Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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I am looking for a victim that sort of matches that description. I am searching for a young teenage prostitute that was killed between 1980-1983 she was most likely drowned and believed to be pregnant she would have been found in houston texas. I have very little info about her. she was young and she was a prostitute living in houston with her pimp. she was most likely a drug addict anyone with any info please let me know?

I am sorry I am late noticing your post wish-welcome!

I see CarlK gave you a list of some possibles that might match your description, but is there something else we can help with? Are you looking for a particular victim type for a reason we might be able to work on with/for you?
I am so excited..the kids and I actually got to have a sit down face to face interview with Lt. Perkins in Walker County today.. He was wonderfull.... We also got pictures(present day ones) of pretty much the site where they found WCJD.. I will get them uploaded as soon as I cna..I had forgot my camrea so they are on my daughters friends cell phone.

I do know they have a cold case task force working on WCJD now, they were to have had a meeting yesterday but it had to be post poned due to one member having a death in the family.. The task force is made up of five retired homocide detectives from around Texas.

So info that Lt Perkins shared(and the list of 100% postively eliminated will be in this message) but some other info he shared is:

As far as he can tell from crime scene photos WCJD only had one scar and it was at the right eye brow..he said he had heard there were reports of one on the elbow, but he can not see that in the pictures.. he said he considered having that info removed , but since he does not know where it came form..he has not.

He said he feels 100 % sure Henry Lee Lucas had nothing to do with our WCJD. I will explain that if anyone wnats the info at a later date.

I asked about IF the actual necklace was or was not in the evidence room, and he said " I was told it is around here somewhere, but I do not know where" (I had been told by another who was looking into WCJD she was told they did not have it. I also aksed if I could see a picture, a request he basically denied..but I think it was so we could not see the other crime sene photos..

On another day I will share a theroy he shared about a now dead serial killer they had been looking into... (I am very tired now..and that info is not as importnat as the list of excluded, and ones they are looking into..

He also said he spoke(in 2005) with the agency that did the exhuming of WCJD, and at that point they had collected the DNA samples but had NOT worked them up(yes I KNOw that was long ago) He said he would be contacting them to see about it.. I will call him in a couple of weeks, and see what the task force meeting came up with, and what if anything the lab has done.

I think there maybe other info..but I am so tired as I said.. so I will get onto the MUCH anticipated lis..I am typing it from the paper he hand wrote me from his files...

These missing HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED>>it is 100% positive they are NOT our WCJD...

I DO have his permission to post these names!!!
Kristy Lynn Booth
Diane Gueze Dye
Rachel Elizabeth Garden
Corrine Anita Hagler
Gina Renee Hall
Adrea Laderoute
Angela Mae Meeker
Cecile Frances Moch
Sophia Felicita Moreno
Jane Lousie Puckett
Lauren Ann Rahn
Jean Marie Stewart
Emma Lorene Vaughn

The next list also given to me written by his hadn..are names of missing they are looking at but have been unable to confirm or eliminate

Melinda Karen Creech
Brenda Crowley
Carol Elaine Donn
Kimberely Ann Kahler
Lori Jean Lloyd
Michelle Meredith Mulcahy
Deborah Quimby

Now the above list basically comes from relatives of these missing girls contacting Lt Perkins so their name goes in the file...

He also had a picture he did show me.. of a girl, that no one knows who she is..but is one of the pictures the man in California had, I can not remember his name, but there is a picture online of a poster with like a 100 girls pictures on it, found in his is known he killed some..He was saying he was a photographer for modeling I believe... Lt Perkins and I both thought the girl in the pic(that is also unknown) looked way too old to be our girl..

Two of the things he dd tell me the task force was particullarly looking at is the prison angle, and looking to interview old dentist from the Port Aransas/Rock Port Txas area..

On the way home I shared what info we had with my aunt that is also form Hutnsville though she did not live there at the time.. she gave me some info about one of the place WCJD was sited that I do not feel safe sharing online..but it could actually related to the I am not sure what to do with it???

