TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #39

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Has anyone considered the amount of time he spent back at the house after leaving his job that morning???

His phone pings place his there at the house..for....what....15 minutes????maybe less??

IMO...there is a key...here....

a key to him...coming back....and taking her....

the key...IMO...is the amount of time...the amount of opportunity...he had...to...come home...go in....get her....bring her out...place her in the vehicle...and leave...and NO ONE hears/see/witnesses him...

My theory...is...due to the short amount of time he had....she was drugged/unable to resist....no struggle...no arguing/shouting/screaming/...

Quick in and quick out....IMO...she could have been dead...but no evidence at the house found that....so....IMO...she was drugged...from the night before...

Made the abduction quick and easy for him...

anyway...my thoughts/opinions...for now...

I think drugged might be correct. One thing I have also thought of is why didn't she use the cell phone to call for help? Or maybe she did and that has not been released. But, I would think that unless it was someone she knew or she was knocked out, etc. she would have used the phone to alert that something bad was going on.jmo
I think drugged might be correct. One thing I have also thought of is why didn't she use the cell phone to call for help? Or maybe she did and that has not been released. But, I would think that unless it was someone she knew or she was knocked out, etc. she would have used the phone to alert that something bad was going on.jmo


I have always thought that SA hid the phone. One theory is - I wonder if in order to hide it, he stuck it in his pocket and forgot to take it out. Then he later saw it there and decided to send the text.

But - that takes more foresight than he has (i.e., thinking to send a text to throw things off). And if he were so savvy about cell phone pings to the point of turning his phone off earlier in the morning, then he would've thought of pings before sending a text from anywhere but the house, IMHO.

I really wonder where that text pinged from and who it was to.
Unless the text was sent from a place where Hailey could not have been...LE may have a hard time proving it was not H who sent it...

I have always thought that SA hid the phone. I wonder if in order to hide it, he stuck it in his pocket and forgot to take it out. Then he later saw it there and decided to send the text.

But - that takes more foresight than he has (i.e., thinking to send a text to throw things off). And if he were so savvy about cell phone pings to the point of turning his phone off earlier in the morning, then he would've thought of pings before sending a text from anywhere but the house, IMHO.

I really wonder where that text pinged from and who it was to.

I agree with all you said. And I feel that there are too many voids in time and activity. I have got to think LE has the missing information. If not, heaven help us all. jmo
Billie is emphatic that she has had no part of/in S's interests in masks. She's not wishy-washy at all re the masks nor the YouTube videos.



BILLIE DUNN: OK. I did know about the mask. He had masks that he bought, he traded, he sold.

Since the couple appeared to be low in funds after the Xmas holiday (ATM info), and we know H received earrings and possibly a television for Xmas, I'm curious...what, if anything, did Billie purchase or give S for Xmas (doubt it was his new mask which had been ordered earlier)?

In light of the awesome (B's adjective) past 6 months of their relationship and it being Xmas time, I am a tad curious.
Frankly, the only "evidence" we have is:
1. BD is a liar and tells many different tales.
2. SA is holed up. He makes stupid youtube videos (like probably 90% of stupid immature boys in their 20s do).
3. Both failed polygraphs ON SPECIFIC QUESTIONS REGARDING HD'S DISAPPEARANCE. I can't believe MK would be sitting there with someone who refuses/puts off taking a polygraph to clear herself. That is always the first thing out of his mouth. (I can speculate here, but I won't).
4. All adults in HD's life are drug users.
5. HD is missing and was last seen by a possibly reliably (we really don't know that) witness on Sunday night at 9 PM.

Anything else is speculation or coming from BD's mouth (who we already know to be untruthful).

A two-year old anecdote from gramma isn't much. If HD was comfortable telling her then, she would have told her if anything else had happened.

I don't know. I think I'll wait for a planned news conference from LE. They are either keeping things close (due to suspicions of family members) or they have nothing.

Touche, my friend....excellent post. (Point #3 is especially well written and I know what you're saying, even though you didn't come right out and say it....cause I alluded the same thing yesterday. What the heck is going on?)
SA pings have been released.BD hasnt.
Car and phones taken in for exam. Car released after testing and collection. Phones not.
Something important on BD phone that is evidence.
Sulfuric acid would leave a lot of residue, would not fully "disappear" and would take weeks of full submersion to be effective at destroying all DNA. No link. Sorry. If this was divided into threads like Kyron, it would be way easier for me to find the correct post(s).

I was actually thinking of her being IN one... :(

I hope they've checked drums like these to see if any look to have been tampered with.
While I do think that they need to keep Haileys story in the media for as long as possible I also dont agree with the way that its being done. I have worked on a lot of wrongful conviction cases and if this child is found murdered there is no possible way that SA could ever get a fair trial because of the information that has been released.
Where is Hailey....what have they done with her? That is what my gut is asking.

