Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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Who was the JD going to see at Ellis? I realize everyone there denied knowing her, but she had to be going to see someone there, right? She was pretty adament about getting directions etc. If there is a possibility that this could be Marcia, did she have a boyfriend that she went to Texas with from VA? Maybe her boyfriend was arrested and sent to Ellis and that is who she was going to see?

Is Ellis a local jail, state jail, or federal pen? Do they only house TX inmates?

ANother thing that is puzzling to me...if she was seen at 6:30 pm at night on Halloween, would she even have been allowed into the prison? Prisons usually have visiting hours, and I wonder how late those visiting hours would have been? I wonder if the prison has a visitors log showing who was supposed to receive visitors on a certain day. I was reading some info on a prisontalk web board, and it appears that now prisoners have to request visitor time, and they have to be scheduled in advance. I wonder if that was the case back in 1980? I also wonder if there was anyone in Ellis from Rockport, TX, where she said she was from?

I realize that there was no DNA testing in 1980, but would they have still swabbed the bite mark for saliva?
I wonder, if rather than going to see an INMATE....she was actually trying to visit a person or persons who lived near that prison & asked for directions for the prison unit knowing that was the nearest landmark....if that's been brought up I'm sorry. It just popped into my head, reading this thread....
Another thing I can't get out of my head....I feel as if she was never reported missing BC she was in an abusive home, maybe not physically but possibly other. Even though the condition of her body showed good physical health. She could've been at a foster home or staying with people other than family, and she left them to go look for friends or a boyfriend, or old friends, boyfriend. Maybe whoever she was with could've been in trouble with the law or worried it would bring attention to them and that's why THEY never reported her missing. Or perhaps there is someone out there who assumes that a missing persons report has already been filed on her. I just read about a case in which that happened.
She could've been in route to find birth parents or other family she wasn't very close to. And that person or persons never knew she was coming to try to find them. I feel like though, that she had concerns that SOME ONE out there wanted to find HER and bring HER back to an unhappy family home, foster or biological. Or whatever reason, she did not want to be found. Of course she's not going to tell the truth as to where she's really from. And as far as school she could've been bounced around to different schools so much that she got lost in the system.
This is all assuming, of course, that she is or was a school aged girl. She could've very well been on the older side, late teenager; could be why she replied "who cares" when asked if her parents knew her whereabouts. Because she felt she was of age she didn't need parental permission to be traveling. Think about how many people, in general, completely fool you with age. Look so much younger than who they are....
Not trying to discredit your thoughts in any way. But I don't know what kind of family member would assume that a child or young adult had gone off to start a new life, wanting to let them be, and then find out about someone matching their description being murdered....and not come forward. Or even if they did not know about the murder, they HAD to have at least wondered about her whereabouts . I just cannot fathom that every. single. person. in this young woman's life has forgotten about her completely.
If there was a tragic event like that, I doubt that girl would be saying who cares when asked about her parents.
Daggonit I keep trying to respond to people's comments and I'm winding up here....I'm new to this....
In my opinion the phone call with Theresa should not yet be considered a dead end. It is very possible that Theresa got some things wrong but others were right. Maybe she didn't know Gertrude wasn't involved but only assumed it. That is not a giant leap. I still hold out hope that the carnival company will get back to me. If anything, we have two potential last names (Louis/Lewis or Moss). That is a lot more than we had two weeks ago. Just my humble opinion.

I think I already tried this in a different msg, sorry I'm new to posting, but keep calling, email, see if they have a website, a Facebook....
We are all operating on the idea this girl was a younger side of teenager. In a case I recently read about, this lady had been traveling across the US to find her birth parents; she was adopted. She had been from VA and I think was found as an UID in CA. She was hit by a car crossing the Pacific coast highway. Most thought she was a teen. She ended up being in her early twenties. Just saying I'm not a doctor but medicine has come a long way and it could be that listing WCJD'S age as a young girl could have been wrong.
Like someone else on this forum said. It's not looking for a needle in a haystack. It's looking for the right haystack.
I just want to say, I truly commend you all, EACH AND EVERY one of you, for putting so much effort in investigating, doing so much to keep this girl's name out there, and most of all caring. With so many terrible acts by people in this world becoming increasingly common....this reminds me there is still good in this world.
Not trying to discredit your thoughts in any way. But I don't know what kind of family member would assume that a child or young adult had gone off to start a new life, wanting to let them be, and then find out about someone matching their description being murdered....and not come forward. Or even if they did not know about the murder, they HAD to have at least wondered about her whereabouts . I just cannot fathom that every. single. person. in this young woman's life has forgotten about her completely.

