GUILTY TX - Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, indicted for Murder of Botham Shem Jean #6

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I just don't understand how the judge could allow the Castle Doctrine as a defense in this case. It just does not make sense--- just because she thought it was her home???
but it wasn't so it is absurd to allow this doctrine to be used as a defense----and if this woman should walk, the prosecution can't appeal the judge's decision-- (as far as i know)
I agree, and this bothers me too. However, someone earlier in the thread (I think it was Gitana) explained that the jury has to believe that it was reasonable that she thought it was her apt. If they don't believe it was reasonable, she can't use the Castle Doctrine. After all the elements the prosecution pointed out that made it NOT reasonable, hopefully they'll see it that way. It's still a big hurdle if you ask me.
The conviction options are murder or manslaughter. Negligent homicide is not on the table. If the jury agrees that the Castle Doctrine applies, will Guyger get off completely?
Good morin yall. Is there a feed running some where? I cant seem to find one TIA
The conviction options are murder or manslaughter. Negligent homicide is not on the table. If the jury agrees that the Castle Doctrine applies, will Guyger get off completely?
I sure hope this doesn't happen. What a horrible precedent. Why would her castle doctrine protection trump his castle doctrine protection?
I don't think so. After all, seriously, who wants a woman who admits she is such an Airhead that she goes into the wrong apartment, shoots a man, and completely forgot all of her training? Every single police protocol, out the window.

1. Double check address. Fail.
2. Call for backup. Fail
3. Provide first aid. Fail

She makes "Barney Fife" seem like Einstein.

BBM. Maybe she will be allowed on the force if she keeps only one bullet on her.. in her chest pocket, like Barney did.
I watched all of the testimony in this trial. I believe the state has proved the charge of murder.

I think Amber's partner cancelled the rendezvous they had planned for that night, and Amber was upset and angry. This would account for the long phone conversation between them and Amber pulling over in the parking garage, before parking, while on the phone. It then set the stage for everything that happened afterward.

In her rage she drove to the wrong floor of the parking garage. (A tenant testified she was driving fast) Amber then missed all the signs she was on the wrong floor and at the wrong apartment.

Her unreasonable belief that there was an intruder in her apartment gave her the chance to vent her build-up rage, IMO.

There is no doubt in my mind that Amber made the decision to shoot Botham Jean before she entered the apartment. IMO, she wanted to go in and shoot the "intruder." I believe she was angry, not scared. I don't believe she shouted any commands.

The self-defense excuse is a further insult to Botham Jean.

If I was a juror on this case, murder would be my vote.
The on-site producer for ABC said yesterday that there was no reaction from the jurors to closing arguments. None. He said everyone was paying attention but everyone had their poker faces on. He said he was scanning their faces about 80% of the time during the closings. So I’m not sure what CourtTV is talking about. They seem to be more entertainment oriented rather than news. Also, “Wrong Apartment Murder Trial” really CourtTV? I really disliked their coverage on the Skyler Richardson trial. They are biased and don’t even try to hide it.

Rant over.//

Good morning everyone!! :)

Hope we get a murder conviction today! But even if we don’t keep your heads up. The fact that she was charged with murder, brought to trial and flogged in the public opinion courts is not nothing! Everyone has bore witness - that’s not nothing! She’s lost her job thank goodness. That’s one less trigger happy cop on the streets. That’s not nothing! All the pressure and scrutiny on police is working, slowly but surely. We will keep our boots firmly on their necks no matter the outcome here!
I don't seem to be invested as much as some posters on this thread. I'll accept the verdict & never think about this case again. The amount of hatred towards AG scares me & will remain with me.

