Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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If WCJD was kitty, her postmortem examination would've likely shown evidence of hepatitis.
Yeah, I do all of my posting from my phone, so I haven't had a chance to change it yet.:)

From what I have read, Kitty was in and out of the youth group home in the late 70s and I assume until sometime in 1980..she was hospitalized at one point in time while staying in Galveston and that's how she found out about the hepatitis, however, the article does not specify the type or severity, and from what I have read about acute hepatitis b - you can treat it with plenty of rest and fluids and be tested again in 3mos and show no sign of ever having it. Also, Would a medical examiner (in 1980) have even tested the blood for hepatitis, especially if the liver appeared to be healthy? jmo.
I dont think Kitty is WCJD. Similar... but not a match. I keep remembering how the recons of Michelle Garvey made her look substantially older than her fifteen years. If you look at the post-mortems of WCJD, you can see by the structure and roundness of her face that she is fairly young. Kitty has a more mature look.
After reading the transcript of her testimony, I am also wondering about the sister she lost track of.

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Since she was adopted at age 6, I wonder if she could have been her bio sister. Very possible both were adopted.

I dont think Kitty is WCJD. Similar... but not a match. I keep remembering how the recons of Michelle Garvey made her look substantially older than her fifteen years. If you look at the post-mortems of WCJD, you can see by the structure and roundness of her face that she is fairly young. Kitty has a more mature look.

I'm with you Paul. I don't see Kitty being WCJD either. I think she's too old for one, I'm not seeing it in her face either. Hair looks too dark too
Are you all comparing Kitty to a reconstruction or an actual postmortem photo?
The only photo available of Kitty is a terrible quality black and white newspaper article photo that probably also includes some pretty bad casts of shadow around her hair and face. Kitty was a runaway that was seeking shelter in youth homes for years since the age of 13 due to physical and sexual abuse from her adoptive parents(it could be possible they were from the rockport/port aransas area), one of those youth homes being in Galveston. Galveston to Hunstville = 120miles. WCJD response to where are your parents "who cares" is a huge red flag and imo corresponds with Kitty not having biological parents and having adoptive parents that did horrific things to her, so who did care about Kitty? I also believe if Kitty is WCJD that she could have been seeking a biological parent at the prison.
A blood test for disease/illness is only performed if there is gross evidence of an infection. - per Harris County Institute of Forensic Science.
It's rare that a reconstuction of even a recently deceased person is an exact match to the person they're identified as. Close matches like Tammy Alexander are very much the exception. With only one bad photo to go by, it's too close to rule out when so many other things fit.

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Carbuff, you are far better with words than I could ever be. Thank you:loveyou:
Are you all comparing Kitty to a reconstruction or an actual postmortem photo?
The only photo available of Kitty is a terrible quality black and white newspaper article photo that probably also includes some pretty bad casts of shadow around her hair and face. Kitty was a runaway that was seeking shelter in youth homes for years since the age of 13 due to physical and sexual abuse from her adoptive parents(it could be possible they were from the rockport/port aransas area), one of those youth homes being in Galveston. Galveston to Hunstville = 120miles. WCJD response to where are your parents "who cares" is a huge red flag and imo corresponds with Kitty not having biological parents and having adoptive parents that did horrific things to her, so who did care about Kitty? I also believe if Kitty is WCJD that she could have been seeking a biological parent at the prison.

I always use everything I can get my hands on.
Kitty's story is a good fit. I agree with trying to find her to see if she's alive or can't be located to possibly get her compared, then we'll know either way. I just don't think she's going to be a match.
Idk if she has been recommended, but what about Rosie Schlicker? I think she kind of looks similar to the Jane Doe, but her age hair and eye color wouldn't go right with it. I just thought she looked kind of similar though.
I am personally a staunch believer in the Kathy theory, and I'm getting pretty antsy. I really wish the right person could just magically see the picture and say "Oh, hey, that's Kathy Whatever. She went to my middle school."
I am personally a staunch believer in the Kathy theory, and I'm getting pretty antsy. I really wish the right person could just magically see the picture and say "Oh, hey, that's Kathy Whatever. She went to my middle school."

