TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, murdered, Scurry County, Dec 2010 *Arrest in 2021, released in 2023* #4

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I remember that AutumnDawn. This would have been on Tuesday, the morning I think SA might have taken her to work. I remember someone at SA's work stating to LE BD was in the car with SA the morning he quit, but that is not corroborated anywhere else. I think that is what we are all remembering. Also, the lady who supposedly took BD to work on Monday claimed later she did not take her that morning. You are correct about all the lies. They do come back to haunt you and it makes their stories all confused and facts are hard to come by in this case.

Someone took her that morning (Monday). I remember early on debating the story about what route he took home. I always felt BD should have seen him returning to CC that morning. They should have met each other on the highway. That is not a well traveled road by any means.

I am afraid we may never know exactly what happened.

Praying for Justice for Hailey!

He stopped over at the GMs house, it would have been quite easy for them to miss each other. Also, if she was not watching cars then she would not have noticed even if he did pass.

According to the affidavit his cell phone was making calls between 6:35 and 6:56AM. He would have been at the GM's house making those calls in order to decide where to go next since there was no one at the GM's house. BD left home at 6:20, which means that she would have been on the road passing by while SA was making his calls at the GM's house in Dunn (which was about 16 minutes driving out of CC). So, if she left CC at 6:20, she would have been passing Dunn at around 6:36AM, and at 6:35 SA was at the GM's house making his first call, not on the road, so she would NOT have passed by him on the road.

Keep in mind that those calls would have been to other people, and those other people would have been able to corroborate that as well, which means that it be fairly well established exactly where SA was and reasonably well established what he was doing. Phone calls resumed at 9:38AM when he was at his mothers house. He would have arrived there earlier than that, and most likely the time of arrival (which would have been earlier, unless he started making phone calls the second he stepped out of the car) can be corroborated by the people living there. So, SA's movements can probably be established fairly accurately, which is something to bear in mind for a prosecutor if they were thinking of filing charges. There would have to be time to do the crime as it were, and my guess is that when the data and witnesses are fully analyzed, there is no time.

As for how BD got to work, according to the affidavits it was confirmed by interviews AND by records. So, no matter what people might be saying later, we can be fairly sure that whatever BD told LE about her movements that morning was accurate. Keep in mind that if she told them one thing, and they later found out something different, she would have been charged with obstruction (we know this because she WAS charged with obstruction in a different incident involving the CP search warrants). The same thing holds with statements made by other people btw. If they were deliberately lying initially they would have been charged if it could be proven that they were lying.

LE interviewed people at SA's workplace. There was no mention of BD being there. If BD had been in the car at the time they would have said so in the affidavit since the sheriff was hostile to SA and BD at that point. He would have used any slight grounds for suspicion against them and used that in the affidavits.
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I think this case has been made way more complicated than it truly needs to be. I think the person(s) involved in her murder have been around the entire time, causing more chaos to avoid being arrested. Statistics show it was most likely someone she knew.

I would like to hear from the Scurry DA of why no arrests have been made in this case.
Up late and Hailey's case crossed my mind. Thinking about why this case has been so hard to solve. For years now I've always thought that people concentrated on Monday and Tuesday, but forgot about that Sunday.

From the time Hailey gets back home from her dads house on that Sunday. We (the public) only get bits and pieces of the rest of the day. Personally I don't believe what they told is about Hailey on Monday.
Up late and Hailey's case crossed my mind. Thinking about why this case has been so hard to solve. For years now I've always thought that people concentrated on Monday and Tuesday, but forgot about that Sunday.

From the time Hailey gets back home from her dads house on that Sunday. We (the public) only get bits and pieces of the rest of the day. Personally I don't believe what they told is about Hailey on Monday.
I've forgotten so much about this case over time. But I do remember thinking the same thing, way back when. This is similar to the Gannon Stauch case, where the only account of what happened in the days leading up to his murder were from the one who killed him. What tripped Leticia Stauch up were the neighborhood video cameras. The footage told the truth.

Whatever happened to Hailey could have occurred Sunday night after David left. IIRC that was somewhere around 10PM, he left to spend the night at a friends house.
Too bad no one had ring or arlo cameras back then.
I've forgotten so much about this case over time. But I do remember thinking the same thing, way back when. This is similar to the Gannon Stauch case, where the only account of what happened in the days leading up to his murder were from the one who killed him. What tripped Leticia Stauch up were the neighborhood video cameras. The footage told the truth.

Whatever happened to Hailey could have occurred Sunday night after David left. IIRC that was somewhere around 10PM, he left to spend the night at a friends house.
Too bad no one had ring or arlo cameras back then.

