TX - International Child *advertiser censored* Ring Bust (over 400,000 images seized), Bandera County

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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Bandera County Man Arrested During International Child *advertiser censored* Ring Bust

A Bandera County man was arrested during an international child *advertiser censored* ring bust.

Neville McGarity is one of 22 men arrested for making and sharing hundreds of thousands of pornographic videos of young children.

According to the indictment, members of the child *advertiser censored* ring call themselves the greatest group of pedophiles to ever gather in one place.


McGarity lives at a house in the town of Medina. Court records show at one time he used his computer to send members of the *advertiser censored* ring sexually explicit videos of children between the ages of one and 12 years old. McGarity said it was a "Christmas gift to the group."


Federal investigators told News 4 agents found members of McGarity's group exchanging about 400,000 pornographic images of children over the last year and a half. Twenty of the young victims have already been identified. Investigators believe most of the children are from Europe.


He's a preacher's son and a registered sex offender who's been on probation since 2003 for sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl.

Full article: click here
Video clip: click here
Ugggghhhhhhh. This makes me wanna scream. The sheer volume that these freaks posess is mind blowing. I mean how posessed are ya that you collect over thousands of anything? Let alone this is all these poor children victimized over and over. Neville McGarrity is a freak. I hope they can find all of them and give them at least the twenty years Ricky Meuir just got.
"Wraiths" eh? A little too close for comfort there!

What a SICKO. I hope they put him away for good now, as well as the rest of that sick group. Why was he out in the first place after assaulting a 6 yr old? (Don't bother answering that one.)
I can't think of anything I have on my pc or in my home that I have 400,000 of. Maybe dust particles, but that's it. Unfreakingbelievable.

Am I correct in understanding that these pics seemed "made to order" as well? :(
I can't think of anything I have on my pc or in my home that I have 400,000 of. Maybe dust particles, but that's it. Unfreakingbelievable.

Am I correct in understanding that these pics seemed "made to order" as well? :(

I wasn't sure of that as well, TM as the made to order. I'm checking that out. Look though he enjoys cars and posted his Mustang online. I bet he don't collect that many vehicles.http://www.mustanggt.org/photo/84mcgarity.htm
Go ahead and lynch me now but I say straight to the electric chair with these pervs...........no trial.
The one thing that steams me the most are the meaningless sentences. Imnsho, we need to ditch the so-called SXO programs (that obviously do not work) and put that money (and we're talking in the millions, here) into keeping these predators in prison for the rest of their natural born lives. In order to do the latter though, we also need to enact mandatory sentencing at the federal level and remove plea bargaining completely from the judicial equation. But hey, that's jmo.
The one thing that steams me the most are the meaningless sentences. Imnsho, we need to ditch the so-called SXO programs (that obviously do not work) and put that money (and we're talking in the millions, here) into keeping these predators in prison for the rest of their natural born lives. In order to do the latter though, we also need to enact mandatory sentencing at the federal level and remove plea bargaining completely from the judicial equation. But hey, that's jmo.

Go ahead and lynch me now but I say straight to the electric chair with these pervs...........no trial.
You'll get no lynching from me. I would actually be much more for capital punishment in instances such as this if it went down just as you describe. One of the many reasons I am presently against it is the cost (i.e., it cost tax payers 60 mil to execute Bundy).

Btw, and as an aside, there is a bill that has been wending its way through congress regarding child sex slave trafficking (which you can bet this group has been involved in).


It was submitted in 2004. I wish they would hurry up and pass the thing.
This freak was on Probation...hmmm, someone needs to get with his probation officer and see why he was not more closely watched....I think I want this PO's job if he did not watch this predator better. 400,000 pieces of child rape.... I think he needs about 400,000 lashes with a belt then hanging.
Seriously. We have to get tougher on these sickos.
The mongols used a perfectly adequate method for torture.

They'd bind the person, and then begin to dismember them joint by joint and then feed them to their half starved dogs. Of course, you'd be able to watch as the dogs ate you.

I'm thinking something along that lines for this guy.
The mongols used a perfectly adequate method for torture.

They'd bind the person, and then begin to dismember them joint by joint and then feed them to their half starved dogs. Of course, you'd be able to watch as the dogs ate you.

I'm thinking something along that lines for this guy.

You know, I think we had a thread about a guy that did this to another guy overseas somewhere. LOL
You think I'm joking, but I'm not!! There was a guy that hired (IIRC) this other guy to kill him slowly and cook his innards, or something like that. I swear!!!!
Go ahead and lynch me now but I say straight to the electric chair with these pervs...........no trial.

No lynching from me, that's for sure, mahmoo!

I've said this hundreds of times, but I believe that these perverts committing these atrocious acts on children should get the death penalty!

This is sickening! Absolutely sickening!
Ages of the children were 1 to 12!!! :furious:
You think I'm joking, but I'm not!! There was a guy that hired (IIRC) this other guy to kill him slowly and cook his innards, or something like that. I swear!!!!

No, no I believe ya TM. I'm laughing to myself over here thinking it wouldn't be too harsh for these creeps. Cooking the inards now that's just dandy. LOL
You know, I think we had a thread about a guy that did this to another guy overseas somewhere. LOL

I read something a bit ago about someone actually doing it. When I first read about it I was a little horrified, Ghengis Khan reportedly did it to prisoners he captured in battle. It's really no wonder during his reign that he was one of the most feared men in the world.

I guess my point to this all is that the more we "advance" as a civilization it seems the more lienient we become. Life in prison doesn't seem so bad really when you consider some of the conditions that the offenders were living in already. Possibly if penalties were a bit stiffer, crime would decline. Hate to say it, but I'd love to see the police put out of business :)
Yit cost tax payers 60 mil to execute Bundy).

i can't understand that! surely it didn't cost that much to plug in ol' sparky and zap him. do you mean with the appeals and time wasted trying to get him executed?
LIFE in prison cost money and USA needs the money.
These animals dont get cured anyway.

I have to admit I could NOT read the links I just cant handle that.
It makes me crazy, I did and will continue to do a walk for trafficked children.

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