalf of my sister.

Elizabeth vanished into thin air on April 12, 1986. Or so it seems. Someone, and probably several people, know what happened to her.

For many years I was not active in her investigation, and I thought that the Katy Police Department had forgotten about her. Two years ago, a new investigator contacted me about told me she is working hard on Elizabeth's behalf.

I am so happy that my sister has not been forgotten, and am very happy to be in a place where I am strong enough to re-publicize her case, and also use new technology to make sure everyone knows what happened.

I did a Squidoo lens on her story. If you are interested, please take a look.


Also, thank all of you who are working to see if Elizabeth was Princess Blue. I think she was ruled out by her dental records? That seemed so, but then I saw that her name came up again, in another thread about Princess Blue.

If you need anything, I am here to help.

Blessings to all who have tirelessly researched on Elizabeth's behalf -
Laura Pfeifer Townshend
I just want to say thank you to all that have contributed here on behalf of my sister.

Elizabeth vanished into thin air on April 12, 1986. Or so it seems. Someone, and probably several people, know what happened to her.

For many years I was not active in her investigation, and I thought that the Katy Police Department had forgotten about her. Two years ago, a new investigator contacted me about told me she is working hard on Elizabeth's behalf.

I am so happy that my sister has not been forgotten, and am very happy to be in a place where I am strong enough to re-publicize her case, and also use new technology to make sure everyone knows what happened.

I did a Squidoo lens on her story. If you are interested, please take a look.


Also, thank all of you who are working to see if Elizabeth was Princess Blue. I think she was ruled out by her dental records? That seemed so, but then I saw that her name came up again, in another thread about Princess Blue.

If you need anything, I am here to help.

Blessings to all who have tirelessly researched on Elizabeth's behalf -
Laura Pfeifer Townshend

Laura - I'm so sorry about your sister. I absolutely agree that someone - or more - knows something!!!

Welcome to websleuths! I am sorry to hear about your sister--I know that the people here at Websleuths will help in any way we can!

Do you know if Elizabeths DNA has ever been submitted? Do you have anything of hers still that may have DNA, such as a hair brush etc?

Welcome to websleuths! I am sorry to hear about your sister--I know that the people here at Websleuths will help in any way we can!

Do you know if Elizabeths DNA has ever been submitted? Do you have anything of hers still that may have DNA, such as a hair brush etc?

Elizabeth was adopted shortly after birth. Gay Dickerson, the Katy PD investigator has asked for DNA from my mother and I, the only living family members. Since neither of us is biologically related, we cannot submit our DNA. My mother used to have a box of Elizabeth's things, but I don't think she has that anymore. I have old jewelry from her childhood, but that is all.

Gay Dickerson has unsealed Elizabeth's original birth records in Harris County (quite an ordeal) in order to find Elizabeth's birth mother. Gay tracked her until she divorced, but after that, there was nothing.

Gay's also looking for Elizabeth's former girlfriends, but says that they are very hard to find, since girls marry and their names change.

My mother is super resistant to talking about the case, helping the investigator and doing anything to further the investigation. I find this surprising and shocking. So even if she has anything of Elizabeth's, I don't think she would hand it over. (And I doubt she has kept any of it, at this point. I know she has some old dolls, but that is all.) She would not talk to Gay Dickerson when Gay called last year. ???

So I am doing what I can to move heaven and earth. It's hard to remember people's names, and Katy has changed so much since I last lived there. I also don't have the tools to track people down like the Katy PD does. Otherwise, I would jump right in and investigate myself.

There are MANY unanswered questions, and I feel the original investigators did a sloppy job. My sister was alcoholic and considered to be a nuisance. Because of that, and the fact that my parents did little to aid the investigation and publicize Elizabeth's case, much got swept under the rug, I think.

Hi Laura,

Yes, your sister Elizabeth was ruled out as being Princess Blue by dental comparisions. I have read about your sister's case and am also going to go reread her story to see if anything jumps out at me or see if perhaps I have ran across any other UID females that may fit Elizabeth's description.

I do wish that your mom was cooperating more and if she does have any of Elizabeth's belongings that she would hand over any of them that may be helpful in getting your sister's DNA in the system.