The problem with that theory is that multiple people reported seeing her the next day. And there is the text message the next day that could only have been sent by someone living in the house, but not by either BD or SA since they were in other towns at the time. That leaves HD or DD as the only people who could have sent it. Since HD was seen that day, and in fact was seen actually using the phone at around the time the text was sent, it is safe to say she was alive and well at the time. Whatever happened to her happened after she left the house when SA got back home. SA could not be responsible because DD arrived home shortly after SA did, eliminating any time of opportunity. Best guess is that she headed out either to her fathers house (he was alone at the time since the GF had been taken shopping by his mother, IIRC) or the friends house. The same friend whose mother said there was no contact with HD even though we subsequently found out that there was a text. So I am thinking there is a good deal of asscovering going on.

I would guess that after HD left the house that afternoon she met up with someone and something happened. The question really is who is that person? That is not clear. She may not have gone to the fathers house or the friends house at all for all we know, and may instead have gone somewhere else.
The problem with that theory is that multiple people reported seeing her the next day. And there is the text message the next day that could only have been sent by someone living in the house, but not by either BD or SA since they were in other towns at the time. That leaves HD or DD as the only people who could have sent it. Since HD was seen that day, and in fact was seen actually using the phone at around the time the text was sent, it is safe to say she was alive and well at the time. Whatever happened to her happened after she left the house when SA got back home. SA could not be responsible because DD arrived home shortly after SA did, eliminating any time of opportunity. Best guess is that she headed out either to her fathers house (he was alone at the time since the GF had been taken shopping by his mother, IIRC) or the friends house. The same friend whose mother said there was no contact with HD even though we subsequently found out that there was a text. So I am thinking there is a good deal of asscovering going on.

I would guess that after HD left the house that afternoon she met up with someone and something happened. The question really is who is that person? That is not clear. She may not have gone to the fathers house or the friends house at all for all we know, and may instead have gone somewhere else.

Well, you got that part right. But it wasn't Mary Beth or her Mom.

Multiple people saw Hailey Monday? Come on, someone thought they may have seen her walking in town and a weird neighbor said he saw her on the phone in the backyard. There were many, many, other sightings which were obviously wrong, because Hailey was already dead when they claimed to have see her. You're bringing those specific sightings up because you want to dispute something could have happened to her Sunday night.

Eye-witness sightings are notoriously incorrect, that has been proven over and over again.

I figure (God willing), I'm going to live another twenty five years. I hope Hailey receives justice before then, or you and I are going to continue to disagree for a long, long, time. :)
I've forgotten so much about this case over time. But I do remember thinking the same thing, way back when. This is similar to the Gannon Stauch case, where the only account of what happened in the days leading up to his murder were from the one who killed him. What tripped Leticia Stauch up were the neighborhood video cameras. The footage told the truth.

Whatever happened to Hailey could have occurred Sunday night after David left. IIRC that was somewhere around 10PM, he left to spend the night at a friends house.
Too bad no one had ring or arlo cameras back then.

But remember the game she was playing on? Gameboy? I think I remember they verified she was the one playing because it records your picture? Am I remembering correctly? I might have to find that info!

Of course it could have occurred after she went to bed. I always was of the opinion SA went back to CC because he knew Hailey was home alone.
After he went home I feel things went to he$$ in a handbasket PDQ. All JMO of course. You will NEVER convince me SA is not the one who murdered Hailey. It may all be circumstantial but no doubt in this ole girls mind who is responsible.
The problem with that theory is that multiple people reported seeing her the next day. And there is the text message the next day that could only have been sent by someone living in the house, but not by either BD or SA since they were in other towns at the time. That leaves HD or DD as the only people who could have sent it. Since HD was seen that day, and in fact was seen actually using the phone at around the time the text was sent, it is safe to say she was alive and well at the time. Whatever happened to her happened after she left the house when SA got back home. SA could not be responsible because DD arrived home shortly after SA did, eliminating any time of opportunity. Best guess is that she headed out either to her fathers house (he was alone at the time since the GF had been taken shopping by his mother, IIRC) or the friends house. The same friend whose mother said there was no contact with HD even though we subsequently found out that there was a text. So I am thinking there is a good deal of asscovering going on.

I would guess that after HD left the house that afternoon she met up with someone and something happened. The question really is who is that person? That is not clear. She may not have gone to the fathers house or the friends house at all for all we know, and may instead have gone somewhere else.

