TX TX - Elizabeth Pfeifer, 20, Katy, 12 April 1986

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I'm a newbie here, so keep that in mind. :) There are a lot more people on this site that have a lot more experience. I'm just making observations and will try to help in any way.

Sorry to say this, but I think Officer Dickerson should be looking a little more closely at your parents. Their behavior to say the least, is extremely strange. I would list them, but it would be long and you've done a good job in your posts.

The one thing that makes me wonder. You said she never went anywhere without her purse, but it was at the house after she was reported missing. Maybe there is a chance she made it home after the party, drunk, and something happened between her and the parents?

It could very well be. That is what I am trying to pin down at this time.

My father's words haunt me. He said, "I think that she overdosed and they got scared, and dumped her body."

Now, it could have been just a distant observation on his part. It is very plausible that exactly this happened while Elizabeth was out. Or it could be that he was telling the story, but just not admitting that it happened to him.

I just feel so terrible that I was not more insistent, forceful and active in her case when it was fresh. I feel badly that I let so much go and left even more up to my parents to decide and fix.

And as smart as I am, I am shocked that I did not see these huge clues years ago!

Thanks for your help -

Thank you so much for answering our questions. I know this whole ordeal must be very difficult for you.

I want to take this one step further. IF your father or your mother hurt Elizabeth or if she died of an overdose in their home, can you think of any place that they could have gone to dispose of Elizabeth's body? Is there some place you would go together camping or family activities? Some place your parents were very familiar with and yet out of the way? IMO murderers tend to dispose of evidence or a body in places they know there way around very well.

This is a wonderful spin on the case that I had not thought of. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know where to look first!

I guess we have to think from the minds of two very frightened individuals who were covering their tracks.

Supposing that Elizabeth made it home that night and something accidental happened. Or she overdosed. My parents were afraid and did not want to deal with reporting the occurrence.

There are so many places to look! First of all, I had a three stall barn in the back acre of the property that my father had built for me as a junior equestrian. That, to me, could have been the perfect place to bury a body (this came to me this morning). The three stalls (not the tack room) had dirt bases and it wasn't hard to dig...last time I was in Katy, the barn was still up (new people live there). Would be interesting to check that out, right?

The hard part would be...finding her off the property. At that time, my parents' home was on the edge of North Katy and the city limits. Rice fields surrounded the northern part of town. For years, my father and mother would take evening drives in the country, that part of the world, to relax and drink. Yes, they drank and drove! Anyway, when Elizabeth and I were teenagers and old enough to stay home by ourselves, and my father wasn't traveling as much, these evening "dates" as my parents called them, were something they enjoyed doing. I have no idea where they drove, because the countryside is so vast.

And today, so much of that area is developed. It would be interesting to run down old property deeds and check out areas where my father spent time goose and duck hunting with his rice farmer friends, when I was child and Katy was actually its own town, not part of Houston. When rice farmers still farmed! I would think that if he and my mother were to dispose of evidence, as you say, they would do it in a place they knew well. It would not be more than 20-30 minutes away, I think, to get to the old rice farms of their friends.

Another idea would be the farm we used to own in La Grange. My parents had sold it by that time, and it's certainly a longer drive from Katy, but it would be a place they knew well. Really, any of that area because my father grew up in that region. I suppose he would go somewhere hidden, however. The farm is outside of the town and remote. He knew every inch of the 90+ acres we owned.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help -

Laura, you said you were there the night she was last seen. Do you remember what she was wearing? What kind of shoes she had on? Any type of jewelry?

I'm sorry if this is posted elsewhere and I didn't see it.

What Elizabeth was wearing is described on the various missing persons reports on line. I know she had a blouse, jeans and (probably) tennis shoes. She wore tennis shoes more than anything else. :)

I do not recall any jewelry. But that's just because my memory has faded. She probably had on earrings, a necklace and maybe a ring.

I think you should ask for the police report. It will help clear up some important details on when she was reported missing and the name of the person who dropped her off and may help spur additional memories.

You mentioned a couple people it would be helpful to find and talk to. There are some people on this board who can suggest good ways to try to locate people. You may want to start a thread asking for help specifically on how to locate people.

Her purse with her ID etc. being in her room does suggest that a plausible theory is that she made it back home and that something happened there. Your parents not wanting to be there when you showed her room/things could also point towards something having happened at the house.

I asked Captain Dickerson for a copy of the report this morning. I don't know if she will provide it or not. I guess I don't know my rights as Elizabeth's sister and what I can have access to. Does anyone know? And are laws state specific or are these things federally mandated?

