TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35

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Do you have a link to back up that information?
I can't recall reading that BD endangered patients or ignored her duties, so if it's out there, I'd like to see it. I print out papers unrelated to my job all day long, but you'd be hard pressed to find a single person that would have any complaints about my job performance.
And why does her job performance relate to the way the police department handled a 911 call? I can't understand why one situation would have anything to do with the other.{[Nurse Board Orders]:[license number]='192287'}

BD was found to have deceived residents, their families, and the public in that they believed that her nursing practice was in compliance with regulations.
Well…what the???? Good Mornin' all!

What a week to be away at a conference…"holed up":D in a bed & breakfast in the middle of NOWHERE with NO INET…I'm having serious withdrawals!

I was at least able to print the threads to file while uhmmm working (no, I did not print any sadistic murder how to i love serial killer help me off my family carp) and did read them during my flights / layovers, in attempted to bring myself current!

My oh my...developments like crazy!

Quick comments:
1. YAY…for organized volunteer search efforts!:great:

2. I always found the "added" reporting of the earrings to the missing description as odd as I did the change from flip flops to tennis shoes…:waitasec:

3. The alleged sighting, IMO was a case of "date mixup"… as it was reported to LE before the search warrants, which states, "There are no witnesses who saw Hailey DUNN walking on the date she is reported to have left her residence.

According to czgtz on 12/31/10 "A woman has come forward and said that she is fairly certainthat she saw Hailey with another girl and a boy walking late Monday evening."
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5953051&postcount=76"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1[/ame]

other link - (s/w) http://www.ktxs.com/news/26459455/detail.html
They almost always dump in Snyder. My brother always does. Sometimes Abilene, and the once in Colorado City.

My brother often parks his truck in his front yard. It remained loaded because he and the 6 other members of the family in the home were very ill that week. He didn't know anything about this case at all until LE contacted him. He kept it for 3 more days because he thought LE would want to check it.

still confused as to why they call and check on it and then after having made the effort to enquire and discovered the trash is still avaiable they don't call back or instruct him on anything :waitasec:
I think I finally understand what she is saying and why her attitude is what it is. If she admits to herself and others that SA is a bad person, then she is admitting that he could have hurt HD. She does not want HD to be hurt or dead. Admitting that he is capable of this would be to her like admitting that HD is gone for good.jmo

Denial is an amazing thing. We deny the things we refuse to accept or are not ready emotionally to accept. I think denial is BD's main way of coping right now...and it seems it is how she has coped with things in the past. Perhaps it is the only way she knows to cope. I think BD is clinging to a wall of denial to keep her whole world from crumbling.
Perhaps Hailey was mentioned in all the fight texts SA and BD exchanged that Valentine's day. jmo

I don't think it matters much whether he threatened to kill BD and CD OR BD and HD OR just BD...who cares. IMO the important thing is he threatened to kill anyone.
That says enough about SA to me.

Interviewer: What do you face each time you step out that door?

BD: A lot of times, there are people driving by yelling ugly and hurtful things. That's not the only thing that keeps me in the house, but it is one of the things. i don't like dealing with that or hearing it.

Interviewer: As far what you have to say to them, I mean, the rumors and the hate speech and everything?

BD: I try to ignore it. It comes from simple-minded people and a lot of people you can tell they are that way just by looking at them and that is what I have seen. If they are holding back some information, if they know something, come forward with it to the investigators.


"Yah I'm glad they are looking, but of course, each day I hope that they don't find anything out there in the dark. That's not the way I want them to find her."


BBM: Weird, IMO, on many levels.
Mike Board, WOAI Radio

BOARD: I was told by investigators that there is a very strong sense that both the mother and the mother`s boyfriend have been involved with drug use in the past. They didn`t say how recently this was, but they did say that they believed in the past, both of them had been involved with drugs. They would say marijuana, but they said that was not the only drug. They believe there may have been some prescription drugs involved in this. And they said because of that, because of the drug use, they do not believe that these are credible witnesses.


Interviewer: What do you face each time you step out that door?

BD: A lot of times, there are people driving by yelling ugly and hurtful things. That's not the only thing that keeps me in the house, but it is one of the things. i don't like dealing with that or hearing it.

Interviewer: As far what you have to say to them, I mean, the rumors and the hate speech and everything?

BD: I try to ignore it. It comes from simple-minded people and a lot of people you can tell they are that way just by looking at them and that is what I have seen. If they are holding back some information, if they know something, come forward with it to the investigators.


BBM: Weird, IMO.

