TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #28

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I'm watching the NG repeat right now & I still believe that's a FEMALE vs the COUSIN popping up behind the couch. :)

ETA!! Is that a FEMALE mask? It has what looks like (long & braided) hair flowing from the side of it.

I thought to myself, what a little man, then it clicked, that's a girl! JMO
This is why I asked about whether or not Clint worked, possibly with a group of men who came around to visit (smoek weed)...anyone could have seen Hailey, and it is possible, at least, that some other pervert took her, besides SA. Granted, he is the most likely, he had opportunity, surely had means, and who knows about motive, that is all in the twisted brain of the person who did it. And he apparently has lies to the police going against him. But I still would like to know about any other possibilities, and if Clint knows of anyone creepy, he probably isn't even thinking about them now, as LE has presented the "perfect" suspect already.

Well we know that one SO said he was friend of Clint and wanting to help search. ML
cuz is little and likes that wig thang............just sayin'
B. DUNN: No. I would think about taking one with somebody else, with the FBI.

GRACE: That is the Feds.

B. DUNN: But that`s something I`d have to think long and hard about.

http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/17 /ng.01.html

The fact that she has to THINK about it speaks volumes. It's great to say you would think about doing something....
but we were all kids once and didn't we ask mom/dad if we could do something and they would say "i'll think about it". C'mon that always meant no! It's just a way to shut the person up for a little while about that topic.
One of the questions I have is did SA normally pick BD up from work, or did BD normally ride home with a co-worker?

SA working a normal 8 hour shift should get off work by 3, that's including a one hour lunch break. If BD gets off around 6, IMO that's a long time to hang out, and it's at least 25 to 30 minutes one way from work to home, so he goes home (back when he had a job) and has to turn around within 2 hours and go all the way back. IMO, until I know differently, I think it's more likely BD normally rode home with a co-worker.

Something else, my :twocents: I guess, is about the hairdresser seeing Hailey on Monday. I'm not buying it. She sees her heading towards the Dollar store, and there is video of her there Sunday, but not Monday. Even if the date on the store video was wrong, and I doubt that, LE would have picked up on that pretty quickly.

Eye-witness testimony is not very accurate, especially if people are being asked to recall a few days later something that would not seem out of the ordinary to them. I just happen to be wired in a way that allows me to 'retrace my steps' and be very, very accurate about when events occur, and it took me a long time to realize most people aren't like this. I don't know if I am explaining this well. This isn't to say I'm some kind of wunderkind, as my daughter just went to bed 5 minutes ago, and I think she was wearing shorts, but other than that I have no clue what she was wearing. I would have to think really hard to remember what I wore yesterday.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is I have had a lot of experience, including in my job, of people swearing on a stack of Bibles this and that happened at a particular time, and be so wrong, and I'm thinking where do they even get this idea in their head.
I know IF I thought the ONLY reason I failed a poly was because I was UPSET, I would be demanding them to give me another one. MOOANDSTUFF.
Think about how easy it is to get days confused around the holidays........
I'm watching the NG repeat right now & I still believe that's a FEMALE vs the COUSIN popping up behind the couch. :)

ETA!! Is that a FEMALE mask? It has what looks like (long & braided) hair flowing from the side of it.

FWIW, one of the videos I watched the other day when these first came out had the cousin wearing a long, flowing, girl wig, and he seems to be on the 'petite' side.
From NG Show Transcript on 01/16 re Where was SA?

GRACE: What was Shawn Adkins` response when he found out she was missing?

DUNN: He came straight home. He had been pretty upset, he appeared shaken to me also and started being supportive to me.

pesty "past tense" again....

Did Billie notice that he was upset before 12noon Tuesday...
Why didn't NG ask Billie why she had to think about it? (taking another LD) Why didn't MK ask her? They let so many opportunties pass on this show...

As far as the graphic info from the doctor, is that really necessary, even for the viewers, at this point? We are three weeks in, no one has any proof she is dead. There is no reason for that, except for sensation, as far as I can tell; Clint was going to continue to looked glazed, and Billie was going to have her same expression, no matter what was said.
Yes she did! I don't believe that all cos what are the odds she never looked over his entire site(s) including the video section? Not very good!

