TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

Scurry County (was that it?)... the place that indicated no deception when asked where HD might be.
I said something very similar on the last thread..I also think she's no match for NG who more or less demands an immediate response..If she doesn't get it she just cuts her off & moves on which isn't helping someone like BD..There's many xs it's obvious to me she doesn't even understand the Q & she gets easily confused.

My guess is the same goes for her dealing with LE for all the reasons you stated above & a few more like she's intimidated, nervous, & possibly over-medicated.

Given that NG sometimes has trouble communicating with "her" people as well, I also wonder how good the audio connection is between NG and BD. I'm assuming it's audio only, and no video (on BD's end, that is)? Picture being interrogated/interrupted by NG via a connection which seems to lag - and is interspersed with Nancy talking to her "experts" about how long it would take to dissolve your child's body in acid.

Keep in mind that at best you're stressed, tranquilized, and quite possibly have been directed by police not to discuss certain things. Also possible you might be trying to cover up/downplay drug use by yourself and/or SA - who you may honestly feel has nothing to do with HD's disappearance.
Scurry County (was that it?)... the place that indicated no deception when asked where HD might be.

Do we know what roots he has in that county? Sorry if I'm way behind you guys but I haven't seen many posts about his past history. Is that where he was raised and went to school?
If she was high on 'narcotics' the night Hailey was supposed to be at MB's there's a good chance she doesn't *remember* much..After she hears about Hailey later that next am is it possible her brain simply turns to mush & has been in that state ever since? I can't rule that out when I take into consideration what I believe to be her 'normal' mindset.

Perhaps, but I am not convinced something did not happen to Hailey Sunday night, rather than Monday night.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

There's been talk of land that the family owns that is leased out to hunters.
I wouldnt rule out Hailey taking some of the drugs they bought that night and overdosing and SA cleaning up the mess. Maybe thats why BD defends him so much.Because he didnt directly murder her. jmo
this makes the most sense to me also....considering the way both BD and SA are acting......IMO, this mother is not so concerned that her daughter is missing, because she knows what happened to her.....she is covering up what has happened....I would love to hear from co workers......was the sleepover with MB planned ahead of time? Do we know what kind of illegal drugs were bought?

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

Id start with the ping before the phone was off for a bit and search in a radius that would allow time to go in any direction and get back. That is probably when he disposed of her if he did something .
Do we know what roots he has in that county? Sorry if I'm way behind you guys but I haven't seen many posts about his past history. Is that where he was raised and went to school?

I think the area must be home-- his mother, grandmother, uncle... jmo
Has that area been searched?

We have not heard anything about it. I've heard it's private property and I would think LE would need a warrant to search.

This is the area where supposedly memory cards were taken out of the hunter's cameras around the time Hailey went missing.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

Almost all of Scurry County between Dunn, Snyder, and Big Spring. And right in the middle is also that lake... But I think he took her somewhere familiar, somewhere that he knew no one would be and where he had a good idea of where he could hide a body.

The other option is that he didn't harm her but passed her off to someone else.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

I'd check wherever he hunts.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

SA's mother's place.
SA's grandmother's place.
Any property owned by SA's family.
Any known hangouts of SA, especially his 'video shoot' spots.
Places in the area SA lived in the past, if not included above.

I would look at all these places, with particular focus on anything that had a storm cellar or shed that was rarely used.

Living in a rural area, sometimes there are hangouts that are really out in the middle of nowhere. A friend who grew up here where I live took me out to a cemetery at least 7 miles down a dirt road, with a 'town' nearby of maybe 12 scattered trailors and run-down homes. This is where they used to go as teens to hang out and drink. The young adults today don't go there anymore, apparently they've found a new place. So also, anything like that, especially if it has fallen out of favor in the last few years.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?

That's a tough question Kimster. We know many perps will stay within their comfort zone. What that CZ is for SA, hard to say. Hope LE is zeroing in though.
We have not heard anything about it. I've heard it's private property and I would think LE would need a warrant to search.

This is the area where supposedly memory cards were taken out of the hunter's cameras around the time Hailey went missing.

