TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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You say there are three sightings of Hailey on Monday, after 9:38 am, but LE is saying that these sightings are unconfirmed. Why would they say that? TIA

I have no idea. I do not know the other people who saw her. I do know this one. She would be a credible witness to me.... business owner, established member of the community, etc.
I have not heard law enforcement say that they are unconfirmed.

They have said something about the being on the phone in the backyard on Monday being unconfirmed... (which I believe was the first sighting) we have speculated she may not have been on the phone but using her MP3 player or something else.

They have said they haven't yet found the girls she was possibly seen walking and playing basketball with on Monday (which I believe was the second sighting).

But this one (which I believe is the third sighting on Monday) where she was seen more than once by the same person... we have heard nothing about from law enforcement.

They have not come out and said "Any possible sightings you may hear about of Hailey on Monday December 27th are unconfirmed."

There could be plenty of things THEY know about, that haven't hit the media yet... that may or may not be confirmed. We don't know what they know and what they have confirmed.

Until they are confirmed, they are unconfirmed.
I have no idea. I do not know the other people who saw her. I do know this one. She would be a credible witness to me.... business owner, established member of the community, etc.

So, LE has interviewed this person and verified it? Or, are they doing it now?

Was the other child known the witness so he/she can be identified and verified to be okay.

Thanks in advance for responding!
The animosity was when Billie and SA first got together. Hailey did want her parents back together, and she saw SA as standing in the way. And no, he did not show anger towards her (that I know anything about).

I am sure there were plenty of times that either of this kids were alone with SA.

This is a hard question to answer...all kids at some point or another have some type of issues with their parents/stepparents/parent's GF/BF. No issues out of the ordinary that I ever knew about.

Thing is..a 13 year old had to know though that Shawn or no Shawn, her daddy has met someone as well and had another baby. I would think that if nothing else that pretty much would put to rest any hopes she would have had regarding Billie and Clint getting back together..you don't think?
I have been friends with Billie for nearly 10 years. I have been to her house, she has been to my house. Our kids have spent the night with each other.

I think 'facsinations' may be a strong word. I do not know of anything that Billie is 'facsinated' with. Hobbies? Well, I didn't know that she was interested in true-crime until recently, which is what I think you are asking. No drug use that I am aware of. Billie has worked at the hospital in Snyder for 7 or 8 years... before that, I cant remember.

I do not know SA well at all. He was just Billie's BF to me, never said more than a few words to him. So I don't know much about him at all, including jobs.

Not being rude, please do not take it that way. Friends for 10 years and been to each others homes; I do not have a gf that I have been friends with for that long, yet I do not know her husband or significant other in a fairly meaningful way. Especially if he has been in her life for any length of time. Do you ever wonder why she never talked about him much? You are clearly a wonderful and supportive person and Billie is lucky to have you in her life. But I have serious doubts about her as a parent.
So,I will take it then that BD or SA did have an extracurricular job?

Not from me. Billie worked at the hospital for years. She worked maybe at the prison or somewhere for a while before that - really cannot remember that long back.

I have NO idea what SA might have done.
So, if this information is correct, and I think it merits consideration at least.... Maybe SA left work to do something else he wasn't supposed to be doing? (Drugs, affair, who knows) and knows that he didn't kill Hailey, so he's not saying a word about that and knows that if he tells what he was doing he will be in trouble with the law and possibly lose Billie over it. Yea, stupid to not speak up, but I've seen dumber moves before. Just looking at other possibilities.
I have been friends with Billie for nearly 10 years. I have been to her house, she has been to my house. Our kids have spent the night with each other.

I think 'facsinations' may be a strong word. I do not know of anything that Billie is 'facsinated' with. Hobbies? Well, I didn't know that she was interested in true-crime until recently, which is what I think you are asking. No drug use that I am aware of. Billie has worked at the hospital in Snyder for 7 or 8 years... before that, I cant remember.

I do not know SA well at all. He was just Billie's BF to me, never said more than a few words to him. So I don't know much about him at all, including jobs.


