GUILTY TX - Grace Lillian Ford, 2, murdered in Plano, 9 Jan 2014

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I think some of the family are reading here now. Some pages went to very private.
I've been following this thread for a while and decided to create an account to add some information. I live in the apartment complex where this happened and live in the building next to the specific apartment. A few days after the incident the police went around to everyone's door and asked questions in regards to what happened. They asked us if we knew the people that lived in the apartment. It seemed as if the officer was asking about the mom and step-dad although she never said the names, so I'm assuming that the mom and step-dad were the ones who lived here in the Plano apartment. The obit stated that the birth dad lives in Allen so that scenario does make the most sense. The police officer asked if we knew the people, if we saw anything suspicious i.e. people acting strangely or if we found anything strange such as a roll of duct tape around the apartment complex. We hadn't seen anything as we were at work at the time, but neither the complex managers nor the police acted like there was any threat to us as residents. We were never told to look out for a certain individual, although I did not ask if they had the suspect in custody. The police cars were at the apartment complex for about 4-5 days in total. The limited information about this case is definitely unsettling as a person who lives where it happened, so I'm hoping more information comes out soon...

Thank you so much for letting us know. I have no idea why the mother, sister, dad - whoever, fill in the blank - why they posted critical information on their FB pages. to me, that is setting up the prosecution for a harder row to hoe. Now you have all this leaked information. People should learn not to say anything about critical knowledge that they know. Don't share it.
I don't buy into it being generational to post selfies and pictures of your dying child within days (or hours) of it happening.

I am 33, my sister is 30 and my brother is 27. There is no way in you-know-where that any of us would have the ability, much less the desire, to be using social media at a time like this. We would have to be heavily medicated to just be able to function. Period. I know it is said that you never know how you would behave if this happened to you, but I can say without reservation that my siblings and I would cease to be functioning, coherent human beings if we lost a child. Our children are our lives. There is your difference. It is not the age of the parent, but the level they are immersed in their child's life that would make the difference. IMO. MOO.

Emily's FB profile says she graduated from HS in 2003, so that would make her around 28/29. When people criticize this generation for being too self-absorbed, post everything online, I thought they were talking about teenagers? Emily was out of college by the time FB got popular...Or are they talking about everyone under 40? LOL Where's the line?

I feel like EW is kind of immature. Posting selfies seems to be a younger thing...
Hi friends, just joining. Something that strikes me is that the mom uses a lot of AA lingo, which makes me wonder if she is in recovery. "This too shall pass" is possibly one of THE MOST common sayings in Alcoholics Anonymous, so I don't see that (the tattoo) as a red flag. Ditto with "I can't/He can". Folks in recovery have a very different view of tragedies than other folks do, so I am going to cut mom a bit of slack for now.

Dad - I have not enough information on him to have a clear idea of what's going on. The entire case is murky and hinky, just like my first husband. And that is never a good thing.
I've been following this thread for a while and decided to create an account to add some information. I live in the apartment complex where this happened and live in the building next to the specific apartment. A few days after the incident the police went around to everyone's door and asked questions in regards to what happened. They asked us if we knew the people that lived in the apartment. It seemed as if the officer was asking about the mom and step-dad although she never said the names, so I'm assuming that the mom and step-dad were the ones who lived here in the Plano apartment. The obit stated that the birth dad lives in Allen so that scenario does make the most sense. The police officer asked if we knew the people, if we saw anything suspicious i.e. people acting strangely or if we found anything strange such as a roll of duct tape around the apartment complex. We hadn't seen anything as we were at work at the time, but neither the complex managers nor the police acted like there was any threat to us as residents. We were never told to look out for a certain individual, although I did not ask if they had the suspect in custody. The police cars were at the apartment complex for about 4-5 days in total. The limited information about this case is definitely unsettling as a person who lives where it happened, so I'm hoping more information comes out soon...

Wow. Thanks for that. Could the questions be interpreted to focus on a dad and stepmom as well or just a mom step dad? The obit may not be accurate.
Hi friends, just joining. Something that strikes me is that the mom uses a lot of AA lingo, which makes me wonder if she is in recovery. "This too shall pass" is possibly one of THE MOST common sayings in Alcoholics Anonymous, so I don't see that (the tattoo) as a red flag. Ditto with "I can't/He can". Folks in recovery have a very different view of tragedies than other folks do, so I am going to cut mom a bit of slack for now.

Dad - I have not enough information on him to have a clear idea of what's going on. The entire case is murky and hinky, just like my first husband. And that is never a good thing.

Right. There its pretty clear she is in recovery.
Wow. Thanks for that. Could the questions be interpreted to focus on a dad and stepmom as well or just a step mom step dad?

To be honest with you, it could go either way. I was not aware of their living situation until after the officer came by (I started looking at web sleuthing after) so even I am unclear as to who actually lived in the apartment. The officer specifically asked me if I knew the "people" that lived in the apartment, as in more than one person. From then I assumed she was talking about the child that lived here with her parents, but now I'm not so sure. According to the mom's facebook she works at a dry cleaners in a part of Plano that is about 20 minutes away from here. Why would she work so far from home? Could it be that the mother and her fiance/husband live nearer to where she works in a different part of Plano and not even in this apartment complex?
Emily's FB profile says she graduated from HS in 2003, so that would make her around 28/29. When people criticize this generation for being too self-absorbed, post everything online, I thought they were talking about teenagers? Emily was out of college by the time FB got popular...Or are they talking about everyone under 40? LOL Where's the line?

