Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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One of you vigiliant sleuthers sent this case to me as a possible match for Deborah Ann Quimby of MA....never even occurred to me, but I can see why there was a connection made.

quimby_deborah.jpg Walker County Jane Doe Profile (color).jpg Walker County JD Frontal BW.jpg

Interesting possible. She even has what looks like a scar at the end of her right eyebrow to match the description of the UID. The physical descriptors match real well. A few things caught my eye, like the dog-leg corner at the 2/3 point of the left eyebrow, the small chin and the prominent lower lip.

If this is her, I would wonder what she had been doing for over three years between disappearance and death. What crosses my mind is that this could be similar to the Jaycee Dugard narrative. -- Girl is captured by pedophile, pedophile goes to prison, girl is experiencing Stockholm syndrome and wants to visit captor in prison, pedophile not willing to admit knowing girl for obvious reasons.

The Charley project photo even has her in a yellow shirt (to match the yellow pullover sweater that the UID was observed wearing prior to death).
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Interesting possible. She even has what looks like a scar at the end of her right eyebrow to match the description of the UID. The physical descriptors match real well. A few things caught my eye, like the dog-leg corner at the 2/3 point of the left eyebrow, the small chin and the prominent lower lip.

If this is her, I would wonder what she had been doing for over three years between disappearance and death. What crosses my mind is that this could be similar to the Jaycee Dugard narrative. -- Girl is captured by pedophile, pedophile goes to prison, girl is experiencing Stockholm syndrome and wants to visit captor in prison, pedophile not willing to admit knowing girl for obvious reasons.

The Charley project photo even has her in a yellow shirt (to match the yellow pullover sweater that the UID was observed wearing prior to death).

Huh, that really is very similar.

LE has always said it was possible she met someone who took her away, so your scenario is not implausible. And everything else seems to fit.
For those of you who havent read Deb's thread on WS, I am her cousin. I have checked in with the possibility that she had connections in TX and we are sorting through what we can right now....her mother was recently scammed by a confidence man claiming to be a PI so I am taking it slowly...

P.S. I turned in the possible match to Deb's case manager at the NCMEC-she should be able to tell me if Debs DNA is in CODIS or needs to be run sample to sample...
For those of you who havent read Deb's thread on WS, I am her cousin. I have checked in with the possibility that she had connections in TX and we are sorting through what we can right now....her mother was recently scammed by a confidence man claiming to be a PI so I am taking it slowly...

P.S. I turned in the possible match to Deb's case manager at the NCMEC-she should be able to tell me if Debs DNA is in CODIS or needs to be run sample to sample...

It's so sad that people like that go around preying on the grief of families. :(:mad: My sympathies to you and your family.
It's so sad that people like that go around preying on the grief of families. :(:mad: My sympathies to you and your family.

I would love to see a little more done about that particular issue-thank you for the kind words carbuff!

FWIW, for those of you not only looking for your own loved ones but also the loved ones of others, legitimate offers of help never go to the family first. A legitimate organization will go to LE first....and almost never will they ask the family or the community for money. They have their own sponsors or they will accept donations, but they will never go to family and say I can find your loved one for xyz dollars....:furious::banghead::furious:
I received word today from NCMEC that the comparison is being done between this Jane Doe and Deborah Ann Quimby...keep an eye on the UID listing in NAMUS for me just in case I miss the rule in/out??? Bless you all...
Bumping so I remind myself to check in with NCMEC
Hey all-I sent an email to the NAMUS case manager to see if he has a list of ruleouts he can post on Jane Doe's page...
carl may I use the recon you did on the Walker COunty Jane Doe site??

Yes, that would be great. Since my previous post, I have put a yellow sweater on her. Here is the revised version.

I received a, uh, terse response from the case manager at Identifyus. Here is a copy paste:
"Any exclusions do appear on the Case Information page that comes up when you access a case. For #4640 there are none which is why you don't see any."

Now I thought our Jane Doe was 4630, which was the case number I referenced. I am going to assume the CM fat fingered his response....either that or I am insane.

Mia, you have put an incredible amount of time into this case: I am going to leave it up to you to decide if you want me to contact LE for the list of rule outs (even though the case file IIRC is not readily available) or if you would like to. Because we can go through this thread alone and come up with a couple...or perhaps some are going to have to run again???
Mia, is there a photo of the pendant available? It actually helped family ID Tawni Lee Mazzone/Maricopa Jane Doe when the photos of her jewelry were finally released
I received a, uh, terse response from the case manager at Identifyus. Here is a copy paste:
"Any exclusions do appear on the Case Information page that comes up when you access a case. For #4640 there are none which is why you don't see any."

Now I thought our Jane Doe was 4630, which was the case number I referenced. I am going to assume the CM fat fingered his response....either that or I am insane.

Mia, you have put an incredible amount of time into this case: I am going to leave it up to you to decide if you want me to contact LE for the list of rule outs (even though the case file IIRC is not readily available) or if you would like to. Because we can go through this thread alone and come up with a couple...or perhaps some are going to have to run again???

First you are correct the Namus case number i have for her is also 4630...

I planned to contact LE in WC, Early next week. I have learned from speaking to them, that after a long weekend it is hard to reach them, they are busy catching up form the weekend. Also some of them maybe off today even as it is a State holiday. I guess you tell me, if we both contact them is that overload?? I will say out of the two invest. involved(both seem very dedicated) but perkins is the one that said when the file is located would give me the rule out info.

Also just to run this by one and all.. for anyone intrested, I think it would be a good idea to get a letter/email campaign going to the news networks nationally, and locally(in Walker County and Part Aransas area) to maybe get her face back in the media. I have a list of the contact info if anyone is intrested IM me(am I allowed to say that?? if not I will remove)

I have not yet got the newest drawing up of her on her website. I will ASAP. Right now I am watching the trial of the husband that killed his wife in Waco Tx, I went to school with the wife. Going to upload the new pic to her site, then back to the trial.
Mia, is there a photo of the pendant available? It actually helped family ID Tawni Lee Mazzone/Maricopa Jane Doe when the photos of her jewelry were finally released

I have been told by two sources(one LE and one other searcher that asked in the past) that No there is no picture AND the necklace ahs been lsot.
The new picture by Carl has been added to Jane Does site. Thanks..

Carl i kinda gave u credit, by saying another searcher did the art work..Let me know how u want me to identify u for

The link to the site is
Just spoke with Lt Perkins(had a free minute while he would still be in office) He says the file is still with other agency, but he will make a point to get it next time he is there, and call me with the list of rule outs. I have left a message with my other contact that may have a list of rule outs...So now am back on the waiting game.. for now.
Just spoke with Lt Perkins(had a free minute while he would still be in office) He says the file is still with other agency, but he will make a point to get it next time he is there, and call me with the list of rule outs. I have left a message with my other contact that may have a list of rule outs...So now am back on the waiting game.. for now.

Can we have LT Perkins sent to my, uh, close friend at Identifyus?? Here is the case manager's info:

Monte Johnson is his name....either he or the local MEDEX has to input the info....
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