You would be surprised; it happens much more frequently than you would think.
Actually, it looks like she wasn't... Guadalupe was a male in this case.

Yes, I did see that...haha, that was the reason for my confusion. Somebody posted a picture of the same wanted guy who shot a girl, so I couldn't make a connection to WCJD.
My opinion is that it is virtually impossible for nobody to be looking or have ever looked for this girl. I had a best friend growing up and just the other day i googled his name just to see how he turned out and what his life looks like. I would bet a ton that at some point someone has done the same for WCJD. I just wish we could connect their search with ours.
Not trying to discredit your thoughts in any way. But I don't know what kind of family member would assume that a child or young adult had gone off to start a new life, wanting to let them be, and then find out about someone matching their description being murdered....and not come forward. Or even if they did not know about the murder, they HAD to have at least wondered about her whereabouts . I just cannot fathom that every. single. person. in this young woman's life has forgotten about her completely.

Reet Jurvetson was one such person:
Reet Silvia Jurvetson was a 19-year-old Canadian-American woman who was murdered in California in November 1969. Her body remained unidentified for 46 years until an online mortuary photograph was recognized by her family and friends.[SUP][2][/SUP] Prior to her identification, Jurvetson's body had been informally known as "Sherry Doe" and officially as "Jane Doe 59."

She wasn't "forgotten" just thought to be off living her life. IIRC, her sister said that after a few years, she had an idea something wasn't right about not hearing from her, but at that point, where would she start looking? How? International phone calls were very, very expensive and the internet wasn't around yet.

There's a few more, some where the family initially reported their loved one missing, but the report didn't go anywhere because they were an adult or considered a runaway and the cases weren't pursued.
It's possible someone will finally recognize WCJD's picture, like Jimmy Reymer's classmate did, or go looking for her and contact family to find out where she is, like Tammy Jo Alexander.
It might not be a case of no one looking, or not being reported, just the dots not connecting yet,
My opinion is that it is virtually impossible for nobody to be looking or have ever looked for this girl. I had a best friend growing up and just the other day i googled his name just to see how he turned out and what his life looks like. I would bet a ton that at some point someone has done the same for WCJD. I just wish we could connect their search with ours.

I agree, especially when I think of Jimmy Reymer's sister searching for him in the mid-west the whole time he was missing, and us trying to ID a set of remains in NC that turned out to be him.
If WCJD was close to 14 - and she looks young - someone her age who knew her would be in their early fifties.. and adult family and neighbors who knew her would be elderly or dead. The sands are running out as Carl has said.
While we like to think that all families are loving and caring, and everybody has friends from high school etc., the sad truth is that there are hundreds of thousands of young people for whom that's not true. They age out of foster care and have nowhere to go (my local paper had an article last week that said up to 75% of foster children turning 18 had nowhere safe to live after they were turned out), they live in abusive, violent, or drug-riddled households where they leave as soon as they're old enough and if anybody notices, they don't care, sometimes they're even pimped and sold by their own family members, and sometimes they're thrown out for lifestyle issues like religion, sexual orientation, politics.

Or sometimes the family is just too big or too poor, or there's illness or mental/emotional problems that make it impossible to keep track of everybody. I had a friend in high school in that situation -- her mother loved her dearly but she had eight siblings, her father was dying of cancer, her mother worked two jobs besides the kids, and when my friend met a guy, she was glad to get married and leave and her mother was glad to see her "settled" even though she was very young. The marriage ended after only a couple of years, my friend got a job, went to night school, eventually got a teaching certificate and a better job. She used to occasionally talk about sending her mother a Christmas card but I don't think she ever did. I imagine her mother thinks of her, too, now and again.
Yep, Carbuff, there is that.
Some families aren't that close.
If I had been missing in 1980 and murdered....I would have been 17....all my close family is gone now for years...except for my brother and a couple of nieces and nephews who hardly would have known me because I'm the oldest grandchild and I wouldn't have given birth to my sweet son.... My brother would have been searching until his last breath, I'm sure, we were and are very close. My family endured a lot of problems what made them drifted apart through the years.....depending on the "story" it's so hard to say anything about the "good" or the "bad". I hope very much that somebody is looking out for a sister, niece etc. being our WCJD.
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