TX TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 #3 *NAME NOT RELEASED*

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Simone Stephanie Ridinger also a Possibility but she is only 5 Ft 2 with blonde hair and brown eyes she disappeared while hitchhiking in 1977

Submitted just in case but have my doubts but she wasn’t excluded yet on Namus

Circumstances of Disappearance
Simone Ridinger was last seen when she left her place of employment, the Rainbow Restaurant 9 South Main Street in Natick, MA around 3PM on Friday, 9/2/1977. She had planned to hitchhike from work to Cape Cod, MA and then take a ferry to Martha's Vineyard where she was to meet her mother for Labor Day Weekend. In 1986 a man came forward after seeing an article in the paper about Simone's case. The man claimed that on Saturday, 9/3/77, around 6:45 AM he was pulled over by a Trooper on Route 128 (Route 95) just south of Route 109 (Westwood, MA area). The man stated he was heading to Osterville (on Cape Cod) to pick up clock parts. This man claimed the trooper had a girl in his cruiser and upon learning he was heading to Cape Cod asked if he could give the girl a ride there as well since she was headed there too. The man agreed to drive her and claimed he dropped her off at the airport rotary in Hyannis (just off Route 28). The man provided a description of the girl which was "16-18 yrs old, 5'7", 135-140 lbs, medium build with dark blonde curly hair. She was wearing blue jeans, grubby white sneakers a blue pull over blouse and was carrying a small grayish duffel bag. In 2016 after a couple years of follow-up investigation a five former co-workers of Simone's were located and interviewed for the first time. One of them was confirmed to have been working with Simone at the Rainbow Restaurant back on Friday, 9/2/77. During her interview she provide a description of what she recalled Simone wearing when she left; "She changed out of her waitress uniform and put on blue jeans, white high-top sneakers, and had a white t-shirt on. She put the waitress uniform (a blue pullover vest and blue skirt) into a small gray army style duffel bag and immediately started thumbing for a ride." This woman stated that many of the waitresses brought a change of clothes because they all hated the uniform. She also stated that she recalled Simone telling her she was going to meet her mom on the Vineyard. Let it be noted that the description from the man in 1986 was never made public until 2017. This former co-worker had never seen his description and did not know him in anyway. Their descriptions are very similar and indicate strongly that this man did see Simone on Saturday 9/3/77. Follow-up into this man's story has been ongoing since 2014 when this case was re-opened.

Namus. The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

I've gone back and forth with this at least a dozen times in the past. I settled on being fairly certain they're not the same, but you never know.....

TX - TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe' WhtFem 91UFTX, 14-16, Nov'80 *GRAPHIC* #3
I too believe they are not the same (Simone)
But all we can do is keep trying.
My gut feeling is our girl was never reported missing...I'm hoping DNA or a link to the bite mark, will somebody solve this case.

Someone posted on here a while back that there afraid that even if she is identified that there will be no pictures of her that exist.
Thank you all for the responses about turn around time on submissions. I've always been interested in helping submit matches with Doe cases but never had the time until Covid. I read the Doe Network Match Making Tips and doing my best to navigate the forums here to get better acquainted with the best way to find possible matches.
Someone posted on here a while back that there afraid that even if she is identified that there will be no pictures of her that exist.

Unless she fell out of the sky dead there has to be some kind of photo of her even if its a baby photo. She was someones little angel at one time before she became one here. Maybe her parents were very introverted, thats why investigators couldn't find anyone in Aransas or Rockport that knew her because the family didn't socialize with that many people. Maybe they held her to a high regard that when she ran off to meet someone in prison it was a stab in the back ( the whole good girl meets bad boy) afterwards they might have had a “who cares?” attitude towards her missing.
Unless she fell out of the sky dead there has to be some kind of photo of her even if its a baby photo. She was someones little angel at one time before she became one here. Maybe her parents were very introverted, thats why investigators couldn't find anyone in Aransas or Rockport that knew her because the family didn't socialize with that many people. Maybe they held her to a high regard that when she ran off to meet someone in prison it was a stab in the back ( the whole good girl meets bad boy) afterwards they might have had a “who cares?” attitude towards her missing.

