TX TX - Elizabeth Pfeifer, 20, Katy, 12 April 1986

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Laura - have you heard anything about those police files? Any developments?

How do you think your mother would re-act if you just point blank asked her - do you know what happened to Elizabeth? Or 'Did Dad kill Elizabeth?' Do you think she would just continue being vague and try to avoid the issue as she has done for 22yrs?

Laura - have you heard anything about those police files? Any developments?

How do you think your mother would re-act if you just point blank asked her - do you know what happened to Elizabeth? Or 'Did Dad kill Elizabeth?' Do you think she would just continue being vague and try to avoid the issue as she has done for 22yrs?

Captain Dickerson is working on getting the police report to me - the files are being audited and as soon as that is over, I will be sent what she can send.

No other developments. Not right now.

I don't talk to my mother anymore. Ever since she refused to speak with Captain Dickerson, I just couldn't carry on a false relationship. Asking my mother about Elizabeth? She would be indignant that I even dared to ask her such a thing - and would become VERY upset.

As soon as I get the report, I will share what I can with you. I'm pretty excited to see what it says!

Thank you for asking about this. It's been pretty quiet about Elizabeth, lately. I have forgotten, and have been thinking about her constantly. Just no new news!

I don't have much time to add all i'd like right now...but i do want to say a couple things, coming from someone who grew up with people who had drug and alcohol problems.

Your parents could definitely have been sick and tired of worrying about Elizabeth, sick and tired of always wondering where she was, what was going on with her, if she was alive or not, etc. Being the parent of someone like Elizabeth is exhausting and emotionally tiresome...i say this not to be offensive, but from experience watching my grandmother and grandfather, as well as myself, deal with this same stuff with my mom, who was also adopted at birth. If your parents aren't at fault for what happened to elizabeth, it's very possible they didn't report her missing right away because this was getting to a point of them not wanting to deal with it anymore. Everyone deals with it in their own way, and it's possible your parents had enough already...let Elizabeth be, let her live her life and just "let her go" in a sense. They probably thought she was just off galavanting and were tired of worrying about it. They may have cried to themselves, they may have worried inside of themselves, but on the outside they were trying to just move on and out of the burden of always worrying about a 20 year old who didn't care about herself.

That's if they had nothing to do with what happened to her.

On the other hand, i also think that maybe Elizabeth came home, drunk and/or high...fell asleep in her room or somewhere else, maybe she overdosed and mom and dad just let her go. Maybe they were ready to just have her gone and out of her misery of a destructive life, then "laid her to rest" somewhere...

I'm sorry if this all sounds harsh. I just know what it's like to deal with people like this and what it's like for others dealing with it as well. I'm an observant person, and even at young ages, i saw the emotions my grandparents went through - both my dad's parents and my moms. My dad was an alcoholic. My mom on drugs and alcohol, multiple attempts at suicide....

I begged and begged for my mom to get clean, to come and be with me, raise me, be in my life. She would go to rehab or get clean for a little bit and then be gone again. The come and go relationship was emotionally EXHAUSTING! Finally, at about age 14 i gave up. I stopped worrying about her, i stopped caring about her, i stopped begging her or wanting her in my life. Laura, it really does get to a point where some people just can't deal with it anymore, it gets to be too much to handle.

I would need to know more details, but from what you have given us, i think either your parents weren't involved and just were trying to let her go so that's why they didn't report her right away, or they were involved and thought they were doing the right thing...hiding her, saving face (my grandparents were the same way with my mom! always owrrying about what the neighbors would think :rolleyes: they were different times back then, weren't they..)

I pray for answers for you Laura, it's obviously something that has been eating at you and you need some answers. I really hope and pray that you get them. I hope us here at WS can help, and i thank God for that investigator caring so much about Elizabeth's case.
Hi Laura,

I'm still here. I haven't forgotten about Elizabeth. I'm just waiting to see what the police report for Elizabeth says so that I know where/what the focus should be in trying to help find out what happened to Elizabeth.

You are in my thoughts

Captain Dickerson is working on getting the police report to me - the files are being audited and as soon as that is over, I will be sent what she can send.

No other developments. Not right now.

I don't talk to my mother anymore. Ever since she refused to speak with Captain Dickerson, I just couldn't carry on a false relationship. Asking my mother about Elizabeth? She would be indignant that I even dared to ask her such a thing - and would become VERY upset.

As soon as I get the report, I will share what I can with you. I'm pretty excited to see what it says!

