TX TX - Houston, MixedRaceFem 15-17, UP10722, 'He Smurfs Me' TShirt, Oct'12 #2

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Wow, that mentions Houston, TX! Now I'm confused though, as it says someone (her mom?) was waiting for her to return home to Mexico from a trip to Houston, TX. The English story I linked earlier said she was visiting Mexico. Which was it? Was the American reporter confused/given a bad translation?

Also she supposedly texted her mom saying she was already in Mexcio and on her way home but anyone could have used the phone to send that text. JMO.

I think her poor mother was being extorted by people who didn't even have her daughter. JMO.
Whoa. Good find.

Link to a missing person poster in Spanish: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKR7BtfWAAA7Z4B.jpg

According to the Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1637512576293351&substory_index=0&id=133755070002450) Milynali is 5'1" and 92 pounds, about the same size as Smurfette. Her hair is dark and curly, also a match.

Side by side with one of the photos from the poster (click to enlarge, if necessary):

Thanks for the side-by-side Carbuff. Her hair is really what made my think of Smurfette. From other pics, It looks the same texture and color as the hair in the first post of this thread. Especially this pic: https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fb...1073741994.133755070002450&refid=13&__tn__=+>
I think we should turn this one in.

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I think we should turn this one in.

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Would you send it in, please Carbuff? I'm still a little fuzzy on the story and I didn't even know she had a connection to Houston when I posted. But I agree she is the right size and face looks close to the recon Carl made. And her hair seems SO much like Smurfette's hair. Please submit her if you know how.
Would you send it in, please Carbuff? I'm still a little fuzzy on the story and I didn't even know she had a connection to Houston when I posted. But I agree she is the right size and face looks close to the recon Carl made. And her hair seems SO much like Smurfette's hair. Please submit her if you know how.
HoustonMom has been our contact person to Dr. Derreck (Derrick?), but I haven't seen her around for a while.

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HoustonMom has been our contact person to Dr. Derreck (Derrick?), but I haven't seen her around for a while.

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Ok with me if you want to wait to see if she will see this and submit. Or if someone else sees it and wants to submit in the mean time, please do. I agree if someone has a good relationship with the contact person already they should be the one to send it in. This one may take some extra work/hunting to figure out the proper contact info since she's missing from Mexico.
I dont think it is a long shot.

By developing country standards, Mexico is a wealthy nation. As such, even a poor Mexican child with various physical disabilities or illnesses could well have been screened for treatment at some point in the past. (of course, the treatment offered by Mexican charities or the Mexican government would not be on par with say, The Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins).

Even still, I think there is a pretty good chance that a Mexican citizen would have been screened and offered at least basic treatment. That goes double for an American citizen.

A long shot because I'm not even sure she was followed-up in nephrology. Could had been a completely different specialty.
Ok with me if you want to wait to see if she will see this and submit. Or if someone else sees it and wants to submit in the mean time, please do. I agree if someone has a good relationship with the contact person already they should be the one to send it in. This one may take some extra work/hunting to figure out the proper contact info since she's missing from Mexico.

I'll try to contact HoustonMom and see if she's still involved. There's not much use trying to get hold of Dr. Derrick over the weekend anyway.

Dr. D is Smurfette's Namus contact and she's one of the best in the business. She'll know how to follow up.
Wow, that mentions Houston, TX! Now I'm confused though, as it says someone (her mom?) was waiting for her to return home to Mexico from a trip to Houston, TX. The English story I linked earlier said she was visiting Mexico. Which was it? Was the American reporter confused/given a bad translation?

Also she supposedly texted her mom saying she was already in Mexcio and on her way home but anyone could have used the phone to send that text. JMO.

I think her poor mother was being extorted by people who didn't even have her daughter. JMO.

If I understand the Spanish article correctly, the mother and Mily lived in Tamuin, where the mother teaches English. The mother's family, including the brother, live in the area. Yes, it appears that the extortionists were fraudulent.

The brother took Mily and two cousins (who may be his children but could be children of another sibling) with him on a business trip to Houston. The mother and Mily stayed in touch through text messages; the last message said they were in Tamaulipas and would be home soon. (Map with the three locations: https://goo.gl/maps/9BZP4rXaKXz)

None of the four has been heard from after that.

It sounds like she's just assuming that they were attacked by the drug gangs, because that's what happens in Mexico. I agree, it sounds like the extortion attempts were fraudulent.
Missing in Harris County is tomorrow, I will see Dr D and submit it to her. Good Work!
Wow, that mentions Houston, TX! Now I'm confused though, as it says someone (her mom?) was waiting for her to return home to Mexico from a trip to Houston, TX. The English story I linked earlier said she was visiting Mexico. Which was it? Was the American reporter confused/given a bad translation?

Also she supposedly texted her mom saying she was already in Mexcio and on her way home but anyone could have used the phone to send that text. JMO.

I think her poor mother was being extorted by people who didn't even have her daughter. JMO.
That's correct, the article states that she was living in Mexico with her mother (who is single). The uncle (the mother's brother) travels every year to the States to buy clothes, backpacks and school supplies for the school year, and presents for the family. In August 2012 the Uncle travelled to Texas with his son, two nephews from other sisters, and Milynali. They all had cellphones, and disappeared on their way back after crossing the border. This article says the last text came from one of Milynah's cousins saying they were approaching Mante, in Mexico. As you said, I also think it's possible someone else could have sent the texts.

Google translation: 23/06/2015 https://translate.google.com/transl...nzas-de-que-mily-este-viva&edit-text=&act=url

Original article in Spanish: http://www.elgrafico.mx/especiales/feminicidios/23-06-2015/hay-esperanzas-de-que-mily-este-viva

Google translation - article in post #80: 11/11/2013 https://translate.google.com/transl...a-mi-hija-8221-210682.html&edit-text=&act=url

Note: To read the articles translated to English, click where it says Translating.... and wait a few seconds until the article loads.
Oh wow good work guys. I alwayd come to check on Smurfette even though I dont contribute now.

You know they say with reconstructions the eyes dont lie. If you look at that poor girls picture and Smurfette their eyes look so similar down to the bags under the eyes....Good find. I'LL be very shocked if it isnt her.
Not sure if she's been mentioned before, but her reported missing date was December 30th, 2012, but her report seems iffy. Biracial, 5'2, last seen in an aqua shirt, blue jeans & black shoes. The sketch looks quite a bit like her and it caught my eye. Just thought I would leave her info here.


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Not sure if she's been mentioned before, but her reported missing date was December 30th, 2012, but her report seems iffy. Biracial, 5'2, last seen in an aqua shirt, blue jeans & black shoes. The sketch looks quite a bit like her and it caught my eye. Just thought I would leave her info here.


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If that's not a match, I'll eat my damn hat. Please submit this to LE!
She's no longer listed in NCMEC. I think she may have been found.

Also, her date last seen is after Smurfette was found.

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