TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #45

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Smooth Operator:

The t-shirts look great. Thank you so much for your efforts. :blowkiss:
You rock! :rocker:

My 13 yr old son was "out of school" today due to the "snow" we had last nite{laughable as today there was not a sign of "snow" and was actually "warm" compared to what it has been..lol}

But since he was out of school for the day he got volunteered by me to go along as part of our "Find Hailey Team"..so he got him on one of the Clint&Hailey shirts and helped out all day passing out/handing out fliers..as well as even speaking to a few kids around his age that he stopped and talked to..telling them about what he was doing and who this Hailey girl was..

When we got home this evening he looked at me and said "Mom I really think its great that you are doing all of this for someone we have never even met"..and I told him that as a parent we are drawn to do things such as this..feeling we need to do "something" to help.. I told him that I would hope that if I were ever to experience a nightmare such as him being abducted that other mothers and their children would do the same and would be right there where he was today only it would be LOOKING FOR HIM!..

As a mother I will always do whatever I can..and am only sad that its such very little that I am able to do..and that I fear until someone sheds light on that old thing called the "truth"..that we are never gonna find precious Hailey..no matter how many of us mommas ban together trying to help..KWIM?
When they slap the cuffs on Ms Billie Dunn, will any one be surprised?
I can not sleep for the life of me and finally got up to take an Excedrin PM ...that statement is just going 'round in circles in my head. You know IF Billie really thought that this was a stranger abduction and not SA, then I can't imagine the *NOT KNOWING* what was happening to her daughter at this very minute would not being the hands down absolute worse thing to think about. I have NEVER, EVER heard her mention that! ..and she has said many times that she DOES NOT believe that Hailey ran away (nor do I) it seems to me that she wants to backpeddle on that a bit now.. I believe because the heat is getting to hot in the kitchen.

I am just livid..maybe because I watched those videos before that link was posted and my BP was already sky high..Honestly, since even after LE told Billie that SA was a suspect and she STILL goes on about him like she does..IF by some teeny tiny chance she had nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance at all, this woman needs professional help, imo..If she is this blinded by SA, then that makes me have to re-think whether or not there is a possibility that Hailey MAY HAVE gone to her mom about SA's inappropriate behavior only to be ignored. I WILL NOT make excuses for her...there IS NO EXCUSE for her...

Going back to bed to try again...:banghead::banghead::banghead:
This statement bothers me as well.

It's now almost a month since Hailey Dunn went missing and her mom, Billie Jean, is starting to demand answers.


She should have started demanding answers 30 days ago.

IMO She already has the answers to alot of questions. That why we get "I didn't have a chance to ask him" or "I don't know".

WHO is she demanding answers from exactly?
Is she blaming LE now for the lack of 'answers?'

If she wanted answers she should have demanded that SA go back and keep answering the pesky questions instead of holing up @ Grandma's house.
My 13 yr old son was "out of school" today due to the "snow" we had last nite{laughable as today there was not a sign of "snow" and was actually "warm" compared to what it has been..lol}

But since he was out of school for the day he got volunteered by me to go along as part of our "find Hailey Team"..so he got him on one of the Clint&Hailey shirts and helped out all day passing out/handing out fliers..as well as even speaking to a few kids around his age that he stopped and talked to..telling them about what he was doing and who this Hailey girl was..

When we got home this evening he looked at me and said "Mom I really think its great that you are doing all of this for someone we have never even met"..and I told him that as a parent we are drawn to do things such as this..feeling we need to do "something" to help.. I told him that I would hope that if I were ever to experience a nightmare such as him being abducted that other mothers and their children would do the same and would be right there where he was today only it would be LOOKING FOR HIM!..

As a mother I will always do whatever I can..and am only sad that its such very little that I am able to do..and that I fear until someone sheds light on that old thing called the "truth"..that we are never gonna find precious Hailey..no matter how many of us mommas ban together trying to help..KWIM?
Mmhmm..., I know exactly what you mean. :frown: :hug:
I keep wondering did this mother look for evidence that Hailey had been home on Monday, were Sundays clothes in the hamper/floor, were Sunday nights pj's there, wet towels, evidence the child had eaten on Monday, potato chip bags,candy wrappers, empty cereral box, milk all gone, soda cans, dirty dishes, anything that showed that Hailey showered, dressed and ate in the house on Monday. For goodness sake, even ring around the bathtub, shampoo left out, hair blower left out, anything that showed evidence that Hailey was there on Monday.