I have an entirely unfounded theory on her situation.

I sometimes have an overactive imagination, and I daydreamed a whole scenario. In it, she was a pretty good kid who had a horrible home life. Her mom was a trainwreck and had a loser boyfriend/husband that may not have been WCJD's actual dad. Tired of their constant fighting (and possibly tired of the man hurting her in some way, be it physical, sexual or otherwise) WCJD decides to leave and not look back (hence the lack of items she took with her) it may have been a spur of the moment decision after having all she could take. WCJD knows someone at the Ellis prison unit, and decides that maybe she could talk to him to find out how to disappear from her home life for good, and or maybe find out who could rough up the loser boyfriend/stepdad. Her mom sends out the boyfriend/stepdad to find WJCD, or he takes it upon himself to do so. He tracks her down pretty quickly and the confrontation takes place, resulting in him accidentally killing her after beginning to get physical with her. He then tells WCJD's mother that he just couldn't find her.

To me, this story may explain why she was going to the prison unit, and why no one there recognized her. She may have been much younger the last time the person she knew saw her.

The thing that bothers me most is the bite. I keep thinking that the bite was part of a reaction from her assailant. I am wondering if maybe she bit him first, and he bit her back as a response. I also wonder if he bit her (on was on her back, right?) because maybe she incapacitated him with a kick to the privates and he used that as a last resort when she turned around to run/walk away.

All of this is speculation, at best.
Oh wow that is a unique story. I don't think this was an accidental killing whatsoever. This person beat her with an object before using it to sexually assault her before slowly strangling her to death with pantyhose. I don't think the person who did it was a first time killer either.
IN MY OPINION, I think our girl was murdered by a trucker..who she may have encountered at one of the truck stops she went to or while hitchhiking. Because it was so overkill and brutal, I believe this monster killed before..and after. I came across this posting I wanted to share. This is in regards to a serial killer trucker who was active in the late 70s through the 90s and was linked to 30 states. Articles of clothing were collected. Keep in mind, her jean's and yellow sweater were never recovered. IMG_9100.JPG
IN MY OPINION, I think our girl was murdered by a trucker..who she may have encountered at one of the truck stops she went to or while hitchhiking. Because it was so overkill and brutal, I believe this monster killed before..and after. I came across this posting I wanted to share. This is in regards to a serial killer trucker who was active in the late 70s through the 90s and was linked to 30 states. Articles of clothing were collected. Keep in mind, her jean's and yellow sweater were never recovered. View attachment 308953

I also think a trucker is way more likely than my fiction piece.
Agree. Her murder was SO brutal. It was either personal by someone who really, really hated the poor girl, OR it was a truly sick piece of work.

In addition to the bite mark, she was severely beaten, and vaginally AND anally raped with a large, blunt object before she was strangled. That's some twisted, awful stuff. It almost sounds like the kind of thing a gang would do. I'm sure that's already been discussed? I'm at the point where I truly cannot remember everything we have ever discussed with this poor girl. :(
I have an entirely unfounded theory on her situation.

I sometimes have an overactive imagination, and I daydreamed a whole scenario. In it, she was a pretty good kid who had a horrible home life. Her mom was a trainwreck and had a loser boyfriend/husband that may not have been WCJD's actual dad. Tired of their constant fighting (and possibly tired of the man hurting her in some way, be it physical, sexual or otherwise) WCJD decides to leave and not look back (hence the lack of items she took with her) it may have been a spur of the moment decision after having all she could take. WCJD knows someone at the Ellis prison unit, and decides that maybe she could talk to him to find out how to disappear from her home life for good, and or maybe find out who could rough up the loser boyfriend/stepdad. Her mom sends out the boyfriend/stepdad to find WJCD, or he takes it upon himself to do so. He tracks her down pretty quickly and the confrontation takes place, resulting in him accidentally killing her after beginning to get physical with her. He then tells WCJD's mother that he just couldn't find her.

