TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #23

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Originally Posted by carmenU

Thank you for this, but I have questions about this timeline:
<see my BBM>

Monday, Dec. 27

Hailey's mother, Billie Dunn, says live-in boyfriend Shawn Adkins is fired from his job after some sort of blow-up <what time did Billie find out about the job blow up?>

Billie told me earlier today that Shawn did not tell her about walking off of his job until Wenesday the 29th.

Thank you, Redcat. More time for SA to cover his tracks....
Because she can't then turn around and claim she's a "credible witness" when she's lying! Besides, this shouldn't be about HER reputation, it should be about her daughter! How about she tried making a plea to whomever may be holding her? If I believed in even a 1% chance that was the case, that's what I would be doing! imo

I'm right there with ya, Linda! I'vve been saying COME CLEAN, BILLIE!

When the illegal drugs were purchased{and yes, they were purchased it was no prescription, as u hear her tattling on herself last nite on NG, you can hear Billie as her voice trails off say.. "I don't know, I got that prescription a coupla days before then...".. but back to her coming clean on withdrawing $140 and purchasing illegal narcotics from someone in Scurry CO..she just needs to come 100% clean with it. It occured the evening of the 27th when Shawn had told her Hailey was safe&soundly spending the nite at MBs house...

So, yea it may not make a great impression on your fellow church members or your boss for that matter but who the he!! cares your 13 yr old daughter is what is at the heart of this investigation and your having lied, spun tales, exaggerated the truth WILL ONLY HINDER THE PROCESS OF FINDING HER AND BRINGING HER HOME!!!!!!!!

Come clean, on Dec 27th at approx 6:30pm you purchased illegal narcotics for yourself and your boyfriend! There its OUT! So what if someone may look down their nose at you..You bought drugs that nite, but that doesn't in any way implicate you in being involved with what happened to Hailey.. Because according to what we know at that time you were completely under the impression that your daughter was safe, sound, and enjoying spending the nite at a girlfriends...

and thats why I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!!!! Is she scared her admitting makes her guilty of what happened to Hailey because I'd bet a 10 yr old could discern that one does not equal the other... SO, WHY?


The ppl who can do any type of punishing for the act that was done that night{i.e. LE} you have already admitted it to them..so it cant be that you fear legal repercussion..

Anyone understand why? Cuz I sure as he!! can't for the life of me figure it out???!!!
I'm way behind. Has this been posted?


DALLAS - A man named as a person of interest in the case of a missing 13-year-old girl from West Texas said Friday that he is not responsible for her disappearance.

Shawn Adkins, 25, told The Associated Press he would "never ever do anything to harm Hailey" Dunn, whose mother reported her missing Dec. 28 in Colorado City, a 4,500-resident town about 240 miles west of Dallas. Adkins was then the live-in boyfriend of Billie Dunn, Hailey's mother.
I want to know where he was all day on the 28th, and where he "came rushing home" from.............


What time was Hailey reported missing?

Sunday she was in bed at 10

Monday she leaves to go to the friends house.

So tuesday where is everyone? I may have missed this in the earlier threads

ok I did miss it.

What time was Hailey reported missing?

Sunday she was in bed at 10

Monday she leaves to go to the friends house.

So tuesday where is everyone? I may have missed this in the earlier threads

ok I did miss it.

Nope you didn't miss it...no one has addressed it. Billie was at work, she reported H missing at 2pm. But that's ALL we know.
If a person knew how crimes worked and didn't want to be seen in a Walmart buying what they needed for the crime,they could just pick it up at say like,work.
I am just now getting on here for the first time today, reading thru all of the pages I have missed is taking forever! Can anyone give me a highlight of the actuall events today? TIA
okay,people were just asking the other day about a black truck,so he has another black truck?

If it helps here is links to pics/video of both of the trucks--the one at BD's and the one in front of SA's mom's house (brought over from my post in the last thread):

Truck in the background during BD interview outside of BD's house:

Black truck in front of his mother's house and mentioned in the video as believed to be" SA's truck.