I want to know what BD noticed in her house when she got home Monday night. She was home on Sunday, so they had dinner and probably cleaned up the kitchen, what was there when she got home Monday night.
Was the cellphone in the same place she left it went she went to work in the morning?
Sunday thru Monday night are critical.
I want to know what this mother saw during that time period. Not just I peeked in on her. That house just isn't that big that you can move around in it unheard.
Prayers for you Hailey.
We asked Billie what was the lowest point for her over this past month. Her response: when the investigation turned to her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, the only suspect named in the case of her missing daughter.


We asked Billie what was the lowest point for her over this past month. Her response: when the investigation turned to her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, the only suspect named in the case of her missing daughter.

I can kind of understand why she said that. She loved and trusted the man and to find that he might have done something horrible to her only daughter would be a terrible betrayal and a shock like no other. Add to that the guilt she must have felt for bringing him into her house and near her daughter. I think that would be a pretty low point.
I can not sleep for the life of me and finally got up to take an Excedrin PM ...that statement is just going 'round in circles in my head. You know IF Billie really thought that this was a stranger abduction and not SA, then I can't imagine the *NOT KNOWING* what was happening to her daughter at this very minute would not being the hands down absolute worse thing to think about. I have NEVER, EVER heard her mention that! ..and she has said many times that she DOES NOT believe that Hailey ran away (nor do I) it seems to me that she wants to backpeddle on that a bit now.. I believe because the heat is getting to hot in the kitchen.

I am just livid..maybe because I watched those videos before that link was posted and my BP was already sky high..Honestly, since even after LE told Billie that SA was a suspect and she STILL goes on about him like she does..IF by some teeny tiny chance she had nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance at all, this woman needs professional help, imo..If she is this blinded by SA, then that makes me have to re-think whether or not there is a possibility that Hailey MAY HAVE gone to her mom about SA's inappropriate behavior only to be ignored. I WILL NOT make excuses for her...there IS NO EXCUSE for her...

Going back to bed to try again...:banghead::banghead::banghead:

I feel your pain and I know about EXcedrin PM VERY WELL.. It will work ya just gotta give it some time to start working..Wish it worked AS FAST AS Ambien but did not have the side effects that Ambien does...

Sweet Dreams..PonderingMind!
I laid in bed for the past two hours trying to sleep too, well here I am again on here.
This is beyond belief that no one saw her on Monday. People have to go out and get their newspapers and mail sometime during the day. If she was walking down the streets SOMEONE would have seen her.
I am still open for a stranger abduction, but still someone should have seen her outside, unless she crossed the street to go her fathers and it happened up that drive behind the duplexes that lead to cd's place.
Sorry to bug you... do you know if that area has been well searched? With the "no pings" thing for the period of time with SA's phone... got me to do a little research about coverage in your area. I know there are some spots with limited/no coverage for both Verizon and ATT (which provides the tower service to the pre-paid providers). But, my hubby works in all of the different types of power plants and it is very common for him to not have any service when he right near the plant. Got me to thinking and wondering if this area was searched well.

Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to the areas that have been searched since several of the searchers approached Billie and basically told her that Brad didn't know what he was talking about, and they were going to search where they thought was important. I about lost it. I know that not all of the searchers, or even (hopefully) the majority felt this way.... but for anyone to have the gall to dismiss everything that Brad worked so hard to set up just made me sick. Your best bet on finding out the covered areas would be to get ahold of redcat. If she doesn't know offhand, she can find out.

You got me to thinking also. I haven't thought of this place in years - I think we called it the 'hot spot'. When I was in high school, it was a very popular place to swim, or just go to drink. I can't remember exactly where it is, but I know that it is a posted, fenced area. The water there was very warm and full of currents... because of the power plant's intake vents (or whatever you would call them). And dangerous because supposedly the suction is strong enough to pull you under. I have no idea if the plant is still set up that way, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

Personally, I have to believe that Hailey is still alive. And until I know for a fact otherwise, that is what I will believe. At the same time, I realize that areas need to be searched, if for no other reason than to clear them. That is why I am furious that TES has not been allowed to come in. Yes, there is a vast amount of land that you really cannot narrow down to any certain place to look, but the lakes, ponds, fishing holes, and the Colorado River (in the few places water might be) could dang sure be searched and ruled out. Our city manager has mentioned how vast Lake Colorado City is, and lamented how expensive it would be to search it, but TES doesn't charge for their services, do they? That is what I have been led to believe anyway.

