TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56

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01-03-2011, 05:03 PM
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I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that. Tuesday, Billie called her son from work to get ahold of Hailey and tell her it was time to come home. The friend said Hailey never showed. The son called Billie, who came home, checked a few places. and went straight to the PD to report Hailey missing. She said 1pm because she had just assumed that BF came home at lunch on Monday - she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD.

Billie says that until the PD interviewed them Wednesday, she didn't realize that BF actually came home Monday at 3pm. LE has been aware since Wednesday that Billie accidentally reported the wrong time.

Looking back, there are so many things 'wrong' with that description of events. Things do not jibe with what we have been told since then.

1. "When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that."

Since then we have been told that Shawn CALLED her at work Monday and told her this info. And she said he called her after Hailey left and before DD got home. So that means between 3:15 and 4.

2."She said 1pm because she had just assumed that BF came home at lunch on Monday - she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD."

SA didn't say he came home for lunch, he said he came home early. Not the same thing. So she filed a police report without discussing the vital details with SA about when exactly she left the house and where exactly she was going? This says to me that after she found out that Hailey never went to MB's, she never actually checked back with SA to see if he had the name wrong.

It's the fact that SO MANY important things have changed in this case that are so troubling..Not little things that one may forget at a stressful time. BD was on the phone to her friend while she was posting that..AND she says that she DID NOT go home before she went to the PD. NOBODY would *forget* that when being directly asked..So, why the need to change so much information? What purpose does it serve? I guess if we knew those answers, we could find Hailey..or at least find out what happened to her..:(..There is a reason those answers had to change IMHO..what is it?...
GRACE: Have you questioned him again, Billie, about her disappearance? Have you gone over what happened that night?

B. DUNN: Yes, because I don`t know where my daughter is.

GRACE: And what did he say?

B. DUNN: I haven`t been talking to him much. He lets me know he loves us and he misses us. I just haven`t talked to him a lot. Tells me I know him —

I think whether he loved me or not would be the least of my problem about then. "Where is Hailey"?
Thought maybe this could help to better visualize the events:

GRACE: Have you questioned him again, Billie, about her disappearance? Have you gone over what happened that night?

B. DUNN: Yes, because I don`t know where my daughter is.

GRACE: And what did he say?

B. DUNN: I haven`t been talking to him much. He lets me know he loves us and he misses us. I just haven`t talked to him a lot. Tells me I know him —

When you look at all BD interviews just about everything she has said has a conflicting story.

This would be correct. It is also true of SA's statements, Clint's interview, Naomi's interview, LE affadavits and LE statements, and comments by media personalities. All of it is conflicting. :banghead:
speaking of the frantic searching that would take place when you find your child missing did they call the hospitals in the area to see if anyone ahd been brought in? knock on neighbors doors? email all of her contacts? call of her friends?

Pretended to ask for help when forced to.
speaking of the frantic searching that would take place when you find your child missing did they call the hospitals in the area to see if anyone ahd been brought in? knock on neighbors doors? email all of her contacts? call of her friends?

Pretended to ask for help when forced to.

What does this mean?
OK, either I run everybody off when I log on...or it's been a slow couple of days...or both.:crazy:.. Every time I log on lately, I see my own Avi over and over that I haven't taken time to change ..and for some reason it has started creeping me out!

Just stopped in to check on any news of Hailey and it doesn't look like there is anything new :(...trying to get ready for a baby shower tomorrow..Have a Good Day All!
Yep. And not being sure you called your close family members to check is also iffy to me. We've been told lots of family and friends live in Scurry, for example, I would think they would have been contacted before (or certainly shortly after) Hailey was reported missing. It continues to make me wonder if it was Clint who was pushing for more LE and media (he said so in his interview and that he made the media calls for Billie because he freezes on camera).

