TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #3

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The press conference was a "cookie cutter" type.

The detective's first reaction is to not discuss "anyone that we have as persons of interest", but then he U-turns and says APD has no POI. The initial communication, when spontaneously obtained, is always the most accurate. Translation: They have a POI.

Also, when a person prefaces a sentence with "to be perfectly honest" (or some phrase/word of that nature), they are usually not being perfectly honest. This is Interview and Interrogation 101. Even police officers will do it when in front of the cameras and not aware of the questions that may be asked.

This was a cookie-cutter PC designed for other purposes.

I wouldn't call it a cookie cutter PC. It is what it is up to this point.

There is no reason for LE to lie to the public when he said they dont have a POI.

I believe at this juncture of the ongoing investigation that is a correct statement. LE is not in the habit of lying to the public. Being known as trustworthy in what they tell their citizens in all of the jurisdictions LE serves in is most important. I think he was totally honest when he said they do not have a POI. Of course that can change if they find the evidence they need pointing to a specific POI. If LE does come to that point in the ongoing investigation with having supporting evidence they won't even bother announcing they have a POI, but will hold a PC announcing the suspect has been arrested, and charged, imo.

I know many were hoping the PC would be that they had arrested someone. I wanted that myself, but I highly doubted it would happen, so I wasn't surprised when he said they have no POI.

While we have our own speculations, and opinions, right or wrong it's far different in any ongoing investigations such as this one or any other for that matter for all LE investigators, as it should be.

They will continue to vigorously investigate this case hoping they find the evidence they need that leads them to who is involved.

Imo, they aren't there yet. Hopefully tips will help them solve this case. It only takes one tip if its verified as credible.

Praying for all of Heidi's family members.

Because there's no vehicle information to look out for.
There are two individuals. Why no photos?? This is ridiculous. To me, that's because they think that they are dead. When Laci Peterson was missing, they had her photo everywhere and Missing flyers were everywhere!! There were organized searches, vigils. All this was accomplished around the same time as this disappearance--around Christmas.
Yes, but women aren’t kidnapped off the street with any regularity, and forced into sex trafficking. That’s not how it works.

It’s typically a lengthy grooming process, one that involves victims who live high risk lifestyles. Throw a baby into the mix as well, and you’re talking about something all but unprecedented.
I never said she was taken nor do I believe she was. I DO know that in ATX, there have been recent raids and there is a whole task force within APD. Cases are frequent enough in Texas cities that I have even had my daughter (very young just started college in San Antonio) approached by several men in a car as she walked to the bus for school and she was on the phone with me. I advised her to run to the nearest building (a bank) and get help. She did. THAT day she was able to get a can of mace to take with her. It DOES happen frequently. Sadly, many of the young girls and boys are not able to get away.
Again, though, I am not saying, nor do I think this is the case. I only mentioned it as a remote possibility. I do NOT think this is what happened to HB and MC.
If someone was paid to abduct them, then I need a new POI. My guy thinks $25 is a big deal.

Im still leaving options open on what may have happened.

With that said, a situation like Mark Sievers where he hired someone on credit until a life insurance policy would come through to pay the person he hired to kill his wife seems to be a possibility.

The promise of life insurance money is sometimes enough for others to do terrible things for someone else.

I dont necessarily think that is what happened here. Just that it has happened before and the person was convicted just recently so its fresh in my mind. Maybe someone else was the brainchild of this terrible series of events and maybe he went along with the plan.

Hoping LE can give us some solid answers soon.
31 minutes ago:
“Heidi Broussard and her newborn baby Margot Carey were last seen on December 12 in Austin, TX. Please call @Austin_Police or 911 immediately if you have information about their disappearance #Missing #HeidiBroussard”
FBI SanAntonio on Twitter

I wish they and the media would spell the baby's name correctly (this thread title, too). It's Margo.
...Hopefully tips will help them solve this case. It only takes one tip if its verified as credible...Praying for all of Heidi's family members...
I believe that this will be the only way that this crime will be solved because I don't believe that anyone is going to confess. It will be solved with someone talking or someone stumbling across evidence. It may take a very long time; however, for the family's sake, I hope that it doesn't.
In a video interview with Shane on NBC news (Sam Brock NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt on Twitter), he said he DID tell Heidi he was getting out of work early.
  • Why did they not arrange for him to pick up the son, then? She had a newborn with her.
  • Why wasn't he all the more alarmed she wasn't there when he got home "at ~2"?
  • What else did they arrange in that call - e.g., to meet elsewhere?
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It was stated in the press conference that the situation did not meet the criteria for an AA.

