TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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I really do not believe that Billie knows what happened to her daughter and hope I am not proved wrong. As far as checking on her in the bed, I don't even believe she did this, I think she said she did because NG was asking her in such a way, she felt she had to say it, and that is why her answer was so awkward.

I think Billie's defensive attitude comes from her disbelief that SA is being called a suspect, when she can't see a reason for it, and from the fact that some people actually choose to believe the affadavits over her.

I think she has made a big mistake in refusing to deal with ktxs or singling out any media she won't talk to anymore. That kind of action generally leads to the digging up and printing any other little bits of dirt that may have yet to be uncovered. It also makes her appear to be more interested in what the media is saying that makes her look bad than in finding Hailey.
I dont think she knows EXACTLY what happened but I think she knows more than she is telling.
I hereby request and grant my permission to bring in TES to search for me should I ever go missing, no matter what anybody else wants or says.

Just in case. :)

Maybe you should avoid Mitchell County, Texas, BeanE. They don't like outsiders snooping around in their neck of the woods!

does anyone know if bd ever explained why she printed out all those articles at work on serial killers, mass murderers, murders of pre-pubescent children, sexual sadists and juggalos and the insane clown posse?
aside from being just a hobby of her and sa?
did she print out all these reading materials at once at work?
a lot of the cases printed out in the affidavit almost all of them are already solved cases. its as if they were feeding their curiousity with morbidity by reading these print outs.
I really do not believe that Billie knows what happened to her daughter and hope I am not proved wrong. As far as checking on her in the bed, I don't even believe she did this, I think she said she did because NG was asking her in such a way, she felt she had to say it, and that is why her answer was so awkward.

I think Billie's defensive attitude comes from her disbelief that SA is being called a suspect, when she can't see a reason for it, and from the fact that some people actually choose to believe the affadavits over her.

I think she has made a big mistake in refusing to deal with ktxs or singling out any media she won't talk to anymore. That kind of action generally leads to the digging up and printing any other little bits of dirt that may have yet to be uncovered. It also makes her appear to be more interested in what the media is saying that makes her look bad than in finding Hailey.

I agree. BD for whatever reason has an almost mesmorized fantasy of what SA is. I think she is having difficulty seeing reality through what she wants to believe. As such, she is making vital mistakes in trying to defend him. Those mistakes are causing her story to come unraveled.

Maybe the reason she failed her poly is that subconsciously she herself doubts him, but on the surface she hasn't gotten there yet. Unfortunately we are almost a month into Hailey going missing and vital time has been lost with hearing truths rather than what she wants us to believe.
does anyone know if bd ever explained why she printed out all those articles at work on serial killers, mass murderers, murders of pre-pubescent children, sexual sadists and juggalos and the insane clown posse?
aside from being just a hobby of her and sa?
did she print out all these reading materials at once at work?
a lot of the cases printed out in the affidavit almost all of them are already solved cases. its as if they were feeding their curiousity with morbidity by reading these print outs.

Reading about things like that was a hobby(per BD), and she stated something about those people don't think like everyone else or something to that point. Recalling from memory....moo
I've never played on an x-box but is there a way to access the game and find out how long she played?

i wish we knew what game she was playing as xbox games save to the harddrive. it really depends on the individual game and how many saves she made, did she make new saves over the old ones etc
some games save with the date and time others dont
I think she's involved right up to her eyeballs. I think what ever happened to her happened late Sunday night/early Monday morning. But that's just Moo. lol, had a few to many happened's in there............
also we have to take into account she is an opiate user, and if she is going through withdrawals she'll look and feel even worse.

Any medical folks on here?

If BD (and/or SA) were undergoing withdrawal, might a doctor prescribe the anti-anxiety meds to help with that?
The aircraft has to stay at least 1,000 feet above populated areas such as Snyder, but can get as low as 200 feet from the ground in more rural territory.

Once Guthrie landed Saturday morning, he met up with other searchers to devise a plan to visit areas that caught his eye from the air. Starting Sunday, the groups will search simultaneously with Kyle guiding the ground crews with walkie talkies.


Have to say, this sounds like a good idea- especially with so much open area....too might be able see to where ground was recently disturbed... Thinking on that one comment of BD talking about not wanting to find HD in the 'dirt' was weird.
Considering the number of small airports within the surrounding area, am surprised there hasn't been mention of air searches until now.
I think she's involved right up to her eyeballs. I think what ever happened to her happened late Sunday night/early Monday morning. But that's just Moo. lol, had a few to many happened's in there............

IMO, I agree with you and that is why (to me) she seems focused on making everyone think there was a sighting of H on Monday. MOO
I have sat on this question a while, and I have stuck with lurking rather than commenting, but...

Did DD take a polygraph? Are we allowed to discuss that or is that information even known?
Does anyone feel the "blow up" around Christmas...was B was going to ask S to leave....irregardless what B/S is saying???/

Could the blow up have been just that...and S made good on his threat...a year ago..when they were breaking up then...S has made good on his threat to kill H...?

In looking at S's "behavior" back in Feb '10...he threated their lives then...why???..they were breaking up.......

Now it appears...he may have followed thru on his threat....The blow up could have been with B asking S to "move out" for awhile...that H was having some problems with him...(Or whatever it was with H) we don't know..............and that was what the blow up was over....correct me if I am wrong....BUT...wasn't the blow up...involving H?????

B COULD HAVE asked S to leave....and in his mind, to get rid of H, him and B would be back together...