Thank you for asking about this. It's been pretty quiet about Elizabeth, lately. I have forgotten, and have been thinking about her constantly. Just no new news!

Hi Laura,
I'm a newbie so this maybe a really stupid question. You mentioned that your parents had been told @ 1 point to put your sister in an institution. Is it possible that they used a "she's missing" situation to coverup the fact that they put her away? I'm not sure what would have been worse from your mother's perspective (a daughter in an institution or missing). I'm sure this is something that the police would have found but it also doesn't look like LE put too much effort into looking either.
I pray for answers for you Laura, it's obviously something that has been eating at you and you need some answers. I really hope and pray that you get them. I hope us here at WS can help, and i thank God for that investigator caring so much about Elizabeth's case.

Thank you for the good wishes and prayers!

Hi Laura,

I'm still here. I haven't forgotten about Elizabeth. I'm just waiting to see what the police report for Elizabeth says so that I know where/what the focus should be in trying to help find out what happened to Elizabeth.

You are in my thoughts

I haven't received the report yet - and Captain Dickerson has already warned me that much of it will be redacted - but at least I will have something. As soon as I receive the report, you will be the first to know!

Thank you for being here - I feel supported by you and I need that right now.

Many Blessings -
Hi Laura,
I'm a newbie so this maybe a really stupid question. You mentioned that your parents had been told @ 1 point to put your sister in an institution. Is it possible that they used a "she's missing" situation to coverup the fact that they put her away? I'm not sure what would have been worse from your mother's perspective (a daughter in an institution or missing). I'm sure this is something that the police would have found but it also doesn't look like LE put too much effort into looking either.

There are no silly or stupid questions - remember that!

Anything is a possibility, but I doubt that they had her put away because it would involve a court hearing, physician's statement and witness testimony. When it was suggested that we (the family) do this right after she turned 18, the entire scenario was laid out about what would happen next. My parents couldn't face it - it any way, shape or form. That is when Elizabeth started seeing a psychiatrist in Houston, but I don't think my parents took for more than a few visits. I also think that I would have been called for testimony - I was one of the few people who said that Elizabeth needed treatment, and one of the few people who saw the truth and told it like it was.

My parents could never had stood up to that sort of thing - it was much easier to sweep unpleasant tasks under the carpet. Actually standing up to a hearing, judge, answering difficult questions would mean that my parents would have to admit there was a problem. At that time, they just weren't willing to do that.

I appreciate your suggestion, however. And I do think that if Elizabeth were quietly whisked away to an institution, Captain Dickerson would have found out.

Hi Laura,

Big warm hugs to you, I know it must be hard not knowing the truth. It sounds like your parents had a little money, could they have found away around the system and had Elizabeth put away, maybe in another state? It really sounds like your mother knows more then she is telling you. Was your sister an everyday drinker or more like a weekend party girl? Any idea what kinds of drugs she was doing? Being around the same age, I did my fair share of partying in the 80's, one thing I can say for sure I didn't go any place without my pocket book, if she forgot it, she would have gone home for it. I do SOOO agree with the post above, dealing with a person that is doing drugs and heavy drinking, as a parent it is hard to handle and the everyday worrying is to much to take at times. Was Elizabeth adopted as a baby? Is there a chance she was searching for her real parents? How would she have reacted if your parents told her to get out and never come home? Could that have happened? From all that you have told us it really sounds like your parents know what happened to Elizabeth. Maybe the local paper could run a story on Elizabeth and see what happens, someone could come forward after all this time. There are a lot of people on here that will be able to help you out with ideas, I am pretty new at this. Please keep us posted, we will all be praying for you to find truth. Hugs, Julie

One other thing: You said about tips being called in that Elizabeth was seen in Sealy, Taxas. That she had once dated a boy from that area, but he was murdered. Do you have more information on that, it would be something to look into. Could it be that they were dealing drugs together at one time and some one caught up with the old boy friend first......just thinking. Maybe you could read over them old tips and see if anything stands out.
Ruled out by dentals
Elizabeth Ann PFEIFER

Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse Online Bulletin

Missing Person Details

Date Picture Updated: 10/10/2001

Additional Pictures

Date Picture Updated: 8/8/2006

Name: Elizabeth Ann Pfeifer
Case Number: M8611001
Case Type: Endangered
Last Seen in: Katy (Harris County)
Last Seen on: 4/12/1986
Height: 5' 2 "
Weight: 110 lbs.
Age Missing: 20
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Date of Birth: 12/10/1965
Race: White
Sex: Female
State Missing From: Texas
Country Missing From: USA
Circumstances: Ms. Pfeifer has a tattoo on her left shoulder of a red rose with the name "Dave" printed under it. She has shoulder length hair and was last seen wearing a white pullover blouse with lavender sleeves and blue jeans.
Sorry to bump quite an old thread here, but just wondering if Laura has any more news on her sister. It certainly sounds like Elizabeth's parents know more than they said.
I'm glad you did ctaylor no need to apologize, most of the threads in this subforum need bumping :)

I'm not finding Elizabeth listed in any national missing persons databases?

I'll keep looking.

August 23, 2010 10:10 am

What happened to Elizabeth Pfeifer?

According to Katy Police Department Capt. Gay Dickerson, the oldest case concerns the disappearance of Elizabeth Ann Pfeifer who was 20 years old on April 12, 1986, when she left home with her parents in Katy to attend a party on the outskirts of town, about 10 miles away. Records show Pfeifer never returned home. Her parents didn’t report her missing for four weeks due to her proclivity for disappearing for short periods of time.

Witnesses at the party said Pfeifer became extremely intoxicated at the party and left with a man around midnight. Police identified and questioned the man Pfeifer reportedly left with and he said he had no knowledge of her disappearance. According to the unnamed man, the pair drove to the man’s Houston apartment where they used drugs. On their way back to Katy, the pair stopped at a gasoline station on Mason Road and, while the man was filling the car with gas, Pfeifer reportedly got into a brown pickup truck driven by a person she appeared to know.

According to the man, who was interviewed years later while he was in prison, he had no idea where Pfeifer was going.

Dickerson said the man passed a polygraph test. Pfeifer did not take her purse, money or identification with her when she left, Dickerson said, and police suspect she is a murder victim. She is listed as “endangered missing.”
I haven't been here in a few years, but wanted to update everyone on Elizabeth's case. Since I was here last, all known suspects have been cleared - except one - James Hopgood, the guy Elizabeth left the party with. Captain Gay Dickerson and I met in 2009, went over every piece of paper in my sister's case file...and Dickerson, my mother and I brainstormed avenues and how to get this case solved. Since 2009, Cpt Dickerson has moved heaven and earth to solve problems, answer questions and, in the end, bring me peace. All of my questions are now answered.

I really appreciate everything ya'll did when I brainstormed the case here. Everyone was kind and brought to light areas I had not considered. All of the questions posed here were taken to the police, and have been answered by the work of the Katy Police Department. I'm very happy with their work and especially am grateful to Cpt Dickerson for the countless hours, manpower, money and energy she's devoted to my sister. She's crossed state lines, talked to hundreds of witnesses and suspects, tracked everyone down, and ruled all but one person out...and we have so much new information. I can't say anymore than this, but I am very pleased with what I've been told. We've made a lot of progress!

If anyone has information that might be pertinent (we want to talk to more people at the party and/or people Hopgood has spoken to), please contact me or Gay Dickerson, Katy PD, 281-391-4848.

I have a blog dedicated to my sister - elizabethslegacy.com. Next month is the 25th anniversary of my sister's disappearance and death, so I'm doing a big push for the media, fellow bloggers and interested parties to publicize the case. We must hear from more people and document what they know.

Thanks again - visit the blog for updates, send email and keep in touch!
I just want to say thank you to all that have contributed here on behalf of my sister.

Elizabeth vanished into thin air on April 12, 1986. Or so it seems. Someone, and probably several people, know what happened to her.

For many years I was not active in her investigation, and I thought that the Katy Police Department had forgotten about her. Two years ago, a new investigator contacted me about told me she is working hard on Elizabeth's behalf.

I am so happy that my sister has not been forgotten, and am very happy to be in a place where I am strong enough to re-publicize her case, and also use new technology to make sure everyone knows what happened.

I did a Squidoo lens on her story. If you are interested, please take a look.


Also, thank all of you who are working to see if Elizabeth was Princess Blue. I think she was ruled out by her dental records? That seemed so, but then I saw that her name came up again, in another thread about Princess Blue.

If you need anything, I am here to help.

Blessings to all who have tirelessly researched on Elizabeth's behalf -
Laura Pfeifer Townshend

I read online the last man to see her was a man by the last name Hopgood

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