TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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My understanding is that tracking dogs scent by the small almost invisible particles of skin and whatnot that fall from our bodies constantly. I think that if someone used a shirt or jacket or whatever, the dogs would lose scent pretty quickly because there would be a limited number of particles for them to track, and, the particles on the item would be older than particles that actually came from the person they are tracking.

Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!

Yep, you got it right.
Not sure if I said this before...

If SA realized his phone was dying after he left work, he could have driven home to get the charger or to charge it. It didn't die until 6:58am. When he got home, (insert your theory here). He plugs charger in at mom's, plugs in phone at 9:38am.

IMO the big two questions surrounding this is:

1) What did he do/where was he between 6:58 and 9:38 am? and

2) How did he get from Big Springs to CCity in less than 30 min?

MAYBE THE CHARGER for the blackberry was :crazy: at work! !
IMO... this is yet another statement that has been busted. HD didn't not show up... she was never asked or expected to come over that day.
IMO... no mother calls her teenage son to locate a younger sibling. It's EASIER, QUICKER and CARRIES MORE WEIGHT comijg from mom than a big brother. My daughter would have told my son to go jump in a lake... what mom puts a sibling in the parenting role.
Even though BD was at work she could still txt HD from the internet, or called the friends landline or cellphone.
My guess is 12:00pm was her lunch break. An easy time to concoct this myth of concern. We have all seen firsthand that since HD went missing SA and how she is portrayed far outweigh her concern for HD.

submitted by android please excuse typos!

I personally know plenty of moms that give older children authority and responsibility over younger ones. IMO That's the way it should be.
I have a feeling/suspicion...that H was drugged the night before....after the brother left...Sunday night......and Monday morning B said..she "thought" she saw her sleeping in her bed...and left for work...then S gets to work...leaves work...and goes RIGHT BACK to the house...

S must have been PRETTY SURE...he could get H out of the house...with out resistance, refusing/commotion/fighting/yelling/screaming...etc.......so sure...he left work to come... right back... to do this.......and QUICKLY..

IMO...to awaken someone...and MAKE/FORCE them to go with you....UNWILLINGLY....it a huge undertaking..especially if they are afraid of you....

The fact no one reported hearing yelling, screaming, slamming doors, commotion..with folks nearby, just across the fence...

As someone suggested...perhaps he told her of an emergency....could explain why all her stuff was still there....nothing taken...but her hoody was still there..as someone said.....wouldn't she have taken that???

But if drugged/still dark/no one around...IMO...very easy....No need for any of things/or hoody.....But then....why later ..next day..locked doors???? what's to hide/clean up???

If S did this....how was it done so easily???...and quietly??? IMO...she was not in her bed at all....she was "stashed" somewhere ...drugged...from Sunday night...

IMO..that is why B looked in her room to see if she was there....She must have had some doubts..H was even IN HER bedroom.....then seeing something LIKE her/covers/bedding..but admitted she didn't actually SEE her...

Someone could have stirred up the bedding to look like a teenager all covered up..to fool B ...(if that was the intent)
IMO...this is just my thoughts...not starting rumors...But something STRONGLYcaused him to leave work..come back to the house....then leave with H...(assumption)without a ruckus/commotion/

One thing for sure.....his "pings" will be his downfall....and his mixed up "facts"...

I will probably change my mind a million times more...when more facts are know...but this what I am feeling happened at this time.......all in my own opinion and 2 cents
Originally Posted by Quiche
When BD asked DD to call and get Hailey home, DD claims he sent her a text-- to what phone did he send the text? :waitasec:

Originally Posted By ~Lisa~
BD asked DD to text the friend and tell Hailey to come home, DD called BD and told her Hailey never made it there.
and just to further clarify.. sometime around noon of the 28th BD calls home from work{she called her cell phone, which she left home for the kids while she worked} DD answers and she tells him to text the little girl's cell phone where Hailey had spent the nite and tell her to have Hailey go ahead and head back home..It was MBs phone that DD originally texted..when got no response he called MBs phone and it was at that time that MB told him not only had Hailey not spent the night there, but that she had not even spoke with Hailey and there never was any plan or talk of Hailey spending the night there..

Then you have DD call his mom back at her work and relay this info..Therefor setting in motion the "discovery of Hailey missing"..

*just added in the little details of whose phone was called/text during this time..
That confused me, lol! Scent is scent, doesn't matter which jacket it came off of.

In regards to that, what was the weather that day?

Please forgive my contagious confusion.

If she wore the jacket everyday, never seen without it, then it might be a forced issue to get it washed hense a whole lotta scent, easily tracable scent.
If a perp took her jackey and drag it down the street to MB's house. to the front door, scent stops at the front door, correct?
Then it is dragged to the parking lot of the motel, and stops.
Then the dogs are taken to each room and her scent is discovered at one door, ground floor, only on the outside.

