TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #7

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All the vehiclesthat SA had access to, where they searched?
Where dogs taken to the cars? trucks? who's car did he use the most?
Odd to me that a 25 year old man that had a good job had no vehicle???
All the vehiclesthat SA had access to, where they searched?
Where dogs taken to the cars? trucks? who's car did he use the most?
Odd to me that a 25 year old man that had a good job had no vehicle???

Hailey's father doesn't have one either :(
Since SA is the one who says Hailey was spending the night with MB...after finding out that wasn't the case....did Billie call SA right away? She says she called Haileys dad and then went to the police station. Did she have her car that day?? SA doesn't have a car, so I guess if he rushed to her side, someone "rushed" him or he had Billies car and someone else drove her from work to CC. Do we know if Billie knew on that day about SA not having a job?

As I understood it, SA had the car and BO did not, since, on Monday 12/27, he took her to work, then had to go back and pick her up that evening. I think I saw on the previous thread that on Tuesday, a coworker took BO to the police station.
Since SA is the one who says Hailey was spending the night with MB...after finding out that wasn't the case....did Billie call SA right away? She says she called Haileys dad and then went to the police station. Did she have her car that day?? SA doesn't have a car, so I guess if he rushed to her side, someone "rushed" him or he had Billies car and someone else drove her from work to CC. Do we know if Billie knew on that day about SA not having a job?

Not sure where you heard that SA doesn't have a car .... but he does. CD was questioned lastnight about SA's car being parked at the house on NG. I would assume that if he didn't have a car CD would have stated that. Not to mention that we know SA was giving BD rides and going back and forth to work / his moms / etc. BD doesn't seem to have her own car (or perhaps SA has hers regularlly?)

However, CD's has made comments that his truck is not running... maybe that's what you are thinking?
Good morning friends. *Handing out vanilla lattes* *also I have Bailey's to add to your coffee if you are having one of those days lol*

Please let today be the day that Hailey comes home safe <3
Good morning friends. *Handing out vanilla lattes* *also I have Bailey's to add to your coffee if you are having one of those days lol*

Please let today be the day that Hailey comes home safe <3

with whip cream please!!!
Not sure where you heard that SA doesn't have a car .... but he does. CD was questioned lastnight about SA's car being parked at the house on NG. I would assume that if he didn't have a car CD would have stated that. Not to mention that we know SA was giving BD rides and going back and forth to work / his moms / etc. BD doesn't seem to have her own car (or perhaps SA has hers regularlly?)

However, CD's has made comments that his truck is not running... maybe that's what you are thinking?

I thought the car that BO and SA had was actually BO's and SA drove it most of the time, which is why he usually took her back and forth to work. I don't think they would have bothered telling NG it wasn't his car when he was usually the one driving it.
Well, they're not going to comment about polygraphs. Billie chose to tell the world that she and her bf failed the test via NG show. My 1st instinct, if I were the guy called out on NG as being less than competent, would be to defend myself....but, I doubt that those desperately searching for Hailey and involved in the investigation have the time or energy to reply.

Amster, with all due respect, I wasn't specifically referring to the polygraphs. Rather, in general there has been a frustrating lack of information dissemintated to the public regarding Hailey's disappearance. IMO, what has been released through Mr. Kampfer has been at best, sketchy and at worst, inaccurate.

I really do have a great deal of respect for LE as a rule, and I'm grateful for the long hours and emotional toll these officers endure when working a case like this. However, given the number of agencies collaborating on the search for Hailey, I wish LE would update the public directly as I feel it would benefit the investigation to have as much accurate info out there as possible.
But you don't tell the person RIGHT BEFORE THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE A POLY!!! Wait until they've taken their poly and THEN tell them, "Okay, you (passed/failed), (and/but) so-and-so failed!
I think possibly they may have done that to see if her respons was sencere. now not my opinion at all i totally 100% believe she has nothing to do with her disapearing. dont know how to word this without it looking like i have doubts about BD but i dont, this is just a senerio i put together in my little head, they tell her he failed test, she gets upset, they want to take her out of any suspition that she has anything to do with this and maby this is a good way to make sure its on some kind of paper that she is cleared. they use the poly as a tool, possibly not to just find those who are lying but also those who are truthful. dont know if my mumbojumbo makes any sense, hopefully it does.
ON NG there were some questions from of her panel members for BD, I sure wish she answered some more of those about SA.

I'm being very careful to not have my mind totally on SA as the guilty party. Look at Jonathan Foster, EVERYONE thought he had something to do with it.
I was pretty much thinking the same thing- Also, add in the fact that the big brother could have potentially walked in at any time... for something to have happened to her inside the house would be a HUGE risk... on top of that, there would have a be some SERIOUS panicking going on and that's when mistakes are made.

But could Hailey of left willingly with SA? saying lets go to mall?
Using that exist that dogs hit next to new motel?
Crime happened somewhere else?
Could it be that the 2:00 search led by LE might involve Equasearch?
A LE organized community search party will be formed at 2pm today at the county courthouse. Pleas pray for the search.
@ Passion

Great questions! This one is really so hard to call without being judgemental - It seems that too many times the focus is sometimes solely placed upon a single individual. Logically, we are always suspicious of the last known party to see someone. Historically, many times that last person is in fact the perpetrator, however, how many times have people been wrongfully accused initially, only to allow the actual perpetrator more time to cover their tracks.

Just being the devils advocate here....

But see, I think in a way she is kinda protecting him. She talks about how everybody failed the test, so know she doesn't know......... And that right there is why I think she failed her test, she has doubts, but her mind just will not let her believe he had anything to do with it the poly picked up on that and hence the deception. And there were reports of him being over there yesterday.

iirc, BD said on NG last night that she had not seen SA since the polygraphs. The city mgr confirmed that SA was at BD's house yesterday at 4:30. She must have gone to another part of the house or left when he was there.
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