To me, this story may explain why she was going to the prison unit, and why no one there recognized her. She may have been much younger the last time the person she knew saw her.

The thing that bothers me most is the bite. I keep thinking that the bite was part of a reaction from her assailant. I am wondering if maybe she bit him first, and he bit her back as a response. I also wonder if he bit her (on was on her back, right?) because maybe she incapacitated him with a kick to the privates and he used that as a last resort when she turned around to run/walk away.

All of this is speculation, at best.

That is so strange because I’ve had the same exact scenario in my mind too. I was wondering if it was maybe a foster mom and foster dad or an older female relative with an abusive male in the house who went to track her down after she ran away. Then he comes home later “Sorry hun, couldn’t find her. I think we need to just need to let her go since she obviously doesn’t want to live here..”
Her murder was SO brutal. It was either personal by someone who really, really hated the poor girl, OR it was a truly sick piece of work.
My money is on the latter. She was most likely a runaway so I doubt she knew her killer. You're right, her murder was really brutal, I still can't get over how brutal it was. I hope her killer is alive and will be caught soon so he can answer for his crime. And I hope he lives a terrible life because that's all he deserves.
I was browsing the Canadian missing, and I think Pamela Harvey resembles WCJD a bit. She would be pushing the age limit, however as she was last seen in 1978 at 23.

reddish blonde hair, brown eyes, 5ft6, 125 lbs

Just noting. Probably not WCJD, but never hurts to consider....

The Doe Network: Case File 2041DFONView attachment 309547 View attachment 309548

I recommend anyone else wanting to post possible candidates to use this site. Identify similarity between two pictures in % online - IMG online
It matched these two pictures at 40.00, unless its over 60% percent I wouldn't recommend posting anyone as possibly being WCJD.
I recommend anyone else wanting to post possible candidates to use this site. Identify similarity between two pictures in % online - IMG online
It matched these two pictures at 40.00, unless its over 60% percent I wouldn't recommend posting anyone as possibly being WCJD.
That seems to be a general image analysis tool. There are more specific facial recognition sites. But I have not found any that seemed reliable. A good test is to take two different pictures known to be of the same person and see how well they score. My hunch is that the algorithms used by Facebook and LE are far more sophisticated than anything available at free websites.
I recommend anyone else wanting to post possible candidates to use this site. Identify similarity between two pictures in % online - IMG online
It matched these two pictures at 40.00, unless its over 60% percent I wouldn't recommend posting anyone as possibly being WCJD.
Yeah, this is for general image analysis, not useful for facial recognition.

For a test, I used two photos of Clive Owen taken on the same day at the same event, and it said they were 35.14% similar.

These two images, if you're curious:
Actor Clive Owen attends the after party for "The Song of Names”... News Photo - Getty Images
Clive Owen attends a New York screening of "The Song Of Names" at... News Photo - Getty Images
That's an interesting tool!

My personal opinion only, at this point with any long cold case is it doesn't hurt to suggest anyone within reason (i.e. I wouldn't suggest a 55 year-old missing woman) for discussion. I also would not personally submit Pamela based on her photo or what I know so far about her case. I only noticed some similarities, so noted.
I know. It just seems like people are just throwing in random missing people at times. She has been in the CODIS system since 1999, so the chances of you or anyone else finding her over the Technology the FBI uses is very slim. Even Carl doesn't think she’s anywhere on a missing persons list.
Right, I agree with you there. Stranger things have happened though.

My thought is more when we discuss some of the "random-ish" suggestions, we might hit on something? Not so much the random is 100% correct, but maybe it sparks a discussion that leads somewhere.

So far the FBI and Carl haven't found her either. At least as far as we know.
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