GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

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If you look at the last picture of Jackson on Jenna's instagram, from two months ago, he wasn't looking all that well. To me, he looks pale and dehydrated. And, of course, he's fast asleep on a dirty carpet.

I thought the same thing. My 3.5 year old was on her deathbed at 5 weeks old. We didn't even know she was sick until 48 hours before she had life saving open heart surgery. Anyways, now when we look at her pictures, there is no question that she was seriously ill. She looked sickly and weak. He has that same look to him. I even mentioned that to my husband last night when I showed him and his response was the same.
So very sad! May justice be swift and harsh.
Poor baby boy. He didn't ask for this soar high little one with the angels. Thankful that his brother is away from these monsters.
I was just watching her YouTube videos and she sounds and acts much younger then she is. Also, who is filming the video? The camera moves in the tattoo one. And how is it so quiet? My house is never quiet with 2 little ones. Nor can I take a picture without someone popping into the shot. I'm scared to know how these kids were kept because it doesn't seem like they are around in any of her pictures or videos.
Someone just posted a big picture of the Virgin Mary on Jeff Farrey's mother's facebook, with this caption: "Heavenly Mother is taking care of your Grandson Jackson. My sympathy to you and Jeff and your family."
RIP sweet Jackson...


5 months of life and these are the only 2 pictures I can find where he still looks healthy. :tears:
I have hundreds of pictures from my children's first few months...
and maybe 5 of myself (with them of course.) :banghead:

This is fascinating. A case has been pre-filed today against JEFFREY Farrey for "Injury to a child through omission."
Oh wait, there's more: he's in the downtown El Paso jail on a $1.5 million dollar bond.
RIP sweet Jackson...


5 months of life and these are the only 2 pictures I can find where he still looks healthy. :tears:
I have hundreds of pictures from my children's first few months...
and maybe 5 of myself (with them of course.) :banghead:


Same here. Like I said earlier, my kids end up in every picture somehow. I post new pictures of them almost daily.
I don't think the Safe Haven laws have a long enough age span. Not saying these parents would have made use of it, but in TX it seems to be up to sixty days after birth. I know it might/would be overwhelming, but I wish there wasn't an age cap at all. So many people should not be parents. JMO
Sorry about the bad data I am often telling students NOT to use wikipedia as a reliable source and then I go off and do it my self.
Thank you for the reference information Dr. Resnick in forensic psychiatry is just the kind of source I was looking for. Most of the stuff on the internet just says, "oh these people are monsters" or "how could anyone do such a thing". I was looking for a reference that could answer some of the why instead of just say how bad it is. I know is bad but lets dig a little deeper. THANKS AGAIN!!

A big part of the why of it is because Childrens protective services do not protect the children! I found out when I had to call them for my grandchildren.No one oversees them ,they are above even the police.They keep children in homes even when they know they are at high risk of abuse.Until we change the way the system works ,nothing will change.Many of our children who are dieing across the USA most seem to be known to CPS or DYFS or whatever name they call themselves.When a child known to them dies,they do a self review and never change a thing.Self regulation is never a good thing.JMO
I don't think the Safe Haven laws have a long enough age span. Not saying these parents would have made use of it, but in TX it seems to be up to sixty days after birth. I know it might/would be overwhelming, but I wish there wasn't an age cap at all. So many people should not be parents. JMO
A few states have done this and found themselves overwhelmed with drop off's of teenagers. I remember reading a story about a dad who abandoned NINE kids, including teenagers, under the guise of the Safe Haven law. Still, if it saves even one child from harm it's worth it.

I doubt Jackson's parents would have used it though. It seems like they just completely neglected and ignored both children, possibly to the extent that it caused this little boys death :( Taking him to a fire station would require, you know, effort...and some degree of giving a fig.

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