GUILTY TX - Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, indicted for Murder of Botham Shem Jean #6

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I watched her testimony, and I was thinking she would get a negligent homicide or manslaughter charge. I don't know state law, but I question whether or not she had intent. This definitely didn't seem like a hate crime to me, as she was bawling her eyes out from grief. The police force (especially in Texas) may have looked at her as a trouble-maker if she had asked for help before entering what she thought was her apartment, and her equipment may have blocked her view of the rug. I could have gotten confused myself, but this is a reason I don't own a gun. I haven't seen all the evidence, but as of now I just don't see her as being deserving of the death penalty. This case will go a long way to assist in tighter gun control laws, and I am a proponent for tighter gun control. I hate that it was her though to have this happen. Why not someone who didn't have their whole life ahead of them? Is there any evidence that makes anyone feel differently about this case? Like, had she already shown herself to be racist?
Yeah, see that's the thing, I didn't know the law either. But the law in Texas is probably not what you were expecting. It didn't have to be a hate crime, or premeditated. She just had to point and shoot with the intent to kill him. She admitted she intended to kill him - that is the definition of murder in Texas. Who knew?

She won't get the death penalty. This is not a capital murder case, so that is not on the table.
We have extended adolescence in this country. We also have tv, internet shows, and movies, and comedians who do exactly those kinds of jokes, and people who are young or immature or both will mimic them.

I'm not an apologist. But I am a realist and a human, and I also know that I can't go casting stones because of "outrageous" things I have said in the past, and probably just this morning, too.

My outrage is about her proud aggression, which is an unfortunate part of police culture these days, like those Punisher decals. The rest is just icky cake.
I do understand what you’re saying and agree somewhat, but I just turned 31 yesterday and I don’t agree that her age should be a mitigating factor. She didn’t need to grow up, she was full grown.
Just because a Grand Jury does "X" and a jury does "Y" and a judge does "Z" does not automatically mean that "X", "Y" and "Z" are constitutional.

Due Process could mean that if the State proscecutes me on charges that don't fit the circumstances of the criminal act, they have violated my due process.

Also, keep in mind that due process has been rather broadly defined by some Courts on the progressive side of the house.
You really haven't provided any substance to your claim the murder charge violated AG's right to due process. The Judge decided the evidence clearly supported the charge and the jury agreed. I agree with the jury.

Great to see a sensible verdict that restores some faith in the extent of police powers. Hopefully officers look at this decision and think a bit more carefully.

Personally I don't believe the accident theory. It is even more unbelievable than Pistorius
He was a good guy, I'm sure. But let's avoid a situation where someone (especially a POC) has to be a "saint" in order to get justice in death (OR in life). Wrong is wrong. Even if he hadn't been a nice guy, she got what she deserved, and police officers need to be accountable for illegal actions towards any and all, sinners and saints.
I watched her testimony, and I was thinking she would get a negligent homicide or manslaughter charge. I don't know state law, but I question whether or not she had intent. This definitely didn't seem like a hate crime to me, as she was bawling her eyes out from grief. The police force (especially in Texas) may have looked at her as a trouble-maker if she had asked for help before entering what she thought was her apartment, and her equipment may have blocked her view of the rug. I could have gotten confused myself, but this is a reason I don't own a gun. I haven't seen all the evidence, but as of now I just don't see her as being deserving of the death penalty. This case will go a long way to assist in tighter gun control laws, and I am a proponent for tighter gun control. I hate that it was her though to have this happen. Why not someone who didn't have their whole life ahead of them? Is there any evidence that makes anyone feel differently about this case? Like, had she already shown herself to be racist?

She testified in court that she intended to kill Botham Jean. She thought he was in her apartment. For that reason, under Texas law, she can't be charged with anything negligent or accidental. Negligent homicide, as the state pointed out, would have applied if she had been cleaning her gun in her apartment below and accidentally shot him in his apartment above.

She deliberately entered his apartment with her gun drawn with the intent to kill him. Under Texas law, that's murder.
It's not capital murder, she won't get the death penalty or anything. Her sentence can vary from 5 years on up. It's the way Texas defines murder.
I don't believe Amber has a chance at all in swaying this jury towards leniency. They hate her and the sentencing phase gave that new growth.

I will be very interested to see if anyone takes the stand in her behalf besides her immediate family. It wouldn't surprise me if her closest work mates don't because then they are portrayed poorly. I hope I'm wrong, but I get the sense that she will be abandoned tomorrow. I get that some may be elated by that; not me.
“Damn I was at this area with 5 different black officers!!! Not racist but damn,” Rivera wrote on March 9, 2018.

“Not racist but just have a different way of working and it shows,” Gugyer wrote back.
mistook Jean’s apartment as her own following a 15-hour tour of duty, and shot him while he was eating a bowl of ice cream because she thought he was an intruder.

Prosecutors said that Guyger didn’t realize where she was because she was sexting with Rivera, and should have called for backup instead of entering when she found the apartment door unlocked.
Great to see a sensible verdict that restores some faith in the extent of police powers. Hopefully officers look at this decision and think a bit more carefully.

Personally I don't believe the accident theory. It is even more unbelievable than Pistorius

Do you mean you don't believe she accidentally went to the wrong apartment? Or that she went to the wrong apt by mistake, realized her mistake, but shot to kill anyway?

Because by her own admission, there was nothing accidental about the shooting itself. Including where the bullet entered Mr. Jean: exactly where she aimed, a really & truly remarkable shot if it was really too dark for her to see Mr. Jean. Or where his hands were.
I don't believe Amber has a chance at all in swaying this jury towards leniency. They hate her and the sentencing phase gave that new growth.

I will be very interested to see if anyone takes the stand in her behalf besides her immediate family. It wouldn't surprise me if her closest work mates don't because then they are portrayed poorly. I hope I'm wrong, but I get the sense that she will be abandoned tomorrow. I get that some may be elated by that; not me.

That will be interesting. I sincerely doubt that she has any close female friends, probably plenty of male "friends". I bet that many of her work "friends" will be too "busy". Of course. I doubt that they will visit her in prison.
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