TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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Accessory after the fact...

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I think whatever happened to Hailey happened when SA got back to the house that morning.

He wouldn't have known what time DD would come home from his sleepover that day, but generally speaking, 16 year old boys would stay up most of the night and sleep until late in the morning. SA would know the boys sleeping habits and/or habits when he did go for a sleepover.

I don't think SA would have done anything in the afternoon though for fear of getting caught.

I also don't think SA did something in the home but did get Hailey in that car alive and took her elsewhere. Also, the point is, if he did do something in the house there would be a sign of struggle, etc. and he wouldn't want to leave that evidence in the house for the 2+ hours he was gone to his mom's for fear of DD coming home to it.

However, why he had the deer in headlights look at 4:00 p.m. is beyond me. Perhaps he had realized there were some sort of cleaning up some evidence when he got home from his mom's and was doing that at that time.

Of course, there is the theory that something happened after DD left his home at 9 p.m. the night before. Which, in my mind, this would lead me to believe that BD would have been involved at this particular time.


Exactly my thoughts. Deserved more than a 'thanks'... I think if he had harmed her (and I mean more than molest... which is bad enough in itself) in the home, LE would have taken out much more evidence than they did. And much more evidence would be there.

I wonder if SA had planned on staying at his mom's until time to get Billie from work, but realized (maybe after talking to accomplices, if there were any) that he left something behind that he needed to find?

My other thought is he started thinking about whether or not he could be implicated somehow if Hailey had kept a diary about things that had happened in the past b/t him (IF things had happened) or about things she had witnessed in the home. Maybe he was trying to clear out anything at all in the house that would make him look suspicious.

Interesting how LE found stuff the Billie printed out from work, but didn't seem to indicate finding anything belonging to Shawn that could be incriminating.

All just MOO...
I simply MUST bring Chicken's post forward and am curious as to what people have to say:

((((great post chicken!!!))))

Originally Posted by SuperChicken
Everyone on this thread is suspicious about someone in this case. The timeline has always been a concern for everyone. Everyone is concerned about lies and who the lies were directed to. My question is simply this: When was the first lie told? What initial suspected "lie" set off your hinky meters? Was it:

1.) The exact time HD left CD's house on Sunday?

2.) The exact time BD says she saw HD on Sunday night?

3.) The exact time DD saw HD playing video games Sunday night? (DD left at 9:00 Sunday night and didn't return until Tuesday? Really? Why wasn't BD worried about him too?) "Wonderful parent" that she is....

4.) When BD saw HD in her bed Monday morning but didn't "touch her and see if it was really her?"

5.) When SA walked off of his job and didn't tell BD immediately?

6.) When the ATM withdrawals were made?

7.) When no one attempted to call HD Monday night?

8.) When we found out neither CD or MB saw or heard from HD? (When we foudn out MB and HD had never spent the night at each other's house and MB's mom had never seen BD until she saw her on NG.)

9.) When DD had to climb through a window to enter his own home and saw SA in the hallway with the "deer caught in the headlights look?"

10.) When polygraphs detected deception? (Just pick someone...)

I think you all see where I'm going with this. When was the first time you suspected someone wasn't being honest? The answer is there.

what I put in red is where I first start having questions... because in the affidavit DD (brother) says that knowing Hailey's experience level with the game she would have played until midnight
Ten minutes would be enough time to walk in, get a 13-yr-old out of bed, and out to the car. MOO

Right, but that 10 minutes also has to include driving far enough away to quit pinging in Colorado City.
Now when they say "NO PHONE USAGE", are we just assuming that means no one called? Or could it also be.....he pulled the battery? We have to remember they liked true crime, they would know about pings. My thinking is...are we just assuming he left the house or could he have still been there just not pinging??????????
To the mods: What is the general feeling among you guys about 'bumping' a post by a mod about TOS/warning or about quoting from the first post, or reminding folks to check the first post?

I have tried that instead of hitting the alert button at times b/c I do feel that you would rather us all follow TOS than having a box full of alerts. If that's not what you want, then let us know and I won't do that anymore. Thanks. :)

(ETA: This is in response to Tricia's post on the previous page, not to anything anyone has recently posted...)
Updated timeline with drive times now included. Draft. Please review and provide additions, deletions, feedback, input, insight, sanity, chocolate, and drinks.

Hailey Dunn Timeline

Sun, Dec 26

Unknown: Hailey returns home from an overnight Christmas visit with her dad.

09:00:00 PM: Hailey's brother sees Hailey playing a video game in the living room as he leaves the house. Last reliable sign of life from Hailey.

10:00:00 PM: Billie sees Hailey watching TV in her room.

Mon, Dec 27

Unknown: Billie looks in on Hailey in bed in her room. Is unsure if she's really there.

