TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35

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Indeed ...I think the comment she makes about him being a bad person and stuff is being misinterpreted ...I think she is saying IMO that she knows that people have seen all these bad things and are assuming the worst and Its hard for her because She wants a LIVE Hailey to come home and doesnt want people to give up on Hailey. JMO anyways I know alot od people disagree but we have not lived her life we don't know why she reacts the way she does. Maybe she grew up like my husband in a house where affection and showing people how you feel was not done or allowed. It really damages them as adults. Maybe she has been in an abusive relationship where you learn not to show how u feel because the abuser feeds off if it?

I guess what I am trying to say is Although I know my reactions would be much different as I am not afraid to let people see the real me and how I feel...she may have reason psychologically that do not let her express herself in the way the I can

I agree with you and I don't know how much patient involvement she actually had, but nurses are trained to be professional all the time. They really can't get involved with their patients, etc. My mother was an RN and she was not overly affectionate. In fact it would really irritate her if my brother or I got sick. jmo
Originally Posted by Jo in Calif
I just keep waiting in all these interviews with Billie, for her to start out by saying, "Hailey if your out there and you can hear me, I love you and I want you to come home."
Two interviews, that I can recall she spoke directly to Hailey and it was after being asked, what would you say to Hailey if she could hear you.
Why doesn't she start each and every interview out with a plea directly to her daughter? If she truly wants people to believe, that in her heart, she believes her daughter is alive, she would have been doing this.

Hmm..just because she believes her daughter is alive doesnt mean she thinks she ran away. I think she believes that she is being held somewhere and so pleading for her to come home isnt going to help...but perhaps pleading that her abductors release her would be another thing. She doesnt think Hailey ran, she thinks she was taken

<mod snip> I don't believe their is a standard of behavior for crisis , especially a missing child. I see a woman who is just 'trying to keep it together" and who needs to be led through a conversation. I see a woman who is coming forward to keep her daughters name in the public despite the fact that people continue to disparage and question her every move. What strength!
I just went back and re-read the search warrant affidavit and became a little interested at the literally hundreds of pages BD had printed off crime websites that she and SA considered their "hobby".

Out of curiosity I started googling and reading about each of the cases. I am now finished and I am physically sick to my stomach. All the cases involved murder. However, most of them also involved rape, bondage, sexual torture, dismemberment and unusual sexual acts and practices, some after dismemberment with certain body pieces. Some cases involved more than one perp and sometimes a male and female perp acting together. The end result always being murder.

I'm not saying this to implicate, or further implicate, either of them. Police siezed 278 pages of printed stories about these cases. The majority were printed throughout the month of September, 2010 and a few in early October.

The entire time I was reading these I kept coming back to SA's statement to LE "you need to look at both of us". I also kept thinking of poor Hailey and praying she didn't suffer anything like the victims in those stories or die in any similar manner.

I now need a brain wash to get those cases and images out of my mind.

Here's the link to the affidavit:

http://bigcountryhomepage.com/image...page/nxd_media/dox/pdf/2011_01/Affidavit .PDF

I find it interesting that there is a sexual nature to these cases. Why focus on just those?
How does printing all this stuff off play out in a relationship?
"Hey honey, when you are at work today can you print off some stuff about murders for me and make sure there's some sexual sadism in there for me, please honeypie, we can read it together, tonight *wink*"
Originally Posted by Jo in Calif
I just keep waiting in all these interviews with Billie, for her to start out by saying, "Hailey if your out there and you can hear me, I love you and I want you to come home."
Two interviews, that I can recall she spoke directly to Hailey and it was after being asked, what would you say to Hailey if she could hear you.
Why doesn't she start each and every interview out with a plea directly to her daughter? If she truly wants people to believe, that in her heart, she believes her daughter is alive, she would have been doing this.

