TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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but if that is true, how did he explain to Billie that he was 'home' at that time of day to see Hailey?..what story did he tell her THAT day? This is making me crazy..ier.

I think BD said he usually gets home from work normally around 3:15-3:30.
If they're lying, why are they lying and what are they lying about? Did BO and CD allow Hailey to date? Im wondering if they let her leave with someone but are ashamed to admit it.
Lots of family dynamics going on.

BD answered this on NG show and said Hailey had a boyfriend possibly 3 weeks before she went missing. He was 13 years old and lived in a neighboring town. She said this was checked out by LE.
this is true..it just seems like every time we think we know something for sure in this case..it keeps shifting. Makes it extremely difficult to know the truth unfortunately..i guess that's what le is up against as well..

Actually, that had been changed as of yesterday. Sometimes if I don't refresh on a site, the old info might come up. Might be the case with MySpace. Not sure, because I never looked at it before this case.
You guys are so GOOD at what you do :)
I still wonder what kind of mood he was in after losing his job. Obviously not a good one, but without having more insight into him it's hard to know...which of course is one reason why I would love to know why he and his employer parted ways that morning...
Agree, if Billie knew SA had lost his job the first time she was on NG she should not have acted as though he was at work, a normal day, and then corrected the info the next day. It is just a small lie, but could show a tendency to cover up bits of info that don't settle well.

I don't know how many of us thought that SA and Billie had the house to themselved that Monday if the son was home...I know we talked about a romantic evening without the kids, but is that not the case, he was there Monday night, right?
That could possibly be true. Only Billie and family would know that for sure. If not, someone needs to look into it!

I go outside if it is nice out to talk on my phone all the time. Sometimes it is just nicer sitting outside.
Im thinkin that Hailey came and went and did as she pleased and BD doesnt know when the hello she went missing....jmo... no cell....no asking for permission, etc.......in this sick world today you dont just assume where your children are...moo
Bringing this back from the last thread. It was mentioned that SA has a message on his Myspace for BO. Can anyone see it and paraphrase it here? I don't have a MS account.
I'm still on the fence about SA. I'm just not getting that feeling about him like I have in past cases with certain suspects. He comes across to me as a still immature 25 year old. Men of that age are more worried about acting like idiots and partying. For the most part, they don't start "growing up" until after 25, and closer to 30 in my experiences. Which is probably why he lost his job for being hot headed. I also think at that age he is wanting to impress Billie, I feel he really loves her (or thinks he does), and was afraid of losing her over it, which is why he hid it originally before things went crazy with Hailey missing. Then it was too late to tell her and add that on top of her stress.

Part of the time I feel bad for the guy, he's in an awkward position if he is innocent. I just hope for Billie's sake that he is not involved with Hailey's disappearance.
CZGTZ-- Billies dear friend confirmed it in an earlier post that after NG show aired 1/3 SA finally came clean and told her that he was actually fired the day Hailey went missing. The next day SA fails LD test and Billie sends him packing. Imagine her shock in finding all this out then has to take the LD herself. OMG...the poor woman!

Can you find the link for it? I really don't recall it that way... Thanks! :)
Agree, if Billie knew SA had lost his job the first time she was on NG she should not have acted as though he was at work, a normal day, and then corrected the info the next day. It is just a small lie, but could show a tendency to cover up bits of info that doesn't settle well.

I don't know how many of us thought that SA and Billie had the house to themselved that Monday if the son was home...I know we talked about a romantic evening without the kids, but is that not the case, he was there Monday night, right?

With regards to covering up for SA, it makes me wonder. Say if you truly loved someone and couldn't imagine him doing something to your daughter. You placed your trust in him.

So you would make his story a part of yours by verifying what he had told you.

Since then, it has been revealed that he failed his poly. But you still go back and forth in your mind that he may or may not have anything to do with it. Love is blind at times. You don't want to put him under the bus so you still are somewhat convinced that perhaps he didn't do anything. So you still cover a bit.

Is this perhaps why some family members (perhaps BD) is still being deceptive? In her own mind she still loves him and can't fathom him doing anything.
According to Billie, her son was home on Monday. She says he got home at 5 o'clock and SA was there. No mention if DD actually was there the entire night. Nobody says where anyone was from day to day, actually....:banghead:

I am still wondering where DD actually lived full time. Did he live with CD and Hailey lived with Billie? If that were the case the neither of them would have to pay the other Child Support! If both kids were with Billie, did she get Child Support from CD? If CD lives in Sub/HUD housing are either of the kids allowed to live with him full time? How many bed rooms are in CD or Billie's homes. If there are only 2 bed rooms, do the either of the kids have to sleep on the couch? IIRC it was stated earlier that Clint still owned the home at 1804 Chestnut Street. Do they own it together? Knowing these little things would help me understand to total family situation.

I guess both kids were way off normal schedule because of it being Christmas holidays, thus all the spending nights with friends and CD.
I'm still on the fence about SA. I'm just not getting that feeling about him like I have in past cases with certain suspects. He comes across to me as a still immature 25 year old. Men of that age are more worried about acting like idiots and partying. For the most part, they don't start "growing up" until after 25, and closer to 30 in my experiences. Which is probably why he lost his job for being hot headed. I also think at that age he is wanting to impress Billie, I feel he really loves her (or thinks he does), and was afraid of losing her over it, which is why he hid it originally before things went crazy with Hailey missing. Then it was too late to tell her and add that on top of her stress.

Part of the time I feel bad for the guy, he's in an awkward position if he is innocent. I just hope for Billie's sake that he is not involved with Hailey's disappearance.
I agree with you 100 percent. Even on men start growing up after 25 years old. You are very wise :).
I almost like the guy, he kept a low profile in this and I respect that.
If they're lying, why are they lying and what are they lying about?
snipped by me...

It goes back to what someone posted in the last thread earlier tonight...

We know one thing for sure. Hailey is missing.

In all honesty, I am skeptical of anything that any of them have said now...the whole lot of them.

Hinky...stinky...whatever it is that you guys call it...it is going on BIG TIME.

O what a tangled web we weave....
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