TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

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I just got back after stepping away for a few hours. Thank You to Kimster for deleting my post about the dogs!

In my opinion, the lack of any evidence to indicate where Hailey went combined with the complete absence of communication with her friends about her intentions, indicates that Hailey did not simply run away. Other reasons I don't believe she has chosen to remain missing would include her Myspace and Facebook pages. Most kids her age post several times per day. Hailey posted sporadicly, posted about girls she didn't get along with, boys she liked, her belief in God, cute babies and band concerts. This is not a child who, like too many young teens, was trying to look much older or attract attention from the drug or party crowd. Hailey seems like a normal 13yr. old girl on the very young side of her teen years.

I hope that lie detector is being put to good use. I hope that police got to any local store security tapes before they were recorded over. I hope they notice any suspicious activity by other persons, even if Hailey does not appear on any of the tapes.

Thank You to all friends and family posting here, you are so important in the search for Hailey and supporting her parents!
My heart and prayers go out to Hailey's family. My 17 year old daughter decided to pull a fast one on us a few months ago. She said she was spending the night with a friend but went elsewhere. We live in a small community too and someone called and told on her. A man tried to get her to get in his truck, she ran into the woods and was lost for about 6 hours while the police from all surounding areas were out looking for her. Thank God my child was found unharmed but I told my husband that night that I don't know how parents of missing children survive. I will be praying for Hailey and her family.
I don't believe that there is no activity happening to find Hailey - can anybody local share any insight into what is being done at the investigative level? Fliers are posted, a vigil planned for Sunday night. Did the ground search headed by her school happen - where did they search?
There has been no news in MSM all day but surely things are being done - have any polygraphs been given/taken?
Are some family members myspace accounts being brought down for privacy reasons or at the request of LE? It is hard to erase all information from the internet. Is the man in the profile picture for the mother her boyfriend or would that be a picture of Hailey's father?
Have all the RSO's been thoroughly checked out - there is one that lives on Chestnut Street and there are about 8 who live in the small town of Colorado City - about 3 of them are RSO because of involvement with children.
It is not very often that I look at a 13 year old myspace/facebook and see comments like "bored sitting here with nana" or the only thing I read is the Bible. I don't often see comments like "I believe in God". This is not what we usually see for 13 year olds on MySpace.
I live streamed the local Colorado City radio for about 2 hours and there is no mention of Hailey that I noticed - granted I had a few interruptions from my 13 yo girl and may have missed it.
It is all about exposure and getting the word out at this point. For the life of me I cannot figure out what LE would have on hand to say that there is no foul play and they are treating her as a runaway. They should be looking at every angle as I am sure they are.
Agreeing with TGI (I think it was TGI) that this is a very young teen and one who is not into the stuff that we see some 13 year olds that have come to light here at WS.
Has there been any further word on tracking down the older boy that Hailey may have been interested in?
Respectfully snipped by me...

Don't hold me to this...but I know with Facebook if you use an ITouch to update or post it will state that it was done by an IPhone...maybe Myspace is the same way? I think czgtz stated somewhere that Hailey doesn't have a cellphone.

MySpace is almost certainly logging the IP address, which can be traced to a cell carrier (and cell phone), wifi hotspot, etc.

I spend my time on here applauding your posts. Again, thank you for reminding me how smart you are. You are so correct with Hailey's appearance. While it's possible she ran away, we have two social media sites that show her as a fairly happy, upbeat, good girl. We have no 'look at my bra/belly/booty' photos. We have no sex or drug references. We have nothing remotely alarming, shocking, or even mildly disturbing about what Hailey was into, what she was doing, and even among her friends (outside of them withholding information). She seems to adore her family, her friends....and has no clear reason to run away.
At this point, I really hope and pray that Hailey just ran away.
checking in to see if Hailey has been found. I also don't think she is a runaway. Am praying as hard as I can. will check back tonight.
I am considering going to the candlelight vigil tonight. I really don't want to go alone. It is about 90 miles from Abilene and I have to get the kids to school tomorrow morning.

The vigil starts at 7:30. Anyone else from the Abilene area interested in checking it out? I'm thinking about going a bit early...maybe find the local DQ or wherever locals hang out, catch the vigil for an hour or so and make it back home around 10-ish.

Redcat or czgzt- do you know if KTXS, KRBC, or KTXS plan on being there? It would be a great opportunity for Billie to go on camera...people really pay attention when they see a mother personally asking for their help!
I just found this thread and I am 99% sure this girl did NOT runaway. When I was 13 I ran away with my niece who was abused at home so she wouldnt have to go alone. We never once thought what it would do to our mothers. Luckily we were found the same night.