No Amber Alert, but I’m holding onto hope that at least the baby is still alive. They said this case is unique and that the FBI CARD team was called in. They specialize in child abduction. Here’s a link with some info on CARD. All the case examples mentioned talk about kidnapping.

Investigating Child Abductions | Federal Bureau of Investigation
If I were a woman who was afraid to stay in my home any longer and I had 2 kids of varying ages and expectations and if I decided to risk it, I’d take my older kid to school because maybe someone was at home still. I’d return to get my belongings and my children’s belongings when I knew no one should be home. And then I’d return to get the older kid from school and get the hell out of dodge. Perhaps an interruption happened. From someone and we don’t know who. Or perhaps this wasn’t the case at all and I’m reaching.

My thoughts exactly they've been having arguments not getting along she decided to leave him he figured it out and a fight broke out. One theory.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken but didn't SC say that he tried to call HB around 1:40pm and that's when her phone went straight to voicemail? If I've recalled that correctly then I find it odd that he called her at 1:40pm but didn't get home until 2pm. I'm sure he also said he left work around 1pm, got home around 2pm. Did he call her on the way home to let her know he was going to be home in about 20mins? If this is correct then surely the fact she didn't answer at 1:40pm and it went straight to voicemail would mean that when he got home at 2pm and she and Margo weren't there, he'd immediately be panicking, not doing who knows what for literally HOURS before he thought "well, better call the cops".

I will try to figure out where I got the info about him calling her at 1:40pm came from, if anyone else knows where I've seen that then please let me know so I can add a link in here.

Edit:I found it:

"He said he tried calling her again at around 1.40pm but her phone was turned off.

Carey arrived home from work at around 2pm and said his fiancée and their baby were nowhere to be found

Tearful fiancé denies being involved in disappearance of his partner and their two-week-old daughter | Daily Mail Online
Or could it be looked at as

Here's a healthy baby up for "adoption"

I've typed and deleted for the last half hour.
Across the border? Possibly on this side of the border, sure, it could be. I think if that were the case Mom would have been found by now, though. :( I'm not suggesting the baby was not stolen for an adoption, only that it's unlikely that would involve crossing the border. My person opinion, which does not matter, is that the baby was not ' stolen' for adoption.
Even if they are kept closed it provides a false sense of security. My son was shot in a gated apartment complex while sitting in his car talking to his girlfriend. APD cops saw video where 2 ppl got in on foot. They said there isn't any safe places anymore gated or not. Just FYI

I'm so sorry about your son! I agree, that gated communities give a false sense of security.
She's much older than the typical trafficked person; that's simply a fact. Highly unlikely.

Even your article refers mostly to youthful targets:

"Foster children, sexual abuse survivors, homeless populations, runaways, people living in poverty and immigrants are particularly vulnerable populations. Jorn says that they are victimized where they live, often by people they know.'​
I don’t know that I would call her “much older”. She’s 33. And people don’t walk around with an age bubble above their heads showing how old they are. To me, from the pics I’ve seen, I wouldn’t have guessed she’s 33. And someone seeing her with a newborn might conceivably guess that she is younger than 33.

By the way, the average age of a trafficking victim is 27. And 33% of trafficking victims are age 30 or older. Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC)

And when you talk about the earlier cited article referring to targets that are youthful - there were six populations that were cited and only two of them (foster children and runaways) are what I would consider youthful by definition.

I have no idea if Broussard is a victim of trafficking or not. Just trying to help keep facts straight.
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