I see no reason at all that TES is not allowed to come in and clear at least the Colorado City and Champion lakes.... unless there is something down there (totally unrelated to Hailey) that someone doesn't want to be found. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but WTH? I am beginning to believe that something mighty interesting would be found.

When I first contacted TES, I was told in no uncertain terms that they did not have to be either invited or welcomed by LE. Only that a parent had to ask them to come and then inform LE. I immediately called Billie, and she called and asked them to come, called LE to tell them that TES was coming, and then called TES back to let them know LE had been informed. TES told her they would be coming either that day or the next morning (they are 8 to 10 hours away from us, and it has been so long that I don't remember which day they said they were coming... it was late morning getting close to noon after all the phone calls were made). Keep in mind that it was very easy to get someone to talk to us, and they never made us wait very long on hold.

As soon as I heard that it had been reported that they were on standby (and I heard it here first), I called Billie and asked her what had happened. She had no idea that they were not coming after all. So I called TES back. Several times. And besides being forwarded to this person and that person, and spending a lot of time on hold. And no one was able to talk to me - oh, I talked to lots of different people, but no one that was 'authorized' to give me any information. Finally, I got the voicemail of the woman I had originally talked to that morning. And left two or three messages.

When it was nearly 5pm, I called again, in a last ditch effort to get anyone to tell me anything. And I finally found someone to help me out a little bit, bless her heart. She gave me the cell number of the woman I talked to that morning. So I called her, of course getting voicemail. I am not ashamed to admit that I begged her to call me. And she did call me back.

She was very apologetic, but could not explain the standby status to me. I asked her if I had misunderstood her earlier explaination of not needing LE's permission to come as long as a parent requested them and informed LE that they would be coming. I don't blame her, and in fact I think she felt very bad. She told me that I had understood her correctly, but that LE had put them on standby. I kept on, and finally she told me (paraphrasing) "I'm sorry, but LE called us and told us not to come. They have us on standby. As soon as they allow us to come, we will. We have our mobile home packed, and we also have access to a plane and a pilot. I promise, as soon as LE allows us to come, we will leave immediately, and can be there in a matter of hours."

And this was how many days/weeks ago? It really makes me sick. I realize that they are (or were) in Florida on another case now, and of course they cant drop everything and come here. But they were ready to come, and were not allowed to. WTH could have been said to them to make them throw out their standard protocol regarding getting involved?

Sorry for the ramble, but I just cannot get over this.
I can kind of understand why she said that. She loved and trusted the man and to find that he might have done something horrible to her only daughter would be a terrible betrayal and a shock like no other. Add to that the guilt she must have felt for bringing him into her house and near her daughter. I think that would be a pretty low point.
Gosh, if she would just say that, who would blame her? But her words and expressions don't give any indication that she feels guilty for bringing SA into her home and exposing her children to him. Nor does she let on that he's broken her heart or that she's seriously considered that he might be responsible. In every interview I've watched, she seems convinced that he's been wrongly accused, and her concern is greater for him than for Hailey. I've been trying to give this woman the benefit of the doubt (even though I'd like to kick her in the pants for allowing an entire day to pass without checking up on her 13 year old daughter who left the house alone, on foot, IF that part of the story is true and she really believed what SA told her) but I'm done. Nothing I learn about her in the future will surprise me.
I can kind of understand why she said that. She loved and trusted the man and to find that he might have done something horrible to her only daughter would be a terrible betrayal and a shock like no other. Add to that the guilt she must have felt for bringing him into her house and near her daughter. I think that would be a pretty low point.

But would that be the absolute WORST thing about this tragedy? The ONE thing she singles out is people thinking SA might be guilty?