I dont feel she ran away for a number of reasons. I see no indication of abuse. If she ran away to see a boy of her age we would here hes missing too. Where would 2 young teens hide out for this amount of time.

If she left of he own accord you can bet her best friend knows something more than shes saying. Her not wanting to tell what she knows is something they really need to hone in on.

Id be looking into if shes met with an older man anytime in the near past. They have a way of making young girls feel they are the light of the world.

If there is a problem with the moms BF or dads GF the brother would know. These are thing siblings even in the fueding years will share with each other.

I feel LE needs to be checking her online activity very closely. I love the net for many reasons and hate it for just as many.

Seems to me even though Mom and Dad are divorced they both take a daily intrest in these kids. I dont think bad parenting is a part of this.

My best guess is she met with someone online or some unruly character in the neighborhood.

Hailey seems like a well rounded inocent kid. I have a feeling shes ok. I think she just got herself in way over her head and doesnt know how to get out of the situation shes in or is too scared of being in trouble to come home.

I hope to heaven im right but I have a good feeling about this one. PRAYERS TO HER FAMILY!!! JMO
Although I really, really hope that I am wrong, I do agree with the general consensus that this is not a simple run away. Too much time has passed without any sign from Hailey. As I mentioned in a previous post, Hailey is a good kid. IF she did simply run away, then I really think that by now she would have contacted her family or a friend to at least let everyone know that she was OK.

TGIR, as far as I know, no polygraphs have been administered yet.

To everyoneneedsavoice, I am sure that Billie would be very grateful for you to put fliers up. I pass your offer to her later this morning. If you would go ahead and PM me your e-mail address I will get a copy of the official flyer with the offer of a reward to you as soon as I talk to Billie.

To the questions that elepher50 raised..... "Several citizens met at the Colorado Middle School on Friday morning and fanned out across Colorado City to pass out flyers. An impromptu base was set up at the CMS cafeteria for volunteers wanting to help. Some Colorado High School students also traveled to Sweetwater to pass out flyers, expanding the search area in hope of finding the missing girl." This is from our weekly newspaper's site. Here is the link to the full story, which was posted online December 31st at 7:57PM:


An earlier story, posted December 29th at 7:07PM has this info: "Police have backtracked their steps since Dunn's disapperance, talking again with family members, friends and knocking on neighborhood doors. 'We're back where we started yesterday,' Bivins said. Dunn has been entered into the Region 5 broadcast system, which alerts surrounding counties and beyond." Again, here is the link to the full story:


Unfortunately, I get an access denied message if I try to go back and look at the earlier postings. I do not subscribe to the paper, nor have I tried to sign up for an online account, if that is even possible without subscribing. Perhaps redcat is a subscriber, and can access the earlier stories. I do know that Thursday a group of citizens searched the local park, and perhaps some other areas, and then went door to door passing out flyers. And before the bloodhounds were brought in, LE did search around town and check abandoned houses, storm cellars, etc.

KVMC, the local radio station, is playing a plea for information fairly regularly.

I absolutely hate myspace, and never look there. I have no idea why the pages were taken down.

On the FB page that redcat started, the publisher of the newspaper posted "Visit coloradorecord.com for updated information. Website is updated every time the PD calls with info, which is 2 - 3 times a day". But the last update was December 31, 2010 - 7:57pm. Here is the FB link again:


I know that Hailey's picture and info have gone out first regionally and then statewide to any agency with a Copsync system. I saw that another poster whose husband was with the Abilene PD have him call our PD and offer assistance, but got an answering machine. Did Chief Bivins return his call and take him up on the offer? The Texas Rangers know that Hailey is missing, but will they come in if local LE calls it a runaway? And at this point, if there is no evidence of anything, no one admits to knowing anything, and the searches have turned up a whole lot of nothing, then what else can be done at this point besides making sure it gets media attention (which, by the way, there needs to be more of)?

I am not faulting the LE agencies involved, really. I am sure they are doing everything in their power. I know that they have pulled some all-nighters. And I am sure that they are frustrated to have not discovered much of anything. This being such a small town, it effects everyone.... I am 100% sure that every single person involved in the investigation cares about getting Hailey home safely and that is truely their number one objective.

That said, IMHO only, I do not feel that it is right to continue to treat Hailey as a runaway simply because LE hasn't "found any evidence of foul play or abduction." By now it should be a moot point whether she was really going to her friend's house to spend the night or was planning something else because Hailey is only 13, she has been missing for nearly a week, and there is no telling who or what she might have encountered since Monday. Just because there is no evidence of foul play does not mean that there was no foul play. To me, labeling Hailey a runaway just seems to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

Sorry for the rambling. I have two daughters myself, and I am just sick over this. All of the many people who love and care for Hailey are heartsick. Everyone has been affected by this, even people who don't know her. I can't even begin to imagine how Billie must be feeling. Not to downplay how much Hailey's dad, or brother, or the rest of her family loves her, but I think just about the worst thing in the world is for a mother to lose her child - even temporarily.

