GUILTY TX - Grace Lillian Ford, 2, murdered in Plano, 9 Jan 2014

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On the one hand, I can actually sort of sympathize with him. My son was killed by his father, and it takes a while for the reality to sink in that someone who you loved felt such a hatred towards you that they took it out on your precious innocent defenseless baby.

Also, the feelings of a need for sexual closeness during times of grief aren't uncommon or abnormal, as far as I's like an instinctual need to affirm your own life along with general comfort.

I hope I'm making sense.

That being said, I'll reaffirm my earlier statement about the, IMHO, apparent shallow, superficial mindsets of many of the parties involved here. Making intimate, comforting love with your TRUSTED partner during a time of crisis is one thing. Getting drunk and.....-ing in your car AFTER you've already called the police AND your lawyer to, IMHO, talk you out of even talking to this person, who is claiming not to even remember your very existence, but is totally down with -ing in your car...not long after supposedly being attacked and sexually assaulted in an event so heinous they have blocked not only the event but (conveniently) anyone involved.

Yeah. Not so much. Wow. Got myself all worked up there and lost my original train of thought...basically, it seems, and I'll add my disclaimer here of my opinion, etc., but it kinda really seems like dad drank all day, per the arrest document and no judgement except to note he seems to admit to drinking and driving, but yeah, drunk and wanted put it not very delicately, hit it one more time.

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Oh flourish, I'm so sorry for your loss.

You're on target with this explanation, IMO.

MM ended up being a booty call on top of a murdering psychopath.

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It takes a lot of arrogance to kill someone, and not dump the body. You're pretty much giving LE a ton of evidence, and expecting to still get away with it. I think that Melinda is used to getting her way in life, likely because of her looks. She was still living with MF even though he called off the engagement---he was paying for the roof over her head. She's probably gone through her life making up BS stories, and thought LE would believe the intruder thing.

I wonder what she thought the outcome of this would be.

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Just read the entire warrant. I can't even comment right now. I'm stunned by so much of this. And grandpa had been trying to help little Grace, but nobody listened. So depressing...

There is a whole bunch of nuttiness in that arrest warrant- the last page just made my blood boil. The police told him not to meet with her- so of course he meets with her, they go out to dinner, have a few drinks, then buy a bottle of wine to drink on top of that and then have sex in his car. He bing MF and She being his fiance'. This is after he already doubted her story and his child was killed. I have officially heard it all!

I just, wth? he had already broken up with her and now, on top of that, she is a suspect in the hideous murder of his daughter, and he has sex with her?

Talk about sleeping with the enemy. I just don;t get the casual attitude in this case.

But not from G-Pa. He was right. Apparently appearances can indeed be very deceiving. That woman was likely abusing poor Gracie for some time.

Oh and Flourish? I'm very sad to hear what happened to you and your dear child. :grouphug:
Here is the cache of Muniz' FB page. When I looked at the cache on Sunday, the cover photo was of her and Mitch Ford seemingly having cocktails at a restaurant before dinner. Her profile picture was the one of her holding Gracie that has appeared today on FOX 4 Dallas in connection with the arrest.

Google says this is a cache as of Jan 21 .. I did not note the cache date from this past Sunday.

When I put the pieces together this weekend finding her Instagram account, they met working at a Mercedes Bend dealership Mitch Ford worked at - she just appeared to be an opportunist.

Now the cache has the photo of she and Mitch removed and the profile photo is from a day or two before she murdered Gracie when she and Ford had what she referred to as night date.

I'd bookmarked her FB page a few weeks ago when she was listed as Ford's fiancé. Then when his entry changed to "someone" and her FB page was gone, I pulled it up through Google cache and had found an Instagram earlier in the week that was a photo of Mitch at Mercedes Benz of Plano standing with another young man with a note that "my boyfriend wear bowties too". This photo was tagged to her younger sister, Maddie.. earlier that week, I'd found her obsession with Ferarris and photos regarding same ... her pic taken at work at the same Mercedes Benz dealership. Just seemed like a young woman with high aspirations for material things but in no position to obtain those things. However, photos on her younger sister's Instagram page showed the family home in McKinney to be quite upscale. Social climber .. losing her boyfriend and her Mercedes ,, did she want to scare Mitch into staying with her, even for awhile - after all, she'd just been assaulted and little Gracie had been as well. I don't think she meant to kill the child ... her ploy to try to hang onto Mitch failed and miserably.
It galls me that Mitch was able to get it up to have sex with his baby's murderer.

