TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #31

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Watching reruns of Nancy Grace....She is really taking up for BD...I guess she learned something from the Trenton Ducket (sp?) case.

Anyway IMHO....The kleenex and eye touching remind me of ICA. If you can't cry...just make people think that you are crying.

Trying to catch up....I was hoping that Trica was going to give us a forum. These treads are moving so fast. They are also full of SO MUCH information and so hard to go back a find things! UGH

Bombshell. Cops are human. They get tired of the same people calling over and over and over. Just because he said that to his dispatcher does not mean he was not all business when he got there.

We are here to make a difference. And WE DO. Websleuths is the only forum on the Internet that is respected by LE, Families, Media, and people from around the world.

WHY? Because we do our best to keep focused on what really matters.

What matters in Hailey's case? THAT WE FIND HAILEY.

We can all agree Hailey's mom is not going to be Mother of the Year ever.

We can all agree Hailey's mom brought into their lives the focus of the investigation into her disappearance.

This makes me angry like it does all of you I'm sure.

But what Hailey's mother did to earn money, what she does in other areas of her personal life, as unseemly to us as it all may be, is not directly connected to the disappearance of her daughter.

What we know is connected to the investigation is her boyfriend. And we have found out that she appeared to have lied about threats to herself and Hailey from this guy.

That makes me sick but that doesn't mean I will allow Websleuths to go down to the gutter to discuss and trash the areas of her life that do not have to do with Hailey's disappearance.


The only reason we do is because it is disgusting and makes us mad.

But by discussing her past (which is not connected to what is going on now) how does that help with the case?

All it does is trash a mother, and as little I think of her parenting skills she is a mother, who is missing her daughter.

I spoke to Marc Klaas tonight. He asked me to please help everyone to keep on track with what is really important right now.

And that is Hailey. Not what her mother has done in her past that makes us cringe as parents.

Please let's keep Websleuths above the all the gossip crap that has NOTHING to do with the case.

When I speak to Brad Dennis (The head of the KlaasKids Search Team and is in Texas tonight) and ask him what we can do to help his team find Hailey I can guarentee you he is not going to ask us to find out what Billie did for a living.

Keep on topic and keep your keyboard on track. We are here for Hailey.

End of story.


For those who aren't planning on reading back 4 pages or so.
I never lived anywhere where we had to lock the doors or windows, until now. I don't find that unusual. They probably have low crime statistics.

My in-laws live in the mountains and they never lock the doors except when we stay there. I refuse to stay in that house with my babies with unlocked doors. They think I'm a freak, but c'est la vie!
Only if BD told CD would he know. You're not confused she did say SA threatened her and her ex-husband. Why would he threaten CD as well? To hurt Hailey he would kill both of her parents? Maybe he had this deep hatred for Hailey? Who knows.

I found it odd that he would threaten CD. I would think that CD's side of the family would know something about this as you would think the kids would talk. It's sad. Unstable Mother fighting with unstable boyfriend with threats of suicide. I wonder how many other times there were arguements like this in the house.
Was there big news on NG tonight? Yes or No. Should I watch the replay?
I'm watching BD's face while the calling is talking about what happened to Zahra,what SA could have done to Hailey with a mask and machete and she doesn't change expression.I don't understand this,I would breakdown.
He absolutely did and after I was annoyed, I had to laugh at how ridiculous it was.

and we have to face it, LE deals with all kinds of chit..and they do talk like that..just like doctors talk about inappropriate stuff in the operating room, just to break the monotony and tension, they don't mean any harm and WE just don't usually hear it..
in the one call she said she didn't have a car to come down and file a report....maybe she found a ride and showed up at the station a few times?
Don't forget, she also went to the station to report Hailey missing, did not call 911 that time either.
Right. I thought about. Just wish we knew what the LEO meant by "going all day". Maybe some time in between, she did make a complaint about SA using her debit card. Maybe SA did threaten Hailey. IDK, but there's a big chunk missing out of this part of the story, so it's difficult to make a fair assessment.

I'd also like to know the times of the 911 calls.
One last thing::: did anyone find out why HD went to several schools and did so much moving around? Did the family move around? This could involve someone from a past place.

In 20+ years of teaching, I've never seen a kid that age from a split home that moved around a lot and lived in different places and households and go to different schools be a well-adjusted "straight A student." Forgot to add...and a house with domestic issues.
Bombshell. Cops are human. They get tired of the same people calling over and over and over. Just because he said that to his dispatcher does not mean he was not all business when he got there.

How do you ALWAYS type so much faster than I do?! :floorlaugh:..
I am sure this has probally been commented on but there is no way I can catch up on all post.

Perhaps SA went to work to specifically get the acid solution. Went to get it. break room for a cola for alibi.. walked out, then took care of his mess he made.. perhaps she was deceased the night before.. odd that they were looking under the home all of a sudden, perhaps for empty bottles of the acid.

Why looking for the acid, I do not believe that is a needle in a haystack... somthing or someone called their attention to it.. SA has creepy friends in masks.. possibly a helper in this. The other persons of intrest I think it is a friend of family member of SA.

If he discarded this little girl and destroyed her body beyond id I am going to be even more sad.
I wonder if any seaches on ANY computer he had perhaps had a google search or website on the acid he may have used... maybe that is what led LE to go with the acid theory.

God help us all in this wicked world. I am not blaming BD but any man that i even remotly give a chance even a casual date.. i admitt i pay the background search and investigate his past and look for clues in behavior in phone calls before i attempt to date.. that has been years. I have kids and chalk it up to no live in, no time for men while my babies are growing up... too much to even risk. There may be a one percent chance that a person is a wolf in sheep clothing.. wont take that chance till they are grown and are able to make it on their own.. and of course with a little help from mom.
czgt- hugs, thanks for caring so much about Hailey. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of so many. I will continue to pray for a safe return ,
can I just ask, did anyone find out if they did get a computer (and a internet connection!) over the weekend ????...
and we have to face it, LE deals with all kinds of chit..and they do talk like that..just like doctors talk about inappropriate stuff in the operating room, just to break the monotony and tension, they don't mean any harm and WE just don't usually hear it..

I guess I kept putting myself in that situation. I would be annoyed if someone acted like that toward me. Trust me I woke up in the OR with the Dr. singing Celine Dion at the top of her lungs. Chit happends.
Dear Sleuthers-- I am as bowled over as I think all of you are. I had a few minutes of anger regarding the 911 tapes but have now mostly recovered my composure. But there is an old saying that "the truth shall set you free."

Because of what has been revealed, I have more clarity regarding the relationship between the only named suspect, SA, and BD, and about what may have happened to Hailey.

Thank you, Tricia, for reminding us of our purpose here -- to help find Hailey and to bring her home. And if she is no longer on this Earth, to bring her justice. It is exciting to have MK and his organization involved, and I know our SAR thread (and the Websleuths Astrology Forum) have lots of good ideas as to where to search.

I am proud to be involved with Websleuths and know we can make a difference in this case --and help solve this mystery and bring Hailey home.
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