05:30:00 AM: Shawn leaves for work. 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 5:30am + 36 min = 6:06am

06:00:00 AM: Shawn arrives at work, gets a Dr. Pepper, sees supervisor, does not speak to anyone.

06:06:00 AM: Estimated arrival time at work for Shawn. 5:30am + 36 min = 6:06am

06:10:00 AM: Shawn leaves work. 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 6:10am + 36 min = 6:46am.

06:20:00 AM: Billie leaves for work, picked up by co-worker. Billie leaves cell phone home for the kids to use.

06:35:00 AM: Shawn returns to Colorado City, where Hailey's home is located.

06:46:00 AM: Estimated arrival time at Colorado City for Shawn from 6:10am. 6:10am + 36 min = 6:46am.

06:56:00 AM: Shawn's cell phone stops pinging in Colorado City. 38 miles/41 minutes between Colorado City <> Big Spring. 6:56am + 41 min = 7:37am

07:37:00 AM: Estimated arrival time at Big Spring for Shawn from 6:56am. 6:56am + 41 min = 7:37am

09:38:00 AM: Shawn arrives in Big Spring, where his mother's home is. Shawn makes 11 phone calls. Cell phone starts pinging again in this location.

12:00:00 PM: Billie claims a man (Charles) who lives with a neighbor (Travis) sees Hailey in yard talking on phone. Mike Board of WOAI claims his station found a woman who saw Hailey in the yard on the phone, but no time is given.

02:40:00 PM: Shawn exits Big Spring. 38 miles/41 minutes between Colorado City <> Big Spring. 2:40pm + 41 min = 3:21pm

03:00:00 PM: Shawn claims to arrive at Hailey's home in Colorado City. Shawn claims Hailey is there, and tells him she is going to her dad's, then to her friend's.

03:15:00 PM: Shawn claims Hailey leaves home, leaving all personal belongings behind. No one sees her walk anywhere on this entire day. Bloodhounds later track Hailey going toward her father's house, toward her friend's house, and toward a hotel.

03:21:00 PM: Estimated arrival time at Colorado City for Shawn. 2:40pm + 41 min = 3:21pm

04:00:00 PM: Brother returns home. Pounds on door for 5 minutes. No one answers. Enters home through a window. Shawn is standing in a hallway with "a deer in the headlights look."

05:09:00 PM: Estimated time Shawn leaves Colorado City in order to pick up Billie at work at 5:45pm. 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 5:45pm - 36 min = 5:09pm

05:45:00 PM: Shawn picks up Billie at work.

06:20:00 PM: Billie and Shawn make 2 ATM withdrawals in Snyder, $60 and $80. Billie later voluntarily tells LE that the money was buy illegal narcotics from someone in Scurry County for her and Shawn to use. Later still, Billie claims on national TV to have gotten the money to use for groceries and gas, and that she and Shawn were in Scurry County for only about 15 minutes. 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 6:20pm + 15 min = 6:35pm + 36 min = 7:11pm

07:11:00 PM: Estimated arrival time at Colorado City for Shawn and Billie. 6:20pm + 15 min = 6:35pm + 36 min = 7:11pm

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn claim to arrive back home in Colorado City.

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn begin watching movies.

10:00:00 PM: Billie and Shawn go to bed. See 10pm Sun Dec 26 for last time Billie made any effort to determine Hailey's whereabouts or well-being.

Tue, Dec 28

12:00:00 PM: Billie calls Hailey's brother and tells him to text Hailey's friend, and tell her to tell Hailey to come home. Brother texts but unable to contact friend. Brother calls and friend says Hailey never said she was going there, and never came over. This is the first time since Sun Dec 26 at 10pm that Billie has made any effort to determine Hailey's whereabouts or well-being. Billie has a co-worker drive her to Colorado City. She checks several places for Hailey.

02:00:00 PM: Billie reports Hailey missing to LE at the police department.

Note: 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 2:00pm - 36 min = 1:24pm. Billie spent somewhere between 24 minutes and an hour and 24 minutes checking places for Hailey before going to LE to report her missing.

Great Job! I just have some small additions to the beginning of the timeline:

Hailey’s paternal G-Ma sees Hailey on Christmas Day

CD says Hailey spends the night with him on Christmas Day

BD says she is off work and HD is home with her all day. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/10/ng.01.html

YET-CD says Hailey is with him on this day
Does anyone know if SA has a Criminal Record?
Because we already have 2 hours and 42 minutes of unaccounted for time and if he just pulled the battery, that could mean he could have been at the house a total of 3 hours and 3 minutes, OR at the house for so long and left at anytime prior to when they pick the phone back up at 9:38 in Big Spring. it's 48 minutes to Big Spring, so that much of it is known driving time.
Does anyone know if SA has a Criminal Record?

