TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #34

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When a lake and surrounding area are searched for a missing person is it common to send just ONE person...a game warden? I still feel since the road to Lake Colorado City is off I20 between Colorado City and Big Spring that the brush area around it needs an indepth search and since it's off season there has to be several roads to cabins that aren't being used til Spring that also should be searched.
There is a Stark Tx, but it's down around Beaumont. 428 miles away, so I doubt that's it.
After reviewing posts and alerts I feel it is time to remind everyone a few things:


If this happens like it has tonight I will close this thread for good. It is not worth dragging an innocent CHILD through the mud. That is how serious I am about this rule.

What if it was your child, by no fault of his/her own, who was brought up on Websleuths and sleuthed? I would hope you would lose your mind with anger.

And the bashing, attacking and telling others how to post has got to stop. It just does. End of comment.

You guys, I HATE DOING THIS because I know you all mean well. I appreciate your passion for Hailey. We all want to bring her home.

From my heart I thank you for all you do. Let's keep the focus on Hailey where it belongs.

So sorry to hear about your daughter! (((hugs))) to her:)

Only new news I could catch is that Hailey's red earring was found in Clint's house by DD after or while they were moving out, and that DD is now either in CPS or was interviewed by CPS and is now staying with Billie's brother (this is according to Billie)

Thank you...she seems to be up to par tonight but still a bit sore.

I am still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor about the earing and DD
If SA used drugs, and CD I assume possibly his new GF/ possibly ex might as well. Drugs is strong bond if someone wants to score/buy.
I'd like to know if they are were friends and hung out when BD/CD were married and then a schism occurred.
I think HD was exposed to lots of drug use in the home in both homes.
If friends come and go and no one locks their door- this could include many more people that should be loked at.

I don't know about other states, but it is my understanding when a baby is born here, they are routinely tested for illegal drugs. I know every once in a while, they will publish a list of names of women whose babies tested positive for illegal drugs, and they take action to get these new moms off drugs....if they want to keep (or get back) their babies.
Cz was trying hard to send us in that direction, yet SA seems so suspicious.

Personally I take what that person said with a giant grain of salt - a salt mine, even - because its clear that BD et al. are deperately trying to turn attention away from SA.

I also think this is a slippery slope - potentially dragging some guy into this 3 ring circus that may not have the slightest bit of connection to the case at all. We just don't know. All I know is that it seems like a giant, hinky red herring to me, this avenue certain people are trying to steer us down.

Maybe that Stark ping is what SA's lawyer was talking about earlier with that "unusual" comment about pings and El Paso and Mexico and his phone pinging somewhere he wasn't.

Locals: Any Stark name around there?
Something else I caught tonight:

QUOTE (NG transcript):

BILL LEVITAN, TELECOMMUNICATIONS EXPERT: The lawyers` statements are absolutely ridiculous, Nancy. I just can`t even believe that. I`ve looked at the records myself. I`ve placed, you know, I place him by his mother`s house, by Hailey`s house, and also in Stark. He was there. The records, you know, the records said that the police have got are very recent and very accurate. This is what`s used to make phone bills, and they`re challenged in courts all the time. What he`s saying is completely ludicrous.


Now, where is Stark? Is that where his work was? I don't remember hearing Stark.

SA mom lives in Big Spring
BD house in Colorado City
SA grandma lives in Dunn

Stark, Texas next to the Gulf. A nine hour drive. When was he is Stark that day? That would be an 18 hour drive to and from w/o stopping.
OK I called my daughter and asked her why would a 13yo would want to stretch out her ear lobe. She said oh, thats the newest thing. Ear plugs. Comes in all sizes? WTH. I never heard of ear plugs?

So I went on line for ear plugs.

In their never ending search for ways to make a statement which expresses their unique identity and bold nature, many of our customers prefer the look of large gauge plugs and tunnels for earrings. Montana Body Art carries a selection of jewelry to fill this demand and offers a wide assortment of plugs and tunnels ranging from the mild to the wild. We have ear plug sizes as small as 10 guage and all the way up to a whopping full 1 inch ear plugs. Looking to stretch your ear lobe piercing out to accomodate one of these remarkable items? Be sure to check out our selection of streching tapers as well. If it is large size ear rings you are looking for, you found the right category!

