TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #45

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To Smooth Operator. How lucky your son is to have such a warm caring compassionate mother. You are teaching him by example, these lessons which he will carry forward into his later years. You are a great parental role model.
Their interference in the Haleigh Cummings case was appalling...I think if I was any LE official conducting an open unresolved investigation I would have very serious reservations about having them anywhere near the scene because of that.

My guess is that LE bluntly warned TES that they would attempt to pursue criminal charges if there was any hint of interference or dubious behaviour which might compromise the case or evidence, and that is what scared them off, at least until LE completes it's investigation or gives the OK. It would explain the mixed messages czgtz was getting.
WHO is she demanding answers from exactly?
Is she blaming LE now for the lack of 'answers?'

If she wanted answers she should have demanded that SA go back and keep answering the pesky questions instead of holing up @ Grandma's house.

I don't think I've heard BD demand anything in the entire 30 days that her child has been missing. And, it sure sounds like she's blaming LE for the lack of answers. IMO, she is a master manipulator. She'll do/say anything to take the heat off SA and herself. I get the feeling that she's just waiting for this whole thing to blow over so she can move SA back in. I don't know - I get this vibe that she's somehow irritated that her missing daughter is hindering her relationship with SA. Like it's really putting her out. Since day one, she has not put HD first - it's always been SA that has been at the forefront of her discussions, worries, and emotions. I just don't see any emotion when she mentions HD and that scares me. All IMO of course.
Their interference in the Haleigh Cummings case was appalling...I think if I was any LE official conducting an open unresolved investigation I would have very serious reservations about having them anywhere near the scene because of that.

My guess is that LE bluntly warned TES that they would attempt to pursue criminal charges if there was any hint of interference or dubious behaviour which might compromise the case or evidence, and that is what scared them off, at least until LE completes it's investigation or gives the OK. It would explain the mixed messages czgtz was getting.

My understanding is TES requires that LE and the family want them to be involved and invite them. There are more than a enough missing people that it is a very effective filter. Help the families that want their help, in cases where LE wants the resources.

They don't have to threaten TES to keep them uninvolved. Their own protocol says they do not organize searches without the officials in the cases at least passively endorsing it. Of course in the Caylee and Haleigh cases they had more than a passive endoresment.

Being on Nancy Grace discussing the cases probably scares of a good handful of officials. You can't have someone with intimate details about where is being searched, what has been found, who is talking to who etc on national TV and pretend it doesn't effect the case.

If they are going to be involved in these type of cases I really think they are going have to be there solely at the family request. Officials will still invite them in other circumstances. The tragic cases where an alzheimers patient has wander off, or a child might still be found alive, that is a precious resource they offer, and LE is not likely to harm any case by involving them.

These type of family drama, internal suspicion, little to no chance a search of the woods is bringing the missing home safe and sound.... the benefit risk ratio changes pretty rapidly.

In the Haleigh case however they weren't searching, they were conducting their own secret investigation complete with undercover operatives and potentially creating a situation where evidence could be contaminated. I'm sure LE wouldn't mind them doing traditional searches but snooping around potential suspects for evidence would be a big no-no.

Looking for a person/body where the circumstances of the dissappearance are well understood is one thing. A situation where it isn't clear what happened and evidence is still being collected is quite another.
In the Haleigh case however they weren't searching, they were conducting their own secret investigation complete with undercover operatives and potentially creating a situation where evidence could be contaminated. I'm sure LE wouldn't mind them doing traditional searches but snooping around potential suspects for evidence would be a big no-no.

Looking for a person/body where the circumstances of the dissappearance are well understood is one thing. A situation where it isn't clear what happened and evidence is still being collected is quite another.

Right, but that goes to credibility.
And then you have then tied up in the trial of Casey Anthony.
They have little to no incentive to hope TES conducts just a search of the woods, doesn't get involved, doesn't do interviews, doesn't end up somehow being discredited in the Anthony case and then having that blow into their trial.

Once you have lost your credibility it is hard to turn the clock back, or to get a state agency to take a chance on you. No one is going to be jumping up and down to say this is a good idea, this will be beneficial to the state in the long run. It is much easier at this point to say thank you but no. We don't want you involved and we definitely don't want you searching on our behalf (which ties them to the evidence found, or in the Anthony case evidence not found).

They are not going to get the stamp of approval from most police agencies in foul play cases for a long time. The dust is going to have to settle from the Florida cases. The damage and costs to the state of Florida can't even be measured yet, Haleigh hasn't been found, and Caylee was found by an outside party. TES being involved had no beneficially result and has been all bad for them. And it hasn't ended yet.

I don't know how an agency that can't say" we think the missing can be recovered alive if we pull out a miracle in the next 48 hours" could make a case for bring them in at this point.

I don't think there is any way to involve them in a limited role that offers much of a reward for the risk.
I don't think I've heard BD demand anything in the entire 30 days that her child has been missing. And, it sure sounds like she's blaming LE for the lack of answers. IMO, she is a master manipulator. She'll do/say anything to take the heat off SA and herself. I get the feeling that she's just waiting for this whole thing to blow over so she can move SA back in. I don't know - I get this vibe that she's somehow irritated that her missing daughter is hindering her relationship with SA. Like it's really putting her out. Since day one, she has not put HD first - it's always been SA that has been at the forefront of her discussions, worries, and emotions. I just don't see any emotion when she mentions HD and that scares me. All IMO of course.