You may not know of any drug use but it is more than obvious that there is drug use by BILLIE'S OWN ADMISSION in a SWORN AFFIDAVIT. With multiple Federal and State LE agencies involved, I can't see any LE lying in a sworn affidavit. Plus, you can bet that any interviews that were done were either video taped or tape recorded so that admission will be recorded so there really is no point in her denying it.

Odd to me that after SA being with BD for 3? years that everyone says they don't know SA that well including BD's own son DD.
Was he there when you visited?
What was he doing?

also all news says SA went to mom and grandma.........is there a dad/grandpa in his life?
ANY GOOD MALE figures in his life?
Seems that he tried to hard to show his masculine side with knives, guns, masks etc.
Just to get into the conversation I want to say I have six daughters 11-24. I am a single parent, dad is 1,000 miles away. I work late nights and sleep in the mornings til noonish. Five girls still live at home. On weekends the older daughters that can drive keep track of the younger siblings. They check up on them, meet parents at sleepovers, pick up/drop off a group from the movies, attend sports programs or other school functions if I cant be there. I give the orders and they follow through. The oldest girls have lots of contact numbers for all age group friends and inter-mingle and let me know when there is any trouble brewing. I wish I didnt have to rely on them to make it but it works for us.

So BD doesnt raise red flags in that aspect. The drug use bothers me and her lack of genuine despair and worry over Hailey does. I think SA has her hoodwinked and his sinister creeping in the middle of the night SCARES me. I think the crime started the night before, after buying narcotics, watching movies and turning in for the night @ 10.00. He doesnt sleep imo....BTW, I wonder what movies they watched...if he had a new mask and was caught up in his rush of drugs, horror and lust.

WOW, wideopen! After reading your ^above post I am literally standing here with my mouth "wideopen"..lol..
I had to scroll back up&make sure I read that correctly, a single mom of 6{5 still living at home}and when I realized that the word "daughter" was next to that number 6..well, that's when I went back in bolded in bright red my statement that, You're one helluva a woman!..lol

I cannot even begin to comprehend the amount of hormones that are simmering in your household..lol.and amazingly you just as cool and calm as a cucumber about it all. Sounds as though you really have found a system\a way that works great for you guys..err.. I mean "gals"..which I'm sure was thru a whole heckuva allot of trial and error finding what would and would not work well for all of you!

I totally agree with you in that in families of two or more, when theres atleast one sibling thats got a few years on the other, that parents rightfully dole out responsibilities on the older siblings to help out with their younger brothers or sisters.. So, like you I do not find anything "wrong" or unusual about DD being the one to summon his little sister home from a girls sleepover.. that it is the drug use{compounded with blatant and arrogant lies in/and/around that drug use}and the absence of any of the emotions, feelings, reactions, etc that ANY human being goes thru in such a traumatic and truly the nightmare of all parents.. This is VOID IN BILLIE!

That is very troublesome..just as I posted last nite after seeing the video clip of Clint on KTXS{I'll add the link to it at the bottom for anyone who missed it}..Clint's pain and despair reached thru your computer screen and literally touched your heart.. It was there, it was REAL, and it is heartwrenching and painful to see..THERE IS ZERO OF THIS EMOTION FROM BILLIE{not even an attempt at mimicking the pain of parent in despair}...SO VERY DISTURBING AND TROUBLING, imo...

I can only continue to pray that this nightmare soon come to an end and that Hailey be brought home{sadly IMO that means for closure and a proper burial}..but nonetheless for Clint, and brother David I pray this be soon so that they may begin the long hard road of grieving Hailey's death and having atleast closure{so many families don't even get that these days with so many loved ones remains never being located}..God grant these loved ones the strength needed to face the upcoming days, weeks and months..

**Again, wideopen I admire you for being what sounds to me like one helluva a woman, and one helluva a momma to each and every one of all 6 of those girls of yours..

ETA~ Here is the link to that video of Clint that I am speaking about.. His pain and anguish are raw and you can feel it.. It was hard for me to watch the second time..because you hurt for him...Anyway here it is for any who may have missed it last nite..
I have not heard law enforcement say that they are unconfirmed.