My thoughts are with you. I hope we here at Websleuths may be able to come up with some ideas that may lead to your sister being found.

ETA: What are the chances that Elizabeth ran away? Were there problems at home?

I just want to say thank you to all that have contributed here on behalf of my sister.

Elizabeth vanished into thin air on April 12, 1986. Or so it seems. Someone, and probably several people, know what happened to her.

For many years I was not active in her investigation, and I thought that the Katy Police Department had forgotten about her. Two years ago, a new investigator contacted me about told me she is working hard on Elizabeth's behalf.

I am so happy that my sister has not been forgotten, and am very happy to be in a place where I am strong enough to re-publicize her case, and also use new technology to make sure everyone knows what happened.

I did a Squidoo lens on her story. If you are interested, please take a look.


Also, thank all of you who are working to see if Elizabeth was Princess Blue. I think she was ruled out by her dental records? That seemed so, but then I saw that her name came up again, in another thread about Princess Blue.

If you need anything, I am here to help.

Blessings to all who have tirelessly researched on Elizabeth's behalf -
Laura Pfeifer Townshend
I hope I'm not being too nosy, but do you know WHY your mother won't help or answer questions?

In the beginning, I thought it a bit strange that my mom didn't report Elizabeth missing until she had been gone for over three weeks...I know my sister had a habit of staying with friends and not coming home, but it just seemed strange to me. I had a child by that time, and could not imagine NOT knowing where he was. My mom took no action and wasn't even worried until all of Elizabeth's friends started calling the house and asking for her. Evidently Elizabeth ran with three or four separate groups of people. When everyone started calling, my mom said that then she became worried.

That was odd to me.

When the police wanted to see my sister's room and come to my parents' home, my parents asked me to be there and they left. My mom was going through terrible emotional upheaval over my sister's disappearance and my father said she just couldn't handle it. So I was there for the police and to answer their questions, show them her things.

That was odd to me.

There was another time, maybe ten or so years ago, when I was at my mother's home and she received a phone call. She was clearly agitated with the person who called and sounded very rude, very short and basically hung up on them.

I asked her what happened and who that was, and she said that Elizabeth was listed on all the missing persons databases and when a Jane Doe was found, she got these phone calls. I told her that was exciting that people were still calling and trying to find Elizabeth. My mother was very indignant and acted like it was more of an interruption of her life than it was helpful.

At the time, I really didn't think that much about it, except that I thought it was strange behavior.

Now I think that was VERY odd.

Gay Dickerson of Katy PD contacted me, via letter, about two years ago. I was thrilled that Elizabeth's case was still open and that someone cared. I contacted Gay right away and asked my mom if she had received anything. She said that she hadn't. I thought that odd, since I am as easy to find as my mother. Mom moved from Katy to where she is now and hasn't budged. Mom said she received nothing and that the investigator should be contacting HER, not me. I told her that I would pass that along to Gay.

When Gay was finally able to talk with my mom, Gay said mom was "not interested." I told Gay I found that strange, and wondered what she thought that meant. Gay said she did find that strange, but that people deal with things in their own way.

I do know that I gave Gay mom's work and home numbers, and suggested that she call mom at work, since that is the best way to reach her. I also told Gay to strike while the iron was hot because mom is getting older and who knows how much longer she will be around? Mother told me that Gay had called her at work and that she was so upset she couldn't talk to her. Mom acted like it was an intrusion and it was something that no one should EVER talk to her about. I told mom that she was the one who said Gay should be contacting her, not me, and that I had passed that along. Mom then admitted that her boss told her to go into her office, take the phone call about Elizabeth and just shut the door, do what she needed to do. My mother was very short and said, "I don't have time for this!"

I guess that Gay called her at home and mother was rude again? I'm not sure how it all played out but I do know what mom told me.

Now, I find that VERY odd and I think that is VERY strange.