Of course, he claims he did it to try to gather "evidence". I don't understand how any loving father could be sexually aroused by the woman who murdered his precious baby.
I just, wth? he had already broken up with her and now, on top of that, she is a suspect in the hideous murder of his daughter, and he has sex with her?

Talk about sleeping with the enemy. I just don;t get the casual attitude in this case.

But not from G-Pa. He was right. Apparently appearances can indeed be very deceiving. That woman was likely abusing poor Gracie for some time.

Oh and Flourish? I'm very sad to hear what happened to you and your dear child. :grouphug:

In the affidavit, it said she "jumped on" Ford and they had sex.
I said a few posts up that she might not have intended to kill Gracie but that her ploy turned out very bad - I'm not excusing her actions in any way - it could have turned out worse if it was a mere "dust-up" and Gracie was found before irreversible damage was done. Suppose Ford had stayed with her for awhile? From what I've read, the maternal grandfather had written to CPS with concerns about the child just 2 days before her death. It seems the mother's family was rightfully suspicious of what was going on in the home and likely the injuries they observed which prompted calls to CPS were inflicted by Muniz - but why??? Why harm a child?? I know it happens every day - I just cannot myself fathom harming a child.
In the affidavit, it said she "jumped on" Ford and they had sex.

Yup, he had no say in it at all. Right.

Uh huh - she "jumped" on him. He's a piece of work - ain't he?

According to the affidavit, on January 15 (6 days after Muniz murdered his baby daughter), Mitch said he went to a bar with Muniz, had drinks with her, then had sex with her in his car. But, of course, he was only trying to "earn her trust", and, of course, it was Melinda's fault he had sex with her because she "jumped on top of him".

For crying out loud. Mitch makes me sick.

link to affidavit: muniz affidavit 2.pdf
Page 9, like others have said, will make many people blow a fuse. I don't want to put him under a microscope, but to be so naive in that moment... I wonder what he was thinking?

I'm sure he regrets, and he won't ever be able to take it back and go another approach to that morning.

I grew up around this area of Texas when I was in high school, and I watched many stubborn and aloof boys fall victim to many games the girls played on/with them. (Boys weren't so innocent either, as a female I was able to sniff it out from other females.)

Mitch reminds me of one of those boys from high school.

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Okay. So let's us pretend that dad had no inkling that fiancee had done this. In fact, let's pretend she didn't do it, but had actually been attacked, sexually assaulted, and have actual, not-on-a-soap-opera bona fide amnesia (eta: when I read that, I was like, really? you're that...unusually dull to think that AMNESIA is really the story you're gonna roll with...successfully?!?! & you're gonna believe that, dad?). And was the only witness in a horrible crime where the perp was still out and about and, for all they knew, stalking her.

So given those sort of "best-case-scenario in a worst-case" hypothetical, dad had sex with someone to whom he was, because of the amnesia, a stranger.

I just can't imagine how any of that could get the mood. Either of them in that hypothetical case. But...

I just...I just...the more my mind processes all

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Page 9, like others have said, will make many people blow a fuse. I don't want to put him under a microscope, but to be so naive in that moment... I wonder what he was thinking?

I'm sure he regrets, and he won't ever be able to take it back and go another approach to that morning.

I grew up around this area of Texas when I was in high school, and I watched many stubborn and aloof boys fall victim to many games the girls played on/with them. (Boys weren't so innocent either, as a female I was able to sniff it out from other females.)

Mitch reminds me of one of those boys from high school.

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I understand what you're saying.

But Mitch was not a high-schooler. He chose to engage in sex with his baby's murderer 6 days after his lover had murdered his baby daughter, all under the alleged guise of getting evidence, according to his statements in the affidavit.

In the affidavit, he blames Melinda for jumping on him & initiating sexual intercourse. I don't understand how a father can get sexually aroused by the woman who murdered his baby.

It makes me sick.
I'm sure, given what we've all read about CPS and their interaction from the last year, Mitch was naive and "drunk in love." Even so that he didn't leave a month ago when he suspected MM of cheating.

This is the high school boy I am speaking of. Getting into the car with her that night, or even to the bar after being told no, shows how weak a person he is. I don't agree with what he did, don't get me wrong.