He had a public intoxication arrest in August 2010 in Tye, Texas. That's the only thing I could find. Also, officers responded to a domestic disturbance at BD's, but I am unsure of the date.
Ok, I was going to attached an enlarged picture of them sitting on the couch, but I can't attach and photo bucket is too slooow. So, anyone can enlarge it to see better by opening the page: http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=331756 then hold down Ctrl and then hitting the += key to the left of backspace. Hit the next one to the left (-) to make it smaller again.

After enlarging she doesn't look unhappy to me.. just her face is turned down a bit and she's sitting back on the couch while S&B are leaning forward. Plus she's kind of smiling..

Btw, Shawn's shirt says "Dimebag Darrel" he was a guitarist for pantera who was shot and killed by a paranoid schizophrenic fan.

Ew, there looks like there's a yellow stain on Shawn's pants.
The more I think of it......the phone was not pinging at all during that time. Had it been, they would have said in another area or what not, they said NO PHONE USAGE. They didn't use the word "Calls" at all, only pings. He pulled the battery IMO.
I wonder if Hailey had quit band and Billie did not even know? I read that post in Dec. on H's FB page about the band concert, it did sound like she was meant to be in it, just did not want to go.

Also why would Billie care if Hailey is being referred to mostly as a cheerleader? Why would that matter to her at this point? That doesn't make sense, not when she is still talking about SA on the one hand, but wants Hailey to be seen as more than a cheerleader on the other hand?
I think SA went to his mom's house to see if his mask arrived that he ordered 0n 12/7. he uses his mom's address. I also don't believe that we can go by what SA or BD says because they were under the influence so im going by DD's statement that HD was last seen at 9 pm sunday 12/26 ad never seen again......
lol, of course after Tricia's post, I'm kinda afraid to post anything worrying someone's gonna run tell mom and we'll get the thread locked. :floorlaugh:
One thing that has bothered me since yesterday.

In an article I read yesterday (please don't ask for a link - I know I read it). BD said Hailey was first chair sax in the school band. First chair. But on Hailey's fb there was an exchange between her and a friend in the beginning of Dec. Hailey had said she didn't want to go to the band concert. Her friend tried to get her to go and eventually Hailey said she didn't go.

Being first chair in a band and Hailey didn't want to go and didn't go to the concert. I find that "unusual".

Could be absolutely nothing but why didn't Hailey want to go to that concert? And, more importantly why didn't she go? BD ( being such a wonderful mother) had to have known about this school band concert so why didn't she take Hailey? What did Hailey tell her about not wanting to go? First chair is a big deal and for a first chair player not to show up - probably frustrated the band director.

This might be nit-picking - but something that just ruffled my feathers yesterday when I read it. IIRC the fb posts were around Dec. 8 somewhere.

I know I have one in the band about the age of Hailey. It was her first concert and she didn't want to go either. She was nervous. I had to talk her into going. I don't know if thos was Hailey's first concert, if it was she may have been nervous. I don't know about there but here playing an instrument in the band is expensive. We have to buy the instruments and they are not cheap.
To the mods: What is the general feeling among you guys about 'bumping' a post by a mod about TOS/warning or about quoting from the first post, or reminding folks to check the first post?

I have tried that instead of hitting the alert button at times b/c I do feel that you would rather us all follow TOS than having a box full of alerts. If that's not what you want, then let us know and I won't do that anymore. Thanks. :)

(ETA: This is in response to Tricia's post on the previous page, not to anything anyone has recently posted...)

Thank you Belimom for asking this question.

Alert please.

We would rather have the alerts than for you to put yourself in an awkward position.

Exactly my thoughts. Deserved more than a 'thanks'... I think if he had harmed her (and I mean more than molest... which is bad enough in itself) in the home, LE would have taken out much more evidence than they did. And much more evidence would be there.

I wonder if SA had planned on staying at his mom's until time to get Billie from work, but realized (maybe after talking to accomplices, if there were any) that he left something behind that he needed to find?

My other thought is he started thinking about whether or not he could be implicated somehow if Hailey had kept a diary about things that had happened in the past b/t him (IF things had happened) or about things she had witnessed in the home. Maybe he was trying to clear out anything at all in the house that would make him suspicious.

Interesting how LE found stuff the Billie printed out from work, but didn't seem to indicate finding anything belonging to Shawn that could be incriminating.

All just MOO...

BBM Hmm, another reason why the deer in the headlights look. He was getting rid of things of his that would incriminate him.

And I agree that if it happened in the home, there would be way more evidence. However, at this time, we don't know what evidence they really do have. Why have they returned to that shed 2 times? Must have been a reason for that.
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