Thank you. Thats exactly what I see in her. You would think if she was involved but thinking they are soo smart to play this game then she would fake it w/ her outward emotions to get us (the public) to buy what she's selling. She cannot even fake it for Hailey. imo
My understanding is TES requires that LE and the family want them to be involved and invite them. There are more than a enough missing people that it is a very effective filter. Help the families that want their help, in cases where LE wants the resources.

They don't have to threaten TES to keep them uninvolved. Their own protocol says they do not organize searches without the officials in the cases at least passively endorsing it. Of course in the Caylee and Haleigh cases they had more than a passive endoresment.

Being on Nancy Grace discussing the cases probably scares of a good handful of officials. You can't have someone with intimate details about where is being searched, what has been found, who is talking to who etc on national TV and pretend it doesn't effect the case.

If they are going to be involved in these type of cases I really think they are going have to be there solely at the family request. Officials will still invite them in other circumstances. The tragic cases where an alzheimers patient has wander off, or a child might still be found alive, that is a precious resource they offer, and LE is not likely to harm any case by involving them.

These type of family drama, internal suspicion, little to no chance a search of the woods is bringing the missing home safe and sound.... the benefit risk ratio changes pretty rapidly.


As bad as it may sound on the surface, I also believe this is true impatientredhead. From the cases I have followed it seems that if there reason to believe that family may be involved..or more importantly not cooperating, TES does not put them at the top of the list, so to speak. Certainly not because any one missing person is more important that another...but because TES has SO MANY requests for help and limited resources. ..and as we have seen time and again in cases that involved family that is not forthcoming with LE..they most likely will not be with TES either, which puts them at a disadvantage from the get-go as far as where to search. As much as I would love for them to get involved in Hailey's case, it's really hard to expect them to put another family on the back burner for this one just because it's high profile. Every other missing person is just as important and their families deserve help as well. I'm sure that TES is aware that the truth is not being told here and I'm wondering also if LE is just not willing to give up the ping info to them at this point and that would be the only way to have a "starting point" I would think. All we have to do is look at the HaLeigh Cummings and Caylee Anthony cases..the same drama was being played out there and I think Tim just got fed up with trying to find a missing child when some family members were working against them instead of with them. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be..and those families called them in as well. I am afraid that the inconsistent statements, lack of cooperation and lies in this case will cause TES to think twice..again not because they don't want to find Hailey..they just may feel having been through this type of situation before and with so many others needing their help at any given time that maybe there services would be more productive at the moment where families are cooperating..Lord knows I hate it, but I do understand it..JMO

That said they apparently just located Brian Reed on Tuesday and they do have Hailey on their website..
Their interference in the Haleigh Cummings case was appalling...I think if I was any LE official conducting an open unresolved investigation I would have very serious reservations about having them anywhere near the scene because of that.

My guess is that LE bluntly warned TES that they would attempt to pursue criminal charges if there was any hint of interference or dubious behaviour which might compromise the case or evidence, and that is what scared them off, at least until LE completes it's investigation or gives the OK. It would explain the mixed messages czgtz was getting.

I just don't believe that..moo. TES had a 'rogue searcher' in HaLeighs case and I don't believe that Tim had any clue as to the extent Donna Brock was carrying out her own *investigation*. He was hoping to find HaLeigh and he was seeing first hand what the father in this case was doing and saying behind the scenes. IIRC he said 'things here are not what they seem' and imo he was right...The man has been "bitten" more than once by people he and his organization were trying to help. When there are other missing persons out there that need his help just as much, I can't say I blame him if he were a bit wary of jumping into this case headfirst..
...after 10 HOURS of said interviewing.

See, I don't find 10 hours that unusual in a missing child case at all. If it were my child and they wanted to talk to me for whatever reason, I'd just bring my sleeping bag..moo
Thought I'd share this from the KTXS website:


With all due respect to BD...Did I read that last sentence correctly???
I just spewed diet coke all over my screen!

LOL @ Kampfer saying (basically) we have done all we can but we aren't giving up? WTH? If you have already done all you can, what exactly are you doing now?
I shouldn't be surprised, but I am totally blown away....

We asked Billie what was the lowest point for her over this past month. Her response: when the investigation turned to her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, the only suspect named in the case of her missing daughter.

Since the interview was supposedly about Hailey being missing nearly a month, I am assuming the interviewer was asking what the lowest point SINCE Hailey's disappearance had been. IMO, the interviewer would know that Hailey's disappearance (the reason for the interview) was traumatic, and asking would be along the lines of "so how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

I believe the interviewer meant "since the disappearance" and that Billie realized that and her answer was not inappropriate, although my response would have probably been "when I heard they were taking cadaver dogs to the landfill".
When do the cow patties go on sale?
Soon, I'm guessing. (We'll have to ask closer. She's the one that originally found the article).

But bear in mind: These are probably expensive collector cow patties, the product of the bull in Colorado City, TX.
...after 10 HOURS of said interviewing.

If your child is missing and they need your help, it shouldn't matter if you have been there for 100 hours. All that should matter is giving them TRUTHFUL answers to questions that will help find your daughter.

Seriously, what concerned parent just walks out of an interview when their child is missing?

A guilty one, IMO!
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