Can I ask where I should start the new threads to ask for help locating the people I want to talk to? Sorry, newbie here! I want to gain as much exposure as possible, and as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much!!!!

Laura, thank you for sharing your story with us. It takes a lot to open up to people you have never met. Hopefully we no longer feel like strangers.

I have a few questions:

1. Were you close to your parents?
2. How often did you talk on the phone? Daily, weekly, monthly?
3. When did you first learn that she was missing? Was it at your Dad's birthday party? Or at the time, did you just think he was crying because of Elizabeth's "problems"?

Did your mom ever mention on the phone that she hadn't seen Elizabeth in a few days?

Yes, I was close to my parents. I spoke with them on a regular basis. i would say at least weekly, but probably several times a week. I would see them several times a month, on weekends.

I recall my mother calling me and saying that Elizabeth had not come home. That my mother had not seen her since that Friday night when we were at the house and she left for the party. My mother was crying and said something about a gun...and all of Elizabeth's friends calling...and then I got so upset I just couldn't understand what she was telling me. She was crying and I told her to settle down and explain. She said that all of Elizabeth's friends were calling, asking for her, and that she (my mother) realized that no one had seen Elizabeth. So she got worried. Then she said that some of Elizabeth's friends said that Elizabeth left the party with an unknown man to go to Houston with him. And something about a gun. Well, turns out the gun was a tattoo gun, not a real one. This was verified to me by one of Elizabeth's friends. I guess my mom got it mixed up? Anyway, I don't know what date she called me, but I know it was long after the last time I had seen my sister.

If I remember correctly, and I'm cloudy on this one, I told my mother to report Elizabeth missing. I don't think she had done that yet.

Mother did not worry about Elizabeth. So no, she would not say anything because she always felt that Elizabeth was holed up with one of her friends. As my mother said, "I did not become worried until all of Elizabeth's friends started calling, asking for her. I then realized that no one had seen her, and she wasn't with anyone."

Thing is, my sister would do exactly this - hole up with people. But if my memory serves me correctly, she would call, at least once a week, and let mom know where she was.

I can't remember a time when my parents didn't know where she was for over a week, meaning a five to seven day period.

As far as talking so openly and frankly with folks I don't know - yes, this is a huge risk. And this is highly personal and a story that can bring me to my knees in a matter of seconds. I just feel like we're running out of time and for me to hide behind my personal fears or worry would be fruitless. I trust that some of you can help me...and you already have!...and that this case can be sorted out SOON.

So laying all this out in the open, with the possibility of harsh ridicule from my family for doing so - I mean, I am openly bashing my parents - my sister deserves better than to have been left somewhere whether she was already dead or dying. I just trust the Universe that this is the right path to take and that I will come in contact with people who can help me.

Again, thanks to everyone who has been interested enough to read, listen and ask questions, give advice. I appreciate it so much!!!

Thank you Laura for being so candid and open about all of this. It takes a lot of strength and courage and I know that it is motivated by your desire to find out what happened to your sister.

After reading what you wrote in response to my post I really think your parents should be looked at. Elizabeth was a burden to them. They were obviously very concerned about what people would think which in the end made it worse for them because they would not get Elizabeth the help she needed. It sounds like they were embarrassed of her, burdened by her and very worried about their future if they had to keep taking care of her. IF your dad did have something to do with it I would imagine it was not a pre-meditated thing but a situation where they were fighting and all those resentments, stress, worries came out and he lost control.

I am surprised the police did not take more notice of their behavior. Taking two weeks to report her missing, leaving the house before the police got there and making their daughter deal with it because it was too upsetting for them seems a little suspicious and I would think that most LE would think so and want to speak directly to the parents. It sounds like LE did not do a very good job of this at all. They probably realized due to the lack of action by your parents to find out what happened (which is also suspicious) they could get away with just sweeping this one under the rug. They should have dusted the family vehicles for prints, checked for blood in the car and in the house, questioned you and your parents.

Your mothers current avoidance and annoyance of the issue could very well be motivated out of fear that if this case is investgated the truth may come out.

You mentioned something about a lake house.....a lot of times people will dispose of a body in a place they are familar with - an area they camp, a spot they used to fish at, etc.

You were already married and out of the house when this happened, correct?
How long was it before your mom told you Elizabeth was missing?

I don't want to sit here and condemn innocent people but I do think they should at least be investigated to rule them out as suspects....