There are many things I have not addressed over the years simply because I either did not think about it or kept my mouth shut so my mother's feelings would be spared. Today I have a different mindset - I care very much about my sister's feelings, and what it must have been like for her in the last moments of her life. Yes, I believe she is dead. I don't know exactly what happened, but I feel there was a bad end for her. I feel badly that I did not do more, and that I did not ask more questions or get more help when the case was young. The police were helpful - in a mild sort of way. They saw my sister as an alcoholic nuisance and someone who wasn't worthy of a full investigation, I think. Their attitudes were nonchalant, as far as I was concerned. And with my parents not trying to search for my sister, it was just a very painful, weird situation. I'm not saying people didn't cooperate, but it was like no one really cared, except for me. My parents were more concerned about getting on with their retirement and saving face in the community than putting up posters or getting search teams together or hiring a private investigator.

So...without a big push from my parents or the community, I think the police did a shoddy first attempt at trying to figure out what happened when the evidence was fresh.

For example - the last person who saw her...and I do not have his name anymore...he brought her back to Katy. What in the heck happened after that?

Who else was brought in and questioned? My parents? Elizabeth's friends?

Who were the people living in the house where the party was held? The police said they up and moved shortly after the party. But there must have been records...where did those go?

The fact is - she was brought back to Katy...according to the last person to see her alive (that we know of). She was very close to my parent's home. Probably less than 10 miles away. Did she actually make it home that night? Were phone records ever checked? Where is that man now, the person she was with? I heard he was married, so where was his wife while he was having "fun" with my sister? What did she think about this? Was she questioned?

So many questions! Someone has the answers I am seeking - and I intend to find out what they are. I no longer care about what my mother thinks or if this is too painful for her. It's not too painful for me! The person we are talking about is my SISTER!!!!!

Elizabeth deserves this - and so much more.

Thank you for everything - and if I have stimulated any information, or if there is something else you think I should look at, please let me know.

I have a few theories I am sitting on, and I will talk to Gay this week, if I can reach her.

Hi Laura,

Yes, your sister Elizabeth was ruled out as being Princess Blue by dental comparisions. I have read about your sister's case and am also going to go reread her story to see if anything jumps out at me or see if perhaps I have ran across any other UID females that may fit Elizabeth's description.

I do wish that your mom was cooperating more and if she does have any of Elizabeth's belongings that she would hand over any of them that may be helpful in getting your sister's DNA in the system.

My thoughts are with you. I hope we here at Websleuths may be able to come up with some ideas that may lead to your sister being found.

ETA: What are the chances that Elizabeth ran away? Were there problems at home?

The police offered the chance that Elizabeth ran away. That is the one thing that gives me hope that she might be out there, alive and well. Yes, there were problems at home. My parents and Elizabeth were totally at odds, but yet my parents did nothing to help Elizabeth get out on her own. It's rather like they needed her to be there, dependent and helpless.

I did not put this in my other post, because it fits here.

One of the strangest things about this case is that my sister's purse was at my parents' home, with money, cigarettes, personal items, ID - everything...in her room. My parents told the police that my sister did not take it with her that night. I saw her that evening, but don't remember if she took her purse with her or not. I do know that when she and I were together, her purse was ALWAYS with her.

The police said that sometimes people who want to start over will leave things behind like ID's, purses, etc., when they intend to run away and never be found again. At the time I accepted this could be a possibility simply because I wanted so badly to believe (and have the hope) that my sister could still be alive.

The thing is, she didn't take her car that night because friends drove her to the party.

The party was held by people no one in my sister's group of friends (or her) knew. They were invited by friends of friends of friends who knew the people holding the party. Sounds like my sister and her friends basically crashed the party. :-)

Anyway, if my sister was ready to up and run off, why would she have chosen that night? When she went with a group of close friends that we both knew? And with people she didn't even know?

Nope, that is not the answer.

And her purse? Did she just forget to take it with her (which I cannot believe) or did it somehow get back to the house? And where was she???

It's just been recently that I have focused on that purse so much...and I cannot believe that I didn't think of it then...but how did that darn purse get left behind? Or how did it get back at my parents' house, but without my sister?

This would make a great mystery novel - I've got that cooking in my brain, too!

Any ideas?


Do you have a copy of the police report regarding your sister's case? I believe it should have the information about the man who was to have brought Elizabeth back to Katy that evening? It should also have the names, etc. of those who were questioned and it probably lists their addresses at that time. If you don't have a copy of them it would be a good idea to try and get a copy of them if possible.