Wouldn't the LOWEST point be thinking about what might have happened or might still be happening to her 13 yr old? Wouldn't the lowest point be having to see the pain her son is in? Wouldn't the lowest point be feeling regret for not checking in with her during that day and a half? I think there are many very low and painful moments that could easily surpass the fact that people suspect her boyfriend.
The way you describe it is different than what she said. You said it was about her dealing with personal guilt over bringing him in the house. That is NOT what she seems to be saying. She is implying that there is no problem with that decision.
After all, he never threatened to kill Hailey. He just threatened to kill her, and her brother and ex-husband. So no problem.
I can kind of understand why she said that. She loved and trusted the man and to find that he might have done something horrible to her only daughter would be a terrible betrayal and a shock like no other. Add to that the guilt she must have felt for bringing him into her house and near her daughter. I think that would be a pretty low point.

Good point and I totally agree.
Finally a good article about Hailey. Thank you for bringing that too our attention, now maybe I can go to sleep.
They do need to look at the neighbors thoroughly. IMO
Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to the areas that have been searched since several of the searchers approached Billie and basically told her that Brad didn't know what he was talking about, and they were going to search where they thought was important. I about lost it. I know that not all of the searchers, or even (hopefully) the majority felt this way.... but for anyone to have the gall to dismiss everything that Brad worked so hard to set up just made me sick. Your best bet on finding out the covered areas would be to get ahold of redcat. If she doesn't know offhand, she can find out.

You got me to thinking also. I haven't thought of this place in years - I think we called it the 'hot spot'. When I was in high school, it was a very popular place to swim, or just go to drink. I can't remember exactly where it is, but I know that it is a posted, fenced area. The water there was very warm and full of currents... because of the power plant's intake vents (or whatever you would call them). And dangerous because supposedly the suction is strong enough to pull you under. I have no idea if the plant is still set up that way, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

Personally, I have to believe that Hailey is still alive. And until I know for a fact otherwise, that is what I will believe. At the same time, I realize that areas need to be searched, if for no other reason than to clear them. That is why I am furious that TES has not been allowed to come in. Yes, there is a vast amount of land that you really cannot narrow down to any certain place to look, but the lakes, ponds, fishing holes, and the Colorado River (in the few places water might be) could dang sure be searched and ruled out. Our city manager has mentioned how vast Lake Colorado City is, and lamented how expensive it would be to search it, but TES doesn't charge for their services, do they? That is what I have been led to believe anyway.

I see no reason at all that TES is not allowed to come in and clear at least the Colorado City and Champion lakes.... unless there is something down there (totally unrelated to Hailey) that someone doesn't want to be found. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but WTH? I am beginning to believe that something mighty interesting would be found.

When I first contacted TES, I was told in no uncertain terms that they did not have to be either invited or welcomed by LE. Only that a parent had to ask them to come and then inform LE. I immediately called Billie, and she called and asked them to come, called LE to tell them that TES was coming, and then called TES back to let them know LE had been informed. TES told her they would be coming either that day or the next morning (they are 8 to 10 hours away from us, and it has been so long that I don't remember which day they said they were coming... it was late morning getting close to noon after all the phone calls were made). Keep in mind that it was very easy to get someone to talk to us, and they never made us wait very long on hold.

As soon as I heard that it had been reported that they were on standby (and I heard it here first), I called Billie and asked her what had happened. She had no idea that they were not coming after all. So I called TES back. Several times. And besides being forwarded to this person and that person, and spending a lot of time on hold. And no one was able to talk to me - oh, I talked to lots of different people, but no one that was 'authorized' to give me any information. Finally, I got the voicemail of the woman I had originally talked to that morning. And left two or three messages.

When it was nearly 5pm, I called again, in a last ditch effort to get anyone to tell me anything. And I finally found someone to help me out a little bit, bless her heart. She gave me the cell number of the woman I talked to that morning. So I called her, of course getting voicemail. I am not ashamed to admit that I begged her to call me. And she did call me back.

She was very apologetic, but could not explain the standby status to me. I asked her if I had misunderstood her earlier explaination of not needing LE's permission to come as long as a parent requested them and informed LE that they would be coming. I don't blame her, and in fact I think she felt very bad. She told me that I had understood her correctly, but that LE had put them on standby. I kept on, and finally she told me (paraphrasing) "I'm sorry, but LE called us and told us not to come. They have us on standby. As soon as they allow us to come, we will. We have our mobile home packed, and we also have access to a plane and a pilot. I promise, as soon as LE allows us to come, we will leave immediately, and can be there in a matter of hours."

