Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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KT and all interested in this case. I lived and worked in the area at the time this girl was found. It is speculated among several LE agencies she was possibly a victim of Henry Lucas or his sometimes companion (O'Toole?) The brutal way she was murdered is the MO of Lucas and O'Toole. You might want to start there and may find more info.

My theory is she is from or was staying in south Texas. According to one witness she did mention Aransas Pass or Port Aransas or Port Arthur.

If you have done much research you know that in the 80's, there were many findings of murdered and missing girls along I 45 which runs from Galveston to Huntsville where this girl was found. Many were indeed attributed to Lucas and LE also believes there was another serial killer along that same area. Interstate 45 affords any criminal easy access and exit for any type of crime and there are long desolate stretches for dumping these victims. (Search also "The Killing Fields" along I 45 between Houston and Galveston)

I am glad to see she is not forgotten.
I did some searching on the doe network and I have to agree that there was a serial killer responsible for these deaths. If you look back at 10/31 there are a lot of unidentifieds in the same TX area. And if they aren't right on 10/31 that you can see that they had been found weeks later with the estimated time of death being around 10/31. Theses are just a few of them...there are a ton of them. Sure am glad I wasn't living in TX at that time!
I am from Huntsville, but was only 6 when this happened. I also moved from there about 2 mths later. Honestly i never know a thing about this girl until about 8 yrs ago. She is buried in Hunstville in what is called the "Old Addickes cemetary" It is part of the same cemtary where Sam Houston wad buried. The actual section of land for Addickes portion of the cemetary is where the first house the Houston family had in that area. I have pictures of her grave, but I cant get them to post, as I have to scan them.. BUT I will be going "home" for thanksgiving, and plan to go and use my digital camera to get a picture. The SO and LEO in Walker County paid for a burial plot and headstone for this Jane Doe. She is buried near my grandmother which is how I stumbled over her grave and this case.

The truck stop that she stopped at is where my mom worked when I was a baby, I believe my (kinda like) god mother would have been there when this girl came through. This waitress worked at the truck stop for like a 100 yrs before I was born, and apparently quiet awhile after I left.. I heard in 1998 she had recently passed away. I had not heard of this case before.

I did ask my aunt who has lived in this area for 50 yrs, if she has ever heard of this case. She said all she remembered was the rumors were "it was the orange sock killer" I have in the past looked into the orange sock killer(but for the life of me cant remember exactly who he was..maybe HLL, but i will recheck).

Anyway long story short I will be willing to do whatever to help, this young girl has haunted me since finding her grave.. I did not know there was a forum like this till a week or so ago. Like I stated I will be in Huntsville wednesday and thursday for Thanksgiving.. I just do not know exactly what I would need to do, (if anything) and it will be a lil harder to "investigate" being it is a holiday, but I will get us a pic of her grave on digital so I can get it uploaded.

Oh one other thing.. I did read elsewhere some suspected Wanda Priddy of Port Lavaca maybe her(weird weird weird becasue I started my adult life in Port lavaca, lived there for a couple of years) I also MAYBE able to contact a sheriiffs investigator form that time when I go home, if he is still alive. We use to rent a house form him, and he knew how much even at very young I was into true crimes.. Also if any of the more seasoned sleuths need info on Huntsville, I know quiet alot about the area, as my ggg grandparents help start the town. If I dont know I can get answers from locals that I am related to.
One other thing I forgot to add. When I initiallf researched info on this girl(in early 2002) I found an article stating they thought the perp was possible female. I will try to get a link to this article if I cna find it again..The title of it had Texas in it, and seems like it was some sort of magazine type thing.
One other thing I forgot to add. When I initiallf researched info on this girl(in early 2002) I found an article stating they thought the perp was possible female. I will try to get a link to this article if I cna find it again..The title of it had Texas in it, and seems like it was some sort of magazine type thing.