Hmm..just because she believes her daughter is alive doesnt mean she thinks she ran away. I think she believes that she is being held somewhere and so pleading for her to come home isnt going to help...but perhaps pleading that her abductors release her would be another thing. She doesnt think Hailey ran, she thinks she was taken

Bolded by Me

<mod snip> I don't believe their is a standard of behavior for crisis , especially a missing child. I see a woman who is just 'trying to keep it together" and who needs to be led through a conversation. I see a woman who is coming forward to keep her daughters name in the public despite the fact that people continue to disparage and question her every move. What strength!
Very true!
Respectfully disagree. It's a "standard disclaimer" and I think he was just joking around. You may be reading too much into this. Or I am not reading enough into it, which is certainly possible.

I thought he was just joking around, too, the first few times I saw it--but last night it just occured to me that it's very possible that he's partied with Hailey--I remember back when I was that age, and older guys were always trying to get me to go off somewhere with them to get high--my own BIL was like that.

He seems like the "pushing his luck" sort--like he would just keep trying to see what he could get away with next.
Rupa giving update on CNNHL. She is in front of BD house. Shawn is still main suspect. There are other unnamed suspects that LE wont name as to not alert them. Search is going on at landfill. BD just got home. She has been with search & rescue teams today and at civic center. Rupa is hard to understand. :)
I agree with you and I don't know how much patient involvement she actually had, but nurses are trained to be professional all the time. They really can't get involved with their patients, etc. My mother was an RN and she was not overly affectionate. In fact it would really irritate her if my brother or I got sick. jmo

I am sorry to hear that but I can certainly understand. Being a nurse is emotional and mentally draining. The requirement to work 12 hours is fatiqueing and sometimes you have nothing else to give, when you get home. It is hury up and go to bed because you have to get up and do 12 hours again.Many of my 12 hours are spent with no lunch and workingand running to keep someone alive. However, it is a profession that one feels gifted to do and we wouldn't be anywhere else.
I am going to be mindful of your perception and make sure I am more tolerant and demonstrative with my family.
I just went back and re-read the search warrant affidavit and became a little interested at the literally hundreds of pages BD had printed off crime websites that she and SA considered their "hobby".

Out of curiosity I started googling and reading about each of the cases. I am now finished and I am physically sick to my stomach. All the cases involved murder. However, most of them also involved rape, bondage, sexual torture, dismemberment and unusual sexual acts and practices, some after dismemberment with certain body pieces. Some cases involved more than one perp and sometimes a male and female perp acting together. The end result always being murder.

I'm not saying this to implicate, or further implicate, either of them. Police siezed 278 pages of printed stories about these cases. The majority were printed throughout the month of September, 2010 and a few in early October.

The entire time I was reading these I kept coming back to SA's statement to LE "you need to look at both of us". I also kept thinking of poor Hailey and praying she didn't suffer anything like the victims in those stories or die in any similar manner.

I now need a brain wash to get those cases and images out of my mind.

Here's the link to the affidavit:

http://bigcountryhomepage.com/image...page/nxd_media/dox/pdf/2011_01/Affidavit .PDF

BBM. It seems like these were printed before Halloween (the holiday) this year. Can't help wondering what BD and SA did for Halloween. Poor BD-- her "punishment" (I don't know how else to put this) for reading all those gory, gruesome and horrible crimes is that she probably imagines some horrible things happening to Hailey.

My husband says websleuthing does that to me- makes me imagine horrible outcomes and always suspect the worst.
I just went back and re-read the search warrant affidavit and became a little interested at the literally hundreds of pages BD had printed off crime websites that she and SA considered their "hobby".

Out of curiosity I started googling and reading about each of the cases. I am now finished and I am physically sick to my stomach. All the cases involved murder. However, most of them also involved rape, bondage, sexual torture, dismemberment and unusual sexual acts and practices, some after dismemberment with certain body pieces. Some cases involved more than one perp and sometimes a male and female perp acting together. The end result always being murder.

I'm not saying this to implicate, or further implicate, either of them. Police siezed 278 pages of printed stories about these cases. The majority were printed throughout the month of September, 2010 and a few in early October.

The entire time I was reading these I kept coming back to SA's statement to LE "you need to look at both of us". I also kept thinking of poor Hailey and praying she didn't suffer anything like the victims in those stories or die in any similar manner.

I now need a brain wash to get those cases and images out of my mind.