1. LE was not able to confirm the sightings of Hailey......confirmed in MSM
2. The text message could have come from SA since he could have had the phone with him when he left and went to his Mom's house. If Hailey had the phone and SA had Hailey......doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
3. LE never confirmed she was seen on the phone at the time the text was sent......it's in MSM...go find it.
4. The only person stating she left the house is the POI in this case and I certainly do not believe anything he says.
5. DD even said the POI had the doors locked and had a deer in the headlights look when he got into the house. Why would SA not answer the door??? He was still cleaning up in my opinion.
I agree with Knox.....that's why I love this website. We can all agree to disagree and I will never agree anyone other than SA was responsible for Hailey's death.

Remember his phone pinged at the lake that day Hailey went missing....he said that was on his way to his Mom's house, but that is not the normal route most people would travel from CC to Big Spring.
Well, you got that part right. But it wasn't Mary Beth or her Mom.

Multiple people saw Hailey Monday? Come on, someone thought they may have seen her walking in town and a weird neighbor said he saw her on the phone in the backyard. There were many, many, other sightings which were obviously wrong, because Hailey was already dead when they claimed to have see her. You're bringing those specific sightings up because you want to dispute something could have happened to her Sunday night.

Eye-witness sightings are notoriously incorrect, that has been proven over and over again.

I figure (God willing), I'm going to live another twenty five years. I hope Hailey receives justice before then, or you and I are going to continue to disagree for a long, long, time. :)

On what basis do you believe she was already dead? If they saw her she clearly was not. There is evidence that she was alive that day, there is no evidence that she was dead that day. You not liking that does not change it. There are other things as well, such as the earring found at the fathers house AFTER it was included as part of the description of items she was wearing at the time of her disappearance, not to mention the slipup of the GF saying that HD had been there that day. So it is not just witnesses, there are those other things, plus the use of the house cell phone at the house that day. Someone used it, and we know it was not SA because he was in another town at the time.

The neighbor saw in the back yard using her phone at around the same time the phone was actually used. How is that not corroboration?

IIRC, the hairdresser who saw BD and CD's GF's son asked LE to confirm with the son, and was told that children that young get confused about what day things happen, meaning that they DID ask the kid and they did not like the answer, so they discounted it, lol.

There is a reason LE were not able to get any additional search warrants against SA specifically for HD's disappearance after the first few weeks, and that would be because they no longer had probable cause. The sheriff was gunning for SA, if he could he absolutely would have got additional warrants. In the end he had to resort to that CP BS to go fishing as a last gasp. My guess is that there was ample evidence that HD was alive that day and consequently it was unlikely that either BD or SA had anything to do with what happened to her.
1. LE was not able to confirm the sightings of Hailey......confirmed in MSM
2. The text message could have come from SA since he could have had the phone with him when he left and went to his Mom's house. If Hailey had the phone and SA had Hailey......doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
3. LE never confirmed she was seen on the phone at the time the text was sent......it's in MSM...go find it.
4. The only person stating she left the house is the POI in this case and I certainly do not believe anything he says.
5. DD even said the POI had the doors locked and had a deer in the headlights look when he got into the house. Why would SA not answer the door??? He was still cleaning up in my opinion.
I agree with Knox.....that's why I love this website. We can all agree to disagree and I will never agree anyone other than SA was responsible for Hailey's death.

Remember his phone pinged at the lake that day Hailey went missing....he said that was on his way to his Mom's house, but that is not the normal route most people would travel from CC to Big Spring.

Any sightings by eye witnesses by their very nature can't be confirmed...it is based on the word of the eye witness. That does not mean they are not true. When LE says something like that is confirmed it means they either have video corroborating it, or they have multiple people who saw the person at the same time, or something like that. Everything else they would say it was not confirmed.

The text was not sent by SA, he was at his mothers house at the time. Cell phone calls and text messages have routing information recorded on the phone companies servers (this is needed for billing support), so they would know where the message was sent from. The message was sent from CC. If it had been sent from Big Spring you can bet your behind that LE would have had all sorts of search warrants for the mothers house, and they did no such thing.

LE don't generally comment on evidence, so not commenting means nothing.

The time interval between the earliest point that SA could have arrived and DD arriving back home is quite small, something like 30-45 minutes at the most. There is no reason not to believe SA given all of the other evidence that HD was alive in CC that day. It is not like he could have done anything in that time frame without DD and his friend noticing it.

