TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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SA's mother's place.
SA's grandmother's place.
Any property owned by SA's family.
Any known hangouts of SA, especially his 'video shoot' spots.
Places in the area SA lived in the past, if not included above.

I would look at all these places, with particular focus on anything that had a storm cellar or shed that was rarely used.

Living in a rural area, sometimes there are hangouts that are really out in the middle of nowhere. A friend who grew up here where I live took me out to a cemetery at least 7 miles down a dirt road, with a 'town' nearby of maybe 12 scattered trailors and run-down homes. This is where they used to go as teens to hang out and drink. The young adults today don't go there anymore, apparently they've found a new place. So also, anything like that, especially if it has fallen out of favor in the last few years.

We're thinking along the same lines. If SA harmed her, that is. I keep thinking about where Caylee Anthony's remains were found - KC's childhood pet cemetery.
Somewhere toward the end of the news conference, Sparky said "don't pick the report apart line by line, look at the whole picture".
I think that was good advice.
I've always been surprised that we have not heard from any of Hailey's friends. I know most families are probably keeping to themselves, but usually a kid or two will want to talk to the media, especially as H has friends of all ages on her FB, many in the high school. I don't recall hearing any quotes from any of them. Is this the sort of small town that closes their doors once something happens, and "minds their own business"?

As far as where H might be, if SA is the culprit, I am already shocked if LE has not been able to obtain search warrants for all of the places/properties he may have lived part of the time, or relatives' homes to which he had keys. Mom, Grandma, whoever that may be. If he is the suspect, wouldn't probable cause cover any addresses where he received mail, kept belongings, used the computer, etc.? He had to use internet somewhere.
I agree with you. I remember BD saying she checked on her Monday morning just to make sure she was okay (not exact words but meaning is the same).
BD said "to ease her mind". I like to refer to it as the "look in but don't touch to ease her mind" incident.
So, Brad Dennis, from the KlaasKids Foundation flew home to Florida today, and The Laura Recovery Representatives leave tomorrow, and it looks as if the FBI is also withdrawing from Hailey's Case....I can't help but feel that this is sad news, and even the numbers here on WS are starting to dwindle.....Where is Hailey? :(

Yes, so very sad.....
I wonder about SA's grandmother's house. How old is she? Is she in good health? Does she get out and work in the yard? How long since she was in that cellar in those creepy videos? Did she know he was filming those creepy videos at her house, or some anyway? What else did he do there that she didn't know about? Does she have any other buildings on her land? How much land? Is it pretty private?

I know a lot of questions, round and round and round lol
Given that NG sometimes has trouble communicating with "her" people as well, I also wonder how good the audio connection is between NG and BD. I'm assuming it's audio only, and no video (on BD's end, that is)? Picture being interrogated/interrupted by NG via a connection which seems to lag - and is interspersed with Nancy talking to her "experts" about how long it would take to dissolve your child's body in acid.

Keep in mind that at best you're stressed, tranquilized, and quite possibly have been directed by police not to discuss certain things. Also possible you might be trying to cover up/downplay drug use by yourself and/or SA - who you may honestly feel has nothing to do with HD's disappearance.

I hate to keep beating a dead (sorry!) horse but I refuse to believe the audio doesn't get CUT to the parents when that topic with the "experts" is being discussed.

It's possible BD honestly can't handle the TRUTH! If she feels her b/f may have or did do something to Hailey that would mean she'd have to admit to herself it's on her too for bringing him into their lives (& home) in the first place..For allowing him back after the threats last year..For knowing Hailey didn't like him & doing nothing about it..There's probably more we don't even know about..Denial, whether she realizes she's in it or not, is a common defense mechanism.
Additional suspects: LE said that they were looking at additional people and reported that they had tightened the circle (or something like that). I had always assumed that they were looking at the obvious -- those buddies of SA's. BUT... I wonder if we may be surprised at who those add'l people are.

I think alot of circumstances point to SA, but I'm beginning to back off of the whole mask fantasy idea. I'm thinking LE may be looking at someone closer to the family circle, especially since Billie said that LE told her that a handful of people with connections to her family failed their polygraphs. I think the mask buddies are too far removed here.


(And, more than anything, I'm afraid this case is going cold... :()
When you tell the truth you don't have to *remember*!!!

I put this quote on a thread a few days ago....

"If you have nothing to hide, then hide nothing"

Truer words were never spoken!

I can't believe that I took one day off and I am 3 threads behind!!!

Dear Mods......Please give us a "Hailey Dunn Forum"

I also wonder about culverts and places where water travels. It seems that many perps hide evidence in those kinds of areas.
I am still worried about this piece of land.....

As I mentioned earlier (300 THREADS ago...LOL) we have several acres of land and we got great pictures of a man and a woman stealing things off our property, three days in a row. The 2 game cameras took close up pictures of them, their vehicle and tag number. Then they sold the stuff for scrap metal. We traced the things to the scrap metal yard and they have pictures of our things inside the vehicle and the guy's drivers liscence. On Friday, my Dear Hubby had to give a deposition to the public defender on the woman's case. We think she is going to get off because there is no proof that she sold anything. Just proof that she stole things from us.