And this was how many days/weeks ago? It really makes me sick. I realize that they are (or were) in Florida on another case now, and of course they cant drop everything and come here. But they were ready to come, and were not allowed to. WTH could have been said to them to make them throw out their standard protocol regarding getting involved?

Sorry for the ramble, but I just cannot get over this.

Thank you for this... I think many of us have been wondering/questioning WTH happened with TES becoming involved.. I know that early in we were told that they got stuck at the "stand by" phase..which IMO I could never understand because just like you I was under the belief that as long as a parent requested their assistance thats all it took and they were IMMEDIATELY ALL IN!!!!

So I thank you for giving this detailed account of what hapended.. IMO it does speak volumes.. Of course I'll not go as far as to bash any LE but I do believe the questioning of some "higher ups" would be in order at this time.. Someone needs to answer for why this little girl is possibly being hindered from being brought home{and cz I know as much as you hate to hear it that possibly it could be bringing Hailey home to be at rest..and I know that if indeed this did turn out to be the case that you would 100% agree and fight for this little girl to be brought home for a proper burial..to be at rest..and to give closure to her loved ones to begin the long very hard road of grieving Hailey's death}...So I wantt to know why and I want to know who and I want to know what and when as well..all the decisions were made as far as TES is concerned which IMO is directly in Hailey's best interest! I wanna know who..how ..and why this little girl's best intersest was over looked..discounted..and definitley not put #1 on the priority list...

Someone released that story a week or two ago stating that TES was no longer even returning phone calls to LE now asking them to become involved{if im not mistaken right about the time that Klaas Kids became involved}..

I wanna know who gave the local media that story stating that TES no longer would even answer nor return a single phone call concerning Hailey's case.. The article stated that TES had not even bothered to return calls and pleas made over a week prior.. Where the hell did that story come from???

I'm not on any ones side!!!!!!! Not LE..Not Billies..Not anyone's..I AM ON HAILEY'S SIDE!!!!! AND HAILEYS BEST INTEREST IS ALL I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT.. And I want aN answer as to WHY ITS BEEN SAID that in order to properly have all bodies of water searched in Hailey's case is would take amounts of funds that will never be available CCIty...

I believe EVERYONE HAS been very well informed on who and what TES is and is about..and with that it is 100% clear that their services cost 000000 dollars..

Now I wanna know why is it that TES has been kept on "stand by" by the city of Colorado City.Texas???
..... (snipped)....As soon as I heard that it had been reported that they were on standby (and I heard it here first), I called Billie and asked her what had happened. She had no idea that they were not coming after all. So I called TES back. Several times. And besides being forwarded to this person and that person, and spending a lot of time on hold. And no one was able to talk to me - oh, I talked to lots of different people, but no one that was 'authorized' to give me any information. Finally, I got the voicemail of the woman I had originally talked to that morning. And left two or three messages.

She was very apologetic, but could not explain the standby status to me. I asked her if I had misunderstood her earlier explaination of not needing LE's permission to come as long as a parent requested them and informed LE that they would be coming. I don't blame her, and in fact I think she felt very bad. She told me that I had understood her correctly, but that LE had put them on standby. I kept on, and finally she told me (paraphrasing) "I'm sorry, but LE called us and told us not to come. They have us on standby. As soon as they allow us to come, we will. We have our mobile home packed, and we also have access to a plane and a pilot. I promise, as soon as LE allows us to come, we will leave immediately, and can be there in a matter of hours."


I don't even know what to say about this. LE calls TES and tells them not to come and on top of that they dont even bother to tell BD or CD whats going on. I am not feeling confident that LE knows what they are doing.
CZ, do you feel confident that everything the TES rep told you was accurate? I have a strong suspicion that something has been left out of the story. Not by you, CZ. Don't mean that at all.

I'm thinking that CC and TES might've had an agreement that the city/county would let TES know when they narrowed the investigation down to a certain area or radius, and they haven't reached that point yet. I don't know, but something's missing here.
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