TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #43

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I know if I don't have the text screen up on Yahoo..I do not get those messages from my son's cell phone. Never figured out where in the cyberworld they go..and I've never figured out how to retrieve them if I'm not logged on to text at the time they are sent..
That could be true..IF he was at work. We know that he walked in that morning..got a soda out of the machine and turned around and walked back out without saying a word to anyone..Then told Billie (so she says) that he got into an argument and was fired..and that's a lie...

I find it interesting to note as well that when NG asked BD about SA's temper that BD said..'not towards Hailey..but that there was someone at work that he wasn't getting along with' <not verbatim..but I am very curious as to why Billie felt the need to tell NG that SA didn't get along with someone @ work..Who cares?..why would that even enter Billies's mind...who knows..

I think she mentioned it because that is what SA told her. SA claimed that this conflict was the reason he lost his job, he said he was fired when he finally told her he was no longer working.
It sounds like the information that they were questioning was in the call log rather than text messages, but that's not to say he did not delete both.

This is the only reference I've seen about the text messages being deleted. It's in the same transcript about the "mystery" 2pm text.

"Police say they`re convinced text messages deleted off Hailey`s cell, as a mystery text being investigated."


I think that the reason they did not state in the affidavit what the call times were is that he DID delete them. They looked and thought they saw one thing. He claimed they saw something different. They asked to look again. He deleted the call log. I think the purpose of the affidavit was to get Verizon to release the records he had just cleared. They couldn't put the disputed call times in the affidavit, since the purpose of the warrant was to get information to clear up the discrepancy.

I agree. I see how my ?? could mislead you into thinking I was questioning why the times weren't in the affidavits.

My ?? is actually questioning when 3 calls could have been made by SA to BD that would contradict whatever story he was telling LE. I find this very mysterious. What would be fishy about a man calling his girlfriend at any time?
MMS (text messages) MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service and this type of text messaging is an evolution of the SMS. With a MMS, you can send a message including pictures, video or audio content to another device.

IMs (SMS) SMS stands for Short Message Service and is the most widely used type of text messaging. With a SMS, you can send a message of up to 160 characters to another device.

Bacially you can do more and type more with a text, but you have set limitations on how many characters you can send and can't send pics/video with IMs. HTH

You can send a text message to a cell phone using AIM & Yahoo, you just enter +1 and the entire cell phone number including the area code...

It will show up on the phone as a text from blahblah@yahoo.com (or aol) I do it all the time when I don't feel like hunting down my phone and need to talk to my DF. (yeah I'm lazy like that)
I just wanted to say something about the questions why TES isnt involved. When Jonathan Foster went missing and LE classified him as a runaway, my MIL was the one who contacted TES. TES came to the house to get info and they knew he wasn't a runaway and that's when things got rolling. That was on 12/26/10 when TES was at the house, Jonathan went missing on 12/24/10 and tge amber alert was issued on 12/27/10. LE IMO wouldnt have issued an AA if it weren't for my MIL getting TES involved. There may be conflicting stories in cases when children go missing but I don't think LE should automatically classify them as runaways just because of age. I think had we not had survelince on Jonathan being discarded we would still be asking alot of these same questions. I know what everyones going through with missing children, trust me I can say I know how it feels, and after you find out that they have been found dead that's just the beginning of finding the rest of the information out. I have tried to follow HD's threads the best I can. I really hope they find her alive and ok, I would hate for anyone to have to go through the same things we have, even if BD isn't the mother of the year just like obviously AD isn't, that's still a child they birthed and had to have had some kind of love for.
I think she mentioned it because that is what SA told her. SA claimed that this conflict was the reason he lost his job, he said he was fired when he finally told her he was no longer working.

Billie often adding on what seems to be WAY more info than asked about some things ..but then deflecting, ducking and dodging on pertinent information is one of the very reasons I am so suspicious of her though. It almost like she feels that if she can add enough fluff it's makes her sound believable..jmo tho..
I agree.
Horror film memorabilia is big business and there are lots of collectors out there collecting anything and everything from horror films.
I don't think an interest in horror films automatically means that one wants to reenact the films.

True, but SA did want to. He started a thread on the Michael Meyers website. he was wanting to know if anyone else there felt the same way. The respones he recieved indicate that even the horror enthusiasts thought he was sick.
MMS (text messages) MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service and this type of text messaging is an evolution of the SMS. With a MMS, you can send a message including pictures, video or audio content to another device.

IMs (SMS) SMS stands for Short Message Service and is the most widely used type of text messaging. With a SMS, you can send a message of up to 160 characters to another device.

