TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #45

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Since the interview was supposedly about Hailey being missing nearly a month, I am assuming the interviewer was asking what the lowest point SINCE Hailey's disappearance had been. IMO, the interviewer would know that Hailey's disappearance (the reason for the interview) was traumatic, and asking would be along the lines of "so how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

I believe the interviewer meant "since the disappearance" and that Billie realized that and her answer was not inappropriate, although my response would have probably been "when I heard they were taking cadaver dogs to the landfill".

I took her quote to mean that when the investigation turned to SA, she realized that if he did do something to Hailey, it would mean that she was most likely dead and never coming home.
And had she never brought SA into their lives, that Hailey would still be there.
That's a heavy load to carry when your daughter is missing, so I can see why that might be the lowest point for Billie
We've done everything we can with all the tools that we have," Kampfer said


And wouldn't this be where you bring in other agencies that have the tools that you don't have? JMO

They have done everything they can with the tools they have... WTH
They have turned away resources and are kepping help from coming in.

You can bet if this was his child or a child of a family member no one would be turned away.

This is about HAILEYand to this point everyone close to her and LE in this case has failed her!:banghead:

So... let me get this right...

"Joe Schmoe" from the community can volunteer and join in the search. Local PRISONERS were involved in the earliest search efforts, yet TES can't search? WHy can't they just turn up at the Civic Center, register like all the OTHER volunteers, and get involved?

Maybe it is because they really are THAT good, and LE is concerned about them finding evidence in the area related to their "unsolved crimes" and making them appear incompetent. If LE suspect there are DOZENS of "missing people" to be found in the area, and TES comes up with even one... they may fear looking inept.
So... let me get this right...

"Joe Schmoe" from the community can volunteer and join in the search. Local PRISONERS were involved in the earliest search efforts, yet TES can't search? WHy can't they just turn up at the Civic Center, register like all the OTHER volunteers, and get involved?

Maybe it is because they really are THAT good, and LE is concerned about them finding evidence in the area related to their "unsolved crimes" and making them appear incompetent. If LE suspect there are DOZENS of "missing people" to be found in the area, and TES comes up with even one... they may fear looking inept.

I don't understand why TES can't be allowed to just do the water even!!!!!!
At least it rules it out!! Like i said last night.. look at all the cars found with sonar in Juliani's case!!!!!
IF she's down "there" i'm sure they could probably locate her :(
I don't want her to be dead.. I want her to be alive.. but water has to be ruled out at the very least.
So... let me get this right...

"Joe Schmoe" from the community can volunteer and join in the search. Local PRISONERS were involved in the earliest search efforts, yet TES can't search? WHy can't they just turn up at the Civic Center, register like all the OTHER volunteers, and get involved?

Maybe it is because they really are THAT good, and LE is concerned about them finding evidence in the area related to their "unsolved crimes" and making them appear incompetent. If LE suspect there are DOZENS of "missing people" to be found in the area, and TES comes up with even one... they may fear looking inept.

It is time for them to start searching water and TES is well equipped to do that...I am not understanding this aspect at all. JMO
Hopefully in time for Valentine's Day...

Wonder if they will have sweet lil sayings on them like be mine, I luv you no matter what...KWIM

OK I am gonna be good the rest of the day.....well I will try really hard anyway!
I hate to ever think that any LE is...less than honorable, but this case is making me wonder. Do they have a reason not to find Hailey? It seems as though they are throwing up their hands, did all they could, don't blame us and yet won't let the experts in. Makes me almost wonder if they suspect someone in LE, or if SA hung around with someone in LE...

What did Klemfer say, life goes on, basically? Well yeah, but you named a suspect. Did you forget about that part?

Geez, maybe they were serious about not being able to make an arrest until/unless Hailey is found.
There is no such thing as a "perfect crime". There is plenty of evidence to make an arrest in every case, it is just a matter of finding it. Maybe, since CCPD does not have a lot of these cases they are just a little rusty about finding all of it. Also, remember, we are getting our updates from the City Manager, I would feel different if it was from the FBI or the Rangers or TXDPS, but I don't have much faith in a city manager. I think that there is enough real LE involved in the case to be able to turn up some evidence, it may just take a little time.
There is no such thing as a "perfect crime". There is plenty of evidence to make an arrest in every case, it is just a matter of finding it. Maybe, since CCPD does not have a lot of these cases they are just a little rusty about finding all of it. Also, remember, we are getting our updates from the City Manager, I would feel different if it was from the FBI or the Rangers or TXDPS, but I don't have much faith in a city manager. I think that there is enough real LE involved in the case to be able to turn up some evidence, it may just take a little time.

Maybe not perfect crimes, but there are tons of unsolved crimes and abductions...:( Many have suspects but never make it out the "limbo" state.
TES cannot just go out and start searching without some indication about Hailey's movements on the day she went missing. What do we know? Are we sure we know what day and time Hailey went missing? Does LE know? The one person who was the last person to see her is a suspect in the case. Both the suspect and the mother of the missing child have walked out of interviews with the police. Both have failed polys. What is LE supposed to tell TES so that they can formulate a plan for search?