Oh and apparently there was atleast four(or maybe even more) sitings of WCJD in Huntsville that day(10/31)..but a several of the siting could not be confirmed.. (ie times did not match) so they are unsure if it was people just trying to get in the action, or actual siting where they people just did not realize the time..!?!?

He did put my name in number in his files, and said he would let me know anything he could if anything ahppened about the case. LOL He had pulled out his typed file, of his own thoughts, feelings and investigation..what he used to go to the task fore with.. I tried to get him to lwet me have a copy..that request was also denied..roflmao. But hey I tried..

It was great but kinda agonizing.. I was sittingthere not a foot away from the box containing the whole case.. and could not touch it.. He only had 3 chairs and there were four of us.. my 19 yr old daughter was sitting with her elbow basically resting on the box.. and again we couldnt not "look" at any of it..ughhhhhh

But in my mind the list was a great gift!!! We also visited ehr grave today.. and got pictures.. My children and plan to go back when we can and fix it up.. My girl even want to buy some solar light and keep it lit up.. When I am not so tired I will explain if anyone is intrested on how we managed to get a sit down with him.. but my daughter basically told him, "I hope you understand this girl is ours now" I was so PROUD of her..

I have had to go back to work, so I have not updated her website in a long while and will get that fixed by the weekend.. I also have to find my file here at the house so I ca check her email... Now I am off to look up the unconfirmed names...
I think so far Creech IMHO is the closest match...but I am very

I also have alway seen a resemblence with Deborah Quimby
Thanks, Mia. I agree that Melinda Creech is the best possible of those mentioned.

Carol Donn would seem to be a rule-out based on her tattoo (if the Destinguishing Characteristics info is correct).

Porchlight member faithhopelove received the same list from Lt. Perkins last month. However, in that list, the following MP's who have not been ruled out, are characterized as unlikely.

Lori Jean Lloyd
Carol Elaine Donn
Michelle Meredith Mulcahy,
I honestly figure after talking to him, that the ones that havent been ruled out, he probably just has not had time to look at yet.. I had not even looked at them when I typed the list here.. I just typed it exactly as he had hand wrote it for me. I spoke with him for probably 30 minutes or maybe a little longer. He did not give me a reason for all of the ones they have ruled out.. but he did tell me some on the rule out list were due to tatoos or heigth or age.. ( which is what leads me to think he hasnt had time to look at the ones not ruled out..) Honestly I was so tired last night when I put in the list adn even while posting the pics of the possible (not rulled out) I did not even really look at the individual cases.. I just wanted to get their pics up. As he said the reason the possibles are in the file is someone related to them has called him..

I also think honestly if we came up with a list of other missing that are not already in the excluded, he would put them in the file, and present those possibilites to the cold case team. This is the reason I wanted the list from HIM of the excluded.. It seems many of us have differing views on possible all we can exclude, clears the way for the oens to look at!! Though the excluded list is short, it does narrow the search a little with each name we can cross off..(or atleast IMHO)

Something else he said that was (basically ) his own theory was he kinda felt WCJD might have been Mexican or Asian desent..but did also say with all the swelling and bruising that is hard to determine, he said it was someting about her eyes that lead him to think this.

I really wish I had been better prepared when I met with him.. When he first welcomed me to his office, I at first drew a complete blank..and couldnt even remember the main question I had..(which was the excluded list) He talk to some and told me about the task force and how he got involved in the case..and then I remembered.. I did not even have my WCJD notebook with me..Yes I am still kicking myself.. There is still a detective that I have known all my life that wrked in Walker county at the time, that I need to get ahold of.. time just has not been my friend lately.. I think this "old" det. could speak more freely since he no longer is a det..(retired)

This trip was not even planned I wasnt even thinking, I had gone to get my son from visiting my aunt there, and my daughter decided to ride also.. While I wasshowing her and her friend the sites of Huntsville, I went to what is now a cemetary where the Sam Houston house use to be..that is how I remembered..because that is the cemetary WCJD is buried I showed my girl the burial site, and it occured to me I was finally in Huntsville adn it was a week day..and not a holiday, so we stopped by..then I could not for the life of me remember the Lt I was chicening out, and my daughter was determined to see him, so she went in and asked around until she located

One intresting the site where she was found, there is a culvert under the access road.. I figure that was where the murderer was aiming her to go... my aunt also brought up a valid would be very hard for one person to drop a body off on a major interstate.. IH 45 connects Houston to Dallas so it is a pretty busy interstate.. another side note the site where the body was found was aproxiamately 4 to 5 miles from where if interstate travelers needed to fuel up or have a restroom break, would stop in Huntsville. I will get the pics up as soon as daughters friends come back over..

