TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #18

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I wonder if Shawn saying that Hailey is promiscuous was him saying that he was abusing her without really admitting it? Do you guys get what I am saying?

I think he was saying it without realizing he was saying it. MOO

The deletion of the cell phone numbers called was deleted at the police station by SA? That says quite a bit right there. It not only makes it seem strongly as he is bluntly hiding somthing and it also strongly makes him look as IF he had somthng to do with this that deletion of the phone numbers in a police station is a very stupid move.

I am assuming they can certainly find out who those calls were to. I suspect there is another male involved in this somehow.
Here's what she said:

"The important thing people need to remember is not slandering me. The important thing is, there's a 13 year old girl who it seems like just disappeared into thin air."

My translation:

"The important thing people need to remember is not (that anybody is) slandering me."

I'm pretty sure what she is trying to say is that Hailey's disappearance is what is important. I think there can be bones to pick with her not referring to Hailey as her daughter but I really don't think she was expressing her concern with being slandered.

But, but, but........lol. She talks about not wanting people to look at her bad again on NG, then she talks about H.
THANKYOU! I've been asking since last night if he really went to Big Spring and how the cell pings related to the home. You're right. How long does it take to get to Big Spring? I'm thinking a couple of hours. Maybe they need to alert people to what he was driving like they did with Terri Horman. This part of Texas isn't like some areas where there is a whole lot of overgrowth. It's pretty open and flat in many areas with farmers, and he could have been spotted.
are you asking about the road to big spring or to colorado city to big spring.
I know it's normal for 16 year old to leave late at night to go to a friend's, but I can't help but wonder if they were trying to get him to go somewhere since he left at 9pm.

He didn't go to a friend's I thought. I thought he and a friend went and stayed at his Dad's?
I've been wondering about that comment from DD ever since I read the SW earlier. I asked my oldest DS about whether he would be able to project how long someone would play based on their skill level. He said, huh? We don't have an XBox, we have a PS3, so I asked one of my sons' friends (a neighbor who has an XBox). His response was (paraphrasing) "how could I know how long someone was gonna be playing XBox?"

I think he was making a guess at how long she would be playing the game based on her skill level, we have that game in our house play times vary based on skill of the game, I can't play longer then about 5 mins and I've had enough, the kids and the boyfriend easily play for 2 hours and longer when they play...jmo
Here's what she said:

"The important thing people need to remember is not slandering me. The important thing is, there's a 13 year old girl who it seems like just disappeared into thin air."

My translation:

"The important thing people need to remember is not (that anybody is) slandering me."

I'm pretty sure what she is trying to say is that Hailey's disappearance is what is important. I think there can be bones to pick with her not referring to Hailey as her daughter but I really don't think she was expressing her concern with being slandered.
Yep. When people speak its important to listen to what they say as first, second, third. Its kinda like a subliminal priority rank. Twice she has said - "the important thing people need to remember is not slandering me" (or words to that effect). There's her first priority. People shouldn't be slandering me. Second priorty is that her 13 year old daughter is missing.
Did I miss something.Where was it reported she was a drug addict? More speculation? Where is the documentation, please. Thank you in advance.

In the affidavits ....they claim she said she withdrew money to purchase illegal drugs.

IMO That's better than a link to the MSM
Hailey was afraid of Shawn. Her friend had posted about it somewhere that she had Facebook inbox proof of Hailey saying that she was afraid of him. I really and truly believe that Billie flunked her poly because of being lied to by Shawn which would also explain the inconsistencies that Billie has had. I think that he sexually abused her and that is what is comment about Hailey being promiscuous was about. Maybe this was why she was afraid of him?
I can't remember but someone was wondering if NG said she left for work at 6:30 or if BD did. I just watched again, BD offered that information first and NG repeated her like she often does.

The deletion of the cell phone numbers called was deleted at the police station by SA? That says quite a bit right there. It not only makes it seem strongly as he is bluntly hiding somthing and it also strongly makes him look as IF he had somthng to do with this that deletion of the phone numbers in a police station is a very stupid move.

