TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #44

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First she said they had no money for gas or food and pulled money out of atm,but in affadavit admitted buying illegal drugs,but BD said she didn't want to talk about it anymore when NG asked her again.
Hi CZ! I've been thinking about you and hope you are doing well..as well as you can be anyway..Do you have any idea how early Billie left work on Monday? I realize you only know what she says...but has she told you what time she left? I ask because the way the affidavit reads regarding that day...TY for all of your input!
Several points to ponder:
1. cz,etc. is a close friend of BD but does not know SA or HD.
2. CCity and Synder are small towns. What's the "word" in town? I know you couldn't keep a secret in our small rural town. We would all "know" by this point what happened because we "know" the people.
3. The drug use/addiction is the Big X Factor. This may be why there will be no line of reason to follow when trying to develop a chain of events and/or motive.

I would love to know the answer to #2. I'm concerned the number of searchers dwindling may have to do with this.
Never stopped her before! She did the faux nightly bombshells for Caylee for weeks or months after she ran out of new material on the case. I think she covers a story as long as it gets viewers/ratings. :waitasec:

I'm just stating what I have heard from families trying to get coverage from Nancy Grace. MOO
I don't mean to be harsh or pessimistic...but under what circumstances could Hailey be alive? I can't really think of any that would be very feasible, unless she did indeed run away. Generally children her age are not taken by people who want a child. And we all know the stats on how long children are generally kept alive after being taken by a predator.

Again, no offense to anyone.

There are several circumstances in which Hailey could be alive. The best, of course, would be that she ran away, and is safe somewhere. Others, which are not good at all, but better than her being dead, could include someone abducting and holding her or human trafficking.

When the guys from Klaas Kids were here, they brought up a lot of things I had never really thought about. And they also told us never to give up hope. I realize that a lot of time has passed, but anything is possible.
Several points to ponder:
1. cz,etc. is a close friend of BD but does not know SA or HD.2. CCity and Synder are small towns. What's the "word" in town? I know you couldn't keep a secret in our small rural town. We would all "know" by this point what happened because we "know" the people.
3. The drug use/addiction is the Big X Factor. This may be why there will be no line of reason to follow when trying to develop a chain of events and/or motive.

Did not know cz had said she did not know HD. She does say she doesn't know HD very well. I guess I missed her saying she didn't know HD. ty

Not HD. Should be SA.
In Princes in the tower that BD printed off to read, the boys bones where found under/in a stairwell.

I'm reading the crimes she copied.
czgtz Marc told BD on tv to take a poly with FBI. Do you know if she is going to do that?
I'm just stating what I have heard from families trying to get coverage from Nancy Grace. MOO

"We can't report on your child's case because there are no updates" is a more professional and less controversial response than, "We can't report on your child's case because it won't bring in good ratings for us." Like someone else mentioned, NG talked about Caylee's case for months, even when there was nothing new. It looks like the girl in Lubbock is being talked about now in NG because a lot is happening in her case. I bet when a development happens in Hailey's case again, it will be back on NG.
From the affidavit:

During one of the initial voluntary interviews with Investigator Billy Sides, Investigator Phillip Gill and Police Chief John Bivins, ADKINS was asked who was responsible, and who did investigators need to look at, to which ADKINS replied that investigators needed to look at "both of us", referring to himself and Billie Jean DUNN.


This interview of SA referenced in the affidavit was witnessed/conducted by 3 LE officers, therefore I believe it to be true & accurate.

SA was asked 'who was responsible, and who did investigators need to look at'. SA replied "Both of us", referring to himself and BD.

IMO, this statement of SA's to investigators has more to do with why BD told SA to move out more than any other reason she has offered. Since they both allegedly failed their polys, I seriously doubt SA's failed poly was the reason BD told SA to leave her home, especially since BD has reported that she failed her poly, as well.

During BD's interviews/interrogations with investigators, she was more than likely asked to explain why SA said “Both of us”. IMO, at that time BD realized she needed to put some distance between herself and SA, in an attempt to diminish LE’s focus on her.

IMO, BD realized that her lover was not capable of shoring up the ruse, and in order to save her own neck, she handed him his hat and showed him to the door, for the sole reason of making it appear to LE and to the public that she had kicked him to the curb and was having doubts about him. Yes - she WAS having doubts about him, but not because of the failed poly. Remember – BD admitted to failing her poly, as well. Her stated reason for doubting SA & telling him to leave does not hold water, as far as I'm concerned.

Yet, she has since then publicly professed her love for him when giving interviews, and has defended him, going so far as to say “There’s been too much focus on him”. IMO, she has been sending him a message - in effect, saying: ‘when this is all cleared up, we'll be together again’.