Then jacket is place in a plastic bag, and perp walks away.
Dogs aren't looking for just anyone's scent, only HD's correct?

I think there had been some rain between the time she was discovered missing and when the dogs went out. Not a lot, but some. moo
Thank you for your patience, :blowkiss:
If BD left her phone at home for the children to use, then possibly she called her phone expecting HD to answer. And when she didn't, BD then realized HD wasn't home and called DD.

That could explain how she knew HD wasn't at home.

Just my opinion.

IIRC, DD was on BD's phone.
This may have been asked, so forgive me is it has: were any SAR dogs brought in, or just the dogs from the prison?
I for one, would love to see a nationwide network of SAR dogs, available within an hours reach of every home in U.S. Wishful thinking, I know.
FWIW, I can make calls on my BB while it's charging. Which means it is pinging off a tower. Also I have GPS. I do not have to subscribe to anything. I have regular cell and text service.
Please forgive my contagious confusion.

If she wore the jacket everyday, never seen without it, then it might be a forced issue to get it washed hense a whole lotta scent, easily tracable scent.
If a perp took her jackey and drag it down the street to MB's house. to the front door, scent stops at the front door, correct?
Then it is dragged to the parking lot of the motel, and stops.
Then the dogs are taken to each room and her scent is discovered at one door, ground floor, only on the outside.

Then jacket is place in a plastic bag, and perp walks away.
Dogs aren't looking for just anyone's scent, only HD's correct?

I think there had been some rain between the time she was discovered missing and when the dogs went out. Not a lot, but some. moo
Thank you for your patience, :blowkiss:

Yes, but they are trained to look for fresh scent, as Sarx pointed out, prison dogs are only good for so many hours....they get the "scent" from the item presented, then they begin looking for fresher scent to track.

Again, please correct me if I am wrong....
When did HD tell Grandma (CD's mother) that SA made her uneasy or whatever the statement was?

When Hailey was 11! About two years. :banghead:

No, it was after Hailey disappeared. No one told Billie at all. The first she heard of it was on NG... her anger was apparant, to me anyway. If this was true, the grandmother should have immediately told Billie or Clint.

JMO, I dont think she was scared. She has been known to get in SAs face and scream at him, tell him how much she disliked him. Billie would have to tell her to cool it.
Wow. So now you can find ways on the internet on how to fake out dogs, cops, and the media. These people are very disturbing individuals. Poor Hailey. I had a very disturbing thought that maybe BD gave Hailey to SA as a xmas present. That brought tears to my eyes. Poor baby. She never had a chance. I sure do hope that DD is out of that house.
Did the brother come home at 4 or 5? I feel like I've seen different things.

I thought it was 4pm..I've been away for a couple of days and have not caught up, but I'm so curious as to whether we have found out if DD told his mom of having to break in the window..

eta~nevermind, I remember reading that Billie confirmed that DD broke in and caught SA with the 'dear in the headlight look'. So how did she confirm it if she wasn't there ..or was she? Either way, DD must have told her for her to confirm it with LE..so, I wonder what she had to say about the reason for the locked door, etc..anyone heard anymore? TIA!

Why would Billie bring him into the home if there was that kind of animosity going on? When she yelled at him like that, did he ever show any signs of anger back towards Hailey??
Prior to this date, were there ever times when Hailey and Shawn were left alone in the house together?? Like, WOULD Hailey stay there if she were going to be left alone with Shawn??
Was it just Hailey or did DD also have issues with Shawn?
czgtz, you are her friend? Does that mean you went to her house, or that you were friends by phone? Did you know about their facsinations? Hobbies? Drug use? Was there any other work that BD or SA did besides their main jobs?
czgtz, you are her friend? Does that mean you went to her house, or that you were friends by phone? Did you know about their facsinations? Hobbies? Drug use? Was there any other work that BD or SA did besides their main jobs?
she has answered some of these questions in the PL
Just to get into the conversation I want to say I have six daughters 11-24. I am a single parent, dad is 1,000 miles away. I work late nights and sleep in the mornings til noonish. Five girls still live at home. On weekends the older daughters that can drive keep track of the younger siblings. They check up on them, meet parents at sleepovers, pick up/drop off a group from the movies, attend sports programs or other school functions if I cant be there. I give the orders and they follow through. The oldest girls have lots of contact numbers for all age group friends and inter-mingle and let me know when there is any trouble brewing. I wish I didnt have to rely on them to make it but it works for us.

So BD doesnt raise red flags in that aspect. The drug use bothers me and her lack of genuine despair and worry over Hailey does. I think SA has her hoodwinked and his sinister creeping in the middle of the night SCARES me. I think the crime started the night before, after buying narcotics, watching movies and turning in for the night @ 10.00. He doesnt sleep imo....BTW, I wonder what movies they watched...if he had a new mask and was caught up in his rush of drugs, horror and lust.
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