I am still worried about this piece of land.....

As I mentioned earlier (300 THREADS ago...LOL) we have several acres of land and we got great pictures of a man and a woman stealing things off our property, three days in a row. The 2 game cameras took close up pictures of them, their vehicle and tag number. Then they sold the stuff for scrap metal. We traced the things to the scrap metal yard and they have pictures of our things inside the vehicle and the guy's drivers liscence. On Friday, my Dear Hubby had to give a deposition to the public defender on the woman's case. We think she is going to get off because there is no proof that she sold anything. Just proof that she stole things from us.

Sorry to be off topic....but these game cameras are motion detected and they do not make any noise.

I am hoping and praying that the LE's were the ones that took the SD cards out of the cameras.....Could we be so lucky??

Haven't been on today and I was so hoping that the tread would be headed with those big red words...FOULD ALIVE!

Does no one else find it incredible that Hailey has been missing for almost a month and still we know NOTHING about HER? We know all sorts of things about her mother and boyfriend and ex-husband but can anyone name a favorite friend/best friend of Hailey's???

Hey Billie! Who is your daughter? What does she do? What does she like? How does she behave? What makes her happy? What makes her sad?

I cannot get even the slightest sense of who she is. Even after a month of her whole family (left and right divorced or not) talking about her!

I agree. Haily seems totally unreal to me, a ghost. We know she went to school, was a cheerleader, played in the band, one or other things. And that's it. I have two little ones, and I could provide more info concerning their likes and dislikes, preferences and oddities, default settings and fears in under a minute than we've had about HD in a month.

It all goes to information. I'm agnostic about who did what in this case, but I can think of very few like it -- instead of a steady flow of info, at least about the child we're searching for, we have these oblique glances into a family but none into her life. It is very odd -- and I agree that she's very likely gone. It's almost as though this whole process has been a form of erasure, with BD and SA and the whole supporting cast milling about while their focus has exited quietly with no one the wiser.

I have nothing in particular to add to the sleuthing, except that I think that whatever happened to HD was likely opportunistic and not premeditated. I suspect it began as a confrontation, perhaps a struggle for power in the family setting, and took an ugly turn. I think there was an attempt to cover up, and luck was with the perpetrators. I don't expect that it will be long now.

There's a story by Alice Munro, called "Open Secrets." It borrows its plot partly from Picnic At Hanging Rock. It feels like this case, sadly.


Do we know what roots he has in that county? Sorry if I'm way behind you guys but I haven't seen many posts about his past history. Is that where he was raised and went to school?

Since you asked... See all of the below places and you have a mix of family in all of them, extended family, grandfather's land (that passed to grandmother), parents, aunt/uncles, etc.

Almost all of Scurry County between Dunn, Snyder, and Big Spring. And right in the middle is also that lake... But I think he took her somewhere familiar, somewhere that he knew no one would be and where he had a good idea of where he could hide a body.

The other option is that he didn't harm her but passed her off to someone else.
As I said..we can agree to disagree..and I do disagree with your whole post..we see things differently and that's fine by me. I'm not trying to change your mind in any way...but let me say, I do know extreme stress and what it can do..I've experienced it firsthand in my life, many times..I walked into my baby son's room one morning in 1974 and found him in his crib having died in the wee hours of the morning of SIDS. He was one week shy of 11 months old and I was only 17..Guess what? I did not lie about anything..WHY you ask? because my son was dead and NOTHING ELSE MATTERED..so call me jaded..but I will not find some way to justify or make excuses for every stupid thing BD has said or done. I won't do it..you go right ahead if you are so inclined..Unlike BD, I want to know where Hailey is...

"Unlike BD, I want to know where Hailey is..." Again, you are falling into the trap of "If I were BD, I'd do this. BD is not doing it. BD is guilty!" that we've seen too many times.

And there's no way for any of us to know who is "lying" on this board or not, unfortunately.
Perhaps, but I am not convinced something did not happen to Hailey Sunday night, rather than Monday night.
I agree with you. I remember BD saying she checked on her Monday morning just to make sure she was okay (not exact words but meaning is the same).
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