I agree! I think Kathy is the closest possibility that I've seen yet. The circumstances line up, and there are so many facial similarities, particularly the eyebrows IMO. Not many people's eyebrows get thicker at the outer edge; usually it's the other way around.
I agree! I think Kathy is the closest possibility that I've seen yet. The circumstances line up, and there are so many facial similarities, particularly the eyebrows IMO. Not many people's eyebrows get thicker at the outer edge; usually it's the other way around.

Does anyone have a link to a pic of Kathy?
The information in that blog is incorrect. There were no "items relating to WCJD" found with that photo, and the photo was taken in 1980 (sometime after April), not the mid-70's.

The photo comes from a brother and sister who were staying at a motel in Texas in 1980 (with their mother and step-father). The step father worked on radio antenna towers, and traveled around frequently, and stayed in motels in the course of his occupation. While they were at one motel (their best recollection was that it was in Beeville), they met this girl (possibly named "Cathy"), and for those few days, the sister and "Cathy" became friends and spent a lot of time swimming in the pool together and doing each other's hair. At the time, the brother and sister were 12 and 10 years old, respectively. "Cathy" told them that she was 14 years old, and a runaway from Corpus Christi. She was staying at the motel with a couple, about mid-30's in age.

Both the brother (who lives in Texas) and sister (who lives in Oregon) saw the publicity on WCJD independent of each other, and both immediately thought of "Cathy" without prompting by the other. When the sister came to Texas to visit her brother and mother, he asked if she had seen the articles on WCJD, and she immediately said yes, and that the story and drawings of WCJD reminded her of Cathy. When they asked their mother about Cathy, the mother said yes she also remembered her, and said "I even have a photo of her".

Both siblings remember that "Cathy" wore clothing similar to the clothing description of WCJD, and added that she didn't seem to have very many clothes.

There are a few other details provided by the brother that tie in even more to WCJD's narrative, but the sister says that she doesn't remember those details, so I haven't put those details out for discussion.

Here are a few more details regarding "Cathy" that I should probably add to the mix.

According to the brother (the sister doesn't remember this detail), "Cathy" told him that she had a friend who was incarcerated in the Sugarland Prison, and at one point, asked his step-father if he would give her a ride to Sugarland. Apparently, the stepfather didn't give her the ride. The stepfather drove a 1978 Ford Truck with a camper on it. However, the brother says he recalls that the couple drove a large American car, possibly a chevy, possibly maroon or brown in color. He recalls that it had a beige or white vinyl top.

Of course, if this is true, it would make "Cathy" a very strong possible for WCJD, despite that her friend was in the Sugarland prison, not at Ellis, and that the couple's vehicle was maroon or brown (as opposed to blue - as was reported to the WCSD by the owner of the gas station who saw WCJD prior to her death).

When he first told me this story, he was saying that the motel was in Richmond, and he even drew for me a diagram of the layout of the motel. There are no motels in Richmond, and after many hours searching Google maps for of the motels throughout the area, he came back to me and said that he thinks that the motel was actually in Beeville. He pointed me to the Esquire Inn on St. Mary's street in Beeville, and said that he is pretty sure that is the same motel. The sister agreed that this appeared to be the same motel, and its layout is very similar to the drawing that the brother gave me.

I've been reluctant to mention these details (1) because I wasn't sure if the brother was just repeating details that he had read in public narratives related to WCJD, and (2) his sister couldn't corroborate those details. The sister was only 10 years old at the time, so it is understandible that she wouldn't remember every detail about the few days that they knew "Cathy". But I've decided to go ahead and put it out there and let everyone decide for themselves whether it is credible or not.

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