TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #12

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I really want to find out and clear up this ITouch.

First, I grilled my 16 yr old today about and ITouch. It is simply a fancy IPod. You can text from it - but you have to download a free app and have internet access. When you receive a text from an ITouch it shows up as your name and an out of state phone humber (a clearing house that is connected with the app). So, I would think that by using that phone number - there are records - and with the FBI - they can probably get them. As far as knowing when it came from - yes, but all that says is that ITouch sent that text at that time.

You cannot use it as a phone.

If Hailey was using her ITouch to text (which we think so from the fb postings) then I think its very important that LE get those texts.

Its interesting that first the ITouch was missing (per Billie's friend on here) and now tonight it was a "knock off" IPod that is broken.

Either way - WHERE IS IT? Does LE have it? Is it missing all together?

I think its important.

Yes you can use it as a phone, a co-worker has one and she downloaded a VOIP app for calling over the internet, she calls her brother from it as he lives about 4 hours away and she doesn't pay long distance that way... thanks
Grace on Law Enforcement: "At Least They're Trying Everything"

Hailey Dunn's case took center stage again Monday evening on HLN's Nancy Grace show. Though some misinformation and rumor made its way into the broadcast, Grace did cover some key aspects of the case.
During the broadcast, KTAB's Priscilla Luong answered the first issue by delivering the breaking news that law enforcement now does not have enough evidence to believe Hailey is a runaway or in hiding.

more here ~ including BD saying it's news to her about LE changing their minds about Hailey being a runaway

I read the same article. Too lazy to find it now though lol. The person interviewed in the article said he knew Clint and he may help search. When WSers sleuthed him, we found he is a RSO.

Has this been reported??? If not it should be ASAP!!! Anyone recall the actual name of this one? I posted the map awhile back.
Here goes:
Hailey had an IPod Touch. Not an iPhone. Not a plain IPod. Not with green eggs and ham.
Billies friend told us that Hailey had lost it and had been looking for it. Nancy Grace tonight said that the IPod Touch broke.
She doesn't have an iphone. She has an ipod touch. If you use it to post online like on FB it shows up as an iphone.
So...she has an Ipod Touch...which can access the internet...even from an unsecured wireless connection...say at a neighbor's house...which a person might be able to access by standing in their own back yard
...which a person might do whether there was anyone else home or not?
I don't know about schools anywhere else but around here FB is blocked. I can go online on a teacher's and check my Yahoo mail and see who has posted to my FB but kids can't.
The computers they use are blocked (unless they have found a way around it and that is possible,IMO)
It's not just using it to text or chat. You can actually use it to log onto FB and MS and see FB as you would on the computer. Very different than texting to update your status. The new itouches also allow you to video chat, but I believe hers was the 3rd generation, not positive on that though. I have an itouch, I have used it for FB. I used to update via text from my phone before I got a "smart phone". So, I know both ways.

According to NG tonight it was a knock off not even an I touch
Am not CZ but do remember that there was a RSO that was interviewed and he said that he knew Clint and that he would be helping in the searches .... please don't insist on me finding that MSM link right now. Reason I remember was:
1. RSO saying he knew Clint
2. RSO saying he was going to help search
3. RSO's offense was against a 14yo girl IIRC


great find, and would be great if clarified. Do we have a name?
Has this been reported??? If not it should be ASAP!!! Anyone recall the actual name of this one? I posted the map awhile back.

In that same article, he talked about being told to go outside while LE searched his house, so they are aware of him.
OK, just a few thoughts, and then I am off to Billie's as soon as the media clears out.

I asked Billie if Hailey had 'an ipod'. Billie said she lost it a few days before Christmas, and she remembers Hailey looking for it. My calling it an 'ipod' and Billie not correcting me is that same as me asking for 'a coke' and her bringing me a shurfine orange soda because that is all that was in the fridge. Please don't dwell of little stuff like that. Now that I am thinking of NG dismissing it as 'broken'..... well, I hope I didn't mess up mentioning it. Maybe this is one of LE's 'leads'.

Billie got a script for ativan from her doctor after Hailey went missing. Le told her that an anti-anxiety would skewer the test results. She told them that she was on pain meds and abts for her tooth.... and they told her that didn't matter.

Billie did call one of the Rangers last night to ask about reports of family changing their stories. I was there. I was the one who read her the story from the link one of you had posted. I now totally feel like **** for reading anything to her.... because I pointed out why in the world would LE make public that they thought Hailey was alive and hiding if they didn't have some idea of that? Crap, it truely did give us a sense of optimism.