Yesterday and Monday there were some exchanges here about how SA could remember that Hailey was wearing red earrings, but not remember the color of her shirt. I didn't remember SA having said that, so figured I missed something along the line. Now, it seems Billie is indicating that she reported that Hailey was wearing the earrings after doing an inventory of Hailey's things to determine what was missing.

Can somebody set me straight. SA never described the earrings, right? It was Billie that indicated she must have been wearing the earrings and flip flops (because the pink and white sneakers first described ended up being found at home). TIA
LEVITAN: Absolutely. We would know -- there`s always two times for a text message. There`s the time that it was sent and the time that the person received it. So you could send a text message and my phone could be off for a couple of days and I wouldn`t get it. And some people are trying to make something of that that there`s two different times. But that`s normal.

The technical data that the police can get from the phone company will tell you exactly within a couple of acres where Hailey was when she sent that text message, and it would also contain the contents of the message, and it will also tell you when the message was received. But that`s not relevant. What is relevant is when she sent the message.


"As far as I'm aware there's still no evidence of foul play and they're still looking for a living, breathing Hailey" said Billie.

But a few people are wondering why Billie Dunn isn't out in the search fields.

"I'm glad they're looking but of course each day I hope they don't find anything out there in the dirt" said Billie.

IMO it would be cruel to expect BD or CD or DD to be out searching the fields for HD. That should be left to others, especially since she's been missing for a number of days. JMHO
Back to the ear ring...

- IF Hailey had them both on, and
- IF the one CD's matches the one she must still have on, then

-- she was back at CD's after 3:15 when SA said he saw her.

Since DD came home around 4:00, then that doesn't leave much of a time window, kwim?

I'm inclined to think that she wasn't wearing both ear rings, especially since that report came from Billie who said she THOUGHT Hailey had them on, yet she wasn't even home when Hailey was last seen.

Wowsers I missed alot today basically skimmed as fast as I can..
This earing bothers me...because that coupled with the dogs going that way is a bit eery
and NO I do not think CD knows anything. I havent seen NS enough to decide on that one.

It's one of those things that make you step back and go hmmm what if!?

I am glad they have DD out of the house , I just hope its for good reasons.
I am sure he has enough to deal with and probably feels a bit neglected too...with sis missing he still has needs.

I am still praying for a LIVE Hailey...eventhough I know the stats aren't looking well.

Do we know if they searched Cd and NS apt to the extent they did Billies?

"As far as I'm aware there's still no evidence of foul play and they're still looking for a living, breathing Hailey" said Billie.

But a few people are wondering why Billie Dunn isn't out in the search fields.

"I'm glad they're looking but of course each day I hope they don't find anything out there in the dirt" said Billie.

I'm glad Billie made the above comment because it does explain why she chooses not to be out in the search fields. She wants her daughter found alive, she wants to believe her daughter is alive and that's why she subjects herself to NG and the rest of the media daily. To get her daughter face out there so someone may see her alive. She doesn't want to search for a dead Hailey in the woods somewhere. I can understand that.
I have a question about the earring...

Was it found today? Or just reported on today?

That is a real possibility. But CZ is the one who kind of convinced me. And supposedly the hairdresser did not work on hair on Sundays, and she swears that she was looking out the window at HD on a day she was doing hair.

And she said HD was walking BACK towards her Dads house. So she might not have been coming from the dollar store. If she was with the 7 yr old they might have just been out for a walk or to the park or something.

I don't have the link, but what I remember is she said she saw her twice, coming and going, and thought she was going to the Dollar Store.

If you want to believe Monday vs. Sunday, that's fine with me. :) Because of the job I have, I have had tons of personal experience with people coming up with dates that are not accurate, that have to be nailed down. If it wasn't something I had to deal with the way I do, I would probably not even be aware of how often people get it wrong.
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