What disturbs me way more then her lying about it is her 'possibly' taking part in these FREAKY videos..Altho, I will say this particular one looks like fooling around then any of the others..OTH! It was very CREEPY the way the knife was being fondled by ??? behind the mask.I wonder WHO was taking this video & all the others? There is def a 3rd person in the mix since there's so many with SA & his cousin in them.


Well the affidavit did say "sexual sadistic activities" - and you don't do those alone! I would think that "licking a big ole butcher knife while you're sneaking up on someone" would fall into that category.

just sayin......................

Well the affidavit did say "sexual sadistic activities" - and you don't do those alone! I would think that "licking a big ole butcher knife while you're sneaking up on someone" would fall into that category.

just sayin......................

:thud: and ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. If I tried something like that mr. teh would have to take me to the hospital, I'd prolly' cut my tongue.
Do you remember what Sparky said? To look at the affidavits and warrants as a whole and not nit-pick at details? I think that was a clue. And I think it meant they are looking primarily at SA here. MOO

No, I didn't know that about Sparky, but that search warrant affidavit was terrible if what Billie says is true. Might very well end up getting anything found from it thrown out if there is a trial. A defense att. will be looking at the details.

Okay, I just found the PC video by Sparky and transcribed that part about the affidavit and looking at the 'entire document'. I had to rewind it several times - I hope I got it right:


Starting at about 5:16:

".... But as you look at that we would ask that you look at the totalitary (?), I mean the entire document and not just (inaudible) careful about it and not just nitpick at it or pick out one sentence. Again the entire document is what we’re looking at...."
:thud: and ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. If I tried something like that mr. teh would have to take me to the hospital, I'd prolly' cut my tongue.
especially if it was the one that he killed the snake with!!!! :floorlaugh:

Anyone else notice that every time NG has BD on, she (NG) makes sure to say or ask BD "and you don't have a lawyer - correct?"

I don't think NG is doing that just to hear herself talk. KWIM?
It doesn't sound like it. This little info got me having flashbacks of Somer Thompson and Jessica Lunsford case. The neighborhood needs to check again. I get the feeling that Hailey still close to that area.
That is what I thought too. Can't get past Shawn saying he was fired. If he really told the police that then I think it is him.
Well now that I can go have nightmares about masks and SNAKES, Thanks WOO........g'nite everyone. Maybe tomorrow...............

Well the affidavit did say "sexual sadistic activities" - and you don't do those alone! I would think that "licking a big ole butcher knife while you're sneaking up on someone" would fall into that category.

just sayin......................

The only way I'm lickin' a big ole butcher knife like that is if it just slid through a big ole hunk of ooey, gooey, chocolatey cake... :cupcake:
00:38:58 Explain to us once again that day when you got home from work -- >> I told all of my -- and i believe I told all of my close family members and I got ahold of all of hailey's friends that day.
00:39:11 >> Now, tell me what happened when you got home from work, does adkins pick you up from work?
00:39:18 >> No, tuesday when I got home, when I realized she didn't spend the night at [MB]'s, I came straight home, my sister-in-law gave me a ride.
00:39:27 And then shawn met me here.

00:39:28 >> What happens when you get home from work that day?
00:39:32 When does shawn tell you she's gone?
00:39:37 >> He told me monday afternoon that she had went to [MB]'s?
00:39:41 >> But when do you realize she's miss something when does he tell you she's not there?
00:39:47 >> He didn't tell me, I found out first tuesday afternoon, when I called to say, tell hailey to come home.
00:39:54 >> And what time was that, billie?
00:39:57 >> It was around noon on the 28th.
00:40:00 >> And when you learned she had never come home, what did you do?
00:40:05 >> I left work, stopped by the house first, to make sure she hadn't got there, went by a couple of her friends' houses and went to the police station.


IIRC.....Last week Billie told Nancy Grace that she got a "RIDE HOME FROM WORK WITH A CO-WORKER"

Tonight she says that she got a "ride home with her Sister-in-Law."

What's up with that???

Just maybe these are the inconsistances the the LE's are talking about.

Lordy just catching up had something things to do this weekend and my 12 yr old daughter had games and practice... I am waiting till 3 to watch nancy for some reason it didnt come on at 1..from what I have read though..seems like a very intresting one. I still leav towards Billie not being DIRECTLY involved however she is still responsible for who she chooses to have around her kids.

Poor Clint he breaks my heart .. I admire his strength to get out there and look for Hailey and do whatever he can.

I do want to ask a question though where is the dollar store in regards to the motel?
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