TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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Hailey is 13 years old. She was heading to stay with a friend on Monday Dec. 27th but never made it. She is 5'1" with hazel eyes and brown hair. She also has pierced ears. She was last seen at 1804 Chestnut, wearing navy blue sweat pants, a light colored T-shirt and pink and white shoes.
Anyone who has seen Hailey contact the Colorado City Police Dept. at 325-728-5294

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Please Continue here...
Investigators say one of their biggest obstacles right now in tracking down 13-year-old Hailey Dunn has been the family and friends of the missing Colorado City girl.
"The story of some of the key players continues to change even as recently as last night," said Senior Texas DPS Trooper Sparky Dean. "It's very frustrating for law enforcement."

During a news conference Sunday afternoon, Dean elaborated and pointed the finger at those closest to Hailey.

"The family has not been forthcoming in their discernment of the truth," added Dean.


Colorado City Police struggle with inconsistent statements, as they work to create a time line of when 13 year old Hailey Dunn went missing. snip.......

.......Though family says she was last seen December 27th, Sunday law officials confirmed there have been inconsistencies in the families statements.

Where did the brother stay that night? I thought he had stayed at Dad's the night of the 26th with a friend but was home the night of the 27th? :waitasec:
Originally Posted by Kamille
I think the 16yr old son was home that night though so I don't think both kids were going to be away from home.
Originally posted by impatientredhead
No, he was gone that night as well.

He was gone on sunday night the 26th and arrived home around 5:00 pm Mondau per Billie on NG
IIRC and I could be wrong but I thought BD was on NG one night saying he came home from work and the next night on NG she said he came from his mothers house??? I'm a bit cloudy so I could be mistaken.

You are correct. BD did say he came home from work and the next night on NG she said he came from his mothers house. Nancy called her out on this and BD explained that she had just learned AFTER the 1/3 NG show that SA lied and did not tell her the truth. Had SA told her immediately she and LE would have wanted to know his exact whereabouts from 6:30-3pm that day. By not telling he bought himself 1 week to come up with an alibi. Had BD and LE known this little fact, LE could have immediately question neighbors, family, etc. Hence, 1 week goes by---enough time for everyones memory to be a bit fuzzy. SA really hampered this investigation in my opinion. :banghead:
The way that article is written, at least, it makes it sound as though Dec. 27th is in question about when Hailey was last seen by her family. but we already knew that no one in her actual family saw her that day, just SA, so this is even more confusing...:(
Where did the brother stay that night? I thought he had stayed at Dad's the night of the 26th with a friend but was home the night of the 27th? :waitasec:

Yes, it was said he stayed at a friend's the night of the 26th and was home at 5 on the 27th.

And while we say this, I wonder how SA was acting when he did get home.
Bringing this over from previous thread:

YES--BD was not told until 1/4 that SA was fired. SA did not share with BD that he was fired the morning Haiely went missing. He concealed this from her. Beginning 1/4 8 days after Hailey went missing BD finally learned the truth.

This is a HUGE Red Flag! What did SA hope to gain by not telling BD? My guess is he did not want her to question him about where he was from 6:30-3pm on the day Hailey went missing.

LE, FBI, and every investigative agency needs to focus on SA and not let up until they are 100% sure they can rule him out as the perp. SA: Lost his job, SA lied, SA failed LD, SA refered to Hailey as "that girl", and SA has yet to set one foot out side of Granny's house to help search. Further, Hailey told people she had a bad feeling about him. This speaks volumes! Add National statistics regarding missing children into the mix and SA should be LE's #1 POI!!!! If he is truly innocent, had nothing to do with this, and loves Hailey like he wants the world to believe, then he should be spending 24/7 with LE until they can rule him out with 100% certainty.

I am sick to my stomach just typing this...I firmly believe we will come to learn that SA was responsible for what happened to Hailey.
Time will tell...


Was it really 8 days that BD didn't know SA lost his job? I agree this has bothered me so much. I didn't realize it had been THAT long...goodness.

We actually don't know that. The reason we think that is b/c of the NG show. Seems like on Jan 3, she changed the wording from 'came home from work' to 'got to my house'. She may have known then didn't want to get into the whole 'no job' anymore issue and just wanted to get on with explaining Hailey's story. Here are snippets of the actual transcripts:

Jan 3 show: http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/03/ng.01.html
DUNN: She went missing on Monday while I was at work. My boyfriend - - he came home from work about 3:00 -- or he got to my house about 3:00.

Jan 4 show: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/04/ng.01.html
GRACE: OK. Last night, didn`t you tell me he was on his way home from work, or did I just get that mistaken?