IMO...I have kept wondering...why...S would plan to get rid of H...if they were all "getting along".......I don't believe they were getting along ....AT ALL...the Blow up..right around Christmas..then H gone..to me is connected..

Even tho...S and B make it sound like they were ALL HAPPY....IMO...and my 2 cents
Reading about things like that was a hobby(per BD), and she stated something about those people don't think like everyone else or something to that point. Recalling from memory....moo

thank you dixie, do you know if she said it on ng? or where i can find it?
it seems like maybe she thought sa or herself one of "those people that don't think like everyone else" and wanted to do some self help research for them..

the thing odd is the insane clown posse is the odd one out. aside from numerous juggalos convicted of various murders, out of all the print outs she prints out insane clown posse things..
It makes me wonder .......
when B said she looked into H's room before she left for work, and THOUGHT she saw H, but did not ACTUALLY walk over to her bed and ACTUALLY SEE her....and says she did this to.....EASE HER MIND....

But she said she did not actually SEE her....so how could she have EASED her mind H was even....in the bed???? just seen covers...and not looked AT her????

My thoughts on that statement have been turning over and over in my head...

Did she say that....to give...the "timeline" of her missing...somewhere between Sunday night when she was playing XBOX...to the next morning???....and B IS involved???


Did B turn in first....heard something...in the night...wondered if it was H....and THEN in the am check her room to see if she was in there....????...TO EASE HER MIND..she was in her bed...and not elsewhere....???

IMO...IF B is innocent of H's disappearance....she FELT a NEED to check on H that A.M.....Either she heard something in the night.....S got out of bed in the night......SOMETHING caused her to check on her....TO EASE HER MIND...

Her comment of...TO EASE MY MIND....IMO....means something...is the answer to something....is the key to something...

Did B ever explain to NG...why the need to ease her mind???

Or has explained to the media...???

It would be interesting if MK asked her....why she felt the need to see H....TO EASE HER MIND..
With Mk there with her, It will also be interesting to see if MK can convince her to take another poly to clear herself.....It is my understanding, so far...she hasn't...

I first heard BD state that she looked in on HD that morning to ease her mind, only after people on here were questioning the friend posting here. Maybe it's just me but I never heard that she had stated that before. Personally I don't believe that she even so much as looked the way of HD's room. Just don't believe it.
Have to say, this sounds like a good idea- especially with so much open area....too might be able see to where ground was recently disturbed... Thinking on that one comment of BD talking about not wanting to find HD in the 'dirt' was weird.
Considering the number of small airports within the surrounding area, am surprised there hasn't been mention of air searches until now.

Yep the "dirt" comment got my attention. Along with the word "breathing", she wants to find a "breathing" Hailey. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.
I want to find out the name of the judge that CCPD or any other LE agency would have to go to in order to get a warrant to thoroughly comb through SA's family's homes and property looking for clue and evidence. I am not buying the theory that there is not enough evidence to get a warrant to search any and all buildings and pirvate land to which SA had free access on the day Hailey went missing and immediately following.

SA was the last one to see her by his own admission, putting himself in a home alone with Hailey and no one else.

He quit his job that day and lied about it.

He lied about where he went that day.

He lied about the sleepover.

He locked the brother out of the home which everyone says was never locked up, forcing DD to climb in thru the window.

CCPD believes that he threatened Hailey's life in Feb. 2010

SA hs left evidence all over the internet that he enjoys fantasizing about being a killer and wants to act it out for real.

SA failed the LDT, hired a lawyer, and refuses to cooperate with police.

What more do they need? What is up with the judge? Is there some kind of political motive for not wanting to upset SA's family? Do they have pull? What am I missing?
Is everyone in this tiny town either corrupt or afraid to be involved????

A local Mitchell Co. Judge signed these: http://www.sweetwaterreporter.com/sites/default/files/Hailey Dunn Afidavit.pdf
Any medical folks on here?

If BD (and/or SA) were undergoing withdrawal, might a doctor prescribe the anti-anxiety meds to help with that?

Maybe if they were honest with the doctor, but I doubt that has happened. And the reason I say this is because I have a chronic pain condtion and have been on pain meds and my doctor did give me anti anxiety meds when I was coming off of one that I had been on for a very long time. He did so because anxiety was my biggest problem with coming off of the med. MOO
Alot of people dont want to get involved until an arrest is made and they feel safe talking. I think we will hear alot of stuff coming out if they make an arrest.

Okay, we need a volunteer. :seeya:

Who will consent to being temporarily arrested so that people can start spilling the beans in Colorado City? I would, but I've got a virus and wouldn't want to spread grems at the jail. Otherwise, I'd be there lickety-split---promise!
Any medical folks on here?

If BD (and/or SA) were undergoing withdrawal, might a doctor prescribe the anti-anxiety meds to help with that?

a doctor could prescribe antianxiety meds such as klonopin, xanax, or valium for her and given the situation it's likely one may have since hailey is missing.

if she were really attempting to get off of opiates and kick the habit she'd also be given methadone or subutex. (since they seem to have pill problems i'd say subutex or suboxone)

if she is on antianxiety meds and not used to taking them it is likely to dull her reaction and could affect polygraphs the way opiates would
IMO and JMHO I kinda think the "blow-up" was Hailey had finally had enough and she threatened to tell all the sordid details of SA and BD's lifestyle - and Hailey might have even said that if BD allowed her to go live with dad that she would keep her mouth shut.

But again, that's JMHO
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