Well it is called Today magazine, and I can not find the article now..
Here is the UID dental info:

and Paulettes dental info:

Can someone with dental experience help me decipher this? From what I can understand, UID's #1 and 32 are missing, meaning that they were removed (impacted wisdoms, which would make UID possible older than 14?) #3 for both are fillings, as are 30. UID additionally has fillings on 31 and 18, where as Paulette has one on #19. I wonder if someone got 18 and 19 confused, and I wonder how old Paulettes dentals are and if she had more dental work done after this, which would account for the difference. It would be unusual for someone her age not to have wisdom teeth pulled.

Pauline is missing teeth 1 and 32, and she has fillings on 3, 14, 31, 30 and 18.

looks like a match to me.
Hold on... this girl was found in 1980 and very recently deceased (i.e., no decomp. and no possibility of being years or decades out on the date of death).

Avis Mooney was born in 1927. She would have been 53 at the time of the victim's death.

I know technology has advanced greatly in 30 years but people back then could tell the difference between a teenager and a woman old enough (just) to be her grandmother.

Age wise I think Paulette is a heck of a stretch (at ca. 26) but the matching dentals and the removed wisdom teeth - which do suggest that 14-20 may be an underestimate - make her a strong possibility nonetheless. However, Avis was twice Paulette's actual age - and four times as far outside the age range for the UID.
Well it is called Today magazine, and I can not find the article now..

East Texas Today magazine

Whose Child is This?

by Michael L. Hargraves

Halloween is the time when make-believe monsters, ghosts and goblins fill every child's imagination. But on Halloween night 22 years ago a real monster lurked in Walker county and turned one young girl's last night on earth into a hideous nightmare. Tortured, sexually brutalized and then strangled, her grisly death shocked even hardened detectives. She has never been identified and the crime is a riddle that haunts investigators to this day.
Long-haul truck driver James Rhoades of Friendswood was making a run up the north-bound lane of Interstate 45 on the first of November back in 1980, and enjoying the scenery. The gray concrete canyons of Houston were behind him and the vantage point of the semi's high seat gave him a clear view as he rolled along. The sharp overnight temperatures had snapped the sweet gums and red oaks into scarlet torches and the elms, hickories and sycamores formed shimmering patterns of raw gold. Blurred together by an early morning breeze, they glowed against the dark pines of the Sam Houston National Forest like the muted flames of a campfire at dusk. A half mile south of the FM 1696 exit near Huntsville, Rhoades was startled to see what looked like the nude body of a young woman lying face down in the grass off the shoulder of the road. The pale feminine form was starkly visible against the deep green of the mowed vegetation. It might have been a mannequin; perhaps only part of a macabre Halloween hoax left over from the night before. Huntsville is the home of Sam Houston University and practical jokes by high-spirited college students during the holidays were common, but Rhoades decided to check and make sure. It was no prank, however, but the beginning of a two decades long search for answers.

The crime Rhoades reported shocked even the veteran investigators of the Walker County Sheriff's Office. The victim, an attractive young teenage girl, had been savagely beaten and sexually assaulted before being murdered by slow strangulation. There were bruises all over her face and body; her right eye was swollen shut and her lips were puffy and distended from the blows she had received. There was a human bite mark on her back, up near her right shoulder. Her throat was purple under the pantyhose the killer had used to choke her with and her tongue protruded from her mouth. A thin gold chain hung from her slender neck with a smoky stone attached and her toenails had been painted a delicate pink. A pair of high-heeled sandals had been thrown beside the body. An autopsy later showed that, prior to her death, she had been raped vaginally and anally with a large blunt instrument and her panties and part of her pantyhose had then been forced into her vagina, perhaps in an effort to stop bleeding when the body was moved to the dump site. The medical examiner, Dr. Aurelio Espinola determined the young victim had only been dead for six hours before she was found. The victim's teeth had been well cared for and the general condition of the body and her overall health and nutrition indicated she had probably come from a middle class home. There were no distinguishing marks or any identification with the body to help the investigators. It is interesting to note that male sexual predators who bite their victims usually attack the genital area, the thighs and the breasts. Does the bite mark on the back and the use of a blunt instrument in the rape indicate a female assailant? Male sexual predators often take a trophy, like a piece of jewelry, but the victim?s jewelry was left on the corpse. Does this further indicate a lesbian attack?