Bacially you can do more and type more with a text, but you have set limitations on how many characters you can send and can't send pics/video with IMs. HTH


So when I send a text from my laptop to my sons cell (I do have a limited # of characters) from Yahoo messenger..what is the difference in that and an instant message?..because it gives me an option, I've always wondered this, lol!
I agree. I see how my ?? could mislead you into thinking I was questioning why the times weren't in the affidavits.

My ?? is actually questioning when 3 calls could have been made by SA to BD that would contradict whatever story he was telling LE. I find this very mysterious. What would be fishy about a man calling his girlfriend at any time?

If the 3 calls were to Billie's work number then it's not fishy but if the 3 calls were to Billie's cell phone during the time Hailey was suppose to have it, it would be very fishy in my opinion.
My basement is underground. I still get a signal.... I wonder how far under you have to be before it goes out.

I think it just depends..I was staying at the hospital with my mom last year and the cafeteria is in the basement of the hospital. It was odd because I usually had a signal in the elevator but would lose it the minute I stepped out and into the cafeteria..

eta~anyone else having trouble with the quote feature? It keeps picking up an extra quote for me from somewhere..:waitasec:
I am new here. I posted earlier about the water tanks across the street from Hailey's house. I hope I am not going against the rules. This is just a thought.


Recent murder case sparks death penalty debate in South Korea
By Korea Bureau Chief Lim Yun Suk | Posted: 03 April 2010 0129 hrs
SEOUL : A recent rape and murder case in South Korea has sparked debate over the death penalty, with many South Koreans calling for capital punishment against the culprit.

The rape and murder of a teenage girl in South Korea has shocked the country.

The body of the 13-year-old victim was found in a water tank near her home.

Also, has any one said if Hailey received a less then usual amount of gifts for Christmas from BJD/SA? It seems like if this was planned they wouldn't have bought her many gifts.

I honestly don't believe it was planned for the night it happened. I am just thinking about clues. I do think that SA has had a plan in his head as to what he would do if he ever had the opportunity to fulfill his fantasy. He has had many years to tweak his plan and ensure the body is taken care of. His obsession with this type of stuff has been for years and he knew what to do. If BD is involved she would know a lot about clean up because of her nursing (LVN) school. I don't believe she was killed in a bloody way in the house. I believe it was an overdose/smother type death. Once he got her away from the house, however, I believe he played out his fantasy.
If the 3 calls were to Billie's work number then it's not fishy but if the 3 calls were to Billie's cell phone during the time Hailey was suppose to have it, it would be very fishy in my opinion.

I imagine any calls that SA denied making to BD that morning would be fishy though..Because why would him calling her at any time be odd otherwise?
If I was in the midst of an ugly divorce, and my "ex" lived as close as Clint does, and my child was not where she was supposed to be, and I have not yet come to the conclusion that she is definitely missing, I might call her Dad to see if she is there to eliminate the possibility, then spend a little more time looking for her in case I could track her down without having to tell him right away. If I found her, he would never need to know I had lost her in the first place. DD spilled the beans, IMO.

Billi said.....she called Haileys dad and found out that she didn't go there or spend the night there...she then left from work and went to the police station to report Hailey missing.....

dont you think she would have said something to Haileys dad about her not making it to the friends house to spend the night and that since she didn't go to his house.....that she is missing?....

Billi said...she then left from work to go to the police station to file a report.....so....she was worried then....she didnt *spend more time looking for her*......she went straight to the police station after calling Haileys dads house......

this doesn't make since to me....that the dad said he found out about Hailey missing from his son that came over to let him know.....

im also curious why Billi didn't call 911 from work?....why drive down to the police station?
If the 3 calls were to Billie's work number then it's not fishy but if the 3 calls were to Billie's cell phone during the time Hailey was suppose to have it, it would be very fishy in my opinion.

THAT is an excellent point! Especially considering how important it was to Billie to let everyone know that she always left the phone there for kids..I have always had the feeling that she kept putting that out there for a reason..and I'm still not sure why. It was almost like she DIDN'T usually do that...don't mind my rambling please..just thinking out loud.. :waitasec:
If the 3 calls were to Billie's work number then it's not fishy but if the 3 calls were to Billie's cell phone during the time Hailey was suppose to have it, it would be very fishy in my opinion.

I agree. She left the phone for both kids, though, not just Hailey. IMO, that would lead one to believe these calls may have happened in a time frame when only Hailey should have been home around the phone.

So...there's allegedly 3 calls made to Billie's phone that SA allegedly deleted before allowing officers to get a good look at the timeframe on them, maybe these calls were to Hailey. I wonder how long they were, and what they were about?

If something were done to Hailey during the time between when SA left work and when his phone shows up in Big Springs, when do 3 calls fit in?
TakeNote, she went home FIRST so why not use the phone there? That's always puzzled me! My guess is that it's possible she does follow these cases and knows that a 911 call would be dissected by all...
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