TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #55

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The only time I've had two cases of beer in my house was for parties. And we do like to get together and have a good time. Depressing and stressfull circumstances usually have us walking in circles not knowing what to do. Seems we want a clearer head during times like that and it never occurs to anyone to buy liquor. One New Years Eve was particularly horrible. I had people staying with me. We all knew it was New Years. We were so exhausted we were all in bed by 10. No one felt like cracking open a beer.
Reveiwed for what?

Smooth Operator
Wise Old Owl and

Thank you guys so much!

HI Soulmagent...I think Grandma or one of the mods said last night they needed to review it before posting...the mods listened to the interview as well but needed to check the written word before posting....HTH
Reveiwed for what?

Smooth Operator
Wise Old Owl and

Thank you guys so much!

I saw that post by Gram. I think she just wanted to take a quick peek at it first. She might want to put it in the Media and Timeline area for easy reference too. Not sure, I didn't ask the assigned mods about it and am out of the loop.
Not speaking for anyone but myself right now, as just a citizen of CCity. It is total BS that LE has not done anything (in MOO anyway) to reassure anyone living here that we are safe. Oh, well, besides going to the middle school and telling all the kids - including my 12 year old - (paraphrasing) that their parents are overreacting and no one should change any of their habits and it is just fine for them to continue walking around and being outside by themselves. I nearly blew a gasket when I heard that from my kid.

Edit - not bashing LE, just MOOing my frustration


THUD! Oh my panties would be TWISTED over that too! Until whoever was responsible for Hailey's disappearance is behind bars, no one is safe IMO
I saw that post by Gram. I think she just wanted to take a quick peek at it first. She might want to put it in the Media and Timeline area for easy reference too. Not sure, I didn't ask the assigned mods about it and am out of the loop.

LOL I just freaked out thinking it would be edited!

I am okay now.
Has Clints interview gone MSM yet?
It really should.
Everyone should know that daddy's little girl
liked and who she is, the human touch.

BD never gave us the human side of Hailey.
The only time I've had two cases of beer in my house was for parties. And we do like to get together and have a good time. Depressing and stressfull circumstances usually have us walking in circles not knowing what to do. Seems we want a clearer head during times like that and it never occurs to anyone to buy liquor. One New Years Eve was particularly horrible. I had people staying with me. We all knew it was New Years. We were so exhausted we were all in bed by 10. No one felt like cracking open a beer.

ITA....my friend and neighbor recently experienced a tragic unexpected death in her family, there were lines of cars at her house for many days with friends, relatives and neighbors spending time to comfort the family. Many people brought food and flowers and many who visited were most likely those who would occasionally have a social drink or two. NEVER did I see anyone bring even ONE case of beer into the home. In fact, the list of things that I personally took to her home included items NEEDED at such a time: paper plates, paper towels, coffee, tea, creamer, coffee cups, dishwasher detergent, toilet paper, even laundry detergent! Even though both the mom and son in this family had their birthdays during this stressful time, it would never have occurred to me to even consider stocking their alcohol supply whether it was to be consumed by guests or not.

Due to the weather, Hailey isn't even in the top 8 headlines on bigcountryhomepage.com.
As far as I know, beer is legal in Texas to anyone 21 and over. It's not like BD was caught doing something illegal, like possessing pot during her missing child's case. I'd hate to see what the public might do with something like that to this poor woman.

I just think there are a lot of great minds here at WS and time can be better spent on other issues. BD is no longer a POI.
This is from more than 2 weeks ago and sounds almost exactly what Clint said last night!

"...police offered to show Clint Dunn surveillance tapes taken around Western Suites near Interstate 20 in Colorado City. Bloodhounds reportedly hit on Hailey Dunn's scent early in the investigation near the lodging. He has asked for access to all information regarding his daughter but says he has not received much.
"It is hard being in the dark," Clint Dunn said."

Also, alcohol is a depressant. Some people use it to calm their nerves. If I were throwing a PARTY, I can think of other people to invite rather than my aunt and uncle (no offense to my aunt and uncle, who I love dearly).
This is from more than 2 weeks ago and sounds almost exactly what Clint said last night!

"...police offered to show Clint Dunn surveillance tapes taken around Western Suites near Interstate 20 in Colorado City. Bloodhounds reportedly hit on Hailey Dunn's scent early in the investigation near the lodging. He has asked for access to all information regarding his daughter but says he has not received much.
"It is hard being in the dark," Clint Dunn said."