When the murder became known through media accounts, several people came forward and said they?d seen a teenager matching her description the day before her body was found. Bobby Roach, who managed the South End Gulf station, (which no longer exists) positively identified the victim as a girl who had been at the station around 6:30 p.m. Halloween night asking for directions to the Ellis prison unit. She had been wearing blue jeans, a yellow pullover sweater with big pockets that hung below her waist, and she was carrying high-heeled sandals in her hand. To the best f his recollection, she had been let out of a 1973 or ?74 blue Chevrolet, possibly a Caprice, with a lighter colored top, which was being driven by a white male. She looked disheveled like she had been traveling and perhaps sleeping in her clothes. She left the station, walking north on Sam Houston avenue. A waitress working at the Hitchin? Post truck stop out on Interstate 45 said the girl came into the restaurant the same evening and again, asked for directions to the Ellis Unit, saying she "had a friend there." A map was drawn for her and she departed. She never reached the Ellis Unit and she was never seen alive again.
Twenty-two years later the original investigators still vividly remember this case. I spoke with several of them recently and they all remembered the victim's youthful innocence and the brutality of her murder. Detective Judy James is the current investigator and is keeping the case alive. The victim was approximately 14 years old with hazel eyes and medium brown hair cut in wing fashion. She was just over 5 feet and weighed 100-108 lbs. Someone, somewhere knows who this child is. Please call Detective Judy James at 936-435-2400 if you have any information about this crime.
Sarah - thank you so much for posting that. Also got to love the avatar ;)

The fact that the killer used an instrument to penetrate the victim is horribly distasteful of course but as a non-professional I just don't see it as evidence of the killer being a female. It's possible of course but it's surely at least as possible that the killer harbored feelings of rage and inadequacy that prevented him from carrying out a penile penetration, or perhaps he was just a sick [insert expletive of choice] who liked that kind of thing.
Thank you for the references-for some reason Kenneth McDuff comes to mind when I read the details about this girl.

In any case, Jules-Paulette is your baby. I did not send it in, so go for it!!!!
Hold on... this girl was found in 1980 and very recently deceased (i.e., no decomp. and no possibility of being years or decades out on the date of death).

Avis Mooney was born in 1927. She would have been 53 at the time of the victim's death.

I know technology has advanced greatly in 30 years but people back then could tell the difference between a teenager and a woman old enough (just) to be her grandmother.

Age wise I think Paulette is a heck of a stretch (at ca. 26) but the matching dentals and the removed wisdom teeth - which do suggest that 14-20 may be an underestimate - make her a strong possibility nonetheless. However, Avis was twice Paulette's actual age - and four times as far outside the age range for the UID.

I need to go back and check, it was the picture that drew me to Avis, honestly I didnt look at her DOB, let me review dates... I may have lost my mind on this one, OR the pic I found could have been very old. I THINK I just uploaded the pic.. I had even had my DD look at the pic and she thought it was pretty close..(I did it line up like so I would know she wasnt just agreeing with me) OK nm on Avis, I jsut relaized what I did, I was thinking she was 33 in 1980, and in fact she was 33 in 1961... I got dates mixed in the two cases. I will be more careful.

On Paulette, I read several more articles on her this evening, and they mentioned it is thought she was in Fl as late as 1983, that several people identified a picture when her mother went there on a tip.


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Name: Vicki Martinez
AKA: -
Case Number: M0804012
Race:White Sex: Female
DOB:8/29/1960 Age Missing: 19
Height: 5 ft. 04 in. Weight: 100 lb.
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Last Seen: 10/14/1979
Area Last Seen: San Antonio (Bexar County)
Miscellaneous Notes: Ms. Martinez was last seen wearing cutoff blue jeans and a blue tank top. She is known to wear her hair waist length and is right handed.'M4/29/20083:27:26PM'

She has blue eyes, so I looked up what an Optometrist had to about post mortem eye color change. The Optometrist is quoted below:

"It happens to all dead people and is not a iris colour change but clouding of the cornea which is the front covering of the eye. The cornea becomes a milky semi transparent layer and obscures the iris colour beneath it.

