TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #34

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I have a question about the earring...

Was it found today? Or just reported on today?


Not sure when it was found, but mentioned on NG tonight, it seems.

Grace said one of the earrings that Hailey was reported to be wearing when she disappeared was found in CD's home after her disappearance.

CD and his girlfriend, NS, told the Reporter-News that Hailey Dunn had spent Christmas night at CD's home.

"She took off those earrings and dropped them by the couch and asked me to put them up for her," NS said. "She asked me to pick them up for her, and I only found one of them."

I am searching old articles, and found this from January 2, 2011.

Now either LE mispoke, they have ruled out this sighting, or ???
For one thing, the article does not contain a direct quote from LE stating that she was sighted. I'm always skeptical of reports that read "police say" or "according to police" and fail to include the exact words of a LE spokesperson. But even if LE did release that statement on 01/02/11, the probably cause statement of the search warrant affadavit was submitted and signed on 01/07/11. It very clearly states:
"There are no witnesses who saw Hailey DUNN walking on the day she is believed to have left her residence."
The statement also names SA as the last known person to have seen Hailey alive.

Until I see a more recent signed affadavit stating otherwise, everything else is doubtful and subject to question.
I too was a little taken back watching MK hold up Bd on Nancy tonight. But aftrer looking at the KlassKids site today what stood out to me in relating it to this case is that it would organize the search groups and play damage control for the family through the media. LE, Nancy Grace and others have been prying at BD's heart, mind and soul to get her to tell the truth and "give it up". Maybe MK is trying reverse psychology, bonding and gaining BD trust and building a repoire (sp) to get to the bottom of it all. THE POINT IS TO FIND HAILEY AND BRING HER HOME.

Another paraagraph I quoted from the site earlier before this evening NG taken from Klasskids site.....
Remember never give up hope! As long as you believe that your child is alive and coming home, you will have support, but if you admit defeat your allies will disperse, law enforcement will dissipate and your chances of securing a recovery will effectively disappear.
Maybe that Stark ping is what SA's lawyer was talking about earlier with that "unusual" comment about pings and El Paso and Mexico and his phone pinging somewhere he wasn't.

Locals: Any Stark name around there?
Not known to anyone I have asked in the area? I have notice several misunderstood words between all media and others when they are talking via satelleite ! So may be just a not heard correctly wording. IMO
About the earring. It would be hard for anyone to say definitively if she had them in. Her hair is long and covers her ears.
I know every once in a while, they will publish a list of names of women whose babies tested positive for illegal drugs,

I know this is O/T and all, but REALLY?!? That is a really horrible breach of privacy. yikes!

Okay, back to the pings and lawyers with suspect geographical knowledge etc.

Where is Hailey??? :(
With the information that has come out since the beginning of this investigation, it seems as if LE has only given us enough details to point the finger at SA.

I am really concerned that we are being fed the smallest bits and pieces, and we can't look at a larger picture or even search on hunches regarding other possible options, because there is just nothing solid or confirmed.

Sorry for the vent. I have seen some amazing things accomplished at this site with other cases. Everything is so muddled and hush hush with this case, it is hard to even establish the basics. (Obviously LE knows much more, and there is a darn good reason they aren't talking)

Everyone here has done a wonderful job with the small amount of details that we have been privilage to. Thank you for everything you do, and for keeping the focus on finding Hailey.
One thing Mark K. said about Hailey possibly being scooped up off of the street and into a truck...of course it is possible, but from her description she is the size of a small adult, about my size in fact, and I can't see that being such a simple thing to do, not an simple as he made it sound. I think Mark may be taking this case a little too personally, I hope he is not being sucked into one side or the other. Personally I think whoever took/hurt Hailey is connected to her thru one or the other of her parents.

I have to agree with Mark. If someone had a knife or gun, thats enough to silence anyone, yet alone a little girl. Made me recall the abduction of a little girl in Florida a few years back: she was walking home through the parking lot of a carwash. Video caught the abduction - the perp pulled something out which appeared to be knife, and quietly made away with her =(

This is why the scent picked up at the hotel room door disturbed me early on. Could someone who was at that hotel had seen her about town somewhere, grabbed her, put her in the trunk, backed up to his hotel door to get his/her stuff and checked out. I read someone that SAR dogs (I think I was reading specifically on bloodhounds though) can pick up scent coming out of the exhaust of a vehicle for miles.... (SARX ??)
It's kind of like Kyron's case to me; as far as we know, they have never taken back their statement that Terri was the last to see Kyron...and so far LE here has not confirmed that anyone else saw Hailey on Monday.
Round Rock is half a day's drive from C-City or Big Spring.

Wasn't their a bone found there? But, it was later reported possibly an animal bone?
I cannot find the MSM link, but it was before the landfill searches?
Anyone remember hearing about this search/find?
have just got on and only read the last couple of pages re the red earring..

First of all for BD to say that she thought hailey was wearing the red earrings is a lie as she said she only looked into her room that morning before she went to work and thought she was sleeping.

2ndly someone mentioned earplug before. Can anyone clarify if it was an earplug OR an earring. That makes alot of difference, if it was an earplug then it is very suspicious that it is at CD's house, as they just dont pop out of your ear, it would have to taken out or pulled out and these are mostly left in at all times.

If it is just the earring, then I wouldnt say that is too suss as she stayed over there all the time and the only one who could possibly know she had that on is SA as he is the only one who was supposed to see her that day.

can someone confirm re earplug or earring...thanks

thanks for the description of the earplug to whoever provided it before, for those who dont know it is one of those big round things they wear in their ears in really big holes, I personally dont like how much their earlobes get stretched.
Wow, I left work, came home and got dinner for the family and two threads (locked for a while) I am still catching up. No matter what opinions we have about SA and BD (believe me I have many of my own), I think the best effort can be put forth right now assisting with the ground searches and providing assistance in that effort. Lord knows none of use have much faith in the former mentioned two finding her.

If you are local and can assist in the searches, God Bless You! If you aren't and can help with food and drinks for the search crews, God Bless You!

If you can't do either of these things but you can send up prayers for LE, the Klaas group and the search efforts, God Bless You!

Hailey deserves our best efforts in prayer and in searching out the facts that can assist all these folks in finding and bringing her home.

Let's focus full energy on these things for the next few days <modsnip>.

Agree to disagree with me if you will. Hailey needs WS and the power and energy we can bring to cases. Let's see this one solved. Love You All!!!!
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