This is not directed at you personally, and I am guilty of doing this, but when I saw this link instead of just reading what was posted I listened to the video. Words most often need to be said not just written. When I listened to the video I got a whole different impression of BD.
I'm finally caught up again (for now at least ) and I'm at the point I don't know what to think. Just when we think we know what's going on, NG comes on with a BOMSHELL and I feel clueless all over again. She must have an exclusive with BD for info or something because the last 2 nights she had info that none of us had heard about. And it's hard to hide something from WS. I'm afraid to even tune in tonight to see what the bombshell could be....
Last night I had a random thought concerning SA going to work and leaving after 10 minutes. Something just didn't seem right to me. For someone who has studied true crime as a "hobby" why would he do something like that? He knew it would draw attention... And then it hit me....IMO it was a smokescreen. He knew people would look more closely at the day he did "something" to draw attention to himself. he wants everyone focused on Tuesday. so they overlook Sunday and Monday.

Sunday - they were supposedly at home all day. Except for when Hailey was at Clint's and the stores.

Monday - Shawn went to work and then turned around and left.

Tuesday - we have no idea what Shawn did. We just know he wasn't at work.

I do think your theory is possible. Cause everyone to focus on Monday, when Tuesday is the day that he really did everything important. Could have just hidden her somewhere Monday night and then had all day Tuesday... where people aren't really focusing on that.

I still think it's possible he sits there watching them search, because he knows that she is on the property HE is on. So he knows they won't find her searching. I really wish they would search his Grandmother's house using dogs to track Hailey's scent as well as HRD dogs and ensure there is nothing in the cellar/attic if there is one.
still confused as to why they call and check on it and then after having made the effort to enquire and discovered the trash is still avaiable they don't call back or instruct him on anything :waitasec:

I thought GiGi said that her brother wasn't working the Dunn home area that week and that someone else did.

If so, I'll guess that LE checked the Dunn residence truck first, then any 'dumps' where their trash was dumped shortly prior to Hailey disappearing. Surrounding areas would be lower on the list of priorities
I have a small piece to add. My brother works for the company that picks up the garbage in Colorado City. The trash that was picked up at HD's home that Monday was dumped in Colorado City, the only load that was ever dumped there. The employees, including my brother, of the disposal company looked over that trash as it was dumped but didn't search it.

The trash from BD's home, dumped at CCity was only about 6 inches under and spread thinly over a large area.

Are you suggesting that they found the trash from the Dunn house in the CCity dump? You say it was 6" down and spread over a wide area. Is this an estimate based on the volume of trash anticipated to have been dumped SINCE that Monday, or an indication that they actually FOUND the trash from the house? I would guess that the discarded giftwrap might be helpful in spotting the "right area" once it was at the surface.
still confused as to why they call and check on it and then after having made the effort to enquire and discovered the trash is still avaiable they don't call back or instruct him on anything :waitasec:

jmo, but possibly because the first contact was from local LE and the second from the FBI. Maybe, local LE still weren't thinking it was anything but a runaway case and the call was just to cover bases. By the second call, the the FBI was involved, and followed up on the lead.

I wish they had searched the load before it emptied.
I'm finally caught up again (for now at least ) and I'm at the point I don't know what to think. Just when we think we know what's going on, NG comes on with a BOMSHELL and I feel clueless all over again. She must have an exclusive with BD for info or something because the last 2 nights she had info that none of us had heard about. And it's hard to hide something from WS. I'm afraid to even tune in tonight to see what the bombshell could be....
Last night I had a random thought concerning SA going to work and leaving after 10 minutes. Something just didn't seem right to me. For someone who has studied true crime as a "hobby" why would he do something like that? He knew it would draw attention... And then it hit me....IMO it was a smokescreen. He knew people would look more closely at the day he did "something" to draw attention to himself. he wants everyone focused on Tuesday. so they overlook Sunday and Monday.

Besides it being Monday that he left not Tuesday, maybe he just doesn't like to work. I've been thinking that and then finding out about him taking Billie's debit card just reinforces that theory. If we completely discount the idea of him being responsible for what happened to Hailey it makes sense. Probably worked when he felt like it and lived off of Billie mostly. I'm sure money matters caused a great deal of contention between them if he wasn't carrying his weight.
I thought GiGi said that her brother wasn't working the Dunn home area that week and that someone else did.

If so, I'll guess that LE checked the Dunn residence truck first, then any 'dumps' where their trash was dumped shortly prior to Hailey disappearing. Surrounding areas would be lower on the list of priorities

Ah ok-I misunderstood maybe, I thought it was still the same truck used even if a co-worker took over
haven't said much on Hailey recently. The Billie that I saw last night on NG looked like an exhausted, broken woman. God forbid I ever ave to walk in her shoes. I'm not going to doubt her motives or her love for her child. If my daughter had been missing this long I would screw up with what I remembered as being fact or not. She was living a relatively routine existence when all h--- broke loose. INHO I'm going to be supportive and pray like crazyfor Hiley, Billie and Clint. Thank u brave volunteers for searching for Hailey. Prayers to LE---hopefully one tip will break this case.
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