TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, enroute from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020 #4

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Jason Landry search: More details released in ongoing search for Texas State student

Investigators are now looking to flesh out what happened in the approximate 67-minute window between his cell phone data stopping and the discovery of the crash. The sheriff’s office said his phone had signal and was on, so investigators are still trying to figure out why it appears unused since the Magnolia Avenue intersection.

Investigators are also still waiting on some search warrants from social media and tech companies to be returned, CCSO said.
This article also says that first responders did not enter the vehicle at the accident site and that the phone wasn't found until later at impound yard by his father. So if the digital footprint of the phone ended at that intersection 67 min before Jason's car was found at the accident scene, I don't think LE could know if the phone had signal at that scene. We can assume that it was on at the crash site if it was still on when Jason's dad found it hours later, but I don't think we know the phone's status at the time of the accident. It could have had no signal at the crash location due to poor reception or it maybe being in some strange sleep mode that it was "woken" from when Jason's dad pulled it from between the seat and console.
I doubt we will ever know more about the time lost via phone etc...I still believe this was a random tragic accident that resulted in disorientation and Jason wandering until out of range. I have seen nothing to believe anyone was with him, came across him or harmed him...jmo
Was it ever stated how Dad found the phone in that car? Was he maybe following some sort of Find my Phone feature? If so, that could indicate that the phone was transmitting that info from the impound lot before he got there. & also if so, I wonder if they could pull any further location history from that. I really don't recall if anything like that was stated though so that's just pure speculation on my part I think.
As a semi-recent college grad this case brings up memories of driving long nights alone through rural Iowa heading back to Chicago. Maybe that's why I'm so invested.

My theory hinges on answering why no calls were made either to 911, his father or AAA after the crash. We know no other vehicles were involved in the accident. This eliminates that he was forced out before he could make a call under duress in some type of road rage gone too far scenario. If Jason was able to physically exit the vehicle he could physically make a call.

The reports that the cannabis could be "laced" is interesting. LSD dipped joints aren't entirely unheard of on a college campus.

I theorize a difficult psychedelic experience answers a lot of the questions in Jason's behavior. Impulsively shucking your clothing on the side of the road just screams bad trip. Jason's actions aren't normal post crash behavior, he was likely impaired and didn't want to convey that over the phone.

From here we have two paths. One more likely and one significantly less likely but still possible. Accidental death fleeing the scene of the crash from a fall or possibly being hit by a car. Or the ultimate bad luck of being picked up by a predator.
Jason's phone was lodged beteen the seat and the console, a very awkward place. He may have dropped it there at place of his last digital imprint.
I'm not sure about signal, what we were told was that his digital imprint ceased t last known location.
That is his online presence as well as his silent presence, phone signal being picked up at various mast along the road.
I believe he may have pulled in shortly after last intersection in an effort to locate the hidden phone.
Otherwise he may have assumed it was on and he was travelling in right direction because waze didn't tell him otherwise.
Was it ever stated how Dad found the phone in that car? Was he maybe following some sort of Find my Phone feature? If so, that could indicate that the phone was transmitting that info from the impound lot before he got there. & also if so, I wonder if they could pull any further location history from that. I really don't recall if anything like that was stated though so that's just pure speculation on my part I think.

If I’m not mistaken, Jason’s dad stated in the interview he used a “location” feature (makes me think find my phone).
This article also says that first responders did not enter the vehicle at the accident site and that the phone wasn't found until later at impound yard by his father. So if the digital footprint of the phone ended at that intersection 67 min before Jason's car was found at the accident scene, I don't think LE could know if the phone had signal at that scene. We can assume that it was on at the crash site if it was still on when Jason's dad found it hours later, but I don't think we know the phone's status at the time of the accident. It could have had no signal at the crash location due to poor reception or it maybe being in some strange sleep mode that it was "woken" from when Jason's dad pulled it from between the seat and console.

Actually, Jason's dad reported that he located JL's phone (and the vehicle) using a 'find my phone' app used by his family.

I also believe CCSO and MSM confused the issue here using the term digital footprint when looking to flesh out what happened in the approximate 67-minute window between his cell phone data stopping and the discovery of the crash.
Actually, Jason's dad reported that he located JL's phone (and the vehicle) using a 'find my phone' app used by his family.