From Nancy Grace 1/17:

CALLER: Hello, you know, I`ve been doing some searching on foot and stuff, and I`ve gathered a lot of little information, and I`m not an authority, OK? But I have a pretty extended family, they don`t live nearby. If one of us went missing, within an hour or less, everybody that I know would have had a phone call, people that live in California would have found out and everything. We would have been calling around. I found out that some of the relatives found out by co-workers at work a day later. That is just unbelievable, and that`s like wasting time when a kid is missing. I just don`t believe it.

GRACE: OK, tell me about the relatives, caller, Linda in Texas, were they on the mom`s or the dad`s side? Are they extended relatives, like second and third cousins?

CALLER: They`re very close relatives, and I think that they probably would know who they are, and I don`t want to put that --

GRACE: OK, got it. Let`s go to Billie and Clint Dunn on that. First to you, Billie Dunn, did you put out an APB, all points bulletin? Did you tell all of your family immediately? What did you do? Explain to us once again that day when you got home from work?

B. DUNN: I told all of my -- and I believe I told all of my close family members and I got a hold of all of Hailey`s friends that day.

That tells me a lot. Thanks.

I would like to know what BD did after making her missing persons report. Most families I have experience with set out in their vehicles and comb the streets, stores, hangouts, etc.
Okay well from reading today, I'm officially off the fence. (And thank God, it was very uncomfortable!)

Bottom line is: The truth does not change. Ever.
Originally Posted by BeanE
January 3 - post by Billie's friend czgtz:

01-03-2011, 08:03 PM czgtz

I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that.

Last edited by czgtz; 01-03-2011 at 08:13 PM.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

Shawn called me while I was at work that afternoon. I asked him about the kids. He told me that David wasn’t home yet, and that Hailey had left to go to Clint’s, and then was going to a friend’s to spend the night.

I thought That was the night he picked her up early from work to buy drugs???:banghead:

WOW, now that is a big inconsistency!
Janeumayer, thanks very much for that spreed sheet. It is very good, with all the know information confirmed and unconfirmed. Very helpful to me,
hehe...you beat me to it

"What he told me was" Again...."Shawn says".

So he told her the deleted calls were ones where he called her at work. It will be intersting to see what those calls really were when the information on those calls is made public if and when they were.

If the police are looking at your phone, if you are innocent, why would you delete them right in front of their face?

But it says it in the affidavit too. I posted it earlier.
But it says it in the affidavit too. I posted it earlier.

I'm a bit confused. I don't recall reading anywhere what the deleted calls were other than what BD says SA told her???
Bean, to save me time do you remember did the affidavit indicate if the calls were to "Billie" at work or her cell. I do not use my cell much so not sure how it shows when you look at calls made. Would it say Billie work or Billlie home or Billie cell Just wondering trying to track SA
Wow...every time I look at the contradictions in statements that BD has given I am just astounded. It seems like every time she makes a statement at least one detail gets changed. Are any of the facts that were originally reported still valid? Is there anything that hasn't changed?

I know CD was out with searchers yesterday but does anyone know if there will be any big searches this weekend? TIA :)
That tells me a lot. Thanks.

I would like to know what BD did after making her missing persons report. Most families I have experience with set out in their vehicles and comb the streets, stores, hangouts, etc.

Oh this gets my vote for Question of the Day!!! What *did* Billie and Shawn do on the evening of Tuesday Dec 27?

See, I think probably LE was at the house, questioning them, and that's why I can't figure out how that 1pm time wasn't caught.

Everybody would be talking about, to each other, and everybody on their phones calling friends, neighbors, stores, everybody they could think of - "Did you see Hailey yesterday around 1:15 or 1:30 walking towards Clint's or MB's or anywhere else?

And Shawn heard all that, and didn't say, "Oh hey wait! No! It was 3:00!"

But instead left this missing little girl's life hang in the balance with everybody searching down the wrong timeframe - by two whole hours!!!

But... Billie loves him.

Crazy, crazy stuff.
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