Demanding help is one thing, cooperating with the help in finding Hailey is an absolute NECESSITY. It was on Day 1 and it is now 30 days later?

Thirty days ago LE asked for help from those in Hailey's life so that they could find Hailey. We are 30 days later and there is lack of cooperation from those that may be able to help in the investigation.

TES depends on donations in order to do their work. TES has a choice at times as we saw in the Caylee investigation. It is a balancing act..... Do we go somewhere when those that should cooperate are not, expend hundreds of thousands of dollars chasing false or half truths, or do we go to a search where a family and those close to the victim are cooperating?

This may have been lost among other things in the Parking Lot. It was a statement made by TES and printed on the Find Hailey FB on Sunday.

"Sherry McKinney Official message from Texas EquuSearch:
The family of Hailey Dunn requested our assistance on January 7, 2011, along with the Mayor, Carol Sue Dakan. We have been working closely with the Texas Rangers, and hav...e been willing to assist with this case. We have been told by the Texas Rangers that as soon as they have credible information for us to search, we are first on the list. We have been advised that at this time, they have nothing more specific than a 900 square mile area. We have not been giving interviews with the media because we have had no information to share. If we are called in by the Texas Rangers, we will immediately send a team to Colorado City. Thank you so much. Texas EquuSearch."

My question?

There are people with answers. There are people that can assist LE in their investigation. Have they begun to cooperate? We are 30 days into this investigation.
No disrespect for what I am about to say, but isn’t it basic 101 to separate them all and question them? I mean once they started to figure out that BD and SA had some what of an unusual story around the time HD went missing. It seems to me once they started questioning them and they started contradicting themselves (and each other) that they would have started playing each other against the other one. Once they have pressure on them and they get flustered that is when they start messing up. Why just let them get up, leave, get a lawyer, and withhold information (SA); or with BD just let her go home? Was it because the CCity PD didn’t know how to do it effectively? Were the Texas Ranger and FBI involved at that point? Once CCity PD questioned both of them if TX Rangers and FBI weren’t there could they call them back in for questioning because they were in on the investigation then? I am not understanding how the story can change and inconsistencies can be so blatant and SA and BD be allowed not to clear things up. Please help me understand.
I am very frustrated. Hailey has been gone a month now, and everyone knows plenty about a whole lot of people... but no one knows a thing about Hailey. Where is she and how did she end up in whatever situation she is in?

How are we going to get her back?

Thorough, objective research and analysis of the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

Why is it taking so long?

Because the people with the most information about the circumstances surrounding Hailey's disappearance - Billie and Shawn - are lying, withholding information, obfuscating, manipulating, and playing games.
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

We asked Billie what was the lowest point for her over this past month. Her response: when the investigation turned to her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, the only suspect named in the case of her missing daughter.

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message She Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

She was our North, our South, our East and West,
Our working week and our Sunday rest,
Our noon, Our midnight, Our talk, Our song;
We thought that love would last for ever: We were wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

So sorry Hailey - you deserved so much more......

Thank you, mgardner.
TES cannot just go out and start searching without some indication about Hailey's movements on the day she went missing. What do we know? Are we sure we know what day and time Hailey went missing? Does LE know? The one person who was the last person to see her is a suspect in the case. Both the suspect and the mother of the missing child have walked out of interviews with the police. Both have failed polys. What is LE supposed to tell TES so that they can formulate a plan for search?

Demanding help is one thing, cooperating with the help in finding Hailey is an absolute NECESSITY. It was on Day 1 and it is now 30 days later?

Thirty days ago LE asked for help from those in Hailey's life so that they could find Hailey. We are 30 days later and there is lack of cooperation from those that may be able to help in the investigation.

TES depends on donations in order to do their work. TES has a choice at times as we saw in the Caylee investigation. It is a balancing act..... Do we go somewhere when those that should cooperate are not, expend hundreds of thousands of dollars chasing false or half truths, or do we go to a search where a family and those close to the victim are cooperating?

This may have been lost among other things in the Parking Lot. It was a statement made by TES and printed on the Find Hailey FB on Sunday.

"Sherry McKinney Official message from Texas EquuSearch:
The family of Hailey Dunn requested our assistance on January 7, 2011, along with the Mayor, Carol Sue Dakan. We have been working closely with the Texas Rangers, and hav...e been willing to assist with this case. We have been told by the Texas Rangers that as soon as they have credible information for us to search, we are first on the list. We have been advised that at this time, they have nothing more specific than a 900 square mile area. We have not been giving interviews with the media because we have had no information to share. If we are called in by the Texas Rangers, we will immediately send a team to Colorado City. Thank you so much. Texas EquuSearch."

My question?

There are people with answers. There are people that can assist LE in their investigation. Have they begun to cooperate? We are 30 days into this investigation.