Where are you, Hailey....please come home! That is what my heart is pleading.
The landfill "evidence" could just have been they found their trash bags. The report from LE that I heard was just that "evidence was found relating to the case" and then dogs were brought in. Consistent with...they found trash bags and brought the dogs in to see if anything dead was around. and then nothing...
Yes, good post. Can't addicts who are "out" become agitated or even violent? I'm still leaning to Sunday night. And funny, it was Monday evening that BD and SA went and refilled their stash. That could mean that Sunday night was a very fitful and restless night.
Are you referring to when they withdrew money from the ATM? Yes, IIRC BD told NG they bought "prescriptions". However, the affidavit stated "illegal drugs." I'm betting that there is no proof of a pharmacy print out receipt of prescriptions... and that LE has proof of illegal drugs. So sad.
I think drugged might be correct. One thing I have also thought of is why didn't she use the cell phone to call for help? Or maybe she did and that has not been released. But, I would think that unless it was someone she knew or she was knocked out, etc. she would have used the phone to alert that something bad was going on.jmo

EXACTLY!!!!....her being awakened in her bed by S....him insisting she come with him....emergency...what ever....she...IMO...would have called someone...and her being afraid of him...she would have...IMO...resisted, refused, run out of the house, .........................wellllllllll....he couldn't have that happen....

Drug her the night before...and just scoop her up in the morning and leave with her....all quickly...

another thought on that ....If he had forced her to go with him...some one might have witnessed seeing her in the vehicle with him leaving the house....
welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....he couldn't have that happen....too risky...

I have not read ANYWHERE....what time she went to bed/sleep Sunday night....or...did S and B turn in first....????....was H still up, awake????watching TV...B reported she was watching TV in her bed....How do we know that to be true?????last siting of her was from DD......

If there was an opportunity to drug her.......when was the opportuntiy???

Could she had been injected while she slept???...with what...Could she have been given something to drink before bedtime??? Did S offer B and H any drinks before bedtime Sunday night??...like..coco..???? imo...
Billie is emphatic that she has had no part of/in S's interests in masks. She's not wishy-washy at all re the masks nor the YouTube videos.



BILLIE DUNN: OK. I did know about the mask. He had masks that he bought, he traded, he sold.

Since the couple appeared to be low in funds after the Xmas holiday (ATM info), and we know H received earrings and possibly a television for Xmas, I'm curious...what, if anything, did Billie purchase or give S for Xmas (doubt it was his new mask which had been ordered earlier)?

In light of the awesome (B's adjective) past 6 months of their relationship and it being Xmas time, I am a tad curious.

I just did a search on Ebay for Freddy Kreuger. I had over 300 hits returned. Some were masks, one was 1700.00, and some were for knives, and movies. This was just one horror film person. It appears the items are expensive and in demand. scary
I am doubting that much of anything useful was found at a landfill, or the dogs and searchers would be back out there.

Now I am starting to fear that LE may have jumped the gun, and really has no idea what happened to Hailey. I also wonder if their inexperience led them to keep the phone, since anything on the phone would be computerized, wouldn't it? If they are not answering it, then why keep it?
So we know that Hailey was at home alone with BD and SA on Sunday night after DD left the house? Correct?
Regarding the horror films... I didn't really think too much into that because many people like horror films, i.e. Jason, Freddy Krueger, etc. particularly young males. SA is IIRC around 25 and appears to be very immature. The video of him in his horror masks, while IMO is very wierd.. (if BD is telling the truth) they were taken a few years ago and that would probably make him in his early twenties.

I was, however, wondering about the multiple pages of crime stories that BD printed out at her worksite. IIRC the stories involved murders of families. She stated that it was a hobby for both she and SA. While I hate horror movies, I do like to read some true crime stories, but not grisly or gory murder stories. While these stories that she printed out may not add up to anything in reality.... it makes me wonder why she was surfing online at work and printing out these multiple pages of murder stories and taking them home. I mean, I'm trying to visualize the scenario and to me it's just wierd. But that's just my opinion. Again... it may not mean anything in reality.

Nancy said her staff had determined the videos were 4 years old and predated his association with Billie. Nancy also pointed out that the printouts were all from the TruTV website crime library, a site that Nancy defended as being MSM and not "horror" type stories, just summary accountings of true crimes. I read there all the time. If we are here talking about child murder, I go look up child murder on their site to get insight into who/what/when/where/why.
I am doubting that much of anything useful was found at a landfill, or the dogs and searchers would be back out there.

Now I am starting to fear that LE may have jumped the gun, and really has no idea what happened to Hailey. I also wonder if their inexperience led them to keep the phone, since anything on the phone would be computerized, wouldn't it? If they are not answering it, then why keep it?

Some evidence on it maybe?
So we know that Hailey was at home alone with BD and SA on Sunday night after DD left the house? Correct?

That is what we are hearing....

BUT.....after DD left the house....It is only B and S reporting the events..from there on....

all in my own opinion
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