I also believe CCSO and MSM confused the issue here using the term digital footprint when looking to flesh out what happened in the approximate 67-minute window between his cell phone data stopping and the discovery of the crash.
I wish we had more details of exactly when/if the digital footprint picked up again, as well as about what measures they've already exhausted & which they're still pursuing. I've used a couple of "find my phone" type of tools over the years and they've often included history tracking and even the ability to change the lock screen code. (Which came in when my kids happened to forget what code they'd recently set.) I hope they've checked to see if that type of option might be available.
I should add to my last post the thought that if LE has evidence that the phone had a signal at the crash location & was in fact leaving a digital footprint at that location, they should also know WHEN it started leaving a footprint/emitting a signaln
at that location. So that info could help narrow the 67 min down to a smaller window between when the dignal/footprint was lost at that intersection & when it was re-established at the scene of the accident. ...but if they have that info, I don't think it's been shared - unless I missed it.

The only thing that makes sense to me
regarding no digital footprint is that the phone was accidentally dropped between the seat and console and he couldn't find it. Also why he didn't call anyone for help.
The only thing that makes sense to me
regarding no digital footprint is that the phone was accidentally dropped between the seat and console and he couldn't find it. Also why he didn't call anyone for help.
To me it could mean that, but could it also mean that the phone was removed from the car at the intersection where data stopped and later placed back in the vehicle? It does not mean it had to be in Jason's possession or in the vehicle the whole time. I would find this entire conversation of digital footprint WAY more interesting if they would start talking about PINGS!!!!
It seems that "pings" via mobile carriers is now considered so "2020's"--and the current source is various phone apps where the data (by warrant) can take 18 months.

A frightening read if you value privacy.

Opinion | Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy

Well, I can definitely say I'm not one of those little green dots. 'Big Brother' could care less about my landline. lol Track on. It doesn't move from its place on my desk. lol
To me it could mean that, but could it also mean that the phone was removed from the car at the intersection where data stopped and later placed back in the vehicle? It does not mean it had to be in Jason's possession or in the vehicle the whole time. I would find this entire conversation of digital footprint WAY more interesting if they would start talking about PINGS!!!!
Would a cellphone jammer cause a cellphone to not ping or leave a digital footprint? Just wondering...
In addition to the possibility of strong or laced weed, JL may have been sleep-deprived. Cramming for finals, packing to go home for the holidays, some partying, all of which is common college behavior.

The safety message at my work today talked about this:

Studies have shown that going too long without sleep can impair your ability to drive the same way as drinking too much alcohol. Being awake for at least 18 hours is the same as someone having a blood content (BAC) of 0.05%. Being awake for at least 24 hours is equal to having a blood alcohol content of 0.10%.

CDC - Drowsy Driving- Sleep and Sleep Disorders
I think the whole "digital footprint" thing goes back to what the person who made the statement meant.
I thought the original statement was something like "his digital footprint" which I took to mean Jason's interaction with the phone. Not the phone's digital footprint which could include pings even through the phone was not actively in use.

Just like days were spent discussing what "narcotics" meant and how it could or could not include marijuana.
I think the whole "digital footprint" thing goes back to what the person who made the statement meant.
I thought the original statement was something like "his digital footprint" which I took to mean Jason's interaction with the phone. Not the phone's digital footprint which could include pings even through the phone was not actively in use.

Just like days were spent discussing what "narcotics" meant and how it could or could not include marijuana.

In the context of the entire press release, I take the view that it they mean the phone's digital footprint and data transmitting rather than JL's personal interaction with it. That's because they mention times and locations that wouldn't have come from JL's personal interaction (even though he had Waze on, LE would have needed a warrant to get that data, so I'm assuming it's cell phone pings).
I think the whole "digital footprint" thing goes back to what the person who made the statement meant.
I thought the original statement was something like "his digital footprint" which I took to mean Jason's interaction with the phone. Not the phone's digital footprint which could include pings even through the phone was not actively in use.

Just like days were spent discussing what "narcotics" meant and how it could or could not include marijuana.
I tend to agree with you here. I think you could be spot on. They might know the other locations based on camera information and just not sharing as such. It's not like we've had an FBI expert in this case weigh in on the digital aspect of the case at all.
In the context of the entire press release, I take the view that it they mean the phone's digital footprint and data transmitting rather than JL's personal interaction with it. That's because they mention times and locations that wouldn't have come from JL's personal interaction (even though he had Waze on, LE would have needed a warrant to get that data, so I'm assuming it's cell phone pings).

I took it to mean his that he stopped using his phone (personal interaction). I Googled "digital footprint" (because I didn't know what it was, I'm not a cellphone user) and found the same definition said a variety of ways:

Simply put, a digital footprint is the record or trail left by the things you do online. Your social media activity, the info on your personal website, your browsing history, your online subscriptions, any photo galleries and videos you’ve uploaded — essentially, anything on the Internet with your name on it.