Here's the link to the affidavit:

http://bigcountryhomepage.com/image...page/nxd_media/dox/pdf/2011_01/Affidavit .PDF
Thank you for doing this. I have it on my "to-do" list and just haven't gotten around to it. Since you just did this - did you see any of them to include sulfuric acid? Or any other type of acidic chemical that was used?
They have the company gps records to show where exactly it was taken. And that is what my brother said, that it was dumped in Colorado City, the only load ever dumped there. He said that load was dumped very thinly over a wide area and was about 6 inches under some dirt. Employees looked over the load as they dumped it. No other trash was dumped there at that same location. I went over it about 10 times on the phone today trying to get it all straight. I'll ask him again tonight.

So, the very important question is:

Did CCPD ever search this trash...as in using cadaver dogs and sifting thru the six inches of dirt covering it to see every bit of trash? If they did, how many searched it and how long did it take? A proper search couldn't be accomplished in an hour or so. IMO

Thank you so much TexasGiGi!
For some reason, even though I knew they were searching today, as soon as I read that I got chills. Maybe today is the day??

Thanks for the updates, btw!

It would be wonderful and fabulous news to have Hailey found alive. But unfortunately, I don't feel she is. And if that is a fact, I'd rather that she be found now than later or not at all.

The perpetrators need to be brought to justice and taken off the streets. Hailey deserves justice!!!
Just on HLN

This hour-search is being done at landfill.

Talk about her 911 calls. Stated BD would have had SA moved out immed if she knew he was threatening to kill H

NG producer Rupa states she is at the landfill (LF) right now, at C City. LE is revisiting this LF for a reason but won't say what the reason or what lead they have.

Questions with the timeline.. Rupa spoke with his SA family members they indicate that some of the info that has come out of the affidavit are in fact not exactly accurate, timing wise, they say for example the alibi of family members that was with SA the day H disappeared on the 27th from about 830 in the morning to about 215 in Big Springs at his mothers house so that info is interesting b/c that places SA some place else and goes back home like he said he does.
Ok, I know this is wayyy out there but can cadaver dogs hit on urine? I ask this because it has been speculated that Shawn could have been molesting Hailey. If this was the case, could he have gotten Hailey pregnant? And maybe the dogs found a pregnancy test?

I am sorry to bring this up but I thought it to be a possibility and a motive for Shawn to "get rid" of Hailey.

This is just speculation and MOO.

P.S. Or, she could have gotten pregnant and ran away? That's just me hoping for a positive outcome.

BD told NG she discussed birth control with her daughter but I don't know if hailey was taking any form of birth control.
I thought he was just joking around, too, the first few times I saw it--but last night it just occured to me that it's very possible that he's partied with Hailey--I remember back when I was that age, and older guys were always trying to get me to go off somewhere with them to get high--my own BIL was like that.

He seems like the "pushing his luck" sort--like he would just keep trying to see what he could get away with next.

Nancy's staff determined that the videos were 4 years old, predating BD and SAs meeting, and when Hailey was just 9.
It would be wonderful and fabulous news to have Hailey found alive. But unfortunately, I don't feel she is. And if that is a fact, I'd rather that she be found now than later or not at all.

The perpetrators need to be brought to justice and taken off the streets. Hailey deserves justice!!!

Well to be clear, I got chills in a bad way. I don't think they'll find her alive either. But she needs to be found, alive or not. I agree with you!
I am sorry to hear that but I can certainly understand. Being a nurse is emotional and mentally draining. The requirement to work 12 hours is fatiqueing and sometimes you have nothing else to give, when you get home. It is hury up and go to bed because you have to get up and do 12 hours again.Many of my 12 hours are spent with no lunch and workingand running to keep someone alive. However, it is a profession that one feels gifted to do and we wouldn't be anywhere else.
I am going to be mindful of your perception and make sure I am more tolerant and demonstrative with my family.

Thank you so much carmenU for your sometimes thankless work! Hugs.

The kind nurses I had while in the hospital made my world a better place at a time when nothing else could. So grateful to all those out there who care for other human beings as a profession. Amazing folks all of you. Thanks.
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