Sorry to be off topic....but these game cameras are motion detected and they do not make any noise.

I am hoping and praying that the LE's were the ones that took the SD cards out of the cameras.....Could we be so lucky??

Haven't been on today and I was so hoping that the tread would be headed with those big red words...FOULD ALIVE!


Since there are no areas around here to hunt, I am not familiar with those cameras. Are they hidden, or on a tripod in plain view??
If the police are playing this close to the vest - keep in mind that technically, a CALL is not the same as a TEXT. LE said they didn't find any CALLS.

In the NG transcripts for Jan.18th it says:

"Police say they're convinced text messages deleted off of Hailey's phone..."

Billie said that she saw the 2pm text to MB on the phone before LE took the phone into evidence so I'm wondering why she wouldn't have seen the alleged 12pm call that Hailey had in the yard if she had checked the phone herself? I'm also wondering who deleted the text messages and why? The affidavit says that SA deleted the call records off of his phone in front of LE and that 3 of the calls were to "Billie" so did he delete the calls and texts off of Billie's phone too? Or did Billie have the phone, not Hailey and she deleted them herself? I've also considered that maybe Hailey deleted the texts to hide where she was going and who with but I think we would have seen different activity from LE if that were the case. LE knows where Billie's phone was pinging from the day Hailey disappeared and they know who was called and have the text messages but they are not giving out that information. I think the key to this case lies in those phone records, that's my opinion anyway.
All I know for sure is this - I am sick, sick, sick and tired of these precious angels disappearing and being murdered and no one ever either a) finds them or b) gets caught. I mean really, people are literally climbing in your windows and snatching your kids up, and we can't find you..we can't find you.... Look at Haleigh Cummings, Neveah, Skylar, and the list goes on and on. Trenton Duckett....poof, they just vaporize. Oh we may know with a 99.9% certainity of who did what in most, but there is no stinking proof or body in some.

What has this world come to???? These people must have the best luck known to man. No one ever sees or hears anything.
Do we have enough information to believe that Hailey left the house alive and left the car alive if she was ever in it?
Additional suspects: LE said that they were looking at additional people and reported that they had tightened the circle (or something like that). I had always assumed that they were looking at the obvious -- those buddies of SA's. BUT... I wonder if we may be surprised at who those add'l people are.

I think alot of circumstances point to SA, but I'm beginning to back off of the whole mask fantasy idea. I'm thinking LE may be looking at someone closer to the family circle, especially since Billie said that LE told her that a handful of people with connections to her family failed their polygraphs. I think the mask buddies are too far removed here.


(And, more than anything, I'm afraid this case is going cold... :()

So, who are we aware of that is closer to the family circle that would be a possibility? Can we even discuss that?
BD said "to ease her mind". I like to refer to it as the "look in but don't touch to ease her mind" incident.

The way she phrased it was almost like she may have subconciously heard something during the night. And looked in to ease her mind that is was not anything to do with Hailey. JMO
I agree. Haily seems totally unreal to me, a ghost. We know she went to school, was a cheerleader, played in the band, one or other things. And that's it. I have two little ones, and I could provide more info concerning their likes and dislikes, preferences and oddities, default settings and fears in under a minute than we've had about HD in a month.

It all goes to information. I'm agnostic about who did what in this case, but I can think of very few like it -- instead of a steady flow of info, at least about the child we're searching for, we have these oblique glances into a family but none into her life. It is very odd -- and I agree that she's very likely gone. It's almost as though this whole process has been a form of erasure, with BD and SA and the whole supporting cast milling about while their focus has exited quietly with no one the wiser.

I have nothing in particular to add to the sleuthing, except that I think that whatever happened to HD was likely opportunistic and not premeditated. I suspect it began as a confrontation, perhaps a struggle for power in the family setting, and took an ugly turn. I think there was an attempt to cover up, and luck was with the perpetrators. I don't expect that it will be long now.

There's a story by Alice Munro, called "Open Secrets." It borrows its plot partly from Picnic At Hanging Rock. It feels like this case, sadly.




That part of your post (beautifully phrased) really got me in the gut..wow. I agree with both you and Pink Panther- I think it's eerie that we know next to nothing about Hailey. And it seems more people would have come forward just to let everyone know who she was, what she loved/hated or was indifferent to..how she liked to spend her time. LE, searchers etc could have a good idea as to where to look, who she might be with, if it is possible she ran away (or not) - all kinds of things.
So, who are we aware of that is closer to the family circle that would be a possibility? Can we even discuss that?

No, we can't bring in people who aren't named as suspects. We can look at the areas that the family owns. If there is a public record, that is. We can link to the public record and state the the property is owned by "initials" and it might be a good place to look.
No, we can't bring in people who aren't named as suspects. We can look at the areas that the family owns. If there is a public record, that is. We can link to the public record and state the the property is owned by "initials" and it might be a good place to look.
What about an obit that names people related and what towns they live in, thats online?
The way she phrased it was almost like she may have subconciously heard something during the night. And looked in to ease her mind that is was not anything to do with Hailey. JMO

yes, I picked up that too. Freudian Slip.

Do we now exactly what true crime cases was BD/SA reading on prior to HD's disappearance? Anything similar to HD's case? Any clues in researching them?
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