Just bringing part of the press release forward to show he no longer had Waze on. He had turned it off to use Snapchat (BBM):
  • 11:24 p.m. – Enters the City of Luling on Highway 80, goes through the intersection of Hackberry Street (Highway 80 becomes Austin Street here)
Landry then stops using the Waze app and opens Snapchat. He continued on Austin Street to the intersection with U.S. Highway 183 or Magnolia Avenue, CCSO said. It’s believed he went through the intersection and continued on East Austin Street. It’s at this intersection that Landry’s digital footprint stops.

Due to the above, I feel whatever happened, started at Blanche Square park. It's the intersection his footprint stops for one. For two, he can't pull out from a parking spot without the aid or Waze or he's lost (my way of saying what his dad jokingly says "he'd drive into a brick wall if Waze told him to"), IOW... he was highly dependent on Waze. Yet his car (note I don't say "he drives") ends up 5 miles down a dark gravel road that had multiple ways to turn around and head back to the lights of town had he simply not been able to retrieve his phone. Going further and further into the heart of Texas, into an oil field area and not many inhabited houses just does not make sense if HE was doing the driving.

I think his end destination was Blanche Square park which is why he turns off his lifeline, Waze, and turns on Snapchat, never to turn Waze back on. More notably, never to do anything online again. IMHO he Snapped with whomever he drove there to meet as per the plan and then either something that had been planned happened, and we just don't know what that plan was (best case scenario as that means he's still alive), or something unplanned happened. They then continued down the street that the car was pointing in (Spruce) and continued onto Salt Flat Rd and purposely spun the car out. It could have been their footprint that the dogs followed and it 'abruptly disappears' when they get into their accomplices car.

Why? No clue, but I don't have to know why something had to happen in order for it to have happened. Sometimes you just never end up knowing the why or the how.

So when LE is talking about more searches... I hope that includes a video search of cameras in the Blanche Square park area. Hopefully there is one pointing to the park. It would be a great place for a cam if they don't have one there. I'm not convinced he's down Salt Flat Rd.
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About cell pings, Waze & Snapchat. I listened to part of Kent's Brainscratch interview last night (the one we've been approved to talk about here). Here are some notes I typed up from what Kent was saying pretty much verbatim. My thoughts are italicized:

· 46:30 Host says “The thing I’m wondering is if that would cut off his service, falling between that crack in your seats". (Some say it might have been in Airplane mode). Kent - The way I understand it from both Waze and SnapChat… if you’re not actually sending and receiving… Like Waze will automatically ping. But Waze, if you’re not using it, doesn’t. (Note – he had turned Waze off and had turned SnapChat on before losing his phone between the seats/losing digital footprint. Also, his statement doesn’t make sense since he was saying Waze both pinged, and it didn't ping. I think one of those 'Waze's' was supposed to be 'Snapchat'). Back to what he said: Waze stays on for a period of time, but without pinging, because it wasn’t active, you know, wasn’t pulled up on the screen, and then it shuts off after a certain period of time.

o I Googled this and found per Waze site - This is by design. If you are not moving and Waze goes to the background it shuts off after ~5 minutes. To prevent this keep Waze in foreground and or have active route set.

· Snapchat (he said knows very little about). Haven’t gotten complete data from SnapChat, the warrants are still out. That is one of the aps they haven’t gotten data on. (So perhaps they’ve gotten Waze data and know where he was actually traveling to?)

· If he’s not SnapChatting, it’s not pinging. The last relatively certain thing that they know is he was sitting at that intersection. I believe he had already crossed the street and was on the opposite side of the intersection at the park, not sitting before the intersection when it stopped pinging. I believe both sides of that intersection would have shown the same location in that final ping.

· Why didn’t he just pull over and find his phone, turn Waze on and say ‘Oh, idiot, turn around, take a right turn, take a right turn, get back on your map’.

o That is the key question. Something prevented him from doing just that. OR, he wasn’t going home in the middle of the night which is what I think.
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Looks like the First Baptist Church of Luling (across the street from Blanche Square Park) just might have 3 cameras facing the park. Hopefully LE checked the video. I would have thought we'd have heard something either say if they had. Either released pics "Do you have any info on this person?" or simply to say they found no footage of Jason or his car that evening.

You'll need to manually move to the side facing the park. I can't get it to give me a URL to what I'm seeing after doing that.

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