I don't want to upset you but I have to ask this..is it possible that your parents could have caused harm to Elizabeth and that is why her purse and all her belongings (including her purse) were found at the house? Could your parents have gone out looking for Elizabeth that night or could Elizabeth have come back to the house and something happened there?

You said you were there at your parents house that evening before Elizabeth went to the party, was there any arguing going on between your sister and your parents at that time? Were you there when Elizabeth left the house that night? If so, do you think that Elizabeth had her purse with her then?

Let us know of any other details you may recall about the events taking place shortly before Elizabeth went missing and afterwards also. Maybe there is some small detail that may help us figure this out.

Best wishes to you....
Hi Laura and welcome to WS. I am so glad to hear that there is an investigator who has taken interest in Elizabeth's case. I would think that Gay would have access to the original police report therefore should have the names of the people who last saw Elizabeth. Hopefully she will track them down and re-interview them.

I do not want to offend you or your family at all and please let me know if I get too personal or overstep boundries. I think that the lack of action on your parent's behalf and your mothers annoyance that people are still investigating Elizabeth needs to be looked at closely. Have you told Gay all of this? I understand people deal with things differently and I can even understand your mothers reluctance to 'rehash' all these old feelings after so many years and her just wanting to move on because she believes Elizabeth is dead but I cannot understand their lack of action in the beginning and her anger or annoyance over the fact the case is still being investigated.

She was not reported missing for three weeks eventhough she left all of her personal belongings behind
Your parents did not initiate a search for her - hang up posters, try to raise media awareness, origanize and participate in search parties, etc
Your mothers reluctance to even talk about Elizabeth, hand over any of her belongings, etc and annoyance when she is contacted by investigators now I think seems more than just a grieving mother.

You are pretty sure than when Elizabeth left for the party that night she would have taken her purse with her (as most 20 year olds would) so the fact it was at the house would mean that she was at the house at some point that night. You said she and your parents had a volatile relationship - do you know on what grounds the volatism was based?
If this is too personal please just tell me. Do you know why your parents made the decision to adopt after they already had one daughter? Was it because they couldn't have more children, she was a foster and then they adopted her or just the desire to adopt a baby that didn't have one?

Did your father have a violent temper? Could it have gone to far one night and your mother has been covering for him all this time?

Again, thank you for sharing your story with us. The good people at WS will do anything they can to help you and support you. And again, if I got too personal or was offensive I apologize and please just tell me.

Do you have a copy of the police report regarding your sister's case? I believe it should have the information about the man who was to have brought Elizabeth back to Katy that evening? It should also have the names, etc. of those who were questioned and it probably lists their addresses at that time. If you don't have a copy of them it would be a good idea to try and get a copy of them if possible.

I don't want to upset you but I have to ask this..is it possible that your parents could have caused harm to Elizabeth and that is why her purse and all her belongings (including her purse) were found at the house? Could your parents have gone out looking for Elizabeth that night or could Elizabeth have come back to the house and something happened there?

You said you were there at your parents house that evening before Elizabeth went to the party, was there any arguing going on between your sister and your parents at that time? Were you there when Elizabeth left the house that night? If so, do you think that Elizabeth had her purse with her then?

Let us know of any other details you may recall about the events taking place shortly before Elizabeth went missing and afterwards also. Maybe there is some small detail that may help us figure this out.

Best wishes to you....

First of all - THANK YOU! I'm sitting here, in tears, as I type, because other people are willing to look at my sister's case and re-hash the evidence.

I can't tell you how many of her birthdays have gone by and I wanted someone to talk to about her, and there was no one. I have always remembered her, and it seems like I was the only one remembering her.

That is not right!!

Okay, to answer your questions.

That evening my ex-husband and I were at my parents' home. I remember Elizabeth getting ready to go out. I knew she was going to a party and I knew that she was going with a mutual friend (plus a few others). I cannot remember if I was there when she left or not.

There was not argument between my sister and my parents. Just her in the bathroom, doing her hair, putting on makeup. Doing the usual routine that all girls do when they are going to a party. She was happy, as happy as my sister could be. My parents seemed normal.

I wonder if Frank Henry could be found and re-interviewed? I'm sure his memory might be as foggy as mine, but he was a nice person and I think that whatever he remembered, he would be willing to share (again). After all, he was one of the last people to see her alive.