Thanks, Mia. I agree that Melinda Creech is the best possible of those mentioned.

Carol Donn would seem to be a rule-out based on her tattoo (if the Destinguishing Characteristics info is correct).

Porchlight member faithhopelove received the same list from Lt. Perkins last month. However, in that list, the following MP's who have not been ruled out, are characterized as unlikely.

Lori Jean Lloyd
Carol Elaine Donn
Michelle Meredith Mulcahy,
Thanks again, mia.

That happens to me frequently. Sometimes, I'll call someone for info, and I get the answering machine and leave a message.

By the time they call back, I've forgotten all of the questions I was going to ask, or I have to scramble to open up all of the DoeNet, Charley, and WS pages that I need for reference. I'm starting to make a habit of writing down a list of questions, and I also have a spreadsheet where all my links to the related links are all in one place. Of course, you can't do that with the spreadsheet if you are meeting him in person.

As for the Asian eyes, I think that is just the postmortem effect caused by gravity and lack of blood pressure and muscle tension on the eyes, lips, and cheeks of a person who has been dead for a period of time. She looks completely different in the color side view, although her open eyes are probably photoshopped into that photo. It appears that the straight-on B&W photo was taken much later than the side-view color photo.
The side sketch has a tiny bit of Asian look to it -- I had noticed it myself, because it's not what I would have thought her side view would look like.


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Thanks again, mia.

That happens to me frequently. Sometimes, I'll call someone for info, and I get the answering machine and leave a message.

By the time they call back, I've forgotten all of the questions I was going to ask, or I have to scramble to open up all of the DoeNet, Charley, and WS pages that I need for reference. I'm starting to make a habit of writing down a list of questions, and I also have a spreadsheet where all my links to the related links are all in one place. Of course, you can't do that with the spreadsheet if you are meeting him in person.

As for the Asian eyes, I think that is just the postmortem effect caused by gravity and lack of blood pressure and muscle tension on the eyes, lips, and cheeks of a person who has been dead for a period of time. She looks completely different in the color side view, although her open eyes are probably photoshopped into that photo. It appears that the straight-on B&W photo was taken much later than the side-view color photo.
So we can expect the image of the deceased to have an Asian appearance? Is there a scientific reason for this?
Good work mia! Looking forward to the photos of the area. I checked out your website for this girl. Well done and it should generate more interest. I don't think this case is unsolvable.
So we can expect the image of the deceased to have an Asian appearance? Is there a scientific reason for this?


The eyes look excessively elongated, and it appears to me to be a postmortem effect. Elongated eyes are interpreted by some as "asian".

I think I was clear about my reasons for what I said.

The eyes look excessively elongated, and it appears to me to be a postmortem effect. Elongated eyes are interpreted by some as "asian".

I think I was clear about my reasons for what I said.

I was not clear. That is why I asked. I have read many autopsies where the ME or other forensic scientist explained the appearance of a particular image for various reasons. Some, because of swelling which stretches involved areas, foreign objects in wounds, etc. Just never heard the gravity/Asian one before. Thanks for taking the time to clarify opinion.
Do you think it will be much longer before the possible matches get compared to this JD?

The eyes look excessively elongated, and it appears to me to be a postmortem effect. Elongated eyes are interpreted by some as "asian".

I think I was clear about my reasons for what I said.