TEH mentioned that she did not think they were the same truck. I can't enlarge one of the videos to full screen, so I can't tell myself.
All we really know is she has been missing since before 4 o'clock when her brother came home on Monday.

I agree...furthermore....BD said she peeked in on H that morning before she left for work at 6?...but does not say...she SAW her....only some covers and assumed H was in bed.........she just assumed....and is NOT CLAIMING ..my child WAS in bed when I left for work...perhaps it is the way I am "feeling" about her statement...I feel she is "distancing" herself from saying she KNEW POSITIVELY ..she was in her bed....that's how I feel about the way she said it.....imo..
If I am incorrect in how BD said this, please correct me...I do sometimes mis interpet statements wrong...thanks
I was also thinking about pipes and underground places,all kinds of possibilties there for putting people in the ground,alive or not.I just wish the search at the landfill was over so I can go back to hoping Hailey is alive somewhere.
I'm just thinking about underground things,because of the videos and a possible relative's questioned disappearance.
If a person knew how crimes worked and didn't want to be seen in a Walmart buying what they needed for the crime,they could just pick it up at say like,work.

Or SA's mother's house. Say maybe a shovel, trashbags...
I am just now getting on here for the first time today, reading thru all of the pages I have missed is taking forever! Can anyone give me a highlight of the actuall events today? TIA

The biggest news is that they are searching a landfill in Abilene, one paper says the dogs got 2 hits. Billie got her car back from LE. SA is now a suspect according to Kampfer, the weird pics and videos hit MSM......and that's about ti I think. Well Shawn said he didn't do it and there was a new interview with Billie, nothing new though, same old same old.
Hello all. Have been around here for some time. Many months really, but just read and learn. Must say that I find this forum to be professional, informative before even the media outlets, and very compassionate. Truly amazed at you!

Have read every post of every thread until these last few pages. I understand that no one has the answers or there would be arrests at this point. Still, I have some questions.

1 Everyone points to the date of Dec 27 as Hailey's date of disappearance. It was reported on that day, but does brother or anyone else other than persons involved have proof of this after he left? Have never seen an article on what makes Dec 27 the date that she was missing. By following this case the date of Dec 26 is the one in real question. My thoughts are who was there, what happened on the day or night of Dec 25. Other than gifts have never heard anyone involved give details of their Christmas which is a big deal in most families.

2 Hailey's brother seems to have been forgotten. He lived in that house with all the dysfunction, fear and possible craziness that was experienced too. Surely they would share from bro to sis. From the rules I understand that he is a minor and cannot be investigated, but surely he knows a lot. Am not saying for one minute that he was involved! I am saying that surely he understood the dynamics, and much, much more about possible suspects and occurrences.

3 Have seen several pics of their residence, and the neighborhood. It's west TX. Barren of foliage--seen much landscaping, trees, or even bushes? Homes are small on very large lots with NO garages that I have seen. As such it would be difficult to carry out something as big as a body with no one noticing. Especially since CD lived almost across the street. Do I have an answer for that? No. But do think it's important and something that people haven't really honed in on. The middle of the night would be even MORE noisy in an otherwise extremely quiet place. From someone who moved into a new house in a brand new development in few years ago...we really found it weird as to what all we could hear.

What time was Hailey reported missing?

Sunday she was in bed at 10

Monday she leaves to go to the friends house.

So tuesday where is everyone? I may have missed this in the earlier threads

ok I did miss it.

The only witness to her leaving to go to her friends house is SA. The ONLY one.

Mom was at work, big brother was at Dad's house, and Hailey was asleep in bed when SA's phone begins pinging at the tower near their home that morning at 6:35 am.
I don't know that we can say she was in bed asleep that morning is a fact. I think the time line is WIDE OPEN from the time her brother saw her at 9pm Monday night, until Billie reported her missing at 2pm Tuesday. Make that 9pm SUNDAY.
I'd like to ask Billie if she'd heard something that night, and that is what prompted her to "check" on Hailey in the morning.
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