I do not have a copy of the police report. I spoke with Captain Dickerson this morning (at length). She is still investigating Elizabeth's case. I didn't ask for a report but I did mention all of my concerns.

Yes, I believe that it is completely plausible that Elizabeth came back home early Saturday morning, or within the days (or weeks) that followed. I also think that it is completely plausible that she died of an overdose or was murdered or was hurt, accidently, by my father - and that he was the one who "dumped her body" somewhere.

Heck, it could have been my mother - either parent was prone to violence and control/power acts.

I also believe that his cancer ate him alive - due to guilt.

I don't think that my parents went looking for her, unless she called and was in trouble somewhere. If she did call and need to be picked up, it is completely believable that my father went to get her and something happened while he was driving her home.

Any thoughts?

Hi Laura and welcome to WS. I am so glad to hear that there is an investigator who has taken interest in Elizabeth's case. I would think that Gay would have access to the original police report therefore should have the names of the people who last saw Elizabeth. Hopefully she will track them down and re-interview them.

I do not want to offend you or your family at all and please let me know if I get too personal or overstep boundries. I think that the lack of action on your parent's behalf and your mothers annoyance that people are still investigating Elizabeth needs to be looked at closely. Have you told Gay all of this? I understand people deal with things differently and I can even understand your mothers reluctance to 'rehash' all these old feelings after so many years and her just wanting to move on because she believes Elizabeth is dead but I cannot understand their lack of action in the beginning and her anger or annoyance over the fact the case is still being investigated.

She was not reported missing for three weeks eventhough she left all of her personal belongings behind
Your parents did not initiate a search for her - hang up posters, try to raise media awareness, origanize and participate in search parties, etc
Your mothers reluctance to even talk about Elizabeth, hand over any of her belongings, etc and annoyance when she is contacted by investigators now I think seems more than just a grieving mother.

You are pretty sure than when Elizabeth left for the party that night she would have taken her purse with her (as most 20 year olds would) so the fact it was at the house would mean that she was at the house at some point that night. You said she and your parents had a volatile relationship - do you know on what grounds the volatism was based?
If this is too personal please just tell me. Do you know why your parents made the decision to adopt after they already had one daughter? Was it because they couldn't have more children, she was a foster and then they adopted her or just the desire to adopt a baby that didn't have one?

Did your father have a violent temper? Could it have gone to far one night and your mother has been covering for him all this time?

Again, thank you for sharing your story with us. The good people at WS will do anything they can to help you and support you. And again, if I got too personal or was offensive I apologize and please just tell me.

You are in no way too personal or being offensive.

Someone told me, about 15 years ago, that my father was the one who killed Elizabeth. He was convinced, after hearing my story. This man was not a psychic or very intuitive at all, I think. He was just a person who listened carefully and then shared his ideas.

At that time I said nothing about the purse because I did not think about that until just a few days ago! See how talking about all this and re-living it helps the case? Painful, but very, very necessary.

When this person told me that, I was totally shocked. He did not even know my father because my dad was already deceased. I totally recoiled from his statement. No daughter wants to believe that her father could be a murderer - and of his own daughter!

As the years have gone by, however, I never forgot what he said. And I have wondered if it could have been true. I do know that when I was at my father's bedside, when he was dying, I told him that "all was forgiven." He died about three days after that. At the time, I had no way of knowing what I could be forgiving - hmmm...

My mother is sneaky and she lies. I know that some lies are told by parents because they think they are acting in the best interest of their children. I've caught her in so many lies over the years, most harmless but some really hurt me. I think that it could be completely true - COMPLETELY TRUE - that my mother could be covering up for something that my father did, or that they both did, years ago.

Since I found out that my mother was not cooperating with Gay Dickerson, I have not spoken to her. I cannot bring myself to interact with a woman who ignores her own child - and the people working so hard to find out what happened to that child.

I know grief is hard - I have not talked about my sister, openly, in years!

I also know that sometimes we tell white lies, as I did, saying I was an only child so people would not pry.