They have said something about the being on the phone in the backyard on Monday being unconfirmed... (which I believe was the first sighting) we have speculated she may not have been on the phone but using her MP3 player or something else.

They have said they haven't yet found the girls she was possibly seen walking and playing basketball with on Monday (which I believe was the second sighting).

But this one (which I believe is the third sighting on Monday) where she was seen more than once by the same person... we have heard nothing about from law enforcement.

They have not come out and said "Any possible sightings you may hear about of Hailey on Monday December 27th are unconfirmed."

There could be plenty of things THEY know about, that haven't hit the media yet... that may or may not be confirmed. We don't know what they know and what they have confirmed.

I forgot about the sighting of Hailey and the girls walking.

1)on the phone in the backyard
2)walking in front of a store with MB and a boy
3)with the girls
4)walking with a child
All we want is for Hailey to come home. That would be freaking awesome if she ran away!!!! So many people's prayers would be answered. I feel not safe anymore in my town because of this. I do not even let my children play in our fenced backyard without me or their father. Freaking ridiculous!!!!! I feel like moving I don't feel safe anymore because of this. Yes, I pray that Hailey has run away.
I will be the first to say that SA has the most horrible luck in the world to quit his job, go home, NOT do anything to Hailey , go to his mom's ,, Hailey runs away,,,,,,,,on the very same day,,,,,,,IF that is true.

You and me both.
So, if this information is correct, and I think it merits consideration at least.... Maybe SA left work to do something else he wasn't supposed to be doing? (Drugs, affair, who knows) and knows that he didn't kill Hailey, so he's not saying a word about that and knows that if he tells what he was doing he will be in trouble with the law and possibly lose Billie over it. Yea, stupid to not speak up, but I've seen dumber moves before. Just looking at other possibilities.
You would think his attorney would tell him to fess up to the lesser of the two evils????

Sorry to bombard you, but I just have to ask this. You've known her for 10 years. She claims to have been with Shawn for 3 years. That's a pretty long time for you to know nothing other than that he is her boyfriend!! IMHO, I would think that she would come to her 10 year long friendship with you when she was having troubles, when she was just starting to date Shawn.
I'm just trying to understand Billie. Why would she not let him move in for TWO YEARS, yet allow him to stay after he threatens her life and Hailey's? Why would she never mention how things are going with him....how much she loves him....what he is like....how he treats her...how great he is with her kids, etc!?!?

You just said your kids spent the night there - was this during the time SA was living there or "staying there"? Did your kids say anything that maybe at the time didn't strike you as odd, but now, looking back might have meant something? Have your kids ever voiced any opinions about SA - either good or bad?

No, it has been quite a while since my girls stayed over there. It would have been when Billie and Clint were still together.

My kids have not been around SA enough to have formed any kind of opinion of him.
If LE did not think that SA was involved in HD's disappearance, do you think they would go so far as to publically name him a person of interest and/or suspect?
czgtz, I was not trying to jump on you, i was just asking some simple questions. I also cannot believe she has disconnected from SA seems how she had on a slipknot Tshirt in her interview with Snyder Daily News. Can you just answer one of my questions then? Did BD or SA have other jobs besides their main jobs, and if yes, what did they do?

I sure hope the courts in Texas require more proof than that (for anything).

I wonder if having a Willie Nelson song on harddrive = being a pothead?
Not being rude, please do not take it that way. Friends for 10 years and been to each others homes; I do not have a gf that I have been friends with for that long, yet I do not know her husband or significant other in a fairly meaningful way. Especially if he has been in her life for any length of time. Do you ever wonder why she never talked about him much? You are clearly a wonderful and supportive person and Billie is lucky to have you in her life. But I have serious doubts about her as a parent.

I am on the other side of this one. I can say that I have several good friends that I don't hardly know their husband. I can also say that I didn't know my BF's husband well because I didn't like him. We've been friends for over 20 years. And yes, one night, not too long ago, possibly where alcohol was involved I learned a whole lot about her, and I thought I knew most everything....
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