I understand there is 900sq mi of land.. that is why i'm pushing for them to do ONLY the water. I'm going to email everyone I can find email address's for.
It would be awesome of people could help me dig up others :)
TES cannot just go out and start searching without some indication about Hailey's movements on the day she went missing. What do we know? Are we sure we know what day and time Hailey went missing? Does LE know? The one person who was the last person to see her is a suspect in the case. Both the suspect and the mother of the missing child have walked out of interviews with the police. Both have failed polys. What is LE supposed to tell TES so that they can formulate a plan for search?
Respectfully Snipped from grandmaj's post

I am sorry Granmdmaj..I am just so frustrated..chances are she is no longer alive , she is lying in the cold and dark all alone reaching out for us to help her. My heart is breaking , I want to help I want her found and home. I can't do anything from 1200 miles away but sit and watch everyday and be disappointed each time another day passes.
No disrespect for what I am about to say, but isn’t it basic 101 to separate them all and question them? I mean once they started to figure out that BD and SA had some what of an unusual story around the time HD went missing. It seems to me once they started questioning them and they started contradicting themselves (and each other) that they would have started playing each other against the other one. Once they have pressure on them and they get flustered that is when they start messing up. Why just let them get up, leave, get a lawyer, and withhold information (SA); or with BD just let her go home? Was it because the CCity PD didn’t know how to do it effectively? Were the Texas Ranger and FBI involved at that point? Once CCity PD questioned both of them if TX Rangers and FBI weren’t there could they call them back in for questioning because they were in on the investigation then? I am not understanding how the story can change and inconsistencies can be so blatant and SA and BD be allowed not to clear things up. Please help me understand.

Because that's the law. Google for unlawful detention.

I'm not sure what you mean? Regional differences patterns of speech? In the affidavits? Not sure how one would do that...

Not sure how anyone's "grammar" has anything to do with what was written in there either, but what do I know?.. or maybe I'm just misunderstanding..I dunno...

You really think that especially in a high profile case like this and in a document that is being sent to a Judge that LE just jotted down info, not worrying about how it was worded and sent it on?...That would NEVER fly with the judges I have worked with..

But you are basing your assumption that Billie was there because the affadavit says she confirmed that DD did indeed knock on the door at 4 p.m., etc. You apparently believe the only way she could confirm that is if she was there, and that is not entirely true. She could have asked DD himself... or Clint, or Shawn. Or they could have volunteered this information. That's enough for LE... they would consider it a confirmation if the boy himself told her that is what happened, or his dad related the same thing to her. You do not seem to consider that LE does not have to provide little details of HOW she was able to confirm it, it's sufficient for them to just state that it was confirmed. These affadavits are written for their purposes.... not ours.
Do you see what I mean??
TES cannot just go out and start searching without some indication about Hailey's movements on the day she went missing. What do we know? Are we sure we know what day and time Hailey went missing? Does LE know? The one person who was the last person to see her is a suspect in the case. Both the suspect and the mother of the missing child have walked out of interviews with the police. Both have failed polys. What is LE supposed to tell TES so that they can formulate a plan for search?

Demanding help is one thing, cooperating with the help in finding Hailey is an absolute NECESSITY. It was on Day 1 and it is now 30 days later?

Thirty days ago LE asked for help from those in Hailey's life so that they could find Hailey. We are 30 days later and there is lack of cooperation from those that may be able to help in the investigation.

TES depends on donations in order to do their work. TES has a choice at times as we saw in the Caylee investigation. It is a balancing act..... Do we go somewhere when those that should cooperate are not, expend hundreds of thousands of dollars chasing false or half truths, or do we go to a search where a family and those close to the victim are cooperating?

This may have been lost among other things in the Parking Lot. It was a statement made by TES and printed on the Find Hailey FB on Sunday.

"Sherry McKinney Official message from Texas EquuSearch:
The family of Hailey Dunn requested our assistance on January 7, 2011, along with the Mayor, Carol Sue Dakan. We have been working closely with the Texas Rangers, and hav...e been willing to assist with this case. We have been told by the Texas Rangers that as soon as they have credible information for us to search, we are first on the list. We have been advised that at this time, they have nothing more specific than a 900 square mile area. We have not been giving interviews with the media because we have had no information to share. If we are called in by the Texas Rangers, we will immediately send a team to Colorado City. Thank you so much. Texas EquuSearch."

My question?

There are people with answers. There are people that can assist LE in their investigation. Have they begun to cooperate? We are 30 days into this investigation.

ITA grandmaj. I'll never forget Tim Miller asking Casey Anthony to point on a map where they should start looking for Caylee, and then mama Cindy interrupted before she could do it. Then Cindy went on to trash TES for not finding Caylee sooner, even though the family didn't help at all with where that child could be. Even the best search organizations need some idea where to look instead of, like in Hailey's case, 900 square miles. That's a real needle in a haystack!
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