(I want to believe he is weak because the only other thought to why he would do this is because there was other underlying motive.)

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I'm sure, given what we've all read about CPS and their interaction from the last year, Mitch was naive and "drunk in love." Even so that he didn't leave a month ago when he suspected MM of cheating.

This is the high school boy I am speaking of. Getting into the car with her that night, or even to the bar after being told no, shows how weak a person he is. I don't agree with what he did, don't get me wrong.

(I want to believe he is weak because the only other thought to why he would do this is because there was other underlying motive.)

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I don't think he's weak. I think he's grotesque. I won't defend his actions in any way, shape, or form.

The bottom line is: (excuse me for being blunt) he got a boner for Melinda Muniz AFTER she murdered his baby.

What kind of father could do that? Drunk in love doesn't cut it for me.
I said a few posts up that she might not have intended to kill Gracie but that her ploy turned out very bad - I'm not excusing her actions in any way - it could have turned out worse if it was a mere "dust-up" and Gracie was found before irreversible damage was done. Suppose Ford had stayed with her for awhile? From what I've read, the maternal grandfather had written to CPS with concerns about the child just 2 days before her death. It seems the mother's family was rightfully suspicious of what was going on in the home and likely the injuries they observed which prompted calls to CPS were inflicted by Muniz - but why??? Why harm a child?? I know it happens every day - I just cannot myself fathom harming a child.

Above BBM

I think Melinda Muniz fully intended to kill baby Gracie. I think she fully expected that her BS story about a home invasion & sexual assault would be believed.

Oops - I guess the self-absorbed murderer forgot that a rape kit would be requested as evidence of a sexual assault. What a colossal idiot.

I think she wanted Mitch all to herself, even if that meant murdering a helpless baby girl.
After reading the affidavit, the first thing that came to mind was she is an idiot. Obviously never watched one episode of Law & Order. No sense in even going thru the list of stupid things she did.

I do not think, however, she meant to kill Gracie. I bet she just wanted MF to rush home and find her almost dead, rescue her, realize he can't live without her, etc. So she could go on with her wannabe lifestyle with the 2014 MB car, fertility doctor, engagement ring, etc.

And because she is such an idiot, apparently she didn't realize when you duct tape a toddler's mouth and nose and zip tie them so they can't tear it off, the baby will suffocate and die.

To think that Mitch saw her, played along with her amnesia (she really is the epitome of stupid), and then had sex with her is repulsive. And then what, went home and posted selfies to his Facebook page? He is disgusting.

Regardless if she meant to kill Gracie or not, I hope she never gets out of prison.
Help me figure this out....there was not much time between the point that MM called MF and the police showed up. I am leaning towards MM physically smothering Gracie and THEN duct taping her mouth. And MF said he couldn't be sure he heard Gracie during the call, but still, there was not a ton of time according to apartment video footage.

At Gracie's age, she would have been trying to rip that tape off. Of course, we don't know that she didn't. But if she was smothered prior to the tape, murder was the definite intent. No accident here.

Just thinking of the cold, calculated way this was done. The steps that were taken. Driving to the store to get supplies. Taking the baby with her! Smothering Gracie. The phone call to dad. Setting up the scene. Faking unconciousness in front of the police. Faking amnesia.

And let's not forget likely ongoing child abuse. Her family must be reeling. They raised a true monster.
After reading the affidavit, the first thing that came to mind was she is an idiot. Obviously never watched one episode of Law & Order. No sense in even going thru the list of stupid things she did.

I do not think, however, she meant to kill Gracie. I bet she just wanted MF to rush home and find her almost dead, rescue her, realize he can't live without her, etc. So she could go on with her wannabe lifestyle with the 2014 MB car, fertility doctor, engagement ring, etc.

And because she is such an idiot, apparently she didn't realize when you duct tape a toddler's mouth and nose and zip tie them so they can't tear it off, the baby will suffocate and die.

To think that Mitch saw her, played along with her amnesia (she really is the epitome of stupid), and then had sex with her is repulsive. And then what, went home and posted selfies to his Facebook page? He is disgusting.

Regardless if she meant to kill Gracie or not, I hope she never gets out of prison.

I missed that Gracie was zip-tied. That would explain her not being able to remove the tape.

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