TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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Also says SA is NOT a POI. I am SO confused and Frusrated at how this has turned out. She is out there some where........and someone knows where?? But who....
I have been asking that since that day on NG... IIRC Billie said he rushed home to be with her and comfort her. RUSHED from where?

Also, on the first NG, didn't Billie say SA did not live with her? He was just her b/f~Asking as I am not sure~TIA

Apparently they are engaged, at least according to SA's postings on the Michael Myers site. He refers to Billie as his fiance. When did that happen?

Ok, it is wonderful to see the outpouring of community support. It is great to see that they are obviously at least in some places making people sign in. It was wonderful to hear the one man talk about looking for tracks and laid down grass.
The shots of people out with their young children searching REALLY bothers me. Yes, chances are Hailey is not out there laying in the ditch that they are looking in. BUT, if she is, do you really want you 6, 10, 13 year old seeing that? The fact of the matter is, you take that chance every time you go out and search, and it is NOT something a child should see.
Please please do not take the kids. If you can't leave the kids somewhere there are so many other things you can do. Take flyers to other towns. Put flyers on poster boards and stand at intersections in towns that may not know. Gather supplies and food for searchers and drop it off. (look at the resource guide for a nice long list of what you can do).
OT alert
I hope you all are happy....in between refreshing this page and checking for snow I sat on the other thread refreshing the page for oh I don't know how many minutes:waitasec: just over there going "why was this thread closed", DUH
I believe that was A cellar, not THE cellar in the photographs
maybe, maybe not... they said the search was after following leads, so Im thinkin a lead led them there to that abandoned house with a cellar....
Ok, it is wonderful to see the outpouring of community support. It is great to see that they are obviously at least in some places making people sign in. It was wonderful to hear the one man talk about looking for tracks and laid down grass.
The shots of people out with their young children searching REALLY bothers me. Yes, chances are Hailey is not out there laying in the ditch that they are looking in. BUT, if she is, do you really want you 6, 10, 13 year old seeing that? The fact of the matter is, you take that chance every time you go out and search, and it is NOT something a child should see.
Please please do not take the kids. If you can't leave the kids somewhere there are so many other things you can do. Take flyers to other towns. Put flyers on poster boards and stand at intersections in towns that may not know. Gather supplies and food for searchers and drop it off. (look at the resource guide for a nice long list of what you can do).

I was just fixing to say something WTH were they thinking????????????? :banghead::banghead: Also they need some hard hitting reporters down there, that would ask questions like "Why is LE saying that you guys are changing your story?"
Somewhere, someplace the that wrecked these peoples lives is sitting having a beer watching a football game. I hope he/she chokes on their peanuts.
but if that is true, how did he explain to Billie that he was 'home' at that time of day to see Hailey?..what story did he tell her THAT day? This is making me crazy..ier.
Trying to catch up sorry if addressed....

He would 'sometimes' get off early, around lunch time, usually about 1:00. Billie was surprised when she found out he got there at 3:00 cuz when she first found out he got off early she assumed the normal 1:00 early.
OT alert
I hope you all are happy....in between refreshing this page and checking for snow I sat on the other thread refreshing the page for oh I don't know how many minutes:waitasec: just over there going "why was this thread closed", DUH

ROFLMAO, I laugh because I can't even tell you how many times I've done that.
snipped by me...

It goes back to what someone posted in the last thread earlier tonight...

We know one thing for sure. Hailey is missing.

In all honesty, I am skeptical of anything that any of them have said now...the whole lot of them.

Hinky...stinky...whatever it is that you guys call it...it is going on BIG TIME.

O what a tangled web we weave....

I have to agree with you. And there is this:

"The family has not been forthcoming in their discernment of the truth," added Dean.

"Family" being the key word (imo). Perhaps we include BD's BF & CD's GF in there, but for sure include Mom, Dad and...brother(?). As someone stated earlier, the only thing we know for sure is that Hailey has not been seen since 12/27. :maddening:
Wasn't something originally said about he came home early that day?

You are correct. i went and searched this out and found a post by BD friend czgtz...

Here is the post by CZGTZ... Posted in Thread #1 post # 743 on Jan. 3 at 7:03pm

“I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that. Tuesday, Billie called her son from work to get ahold of Hailey and tell her it was time to come home. The friend said Hailey never showed. The son called Billie, who came home, checked a few places. and went straight to the PD to report Hailey missing. She said 1pm because she had just assumed that BF came home at lunch on Monday - she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD.

Billie says that until the PD interviewed them Wednesday, she didn't realize that BF actually came home Monday at 3pm. LE has been aware since Wednesday that Billie accidentally reported the wrong time. “
Ok, I step out to actually grab some dinner and have like 9 pages to catch up on, lol.

What did HD lose? A phone or an itouch? It was certainly made to sound by BD on NG that there was only 1 cell that the 3 of them shared. Clarification por favor!

I have only seen this post from the verified local.

I have asked for a link to figure out how we got from a "maybe" to a "she lost it" but haven't received one; so as far as I know...we don't know if she lost it or not!

I can't see myself twisting the friend's words to make them into something different, so if she lost it and we know it...I would like to see where it came from.

Take it as you want...but this is the only reference I've seen re: iTouch...

I asked Billie about this several days ago. She remembers that Hailey was looking for it a few days before Christmas, but does not know if she found it.

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5982845&postcount=168"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9[/ame]
snipped by me...

It goes back to what someone posted in the last thread earlier tonight...

We know one thing for sure. Hailey is missing.

In all honesty, I am skeptical of anything that any of them have said now...the whole lot of them.

Hinky...stinky...whatever it is that you guys call it...it is going on BIG TIME.

O what a tangled web we weave....

You're not kiddin. :)
I'm skeptical of everyone too, for now anyway. Wish we knew who wasn't being honest.
will someone please give me the link to the cellar pic? I was trying to catch up, and am about an hour behind in the posts. I messaged Linda7NJ, but got no response.

That's what I thought, too. I thinks he knew on NG but didn't want to get into the whole 'no job anymore' story on national TV. I don't know. I'm not in her shoes. If she really believes SA wasn't involved, perhaps she was just trying to keep his private matter just that... private. And focus on her daughter. We have no idea what they told LE. I'm sure it wasn't kept from them - it's pretty easy to verify with an employer.

If that is the case though, why go on a night later and admit that he came from his Mom's house? Then when questioned about it she spills it? If she would have just said "he was visiting his mother and came from her house" from the beginning none of this would have happened. Lots of people get off at 3pm as did he when he had a job ya know? She could have very well skirted the situation with NG, but to say two different things days apart is well...hinky. I don't think she knew. JMO.
will someone please give me the link to the cellar pic? I was trying to catch up, and am about an hour behind in the posts. I messaged Linda7NJ, but got no response.

I'm sorry. I replied. I was taking the dogs out one last time before bed.
LE needs to put the lot of them in one room and let them all confront each other on their story....then the true liar will show their ugly head!

I'm so frustrated, been reading and not replying much!
I thought it had been determined we were not to continue sleuthing the friend's mom.
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