I totally agree with your views about my father. I do know that in spite of his alcoholism and anger problems, his heart was pure. If he hurt Elizabeth, intentionally or otherwise, I feel sure that he did not mean to kill her. And if she died perhaps from falling back and hitting her head, for example, I know that deep down my father would have been crushed that it happened while she was in his care. My mother is sneaky - and this is not to say that her soul isn't shiny-bright too - just that she has a sneaky way about her, very mischievous, and VERY concerned about what people will think. I know that is part of her heritage and upbringing but come on - this is your daughter!

I agree, and I am not condemning them either - who knows what happened that night? But that is the thing - we DON'T know what happened and I will be the first to say that the initial investigation, from my standpoint, was a joke. I asked for this and that, such as search parties, finding more people at the party...and was totally blown off by the initial investigator. I don't think it ever even crossed his mind to look at my parents. Why? I was even told, by him, that if I wanted a complete search, I should hire a private investigator.


I did call several top crime investigators in Houston. As I wrote in my Squidoo lens, they all wanted at least $10,000 as a retainer, to start the case. I did not have that kind of money, so the case went down the drain.

It's also very sad that things I heard in the three years after my sister disappeared, when I'd call the investigator to check on the case, and all that he told me, was evidently not logged in the case files. Like him telling me that the man who was last seen with Elizabeth was polygraphed a few years later in prison. And that he passed. Now I wonder if what I was told was even true? Doesn't an investigator have the obligation to chart that sort of thing in the case files?

Is there any way to complain about a case being mis-handled? Who listens to that kind of rant?

I was married a month before Elizabeth disappeared. And yes, I had been living out of the house for years, and was located in West Houston.

The lakehouse was (and is) about 2 or so hours from my parent's Katy home. It could be that her body was brought up this way, but I think that would be lower on the list of places to hide it. Simply because it is so far away, and the earth up here is much harder to dig. There is so much rock and limestone and granite. But it could be. I am ruling nothing out until it is formally investigated and ruled out!

I just hope that Captain Dickerson talks with my mother - I know she can't make anyone talk to her, but this bears further investigation - MUCH further investigation. I was told that my mother said, "I told you all I knew back then and I don't know anything more now. I'm busy and don't have time for this."

I know my mother doesn't handle pain well. And I know she lies - to herself, mostly (in order to escape pain and feelings) and to others (to hide feelings she doesn't want to feel). She is quite an artist about this. But isn't it time that she faced up, and took some responsibility? I mean, how in the heck can she get away with saying that to a police officer?

Thanks for listening and asking questions!


Thank you for answering my posts and all the others. You're doing a fantastic job. I know this must be very painful for you. My prayers are with you.

I have a few questions. Is it possible that Officer Dickenson and LE could search the stable and property? Is there a crawl space under the house? A basement? I'm not sure, but it might require a search warrent unless the current owners grant permission.

I know this is a longshot, but is there a slim chance she was a runaway? Are there places she mentioned that she would go? Maybe friends and mentioning somewhere they would go on vacation?

Thank you for answering my posts and all the others. You're doing a fantastic job. I know this must be very painful for you. My prayers are with you.

I have a few questions. Is it possible that Officer Dickenson and LE could search the stable and property? Is there a crawl space under the house? A basement? I'm not sure, but it might require a search warrent unless the current owners grant permission.

I know this is a longshot, but is there a slim chance she was a runaway? Are there places she mentioned that she would go? Maybe friends and mentioning somewhere they would go on vacation?

You're sweet to say. This is painful and scary, but what do I have to lose? I think that I have much to gain and everything to lose if I don't get some help with this case.

I don't know if Captain Dickerson will consent to that but I will ask - it doesn't hurt anything, that's for sure. There was no crawl space under the home or basement - to answer your question.

Of course there is the chance that she ran away. Anything is possible until ruled out! However, I seriously doubt that. She was brought back to Katy, and was less than ten miles from my parents' (and her) home that night.

If she did runaway, she would need extraordinary amounts of help because she had a hard time taking care of herself (serious alcoholic and uneducated). Of course, it is possible! :)

I've sent letters to the IRS over the years, with her SSN, hoping that if she were working somewhere, the correspondence would reach her.


None of her friends left after she disappeared. The only people that she came in contact with who left were the people who held the party she attended. Again, I am sure that Katy PD could have found them, but the investigator (at the time) said, "They've picked up and moved." And that was it!

Thanks for your help -

Laura, welcome to WS. I am sad that we have to meet under such circumstances, but you couldn't have come to a better group for help.