BILLIE DUNN: No, I said that. He went in Monday morning, but there was an argument. He was fired or there was just a big blow-up there. He walked out. He left his job by 6:30 in the morning and went to Big Spring (ph) to his mom`s house.

Jan 6 show: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/ng.01.html
DUNN: My boyfriend, he came home from work. He seen Hailey. Hailey was there.
....Nancy called her out on this and BD explained that she had just learned AFTER the 1/3 NG show that SA lied and did not tell her the truth. ....


Can you find that in the transcript? Thanks... I don't recall her ever saying that SA lied to her...
On one of SA's myspaces, http://www.myspace.com/adkinsshawn/, he only has 21 friends. Only 6 of his friends are actual people; the rest are bands. His pictures were uploaded in 2007 so he was about 21-22 years old when he had the MySpace. For someone that age to only have 6 friends on Myspace is just strange. I don't mean to offend anyone who has a really low friend count on MySpace or FB but for a 21-22 year old with strange stuff all over his page to only have 6 friends on there, makes me wonder if a lot of people avoided him.

<Mod edit>
With the timeline being inquestion again - I want to know where SA went on Tuesday (Dec. 28). Billie went to work - IIRC SA took her to work. Then where did he go? Back to mom's? To grandmom's? Friends?

Billie said he came immediately when she found out and reported her missing - that was at3 PM that afternoon - so where did he come from? Where had he been all day?
According to Billie, her son was home on Monday. She says he got home at 5 o'clock and SA was there. No mention if DD actually was there the entire night. Nobody says where anyone was from day to day, actually....:banghead:
I hadn't realized that 8 days had passed before Billie realized that SA had lost his job. That begs the question of whether he is the one that told her or did LE tell her because they HAD to have known by that time, wouldn't you think? Surely SA didn't try to lie to them about that! I can not shake the feeling that his job loss has something to do with Hailey's disappearance no matter how hard I try...
I have really leaned toward SA having no involvement in this. But after seeing the photo's on his cousin's MS and his friend's MS, I am not feeling as comfortable with that stance. I keep thinking about that yahoo psychic article and those website photos and I sure hope that LE checks out that cellar.
Investigators say one of their biggest obstacles right now in tracking down 13-year-old Hailey Dunn has been the family and friends of the missing Colorado City girl.
"The story of some of the key players continues to change even as recently as last night," said Senior Texas DPS Trooper Sparky Dean. "It's very frustrating for law enforcement."

During a news conference Sunday afternoon, Dean elaborated and pointed the finger at those closest to Hailey.

"The family has not been forthcoming in their discernment of the truth," added Dean.


Colorado City Police struggle with inconsistent statements, as they work to create a time line of when 13 year old Hailey Dunn went missing. snip.......

.......Though family says she was last seen December 27th, Sunday law officials confirmed there have been inconsistencies in the families statements.



Investigators say one of their biggest obstacles right now in tracking down 13-year-old Hailey Dunn has been the family and friends of the missing CCity girl.

"The story of some of the key players continues to change"

Cecilia Garcia (Diaz)!!!
Yes, it was said he stayed at a friend's the night of the 26th and was home at 5 on the 27th.

Hailey was home by herself all day Monday the 27th until SA arrived at 3pm (so he claims). A neighbnor says they saw Hailey outside on the phone around noon. Why would Hailey need to go outside at noon to talk if noone was home????? If this sighting of her by the neighbor is accurate...I would be willing to bet SA was there! AND...that is why Hailey was outside talking on the phone. JMO
Bringing this over from previous thread:

We actually don't know that. The reason we think that is b/c of the NG show. Seems like on Jan 3, she changed the wording from 'came home from work' to 'got to my house'. She may have known then didn't want to get into the whole 'no job' anymore issue and just wanted to get on with explaining Hailey's story. Here are snippets of the actual transcripts:

Jan 3 show: http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/03/ng.01.html

Jan 4 show: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/04/ng.01.html

Jan 6 show: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/ng.01.html

BINGO! My point, exactly. That's when she first stated it on TV, but she did not say that she just found it out that day. I felt from the first time I watched her on NG that she knew before then...just hadn't felt compelled to share it with NG the first night.

(BBM, btw)
I hadn't realized that 8 days had passed before Billie realized that SA had lost his job. That begs the question of whether he is the one that told her or did LE tell her because they HAD to have known by that time, wouldn't you think? Surely SA didn't try to lie to them about that! I can not shake the feeling that his job loss has something to do with Hailey's disappearance no matter how hard I try...

For me, I keep forgetting Hailey had already been missing for a week before BD first appeared on NG. I was following on here all along but time just got away from me.
Since it seems that SA's friends were into strange stuff like he was, then there is definitely the possibility that SA isn't involved but one of his friends is.
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