But to act so indignant, as if Gay Dickerson was an intrusion in my mother's life - when it was about her own child...WTF? (pardon, for emphasis only)

I mean, she could have said, "This is too hard for me, but I am glad Gay is still investigating." Or, "Laura, I can't handle these phone calls - can you take the pressure off me and help out?"

That is why, in the beginning, I felt sorry for my parents (and my mother, especially). I took everything handed to me and tried to be strong and fight the system and deal with the investigators - EVERYTHING - even though I was newly married, had a young child, and problems of my own.

I don't feel sorry for anyone now - except my sister.

Something I recall now...my father's birthday...April 26, 1986. We were up at the ranch in the Lake Buchanan area. My mother, dad, husband and child. We were at the dinner table and celebrating my father's birthday. He suddenly got up and went outside to smoke. He was crying.

Elizabeth had been missing since Saturday, April 12, 1986. The last we saw her was Friday, April 11, 1986. So that means my parents would have reported her missing...and that is only two weeks.

I asked my mother why my father was crying (no lie, this is one of five times I ever saw him cry in my life) and she said it was because of Elizabeth.


The police records really do need to be re-hashed to see if this is after she was reported missing. I recall it being a longer time, but perhaps I am wrong?

But isn't over a week a long time to report that your child did not come home?

Or even one day? I've got three adult children and I ask that they be blessed and be okay ALL the time...I worry about them commuting around, traveling - the normal things a mother does. I know they are in God's hands but they still are my children!

My parents and Elizabeth had a volatile relationship because Elizabeth was a pain. She was terribly alcoholic, using drugs, helpless and unable to take care of herself. She loved children and worked (sometimes) in local daycares but was unable to hold a job because of her drinking. She was a high school dropout, had maybe a 10th grade education, and had learning disabilities that my mother never addressed when she was younger. Katy Elementary School, way back when, wanted my sister put on medication and in special classes to aid her learning disabilities. My mother refused, because first of all, she was the authority and knew Elizabeth best and secondly, what would the neighbors think?

This attitude was prevalent when my parents were building their retirement home - what to do with Elizabeth? They had asked if she could just come live with me...they had left her in jail when she got a DUI so they could go on a vacation and Elizabeth not get into more trouble. They had been told, when Elizabeth was 18, by a psychiatrist, that Elizabeth needed to be committed to an institution but my parents would not do that because "the family would find out" and what would they say then?

So, they did not know what to do with her. She was spending more time in jail (for DWI's and DUI's in Harris County), she had mental problems and basically had to be watched, constantly. She was unemployable and yes, a pain. She would stay up all night, drinking and sleep all day. She had an eating disorder. She would easily fight you or become unhinged if the alcohol was taken away. She was probably in the end stages of her disease...how much longer could she have lasted like that? She was very hard to live with and I know she caused my parents MUCH distress because they were always worried about her. The central theme was, "What will we do with Elizabeth when we move?"

But despite that, she was a human being and deserved so much more!!! I always knew that, and was totally dismayed when my parents would not seek help for her.

My parents told me that they adopted Elizabeth because they thought I would "become too spoiled if left as an only child." We both were adopted, at birth. My mother can conceive but not carry a child to term. She had four miscarriages prior to my birth, and my father said that he had to get her a baby because "she was ready for the nut house."

Nice, huh?

No, I have FEW details about my adoption, only the stories my mother told me, reluctantly, over the years.

My story is happier than my sister's however. My mother always blamed Elizabeth's birth mother for Elizabeth's physical and mental problems. "She was a 14-16 year old, unmarried girl in the wards of Houston. We think she was Italian. She evidently was an alcoholic and from a bad family."

Any more suggestions? How do we get my mother to talk? How do we relocate all the old witnesses and have them re-interviewed?


Was your parent's cars, property, and house ever searched?

Not that I am aware of. I don't even know how my parents were handled. I think it was my mother who called that Elizabeth was missing. What I do know is that when the investigators came to my parents' home to look at Elizabeth's room ("to get a feel of who she was," they said), my parents called me (I think it was my father) and said that they could not be there when the police came. Said it was too painful and that I needed to handle it.

When I spoke with Captain Dickerson this morning, she said that my parents were never considered to be suspects.