I think there are probably a lot of issues with LE being able to show anyone else those tapes, not the least of which would be the privacy rights of other people who would be shown on the tapes. Additionally, it would be a security issue for the motel itself, if the general public were shown exactly where those cameras covered, and where they do NOT cover. If LE says that HD was not on the tapes, then showing the public the footage would serve no purpose. If others see someone they know walking or parking near that area of the hotel then it would just be a rumor explosion about an innocent bystander. I am quite sure that if CCity LE, the TR and the FBI have viewed them and see no reason to show them to CD then there must be nothing there which they feel he could help with. Those agencies are quite capable of identifying those persons on the tapes and checking them out without exposing them to public scrutiny.

Has Clints interview gone MSM yet?
It really should.
Everyone should know that daddy's little girl
liked and who she is, the human touch.

BD never gave us the human side of Hailey.

Everyone should listen to CD's radio interview, it was great.

Just my opinion but BD did give us the human side of Hailey,, it was just not in the same great way that CD was able to do. She told us the same things, not sure if the reports included everything she said or if it was edited as is the case of TV and written press. We are keying on what she says about SA we may have overlooked. Posting the link where she told us, that Hailey loved softball, volleyball, basketball, the color of the wolves, martial arts, that she would kick a boy before kissing him, etc.many of the same things, it just sounds and reads differently- how would she have sounded under the same conditions as CD's interview. I wish all families could do interviews like CD's last night.

I saw that post by Gram. I think she just wanted to take a quick peek at it first. She might want to put it in the Media and Timeline area for easy reference too. Not sure, I didn't ask the assigned mods about it and am out of the loop.


I've passed off the final review/completion to Wise Old Owl - I think she is going to send it to the mods first before posting. :) (I've been keeping her, Ima, and TM in the loop...)

(Real Life needed attention here - sick kid, music lessons, etc. And this was a tough one to transcribe...:o)

Also, alcohol is a depressant. Some people use it to calm their nerves. If I were throwing a PARTY, I can think of other people to invite rather than my aunt and uncle (no offense to my aunt and uncle, who I love dearly).


I thought that's what the ATIVAN was for?

And isn't alcohol contraindicated when taking prescriptions in this drug class?
Come to think of it I've never bought 2 cases of beer. Bought a pony keg once
...had to go get more ice to keep it cold and when I returned it the guys laughed at me cause it was over half full still. Huge waste of $! Seriously the pack of beer or lack of it doesn't help find Hailey. It only goes to show who is more credible right now. Based on the truth as we have heard it reported.
For me the issue isn't whether BD drank beer or not. It's the changing stories surrounding NYE coming from SA and BD, from there was no party, SA might have had a drink, SA had a beer, SA had a couple of beers, only family over to comfort her, friends were invited over for drinks, to two cases of beer being hauled in. Point being: If we can't get a straight, honest answer on this one seemingly trivial point, how are we...or LE...to trust anything coming out of the mouths of two key players in this case?
For me the issue isn't whether BD drank beer or not. It's the changing stories surrounding NYE coming from SA and BD, from there was no party, SA might have had a drink, SA had a beer, SA had a couple of beers, only family over to comfort her, friends were invited over for drinks, to two cases of beer being hauled in. Point being: If we can't get a straight, honest answer on this one seemingly trivial point, how are we...or LE...to trust anything coming out of the mouths of two key players in this case?

About the "two cases of beer": I do think it's possible that BD wasn't aware of how much beer was there. SA was the one who said they had "friends" over to have a "few drinks", while BD said it was just family and that SA might have had a beer (don't know the exact quote at the moment).

In her state of mind on NYE, I do believe she may not have been that aware of who was drinking what, IMHO. She may be covering, or she may have been telling the truth as she remembers it, or she may be trying not to look bad, kwim? Who knows... just trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt here. :innocent:
About the "two cases of beer": I do think it's possible that BD wasn't aware of how much beer was there. SA was the one who said they had "friends" over to have a "few drinks", while BD said it was just family and that SA might have had a beer (don't know the exact quote at the moment).

In her state of mind on NYE, I do believe she may not have been that aware of who was drinking what, IMHO. She may be covering, or she may have been telling the truth as she remembers it, or she may be trying not to look bad, kwim? Who knows... just trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt here. :innocent:

I will not give her a pass on the beer. Not aware is not an excuse.

2 cases of beer = 48 cans of beer

48 cans of beer = 576 ounces of beer (48 cans x 12 ounces per can)

576 ounces of beer = 4.5 gallons of beer

I just cannot for one minute believe that she didn't notice the equivalent of 4.5 milk jugs being lugged into her home. I mean, afterall, Clint was able to see this from a field away.

Nope, will not accept any excuse from BD that she was not aware of there being a party at her home. JMO, IMO.
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