TX - Hanna Mack, 6, raped & murdered, Navarro Mills, 10 Sept 2007

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Gabby- any chance you can verify there was physical abuse, thru your boss?

No, she knew nothing of physical abuse--She is afraid the two older sisters have been sexually abused --- there were three bedrooms upstairs, the girls all had a bedroom and were NOT allowed to sleep in each other's rooms... that right there sounds suspicious
No, she knew nothing of physical abuse--She is afraid the two older sisters have been sexually abused --- there were three bedrooms upstairs, the girls all had a bedroom and were NOT allowed to sleep in each other's rooms... that right there sounds suspicious
thanks gabby-
I may not have been very specific- I meant did the MOM ever show any signs that he abused her pyhsicaly....
how very very sad this is--- I cant imagine what she must be going thru- the other 2 girls.....the guilt--- oh my- what a sad sad situation
how could the 3 girls have their own rooms and not be allowed to sleep together??? thats what kids do--- what kind of control did he have over this mother and her children? and why?? where is the natural father of these 3 little girls?
I also have wondered about the natural father.....where is he??? If I win the lottery and have some sort of freedom from slaving away, there are two things I would like to do. 1) start a "reading-bee" for new underprivilaged mothers. You know how women used to get together for a quilting-bee? Long ago, they would basically get together while their kids played somewhere within hearing range, and they would sit and talk and stitch together pieces of fabric into quilts - which would then lovingly be placed over their loved ones on cold winter nights. My Mother was a quilter, and the idea of a group of mom's sitting together, laughing and sharing, while they created a work of art to comfort and protect their families was always magical to me......like chicken soup when you are sick. There are so many young....and not-so-young mothers who have babies today in a void. They don't seem to have anyone to encourage them, or walk beside them in the cold days and nights of life. They also don't seem to be very good at nurturing their children. I would love to create a group where they could all get together with their newborn babies, and have cake and cookies while we sit and take turns reading to our babies. 2). I would love to start a self-defense class for women. Personally, I prefer a Daewoo DP-51 9mm handgun and a machete. We all seem to be asking ourselves the question a lot lately, of why these women let these men into their lives. I think they are lonely, and they LACK SELF-ESTEEM. Heck, I would invite these single Mom's from my self-defense class into my reading-bee no matter what the age of their children! Our communities have grown so far apart, and families have disentegrated to the degree that lonely, desperate people are seeking solace and assistance from dangerous souls. Our children deserve so much better......so much better.
I got sick to my stomach when I first heard of this. That beautiful little girl reminded me of Sammantha Runnion. Such little cherubs.

Where in the heck has our world gone? What is it with these low scum of humanity, what makes them even dream of such horror? There are no words to describe this kind of evil.
Candlelight vigil honors memory of little girl, grieving family left behind

About 100 people gathered at dusk Wednesday in front of the home of 6-year-old Hanna Mack, slain Monday morning in her family’s garage.

In a short, candle-lit ceremony that included the singing of “Amazing Grace,” and “Jesus Loves Me,” the neighbors and community members prayed, cried and hugged one another.

“All of us, we’ve been kind of in shock,” said Ricky Woodall, pastor of the Navarro Mills Baptist Church. “All of us wanted to do something, we just didn’t know what.”

The impromptu gathering was not attended by members of the girl’s family, but it was well-recorded, with several television news crews and other Dallas media present.

Navarro Mills lends support in wake of girl’s death

NAVARRO MILLS — Despite their fear of an unknown murderer in their midst, the communities of Purdon, Navarro Mills and Blooming Grove are coming together to show support for the family and school of the slain first-grader Hanna Mack.

Pastors, parents, neighbors, employers and strangers have called, brought food and drinks, started a memorial fund, and Trinity Industries is picking up the cost for the funeral and burial space — all designed to take some pressure off the family.

“We’ve just had great support,” said Mike Runion, step-grandfather of the slain girl.

Although appreciative of the help, the family is still having a hard time of it, Runion admitted.

“We don’t know why anybody would want to hurt her,” he said. “We’re angry. We don’t know why anybody would want to hurt a six-year-old girl.”

So very sad :( I've been reading this entire thread and bawling my eyes out. Poor little Angel :(

I read the yahoo site and someone asked why investigators won't reveal more about what happened.

Quick answer is that there will be things that only her molester/murderer would know and to release that info would be detrimental to arrest of the 'right' perp. There are always specific things that are never released for that reason alone.