I have 'skimmed' and printed to read further. I noticed RK asked for copies of missing reports. Has that been provided? Any and all documentation that you may have relating can be helpful.

Did this case hit media at all?

TY for trusting us to help you through this. I pray we can be successful in reuniting you with your sister.

I'm still looking into this, but, if I can ask your mother's name and age?
I really would love to see the missing persons report to know what we might try next. Laura, if you can't get a copy for some reason, let me know, and I will see what I can do about requesting a copy of it.
RK, I too would love to see the missing persons report.

I've been trying to find media reports of her disappearace. I can't find anything. It seems odd, even though she was reported missing 4 weeks after she disapeared, that there is nothing. Maybe someone here can find something. I'm a newbie.

What's really wierd and this might be a coincedience. I did USA People Search and found a Elizabeth Ann Pfeifer that lives in Katy, TX. Age 42. What age she would be today. Birth date is listed as 10-12-1965. From previous posts here her birth date has been 12-10-1965. A mis-type?
Laura, welcome to WS. I am sad that we have to meet under such circumstances, but you couldn't have come to a better group for help.

I have 'skimmed' and printed to read further. I noticed RK asked for copies of missing reports. Has that been provided? Any and all documentation that you may have relating can be helpful.

Did this case hit media at all?

TY for trusting us to help you through this. I pray we can be successful in reuniting you with your sister.

I requested the police report copies last week, but have not heard from Captain Dickerson.

No, the case did not get publicized in any way, shape of form. There was some sort of brief movie about her that was shown in the prisons but Gay said it didn't generate any leads.

Thank you for supporting my efforts to find Elizabeth!!!!

I really would love to see the missing persons report to know what we might try next. Laura, if you can't get a copy for some reason, let me know, and I will see what I can do about requesting a copy of it.

I asked Gay for a copy (via email) last week but have not heard from her. When we talked on the phone, she apologized for not working on my sister's case for the past two months. She said that summers were always really busy and I can appreciate that. I know that she has a lot more to do than find Elizabeth.

If I don't hear from her by early this week, I will call and talk to her about it.

If she says no (or otherwise declines) I'll let you know.

Unless you know a better way to go about this - I am so unaware of channels and how to work a case - I need all the help I can get.

Blessings and thank you -
RK, I too would love to see the missing persons report.

I've been trying to find media reports of her disappearace. I can't find anything. It seems odd, even though she was reported missing 4 weeks after she disapeared, that there is nothing. Maybe someone here can find something. I'm a newbie.

What's really wierd and this might be a coincedience. I did USA People Search and found a Elizabeth Ann Pfeifer that lives in Katy, TX. Age 42. What age she would be today. Birth date is listed as 10-12-1965. From previous posts here her birth date has been 12-10-1965. A mis-type?

There are no media reports of her disappearance (Katy Times was the local paper) (and still is!) unless I totally missed something. I am telling you - NO ONE cared enough to broadcast, publicize, search, look or find my sister.

That is SO weird about the people search. She would be 42, because I am 45. She's three years younger. DOB 12/10/65.


Is there a phone number or way to contact his person? Through the years I have called, written and emailed any Elizabeth Pfeifer I could find around the country - to no avail. No one ever even took the time to reply.

Could we be on to something?


I do have a phone number and address. Listed as a relative is a Mary Davis Pfeifer. This woman has a birthdate of 10-12-65, not 12-10-65, but it could be a typo.

I don't know how reliable this website is, so please do not get your hopes up too much. I will PM you with the phone number. I really hope its her.


I did a search as well on people finder and found Elizabeth Pfeifer in Katy Texas with the following relatives: Raymond I Pfeifer, Eric T Pfeifer and Mary Jane Pfeifer. I don't know enough about those sites to know how reliable they are. You can get a more detailed report with a paid subscription. Anyone on here have a subscription to peoplefinder?

Anything on the info I gave you?

Yes - I called on Tuesday and a woman answered. I asked if Elizabeth Pfeifer was there, or lived there, and she said no. I told her my purpose and that I was Elizabeth's sister. She said that she didn't know who Elizabeth was. I also asked her if anyone else had ever called there, asking for Elizabeth. She said no.

So...that is that! I figured that it couldn't be true - but it is always worth looking into.

Raymond Pfeifer is my deceased father - Mary Jane is my mother...I have no idea who Eric Pfeifer is. I don't have any relatives on my father's side of the family with that name.

It's funny how these websites pull up info - and I would say that it is highly inaccurate!


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