The cornea is not naturally transparent; it is kept transparent by the active transport of water out by the cells on the back of the cornea. After death, transport stops and the cornea clouds over. You can see this in dead fish at the fish market."

My Link is not working for some reason but if you go here and click on Vicki Martinez it will take you to the very same URL without a problem?
I have written to the NOW head detective in Walker County, and am also fixin to try and contact the initial investigator that is now in Conroe Tx. I have found a list of possibles (from Texas only) I am starting in Texas and working my way out. I have 8 names of teenage girls(and I DID check their ages this time). I have found that very few are listed in NCMEC, or Namus either one. So I have a question if they are listed in the Tx DPS site, for the missing, what are the odds they have already been checked against our Jane Doe?
I have written to the NOW head detective in Walker County, and am also fixin to try and contact the initial investigator that is now in Conroe Tx. I have found a list of possibles (from Texas only) I am starting in Texas and working my way out. I have 8 names of teenage girls(and I DID check their ages this time). I have found that very few are listed in NCMEC, or Namus either one. So I have a question if they are listed in the Tx DPS site, for the missing, what are the odds they have already been checked against our Jane Doe?

Well I can not seem to get an email thru to Walker County Sheriff Dept, it says it doesnt like me??? I do see that the Lt Perkins that "inherited" teh case is now head of the investigation division, and that Judy James that is mention at several of the sites that have info about our JD, apprently still works at SO(according to article in Aug 2009 Huntsville Item) I can find no contact information on her though. The only reason I can think the SO wouldnt accept my email is it is thru Yahoo. Anyone else with a different email acct wanna try?
Pauline is missing teeth 1 and 32, and she has fillings on 3, 14, 31, 30 and 18.

looks like a match to me.

I tried looking at the dentals for the UID and it looked like according to her NAMUS profile that she isn't missing any teeth? It looks like she has all her natural teeth and 3 fillings? Am I looking at the wrong thing?
Lil' E - the problem with the link is a problem with the forum software taking the last apostrophe off the Texas URL because it thinks you are quoting it. It seems that Texas has a very unusual way of generating URLs automatically by quoting the date and time created/submitted etc. and the WS forum software is set up to assume that any ' at the end of a link has been inserted by the forum poster, not the website creator (as would almost always be the case).

The way around this is to use tinyurl or a similar service, to replace the ' with %27, or maybe to cover the link in forum text - I haven't tried this. The link is here though:

Does anyone have a link to the UID's dentals because the one provided to NAMUS isn't working for me?
Case Type: Endangered Missing
DOB: Oct 22, 1962 Sex: Female
Missing Date: May 11, 1979 Race: White/Hisp
Age Now: 47 Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Missing City: BRYAN Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Missing State : TX Hair Color: Brown
Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Brown
Case Number: NCMC901818
Circumstances: Sophia's photo is shown age-progressed to 43 years. She was last seen at her home in Bryan, Texas on May 11, 1979 and has not been seen or heard from since. She has a burn scar on her left leg, a tattoo on her left hand between her thumb and first finger of "AH" and a tattoo on her right hand of a cross, and a birthmark on her upper right leg. Sophia may go by her middle name of Felecita.

This girl caught my attention.. Look at her necklace, at first I thought it was a pendant probably with Mary on it. But then I looked back at teh pic of JD, and hers looks eerily similar, to the one Sophia is wearing in this pic. I know the details on scars and tatoo are off. That is main reason for me contacting SO in Walker county(I did finally get an email thru). I want to know form them if there is dome information kept out so frauds etc dont come claim the body9especially back in 80, and it seems not much info has been updated then the orifginal even though her body was exhumed in 1999). This Sophia is register with TxDPS and NCMEC, but NOT on Nameus.
Forgot to upload pic!! Sophia Moreno and Jane Doe


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I tried looking at the dentals for the UID and it looked like according to her NAMUS profile that she isn't missing any teeth? It looks like she has all her natural teeth and 3 fillings? Am I looking at the wrong thing?

That is what I saw also. I was not sure if I was misreading.....
I have made a Myspace for our Jane Doe, and will be making a Fb..I will post the info if it is not against the rules plz let me know. Also I will be adding a twitter and u tube.
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