Yes that is strange. Obviously he wanted them to sleep alone so he could mess with them. No man would ever EVER ever lay down the law with my kids esp. if it was some bogus crap like that. My boys sleep in the same room & they don't have to but they want to and so what if they stay up a little late talking sometimes or laughing...it's what kids do! I just say up the stairs about 10 times a night "'BOOOOOOOOYS!" lol..no harm done. I would of told him my girls are sleeping together so you just shut your mouth. If he wanted to whip me then I guess I would of whipped him right back.

thanks gabby-
I may not have been very specific- I meant did the MOM ever show any signs that he abused her pyhsicaly....
how very very sad this is--- I cant imagine what she must be going thru- the other 2 girls.....the guilt--- oh my- what a sad sad situation
how could the 3 girls have their own rooms and not be allowed to sleep together??? thats what kids do--- what kind of control did he have over this mother and her children? and why?? where is the natural father of these 3 little girls?
i wonder about why he was only charged with *advertiser censored* and not murder. i have no information that is not public so these are only my guesses. the police have asked cps to stay quite so cps must have something. if cps has evidence of past abuse police may want them quite to keep the jury pool clean for now. they arrested him on *advertiser censored* charges because they think he raped and killed this baby and wanted him off the street as fast as possible imo. his finger prints at the crime scene are not enough if they found them, he lived there. unless they are in blood or something they would still need proof. dna is what i figure they are waiting on. presumptive test can come back really fast now but it still takes awhile for the actual test to be finished. since they have him on the *advertiser censored* why push things on a presumptive test? that is if they even have dna. just tossing my theory out there.
I just heard about this sweet little girl. I was avoiding this thread because of the title and didn't think I could take anymore "new" children's deaths. I'm just sick to my stomach at how EVIL this world is getting.

Whoever did this (sounds like they have an idea) deserves Hell to the nth degree. :mad:
thanks gabby-
I may not have been very specific- I meant did the MOM ever show any signs that he abused her pyhsicaly....
how very very sad this is--- I cant imagine what she must be going thru- the other 2 girls.....the guilt--- oh my- what a sad sad situation
how could the 3 girls have their own rooms and not be allowed to sleep together??? thats what kids do--- what kind of control did he have over this mother and her children? and why?? where is the natural father of these 3 little girls?

One of the older girls has been trying to find her father... I do believe he is in the area but has nothing to do with her.
thanks gabby-
I may not have been very specific- I meant did the MOM ever show any signs that he abused her pyhsicaly....
how very very sad this is--- I cant imagine what she must be going thru- the other 2 girls.....the guilt--- oh my- what a sad sad situation
how could the 3 girls have their own rooms and not be allowed to sleep together??? thats what kids do--- what kind of control did he have over this mother and her children? and why?? where is the natural father of these 3 little girls?

That is what I meant....not that anyone was aware of
Hanna's funeral is today at 3pm. She is going to be buried at the country cemetery where my father is buried. I will visit her grave over the weekend..

The funeral home was packed last night for visitation. I didn't go in. I did not know this child and I felt like there would be enough 'interested bystanders' there without my presence. Poor little baby
I, too, am wondering if I dcan eal with another childs death like this. Sometimes its just too much to handle. God bless her family.
Maybe its time to put laws back into effect that prevent unmarried people from "shacking up". Maybe a life would be spared.
I agree. Some time ago, I brought up the issue of live-in boyfriends molesting and killing children and I was roundly criticized for saying such a thing. :rolleyes: I stand by my previous remarks about these mothers having a duty to their children first and foremost.

FINALLY :woohoo: Someone who shares my views. (Well, at least partially from what I can tell)

You wouldn't believe the people here who have criticized me because I feel the same way. Single needy women, who think about their genitals more than their children make me sick...

"Oh boy, I've just got to have another man, because I am soooo lonely...boohoo:boohoo: Even though I have a child(ren) who love me, who should occupy my time, be the center of my world...I just can't do it without a man...no matter how sick and perverted he is."

Women who can't wait until their kids are grown to start searching for another looser, should have their children taken away.

This mother is just as guilty as her disgusting boyfriend. They are both trash
FINALLY :woohoo: Someone who shares my views. (Well, at least partially from what I can tell)

You wouldn't believe the people here who have criticized me because I feel the same way. Single needy women, who think about their genitals more than their children make me sick...

"Oh boy, I've just got to have another man, because I am soooo lonely...boohoo:boohoo: Even though I have a child(ren) who love me, who should occupy my time, be the center of my world...I just can't do it without a man...no matter how sick and perverted he is."

Women who can't wait until their kids are grown to start searching for another looser, should have their children taken away.

This mother is just as guilty as her disgusting boyfriend. They are both trash
trust me you are not alone.
Gabby, I know this hits very close to home for you and I am so sorry. I think it is very sweet you would take the time to visit her grave. There are good people left in the world. It is reassuring to know you are one of them. Hugs~

As far as people trying to dictate what other people can do within the confines of their own homes...how would you like it if someone said you had no right to marry your husband or have him in your home because by their standards...he is scum? This is what you are proposing.

Yes, there is a problem with men preying on single women to get to their children. Yes, it does happen that some women are going to attract and allow this evil in their homes. However, the answer isn't going to come from dictating what they can or cannot do. Giving them the tools to build their self esteem and the knowledge to differentiate love from abuse is key.
I got sick to my stomach when I first heard of this. That beautiful little girl reminded me of Sammantha Runnion. Such little cherubs.

Where in the heck has our world gone? What is it with these low scum of humanity, what makes them even dream of such horror? There are no words to describe this kind of evil.
She reminds me of Samantha Runnion too.
Off topic a little, but last week at the grocery store I saw a little girl who looked exactly like Samantha. She was so beautiful.
Another loving boyfriend. When will these women wake up. I am sorry buit I am starting to feel like single moms don't need to date if they can not put the child needs first. I am sure I will draw critisism for that and that's ok. Children first.

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