SA would have been apprehensive because someone was breaking the window to get in. If you heard someone breaking your window to gain entry into your home, wouldn't you be cautious and apprehensive as well? SA didn't know who it was, for all he knew it was most likely a burglar. I am not sure why people here think that is a normal thing. I am willing to bet that if it happened to you the first thing you would do would be to go find your gun. Perhaps in rural areas if you hear someone breaking into your house you take no notice, but here in the city we absolutely do take notice if something like that happens. So I don't find his reaction odd at all, what I find odd is that people felt the need to point it out and make a big deal about it when it is in fact a natural reaction. And btw, it was CD who claimed this, not DD - DD was not quoted in the affidavit, it was CD who was quoted. If DD really did say this, why would the affidavit not have quoted him instead? He was available, so there is no reason not to. UNLESS it was ONLY CD making this claim, while DD said nothing (such as I don't remember, or something along those lines).

The phone did not ping at the lake, it pinged at the GM's house, which is just in the working range of the transmitters at CC which recorded the routing information of the calls he made there. There are other towers that are closer to the lake, namely those at Snyder (maybe) and at least one along the road to Big Spring. The routing information showed that the tower at CC was used for the call, not the towers closer to the lake, so he was NOT at the lake at that time. The GM's house is at the right distance based on the first call timestamp to account for the trip from his place of work and normal commute driving speeds (we know when he left work) to the GM's house, and then to make a call when no one was home after he arrived there. So that is consistent with his account of what he did and why he was there. Remember, he would not have known about the routing information times when he said this. So, it essentially corroborates his account of where he was and what he was doing.

The reason he went that route is that he went to the GM's house first in order to use the computer there, then when no one was there he went on to the mothers house.
On what basis do you believe she was already dead? If they saw her she clearly was not. There is evidence that she was alive that day, there is no evidence that she was dead that day. You not liking that does not change it. There are other things as well, such as the earring found at the fathers house AFTER it was included as part of the description of items she was wearing at the time of her disappearance, not to mention the slipup of the GF saying that HD had been there that day. So it is not just witnesses, there are those other things, plus the use of the house cell phone at the house that day. Someone used it, and we know it was not SA because he was in another town at the time.

The neighbor saw in the back yard using her phone at around the same time the phone was actually used. How is that not corroboration?

IIRC, the hairdresser who saw BD and CD's GF's son asked LE to confirm with the son, and was told that children that young get confused about what day things happen, meaning that they DID ask the kid and they did not like the answer, so they discounted it, lol.

There is a reason LE were not able to get any additional search warrants against SA specifically for HD's disappearance after the first few weeks, and that would be because they no longer had probable cause. The sheriff was gunning for SA, if he could he absolutely would have got additional warrants. In the end he had to resort to that CP BS to go fishing as a last gasp. My guess is that there was ample evidence that HD was alive that day and consequently it was unlikely that either BD or SA had anything to do with what happened to her.

Please provide a link to your statement BBM above. I do not remember LE stating Hailey's phone records proved she was in the backyard at the same time the witness has a visual of her. If that was proven, I sure don't remember it.
Please provide a link to your statement BBM above. I do not remember LE stating Hailey's phone records proved she was in the backyard at the same time the witness has a visual of her. If that was proven, I sure don't remember it.

The message was at 2PM IIRC, the neighbor saw her in the backyard using the phone at midday. 2PM is close enough to midday to act as corroboration IMO.
The message was at 2PM IIRC, the neighbor saw her in the backyard using the phone at midday. 2PM is close enough to midday to act as corroboration IMO.
"I also know the neighbor, apparently -- although we have not been able to confirm this and neither have the police, a neighbor says that they observed her around noon in the back yard talking on a cell phone".
Slasher Video of Mom`s Boyfriend Horrifies in Hailey Dunn Case - Aired January 17, 2011 - 20:00:00 ET

Now, earlier in that day, we had a neighbor confirm that she saw Hailey in the back yard speaking on some sort of a phone. We don’t know if that’s a home phone or a cell phone. Ah, they weren’t sure. That witness wasn’t sure at that time what Hailey was speaking on. But it was about 3 o’clock Monday, December 27th was the last time anybody saw Hailey alive.

Nancy Grace: I want to go back to Billie Dunn. I understand police have seized yours and your boyfriend’s cell phones. Why?

Billie Dunn: Yes. Um, they’re taking them to check out all the calls that were made on Monday. Hailey did have my cell phone at home and access to it. That would have been the cell phone she was on. Um, she didn’t use Shawn’s cell phone, but they’re checking them both, getting the records off of both of those. And hopefully, we’re going to have answers from the cell phones tonight.

Nancy Grace: OK. So this has nothing to do with you being under any kind of suspicion at all. This has to do with the fact that your little girl and you shared a cell phone, and they’re trying to figure out who she was calling and who was calling her, correct?

Billie Dunn: Correct. I left the cell phone at home while I was at work, for the kids.
Hailey Dunn Resource

The neighbor's account was never proven. Not by cell phone records, nor was it ever confirmed by LE.

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