For me looking at the sketch, it's not just the slight slant of the eyes, it's also the small nose and the rather flat plane of her cheekbones. Nothing pronounced, but enough to make me wonder.
He really did not say when the taske force would get to meet again, and sadly he gets very little time to look at this case, we visited with him around 230pm. This was the 6th case he had dealt with by that time of day.. When the task force gets going better, I pray it will speed the investigation up some. The weirdest thing about all the timing here is.. the meeting that got delayed was suppose to have been on Tuesday..we were there Wednesday.. I just asked my son if he remembers Lt Perkins saying when they would meet and he thought they said next Thursday.. (I honestly dont remember if anytime was mentioned.) So I will try to contact him Fri or the following Monday. I also am anxious for him to call the agency that collected ehr DNA(I forgot the name he told me) but he did say he needed to call them again and see if her DNA had been worked up.. I would think surely in five years, but I have no idea how that stuff works. If it has not been ran yet, I hope also the task force lights a fire under them.

Do you think it will be much longer before the possible matches get compared to this JD?
Though I am grateful we have the photos, both the morgue ones and the drawing, we have to be very careful(IMHO).. The morgue one we must remember is very distorted due to bruising and swelling.. and the drawing is someones idea of what she may have looked like..

That is one reason I like the Creech girl, it is the hair that stands out to me. I have a feeling WCJD hair is very similiar to my own, in the natural wave. The morgue photos of her hair look almost identical to what mine does when it is wet and humid outside. And in the pic of the Creech girl it is wavy and thick..East Texas humidity really play havoc on that kind of hair. But there again I think that is another reason this girl grabbed my attention,on the side profile some of her characteristic resemble my own..It is weird as a whole the drawing looks nothing like me, but some how she reminds me of me!!! I truly think besids her being buried near my grandma, after finding her grave and looking her up and seeing the drawing, this is why she grabbed me.. (btw I would have been about 5 at the time she passed away and had just moved from Huntsville at the first of that year)

For me looking at the sketch, it's not just the slight slant of the eyes, it's also the small nose and the rather flat plane of her cheekbones. Nothing pronounced, but enough to make me wonder.
Here is some information that may or may not be relative..

November 1 1980 was a Saturday(which would have been visiting day for prisoners her name would have had to be on a list to visit but she may not haev known that)
So 10/31/1980 was a visitation but she may have been expecting an inmate to be released..
Just throwing possible ideas around here
** I think inmates were all taken to an area in Huntsville On Sam Houston Blvd to be released to either make it or break it..or catch a bus at this time..I will call Huntsville tomorrow to check on this.. incidently if I am correct the area would have been about 2 miles from where WCJD was first sited..So I guess there is a possibility IF she were looking for an inmate to be released..and she knew the area they would release them in..possible the inmate did not show up?? So in theroy she wanted to go to where the inmate had been housed?? Things against this theroy are alot of businesses around the area where I know inmates use to be released.. liquor stores, check cashing places, and convience stores, the most well known is a Sonic.. In 1980 the area where WCJD is first sited was pretty much headed into the is NOW more populated, but not so much then. So why she would leave the area of release where there are lots of busines to ask info from and head to a much less populated one is a mystery if in fact this theroy is in anyway correct.. but I can not even imagine what a 13-16 year old would have been thinking waundering Huntsville alone

I am gonna try and give a little better description of the area of the first siting after I look into some things to be sure I got my road names and such right.. , and dang I wish I had gotten pictures of the area around the Hitchin Post...

OH one more tiny bit of info... IF Lt Perkins was correct in saying the body was found aprox 1 mile from the Hitchin Post, she was found between mile marker 118 and 119.. I have seen someplaces mention Texas FM 1696.. that road is 4 miles form the area I mapped out yesterday.. I started watching my mileage in the Hitchin Post lot, and drove exactly one mile, and then got pictures about a quarter mile from tht point in both direaction. (yes we wondered up and down a very busy interstate, but I made sure we stayed in the grassy area and OFF the hw) Besides te culvert there are also 3 or 4 clumps of trees, not sure how big the trees would haev been in 1980, they are decen ized now. (as u will see in the pics as soon as I cna get my hands on Srry to keep rambling, I just am trying to think of the smallest details of my journey yesterday that may help somewhere!
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