I am assuming they can certainly find out who those calls were to. I suspect there is another male involved in this somehow.
i think he made the calls to look like he was in bigspring. if im remembering right he didnt make any calls when he was in colorado city but he made sure he made calls in big spring incase he had to proove that he was there. hince the 11 calls in big spring. in doing so he didnt realize the phone picked up pings even tho he wasnt using it.IMO
He didn't go to a friend's I thought. I thought he and a friend went and stayed at his Dad's?

:waitasec: I thought he went to a friends, but it's late and I very well could be mistaken.
I think he was making a guess at how long she would be playing the game based on her skill level, we have that game in our house play times vary based on skill of the game, I can't play longer then about 5 mins and I've had enough, the kids and the boyfriend easily play for 2 hours and longer when they play...jmo

I think DD estimated how long it would have taken HD to get to the level that she got to in the game before she stopped playing. He knew what level she got to before saving the game and he knew her skill level and predicted it would have taken her about 3 hours to get to that level before she saved the game and stopped playing.

Texas, all my life....to me it sounded like she was saying SHE and her rep were more important.

I think people hear what they want to hear. If they think she is guilty everything she says make her even more so. If they think she is innocent they hear it that way. My daughter went missing a couple of months ago. She was not at a friends that she told me she was going to. She was at a party that I knew nothing about with kids I didn't know. The police asked what did she have on? I didn't have a clue. They asked are these friends of hers, I said No I had never seen these kids. They asked what time she left the house I had no idea. Because I didn't know the answers to their questions it made me look like a bad parent. I may be a bad parent but I thought I knew her every move. ( I always thought I was a good parent until I had teenagers) This behavior was like a punch coming out of no where. What I learned is that teenagers are very sneaky and no matter how much I snoop she pulled one over on me. I was so shocked I couldn't think. I guess that is why I don't like to judge parents. If there is evidence then that's a different story.
Could someone please let Nancy Grace know that Chet Atkins and Shawn Adkins are two very different people. :great:

Sorry! She said it again tonight and almost said it again but caught herself. I had to lol!
But, but, but........lol. She talks about not wanting people to look at her bad again on NG, then she talks about H.

Yeah I know, I'm just talking about this one instance where she specifically compared the two. My opinion is, though, that she is concerned with people talking bad about her but hasn't made that more of an issue than Hailey being missing. I do think she has definitely lied about stuff and, like I said, there are more subtle questions about how she has expressed things. Just my opinion as always.
Did I miss something.Where was it reported she was a drug addict? More speculation? Where is the documentation, please. Thank you in advance.

In the search warrant affidavits (link is in several previous posts), she told LE that her and SA went to ATM to withdraw cash to buy illegal drugs. In addition to that, she has been under the influence of more than one kind of Rx drug, preventing her from undergoing a poly. Yes, I know that it's understandable for a mother with a missing child to be prescribed some type of anti-anxiety (i.e. Ativan), but that, and then it's the painkiller for a toothache, oh then the drive to the ATM to get money for drugs...I've seen this type of behavior...it's a red flag...at least in terms of drug abuse...IMO
Watching NG again. BD doesn't directly answer certain questions.

NG: Billie Dunn did you know that your live-in boyfriend walked out of two polygraphs.

BD: Well, they told us we couldn't take the first one........and she just keeps going.

She never really answered that question. Yes, I know he walked out of 2. Or No, I didn't know he walked out.

From her roundabout answer she does admit, in a backwards sorta way (thank you CA! teehee) that she know he did walk out of the first two.

Why is this woman deflecting? Only reason I can come up with is she is involved. And I don't believe a single word out of her mouth. Not a one.

:winkaway: I'm with you, Wise Old Owl.

BD couldn't even give a straight answer about who all was drinking on New Year's Eve.

First it was, "Shawn had a few drinks."

Then it was, "Shawn had a beer."

Like you said, why would BD deflect unless she is involved.

What struck me as odd is Billy made the comment about checking on her before she left stating something along the lines of i checked on her to make sure she was safe........don't quote me but it was something very close to that and it struck me as VERY odd....I will take some Pepto so I can stomach watching NG again.....why would she have to check on her 12 old dtr in her own house to make sure she is safe at 6:30am? :waitasec:

I wonder if she told LE that?
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