LE did tell her she was 'deceptive' on her polygraph. WTH would she lie about that. She put a lot of faith in the poly's, which is why she told SA to leave after LE told her that he failed his.

LE has not given Billie ANY info on who Hailey had been talking to, or anything else they discovered from either her or SA's phone.

As I said before: yes, Billie did have her nursing license temporarily revoked. Not for violating the nurse practice act, but because she renewed with at check, got confirmation that her license was in fact valid (as did her employer), and forgot about it. The check was returned NSF, and by the time she and her employer got notice, she had in fact worked as a nurse on an unrenewed license. Her employer has tried to assist her in getting her license back this whole time, never put her on leave (they gave her a job as a ward clerk until she can get her license back), and have nothing bad to say about her. She has worked at the hospital for around 7 years. The board has agreed to reinstate her nursing license - she was supposed to go to Austin this month. Now, with Hailey missing, I am pretty sure that is the farthest thing from her mind. However, her supervisors have been in contact with the board to explain the circumstances of why she cannot go at this time, and are trying (although the board probably wont allow it) to go in her stead.

Anyone who is or has ever been a nurse knows that you have to hold yourself to a higher standard than you would otherwise. Nurses are one of the most trusted professions..... and employers expect you to be an upstanding citizen whether you are at work or not.

Well, media is gone. Goingto BIllie's. I am sure I am gonna miss a lot of discussion. Would really appreciated if someone could keep up with pertinent or send me a pm for anything else that needs clearing up.

I know that I hold a higher opinion of Billie than some of y'all do.... I am her friend and have known her for years after all. She is not lying about anything. Or covering up for anyone. Or being deceptive in ANY way. I would bet my life on it.

Thank you for trying to clarify some of this....
I've never been given percocet for tooth pain, only Tylenol 3's (Tylenol with codeine).

When I had my wisdom teeth removed was given percocet. During a root canal I was given Vicodin. I guess it just depends on the doctor what medicine they prescribe.
More - the ITouch does not require any type of account or subscription. You can use it in wi-fi cafes, libraries - ANYWHERE you can get access. Even on the street if someone in a nearby house hasn't protected their service.

One thing that was interesting that I found out. To get music on your ITouch - the kids usually use ITunes. To get the music you have to connect your ITouch to a computer (wire) and sync your ITouch to Itunes. LE needs to find the computer that Hailey used to sync her ITouch. You can also sync the ITouch to other peoples ITunes account to get their songs. From what I gathered - the computer that "syncs" the ITouch will have the info needed for that particular ITouch.

Where is this thing?

Actually with the itouch you can buy and download music and apps without ever hooking up to a computer, having a computer for that matter isn't needed.
It's okay elpher about the link. I do appreciate you sharing!! But if true, OMG!

Couldn't remember his name so had to go find the MSM article:


KRBC crews in Colorado City caught up with one of the men on the registry, and he says he got a visit from law enforcement early on in the search.

"They came and knocked on our door, I answered and they told me, 'Stay out here,' and they went in and talked to my wife. They searched my house and everything else but they didn't find [anything]," said Michael Lindsey.

Lindsey said he knows Dunn's father, and wants to see a safe and quick resolution. He even said he's joining in on the search, himself.
Well Maybe Hailey was using a Skype like service on her knock off IPOD touch, in the backyard where she could get free wifi. Also, her Grandma has a FB page. Perhaps she lived close enough for Hailey to post from her house. I dunno, I just want her to get home safe and sound...
Here is a little insight into the prescription painkiller problem... Once addicted ... it can be so very hard for them to stop taking them. They will get them from a doctor, a dentist, and even start doctor-hopping to get them. If they cannot get them legally prescribed, they will buy them from someone else... People who are addicted to them will get the money for them any way they can. They will lie, steal, skip paying their bills to buy pills. In our area, we have had many many homes and pharmacies robbed - for hydrocodone and oxycodone.

One of our local newscasters was caught breaking into his neighbor's home while she was out to steal her pain medication. IIRC he was taking just a few at a time.
It was stated somewhere that H and the girls were seen between 1-3 or that the girls said so, but did not know which day. (No one in this town can remember which day they saw/did anything?) :(

Billie said, on NG, that Hailey stayed home all day Sunday. It had to have been Monday, Dec. 27th. that they played basketball.
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