Unless strong evidence surfaces that points away from SA, and unless BD can get her *stories* straight, I feel both SA and BD are involved in the circumstances of Hailey's disappearance & possible demise.

Based on everything I've read/heard for the past 4 weeks, I'm inclined to believe LE feels this way, as well.

Did not know cz had said she did not know HD. She does say she doesn't know HD very well. I guess I missed her saying she didn't know HD. ty

OK..she doesn't know her "very well"--- Again, I'm just looking at what I know about small towns. My friends KNOW my children. My friends KNOW my husband. I think they could say whether or not significant other is a nut job or whether my child was a potential runaway.

Does anyone KNOW these people? I would think you could walk into the local coffee shop and have a good idea what happened within an hour.
Persons named as a POI or Suspect are fully sleuthable.
Minors are never sleuthable. When copying a quote from MSM we even change minor's names to initials only.
Everyone else. You can discuss what they have said in media appearances, what the news has quoted them as saying, and their actions as reported in the news. We don't get into their personal lives, accuse them, discuss their background unless it is in MSM. Only discuss them so far as what MSM is reporting.

Thanks so much for this. As a new poster, what I am getting is that we are not to slueth non-POI's (Shawn being the only one so far) unless they have aluded to something in the media. So when the mom's license and non payment issues were discussed this was against TOS and inappropriate sluething. Correct? I could not find one place in all of the media reports where this was mentioned, but I grant you I did not read them all (just the summaries).

Any clarification you can provide will be truly appreciated.

The moderators on the forums decide based on our experience what is inappropriate posting.

The discussion of Billie Dunn falls under two categories. The affidavits released by the Police Department and Main Stream Media Articles as well as her appearances on TV. It was decided by the moderators, based on the affidavit that was released, that she was sleuthable.

To answer your question about the news of her Nursing License here is just one article.


In 2008, Billie Jean Dunn’s license to practice nursing in the state was revoked by the Texas Board of Nursing. According to the group’s formal charges, Dunn practiced as a vocational nurse without a license from June 1, 2007, to April 20, 2008, while employed at Cogdell Memorial Hospital in Snyder. Board records indicate her license expired May 31, 2007.

Dunn’s conduct “deceived residents, their families, fellow caregivers and the public,” who believed that her practice of nursing was in compliance with the board’s rules and regulations, according to the board’s findings. Dunn was, according to the board, given an opportunity to show compliance with state law to retain her license.

The case was heard in an open meeting in Austin on Nov. 12, 2008. Dunn did not appear, the record says.
Pondering Mind,

I know that at some point Billie told me what time she left work. I do not remember what time she said. I do know that she left somewhat early. I believe that LE has the confirmed time, and has interviewed enough of her coworkers to make sure that she was where she said she was. It has been about a week since I read the affidavits, so I dont know what you mean about it reading a certain way.
Did not know cz had said she did not know HD. She does say she doesn't know HD very well. I guess I missed her saying she didn't know HD. ty

Not HD. Should be SA.

You are correct. I do know Hailey, but besides saying 'hey' or whatever, I have not sat down and had a conversation with her in a long time.
OK..she doesn't know her "very well"--- Again, I'm just looking at what I know about small towns. My friends KNOW my children. My friends KNOW my husband. I think they could say whether or not significant other is a nut job or whether my child was a potential runaway.

Does anyone KNOW these people? I would think you could walk into the local coffee shop and have a good idea what happened within an hour.

Please, I edited my post. because I am trying to read this and watch the Maverick game I got my initials mixed up. It should have said She doesn't know SA very well. She said nothing about HD in her post. I was asking when that had been said because I had not heard it.

My post was completely screwed up. Sorry.
To answer your question about the news of her Nursing License here is just one article.


In 2008, Billie Jean Dunn’s license to practice nursing in the state was revoked by the Texas Board of Nursing. According to the group’s formal charges, Dunn practiced as a vocational nurse without a license from June 1, 2007, to April 20, 2008, while employed at Cogdell Memorial Hospital in Snyder. Board records indicate her license expired May 31, 2007.

Dunn’s conduct “deceived residents, their families, fellow caregivers and the public,” who believed that her practice of nursing was in compliance with the board’s rules and regulations, according to the board’s findings. Dunn was, according to the board, given an opportunity to show compliance with state law to retain her license.

The case was heard in an open meeting in Austin on Nov. 12, 2008. Dunn did not appear, the record says.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for being so patient and thorough in answering my questions. Just navigating my way.
Sadly there are so many breaking cases this weekend. :( I hope Hailey's little face is still kept out there and it's still being investigated by different departments.I don't guess there was any update on the Tennessee tip,was there?
Tennessee proved to be zip.
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