I think I understand what you are saying. Not necessarily here, but I have seen people say AG is the worst of the worst. She needs to rot in prison for life, hung or fry her. They compare to a mass murder or a serial killer. I do not even see a comparison. Clearly, she needs some of kind of sentence but I do not agree that she should be locked up the rest of her life.
The conviction options are murder or manslaughter. Negligent homicide is not on the table. If the jury agrees that the Castle Doctrine applies, will Guyger get off completely?
this judge has been promoted by the Dallas Police Association, the very ones who have Amber's back Mike Mata is the President, this is so unfair that the jury was given the rules I cant believe the Castle doc applies here , and this very morning a guy shot a burglar in his yard who was wielding an axe and he was arrested for murder (I'm hoping there is more to the story ) Seems really wrong compared to this
this judge has been promoted by the Dallas Police Association, the very ones who have Amber's back Mike Mata is the President, this is so unfair that the jury was given the rules I cant believe the Castle doc applies here , and this very morning a guy shot a burglar in his yard who was wielding an axe and he was arrested for murder (I'm hoping there is more to the story ) Seems really wrong compared to this
I think the issue is that he went back to bed and didn't call 911 or anything. The perp ran into the woods where he died. So it's a very bizarre story.
Aww, that's super sad to hear. I think it's sad that an innocent human life can be taken in such a bizarre and horrible way - sitting in their own home eating ice cream, resting form a day of work and executed by someone who entered by mistake - and there are some who can set that aside and never think of the case again.

I think life matters. Everyone's life. His life mattered.

He was by all accounts a beautiful man. Good friend. Sincere in his faith.

I think the sentiment that a man like this can be killed for no reason and people won't think twice about him or the case against his killer is is a prime reason why some march and pray and plead that the nation will believe their lives matter just like everyone else's.

I won't ever forget Botham Jean.

Excellent post, bravo. Like in the case of the State vs Jodi Arias, it is the victim that has drawn me to this case. Such a beautiful, meaningful life cut short in horrific circumstances.

I've said before that we are culturally very different in the UK than you are in the US (that's not a good thing or a bad thing, it's just an observation) so it has been difficult for me to rationalise at times how something like this could happen. There was a burglar killed by a home owner here about 2 years ago (I think he was stabbed, if I remember rightly) and it was headline news for months on end, it is just not something that really happens here. There was a discussion on our breakfast tv show this morning about school lockdown procedures/gun control that again showed up just how different we are at times. I've always said that we rightly respect other cultures that are very different to ours and that should be extended to the US because, although we feel affinity for each other we are world's apart in many ways. Our police services are also very different in the way they operate, largely because our police officers are not routinely armed and that's been an important point for me to consider while following this case.

This thread has been a great education. We are different but I have huge respect for the USA, there are many things you do much better than we do.

Thanks all for your informative posts. I'll be praying for justice for Botham Jean.

Edited : typo
BBM: Exactly, and the 4th floor is open - no roof - she is on 3rd floor - with cover.

And why park on 4th and take the elevator or stairs down a flight to your apartment?

Makes no sense at all.

Where Amber parked in the garage on the 4th floor IS COVERED with a cement ceiling and there is another level of parking above. She walked straight to the breezeway and hallway on the same level which she has stated she thought was the 3rd floor, but it was the 4th floor.

The photographs known as state's exhibits #53-187 in evidence were presented during crime scene analyst Robyn Carr's testimony and were televised. In the video below, Ms Carr's testimony begins approx. 1:00 hour in through to the end at approx. 2:00 hours.

1:13 - photos of parking garage 3rd floor, moving toward AG's apt., exhibits #68-79. #69 garage elevator door 3rd floor

1:18 - exhibit #79 AG's apt. door 1378

1:20 - parking garage 4th floor, moving toward BJ's apt., exhibits #83-98, elevator doors #83

1:24 - AG's keys in BJ's door apt. 1478; Carr testifies "keys in door and door ajar"

1:49:01 - exhibits #163-174 parking garage 4th floor

1:49:31 - exhibit#167 showing an external roofline to the left on 4th floor

1:49:58 - exhibit #169 showing AG's white truck 4th floor parking garage with cement covering over AG's truck and upslope ramp to another parking level [re: NOT "open air"]

1:50:19 exhibit #174 parking garage 4th floor elevator doors with "open air" external roofline in the distance to the right

Video below at thread 5, post #1036
TX - Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, indicted for Murder of Botham Shem Jean #5

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