All week long, I have been trying to convince myself that Hailey is around here somewhere. Even though she is a good kid, I want to believe that she tried to pull a fast one on her mom and go do something that she wasn't supposed to, but wasn't able to get back home in time to get away with it. Worried about getting in trouble, she stayed away from home a while longer to try and think of an excuse. Saw or heard that the police had been called, and figured that she was going to be in a world of trouble when she went home, so she decided to go for broke and have a last hurrah on New Year's Eve before showing up to face the music. Since she has had ample time to get home from that little scenario that has been playing in my head, even my overactive imagination can't come up with anything else.

Wherever Hailey is, I pray that she is safe and secure, and that she is found sooner rather than later with not one hair on her head touched. And I pray that everyone who loves Hailey is able to cope and find some kind of peace until she is found, and not lose hope.
TGIR, we would love for you to come to the prayer vigil. Please bring all of your wisdom and experience with you. I would really like to meet you, and I'm sure redcat would too. The DQ is just north of I-20 on the west side of town. Take the exit after Woods Boots and Fort Wood, which are on the south side of I-20. Don't hold your breath on finding many people there though. I am sending you a PM with my phone number, so you can call for directions to the school if you do decide to come.

I just talked to Billie. She has not talked to any TV stations, but said that she would really like to get some media coverage. I will try calling the stations, but if any of you have a solid contact, I would really appreciate it if you could call also.

everyoneneedsadvice, Billie has no problem with you distributing flyers. Thank you again for helping. Please PM me with your contact info.
I wil just go ahead and apologize to anyone who might be offended by my opinion. A little girl who is too young and small-town sheltered to survive safely on her own is missing, and I think that the time has come for the local PD to call in an organization with more expertize. Yesterday would not be soon enough!

Interim Chief Bivens may be the most dedicated cop in Texas, but I feel safe in assuming that he has had very limited, if any, specialized training and experience in this type of missing persons case. Here we are almost one week out, and it appears that the chief is simply taking Mom's boyfriend's word for what Hailey told him and the circumstances under which she left. I don't care if the boyfriend is a church deacon, that is just an sloppy way to investigate such a serious case. It is easy to blame the lack of info on kids who are afraid to talk and I'm not buying it. I suspect that Hailey's family understandably does not want to risk offending the only LE in town by insisting on outside help. MOO

With all due respect to those who have worked night and day and have done all they know to do to find this precious child; Billie, it's time to take out your Mama Bear and insist on speaking directly with a Texas Ranger. If anyone close to you tries to discourage you from going up the LE ladder until you get acceptable results, pull rank. You gave birth to Hailey; she is counting on you to be her voice when she is in danger! You need to put yourself in charge because no one can protect your baby better than you can.

This is my opinion only, and I am no one important...I'm just a mom of young teen girls who happens to feel a weird calling. I have followed these types of cases online for almost ten years. I've seen how the cases are handled and which ones are solved. I just want this little West Texas girl to be found.
I think we need to flood NG with emails requesting coverage of this girl.

The reward has also been raised up to $10,000 for any info leading to the wherabouts of Hailey. TGI I will send you my phone number too....maybe we can all meet up and go together.
Can anyone give me the address or name of the new motel/hotel that was being discussed earlier....tia
Just seeing this one today, I am praying she is found and god bless all you seasoned sleuthers for helping the friends and family
What about Equusearch??? have they been contacted??
I agree with you, TGIR, that the local PD should probably ask for more help. In the Tiffany Speck case a few months ago the Des Moines PD got help from the FBI even though there were conflicting reports of LE treating her disappearance as both a runaway and possible foul play. Tiffany had even run away for a few days before. She camped next to a river for a few days, within earshot of searchers, and charges were filed against a woman who let 13 year old Tiffany secretly stay in her house during her relatively highly publicized weeklong disappearance.

There was also a case this year of a young girl hiding in a home associated with her boyfriend even while the boyfriend was being suspected of foul play. I believe she was older, I didn't follow the case too closely, maybe somebody else remembers it better. Anyway, I don't mean in any way to downplay the seriousness of Hailey going missing but just saying that hopefully someone is helping her hide, even though it's a rotten thing to do. It's definitely not outside the realm of possibility but obviously things change the longer she stays missing.

No matter what, LE should be treating this with the highest urgency and bringing in all the resources in their power.
TGI, I completely agree with your post 143. Especially about the BF. He's the only verified person as last having seen this child. And if the others are being vague in their answers about when they last saw this child, well that should not be acceptable to LE.

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