As I told Gay, I think that the first investigators did a shoddy, half-hearted job with my sister's case. I know I was on the phone with the investigator as much as possible and he did most of what was in front of him, but so many things he just passed off.

It's kinda like they were glad she was out of their hair. One less drunk to chase around or keep off the street and from harming innocent people.

I think a thorough search of EVERYTHING needs to be done. With a fine tooth comb. Gay has other things to handle besides Elizabeth's case and I totally understand that. I told her that I was here to help - in ANY way...

I do have the name of the person she was last seen with. Or that saw her alive, that we know of.

The entire story they Katy PD suggested that "she ran away" is ludicrous. Totally silly and I cannot believe I bought it!!!!


I'm a newbie here, so keep that in mind. :) There are a lot more people on this site that have a lot more experience. I'm just making observations and will try to help in any way.

Sorry to say this, but I think Officer Dickerson should be looking a little more closely at your parents. Their behavior to say the least, is extremely strange. I would list them, but it would be long and you've done a good job in your posts.

The one thing that makes me wonder. You said she never went anywhere without her purse, but it was at the house after she was reported missing. Maybe there is a chance she made it home after the party, drunk, and something happened between her and the parents?

Thank you so much for answering our questions. I know this whole ordeal must be very difficult for you.

I want to take this one step further. IF your father or your mother hurt Elizabeth or if she died of an overdose in their home, can you think of any place that they could have gone to dispose of Elizabeth's body? Is there some place you would go together camping or family activities? Some place your parents were very familiar with and yet out of the way? IMO murderers tend to dispose of evidence or a body in places they know there way around very well.
Laura, you said you were there the night she was last seen. Do you remember what she was wearing? What kind of shoes she had on? Any type of jewelry?

I'm sorry if this is posted elsewhere and I didn't see it.
I think you should ask for the police report. It will help clear up some important details on when she was reported missing and the name of the person who dropped her off and may help spur additional memories.

You mentioned a couple people it would be helpful to find and talk to. There are some people on this board who can suggest good ways to try to locate people. You may want to start a thread asking for help specifically on how to locate people.

Her purse with her ID etc. being in her room does suggest that a plausible theory is that she made it back home and that something happened there. Your parents not wanting to be there when you showed her room/things could also point towards something having happened at the house.
Laura, thank you for sharing your story with us. It takes a lot to open up to people you have never met. Hopefully we no longer feel like strangers.

I have a few questions:

1. Were you close to your parents?
2. How often did you talk on the phone? Daily, weekly, monthly?
3. When did you first learn that she was missing? Was it at your Dad's birthday party? Or at the time, did you just think he was crying because of Elizabeth's "problems"?

Did your mom ever mention on the phone that she hadn't seen Elizabeth in a few days?
Thank you Laura for being so candid and open about all of this. It takes a lot of strength and courage and I know that it is motivated by your desire to find out what happened to your sister.

After reading what you wrote in response to my post I really think your parents should be looked at. Elizabeth was a burden to them. They were obviously very concerned about what people would think which in the end made it worse for them because they would not get Elizabeth the help she needed. It sounds like they were embarrassed of her, burdened by her and very worried about their future if they had to keep taking care of her. IF your dad did have something to do with it I would imagine it was not a pre-meditated thing but a situation where they were fighting and all those resentments, stress, worries came out and he lost control.

I am surprised the police did not take more notice of their behavior. Taking two weeks to report her missing, leaving the house before the police got there and making their daughter deal with it because it was too upsetting for them seems a little suspicious and I would think that most LE would think so and want to speak directly to the parents. It sounds like LE did not do a very good job of this at all. They probably realized due to the lack of action by your parents to find out what happened (which is also suspicious) they could get away with just sweeping this one under the rug. They should have dusted the family vehicles for prints, checked for blood in the car and in the house, questioned you and your parents.

Your mothers current avoidance and annoyance of the issue could very well be motivated out of fear that if this case is investgated the truth may come out.

You mentioned something about a lake house.....a lot of times people will dispose of a body in a place they are familar with - an area they camp, a spot they used to fish at, etc.

You were already married and out of the house when this happened, correct?
How long was it before your mom told you Elizabeth was missing?

I don't want to sit here and condemn innocent people but I do think they should at least be investigated to rule them out as suspects....

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