I feel like EW is kind of immature. Posting selfies seems to be a younger thing...

Generation Y or millenals is what I'm referring to. Birth dates from early 80's through 2000 or so. They are framed by the Internet, are generally considered less political, more entitled, more narcissistic, among other traits. Teens through age 30.

But before defensiveness sets in, these are broad and sweeping GENERALITIES.
To be honest with you, it could go either way. I was not aware of their living situation until after the officer came by (I started looking at web sleuthing after) so even I am unclear as to who actually lived in the apartment. The officer specifically asked me if I knew the "people" that lived in the apartment, as in more than one person. From then I assumed she was talking about the child that lived here with her parents, but now I'm not so sure. According to the mom's facebook she works at a dry cleaners in a part of Plano that is about 20 minutes away from here. Why would she work so far from home? Could it be that the mother and her fiance/husband live nearer to where she works in a different part of Plano and not even in this apartment complex?

From my understandings Grace lived with her father, the news stated she was found at her home ( so my best guess would be her fathers apartment) maybe the fiancé lives there as well! I really not sure~!
I'm one who posts everything on FB but mine is set to private. All of my family and friends are there and I'm the family photographer and the family historian. I post all of the photos from every family event and they all want me to. I guess Ive just gotten used to that. I wouldn't make any of it public though. The photos taken in this case did bother me.

I'm the family historian too! And like you, my FB is set to private. No one can even search me to find me and even if they did find me somehow, my avatar is not my picture.
Generation Y or millenals is what I'm referring to. Birth dates from early 80's through 2000 or so. They are framed by the Internet, are generally considered less political, more entitled, more narcissistic, among other traits. Teens through age 30.

But before defensiveness sets in, these are broad and sweeping GENERALITIES.

I think that is way too big of an age range. With technology, the world is changing too fast. People who were born in 1980 grew up in a different world than people born in the year 2000. Not sure why they are considered the same generation. It just sounds like a way for older people to complain about everyone under 35. I wonder what was said about Generation X back in the 80s?
I think that is way too big of an age range. With technology, the world is changing too fast. People who were born in 1980 grew up in a different world than people born in the year 2000. Not sure why they are considered the same generation. It just sounds like a way for older people to complain about everyone under 35.

Heh heh. Perhaps you're right!

But generations are typically that large. Gen X, my generation, is from the 60's through the early 80's.

The Baby Boomer generation is from 46 through 64.

Really, when looking at history, these are relatively miniscule eras. The generations are defined by historical commonalities and events or characteristics. I see some accuracy in the generalities. At least they are things I've noticed myself, at least some.
Ok I'm thinking now it's the bio dad's place with the fiancé that lives in apt and she took care of Gracie during the day, I hope it's not bio Mom really I don't want to believe that but heck I dunno...
If the obit says the bio dad lived in allen, i'm going to take it that he does live in allen unless we find out otherwise.
It would make sense that if there is a babysitter, it would be someone who is a relative, gf or close friend. Paying someone (not a friend or relative) to come to your apartment to watch one child should cost more than daycare. If someone else is willing to do it for less- that should raise a red flag.
I think that is way too big of an age range. With technology, the world is changing too fast. People who were born in 1980 grew up in a different world than people born in the year 2000. Not sure why they are considered the same generation. It just sounds like a way for older people to complain about everyone under 35. I wonder what was said about Generation X back in the 80s?

They said we were loser slackers.

Now Millennials say we ruined the economy.

Back in the 90s, we (Gen X) felt that the Baby Boomers ruined the economy and were the reason we couldn't get jobs. Now Millennials feel the same way about Gen X when they can't get high-paying jobs.

It's all a great big circle, folks. Which brings me back to my original point: people are basically just people, and social media enables us to more easily notice their off-putting behavior or opinions.
IDK about Texas, but, in my state, Department of Labor & Industries pays for the medical care of crime victims (if the victim files a claim & if it's approved). When my adult daughter was assaulted, L&I paid for her emergency care as well as all follow-up visits, and also her reconstructive surgeries.

If there was a babysitter who was assaulted, and if Texas has a similar set-up, L&I could cover the medical costs.

At this point, with the only information regarding a babysitter coming from one non-LE source, I'm skeptical there was a babysitter. If reliable info comes out later verifying the existence of a babysitter, I'll change my mind.

I hope your daughter is doing well now, sorrell skye.

I haven't read all of this document regarding "Crime Victims Compensation" (nor do I know exactly how current it might be) but wouldn't this help the family rather than having multiple fundraisers??
The more I compare Casey Anthony case and this one I get chills down my spine, Wasn't little Caylee a month or 2 shy of her 3rd Birthday? The duct tape! Hmm too much thinking! We need justice!
According to a FB post Emily and her father have been called in to see the detective!! They said to come ASAP
Lots of posts in the last few minutes on the prayers FB page. Not sure what I can post here, but it sounds like there may be new info coming, it says EW and her dad have been called in to the police department with news. Praying they have made an arrest!!!

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